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Do you like where ED currently is?

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11/22/2014 12:58:58   
The berserker killer


I have been getting a lot f remarks saying that "Bloodmage is owning the game" or "ED is ruined because of the suggestions that you people make" however I have also been remarks stating that "ED is exactly where it should be in order for the game to evolve".

Lets think about it... A few months ago one of the biggest problems was strength builds owning the game and, it's safe to say, this game probably would have never evolved unless that problem was addressed. Now it has been fixed, strength builds barely stand a chance and I am now seeing more and more diverse builds.

In my opinion, I like where the game is currently "balance-wise" however I would love to see classes like tlm and tech mage get a little boost. I am also a big fan of the Support Merc Build + Blood Commander which UrFear made. It's an awesome introduction into utilizing the Support category however I would like to see more classes utilize support in a similar way.

As far as missions and weapons goes...Bravo. There are a ton of missions that offer anabundance of rewards and there are a ton of weapons to choose from with amazing art.

Cores: TBA since there are new ones coming out, im extremely excited.

War: I love the prize categories, extremely fair however I must say that I am still in favor of War 1.0 since it was more Player Based and the "flags" that listed the top 5 influential players at each flag was extremely fun too. But good job with the Wars so far. I must say, looking at the influence charts I'm not sure how Legion is winning but that's proof of a great handicap system in place.

Factions: There doesn't seem to be much competition or any updates on Factions themselves, such as just listing each players total wins for the day. I think this could use a bit more work.

Overall, I gotta say I love where ED currently is. What do you guys think
AQ DF Epic  Post #: 1
11/22/2014 13:25:23   

Allow a little bias from me.

I like where it is, due to the fact content can be created and implemented more easily, thanks to Omega. Guest Team to be specific. We had a lot of small releases for a while - or even none - in the past, and it was frustrating to go for weeks without content. Whether it was weapons (art) or missions. Right now, we have plethora of weapons to choose from - and there are players who go for art too, not just cores - as well as a lot more missions. Bigger events result in the return of dreaded small releases / breaks, but pays off in the end when all the releases missed accumulate into one huge release + a little extra. Hopefully, we can eliminate these breaks at some point, by planning in advance - which is what we're doing now. Winter Event is done mission wise (writing), so OWA and I are now focusing on a few NPCs to expand on + Daily Missions, which should all be done for January, and Cindy is already planning on the Heartbreaker Event in February.

Balance wise, it's not that bad. FotM builds have been around since Beta, so I'm not fussed about them, but there are variety of builds around. TMs and TLMs could use a variety buff, and maybe small fine-turning for CHs - namely SC's scaling and EMP's cost - but I don't see any major issues apart from that. Rage, blocks, etc., is a long-term project and we know they are somewhat broken, but if we focus on class balance, we only need variety buff there.
Same with cores. Energy stress is one thing, but more cores being released in December sure is nice. Not just promos, which is even better. Based on the effects, they sound reasonable too, but everything is subject to change. At least next year the new promo will be available in-game for Credits, and for now, Blood Hawk gear will be returning for Credits so we may just end up seeing more variety in battle, in terms of cores.

Wars are wars. Merging 1.0 with 2.0 would be ideal, but I'd not be in favour of returning 1.0 on its own. Flags were also a neat concept, but if 1.0 was to be merged with 2.0, I'd rather it just gave you general Influence from battles in the given region (and none when there's no War active). Rewards are just an incentive to play for, since it's PvP with boosted rewards, simple as. Removing the War in general is basically the same as saying: "I want less Credits from battles!" which players probably don't want. The Regional Wars concept is just boosted PvP, with some story tied into it where possible. We can have Daily Missions revolving around aiding your alignment in x region, but it'd take a while to write them for all regions and both alignments. Long-term project maybe, and not a priority.


in 2015 dailly missions going from 1 to 3 a day with better rewards

There will be more chains, but only one per day. Nothing was said about multiple daily mission chains, because the daily system doesn't support multiple chains in one day. If someone has told you otherwise, it's not true.

< Message edited by Trans -- 11/22/2014 14:27:49 >
AQ Epic  Post #: 2
11/22/2014 14:11:22   

I like where it is and heres why:

promos are now available for credits 1year after its release

Cores are available for all players (makes it increase variety options and endless build/stragty)

its 10x now all stat points matter now

war system (everyone gets rewarded for 250 to 5000influnce)

Legend ranks (unlike enchantments this is far more balanced since now players must be lvl40 and earn them rather then buy them) plus its balanced due to the range being 38+ vs 40's

new robots

Also not too mention huge events that never let us down:

This winter event:
-return of last years promo blood hawk
-27days of log in rewards (you get achievement for doing this also)
-missions 3 chains
-8 new cores comeing
-new promos comeing
-new bosses
-new arcades

Another thing i like is: power weekend
also: in 2015 dailly missions going from 1 to 3 a day with better rewards

The only thing i see that needs improvements are:
-jug mode
-balance is slightly off
-farming system needs improvements

jug is slightly off because:
the level range for 40's are 31-34 and needs to be 30-33

balance is slightly off because:
tlm needs a slight buff by slight i mean really slight (grenade and field commander)
bm plasma cannon is being over used (the 700factor 100tech+35 is part of why just needs a slight nerf on progression like -.5)

farming is slightly off because the gems need a update to match the needs of the upto date value of the game.
As it was previously mentioned the reason the dailly is getting improved is due to the new reward values (so in a sense the farming of boss drops also needs to.)

Over all i like the direction epicduels going

< Message edited by suboto -- 11/22/2014 14:13:05 >
Epic  Post #: 3
11/25/2014 13:24:42   
The berserker killer


@ Trans: Merging with 1.0 would be absolutely ideal and I can only hope that it happens someday.

@Suboto- Im extremely excited for these huge events. IMO winter events have always seemed to be the best and biggest ones.
AQ DF Epic  Post #: 4
11/26/2014 5:16:33   
SouL Prisoner

I been searching players for the past ten(10) mins!! You tell me, what/why should i like it??


You say the current game is pretty good! Are you implying that the game used to be bad when all servers used to full?? Are you implying that players left because they all suddenly grew old or something??

Are saying i should be happy since i get soo much time to do other things while the engine is "searching for players", for mins and mins?? C'mon dude, have the guts to at least put a honest opinion. :)

< Message edited by SOuL Prisnor -- 11/26/2014 5:17:05 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 5
11/26/2014 11:25:12   

@Killer like u suggested, I'm one of those who think that ED can move forward. Current battles are mediocre at best; we need more variety, which should come with frozen fury. I like missions, but IDC about war 2.0; only thing good about war is that everyone can get prizes if they're participating. Everything else is too much out of control from a single player's perspective.
Epic  Post #: 6
11/26/2014 11:35:44   

Omega had many good stuffs and bad stuff. And I will tell the bad stuffs first:

1. I really hate that all weapons (except locked core ones) are cosmetic .... this lead to easier build copy as they are now not Stat-specific weapon. I really used to like to wait for a new weapon to see its stats.

2. Sudden nerf of varium: .... I am not at all unhappy how Devs have changed varium in Omega. What bothers me is SUDDEN COMPLETE NERF. Devs didnt think how it would affect their market. If they would have nerf varium slowly to as it is right now, then many players who have left would have stayed.

3. Classes losing its Identity? ... Before Omega it was Passive was a must have so it was removed. Now energy gain and drain skills are must have which are less unique than what passives were.

4. I think enhancements should have been reduced, not removed. Removal of enhancements removed certain builds in this game

5. Low player base (coz of 2nd point above)


Good things:-

1. Closing the gap of pay to win
2. Daily missions
3. War
4. Healthier missions
5. Expanding staffs
6. Experience from NPC (so that players may survive last 5 levels)
7. Legendary ranks (there is still something that one can do after hitting the cap)
8. Cores. (its a nice concept)


Thing that I luv about Epic Duel overall:-

1. It is the PvP concept.

Thing that I hate about ED overall:-

1. There cant be 100% balance in PvP game, but ED staff can make this game go close to 100% as much as they can. So introduce more balance changes each month (right now its once in 2-3 months). I know demand for balance will never end, its our human nature coz we all want thing to go perfect for us all.

EDIT: Typos

< Message edited by FrostWolv -- 11/26/2014 11:40:10 >


Epic  Post #: 7
11/26/2014 13:49:32   
  Digital X

Beep Beep! ArchKnight AQ / ED

Frostwolv, could you expand on "Healthier Missions" please? Not sure I understand what you mean, cheers.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 8
11/26/2014 14:41:57   

i like the game better now than before because its more balanced and am not a noob anymore. i think servers got smaller because it was getting harder to win matches, the game started getting harder for some and easier for other. and most people who where winning before started losing to people the would consider a "noob", so they went and left. my brother was one of those people, am not going to lie he was a beast before omega winning over 90% of his matches. (should mention that he is a varium player.) but once varium started not to matter as much he started losing, and the more matches he lost the more he hated the game until he just quit.

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< Message edited by Caststarter -- 11/28/2014 13:06:44 >
Post #: 9
11/27/2014 0:40:12   
  Exploding Penguin


because it was getting harder to win matches

I think it's easier in general. The problem was varium ended up being a ticket for pay2win, which was in all honesty kind of bad. Even if you were leagues better in skill, if you didn't have varium but your opponent did you'd probably lose.

But the main reason it's easy is that the vicious cycle exists:

1. Someone finds a very effective build that's fairly easy to use so people will copy it
2. Once everyone copies it someone builds a direct huge counter to the previously popular build and proceeds to stomp all their fights
3. That counterbuild becomes the new popular build, and so the cycle continues

Also releases aren't as exciting anymore. There's no talk of "the new weapons that came out are cool because now I can finally complete my dex-support CH build" or anything similar.
Epic  Post #: 10
11/27/2014 3:11:29   

@ Digital X

What I meant was missions have more chains and better rewards than it was in past. I even enjoyed the storyline more than it was before omega
Epic  Post #: 11
11/27/2014 6:37:35   
Gepard Acht

Well there are 2 sides of every coin.
On one hand, I do like where this game is. You dont need money to do ANYTHING now, theres nothing varium can do that you cant with credits. Mission has much better rewards. Adding cores to equipment means that there's a couple of skills that you can choose from that ISNT class specific. Balance-wise strength builds have been owning for as long as I remember, in fact I believed when TlM were hot almost everyone were strength builds so it's not as bad as most people make it. 10X stat is wonderfull, without precisely-placed stat I wouldnt get the benefit of stat investment.

But on the flip side, some are just wrong. The player base have reduced greatly, I dont see most of the people I've seen and thats not because people have "grown". The removal of enhancements feel is unnecessary, just by reducing the price to an extent would have been fine and this is coming from a f2p. The removal of passive for one, just killed a variety of build-choices. In fact, so much emphasis have been placed on energy that everyone has to have max level of their energy steal/gain most of the time. Also the removal of weapon's with unique stat placements have also took a much unique side of the game. Now your apprentice staff has everything that your charfade's staff have, despite people spending real money on it years ago. Everyone can copy any build as long as you have a complete set of equipment. That brings me to my next point, messing up with the paying players. There are a lot of people who spent hundreds of dollars or maybe even thousands for this game. I myself have only purchased varium once (Only a month ago) but I can feel how the players must have felt when they knew that their weapons are of the same value as those that havent spent a single dollar. Now I'm not saying that an p2p environment is what ED should aim to be, but there are other options to balance in the F2P and P2P gap; like the decrease in stat differences, etc.

What I'm saying is that although ED have grown and some of the changes I do feel are great, some of the things that they did were questionable and I don't know if I "Like" where it is right now.
I guess I'll just stick around and see where it goes

AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 12
11/27/2014 8:41:50   
  Digital X

Beep Beep! ArchKnight AQ / ED

Frost, Ah yes I get you now :) The Mission Log has definitely bought back some interest for me. Plenty do to now which is great, and easy credits!
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 13
11/28/2014 15:17:45   
The berserker killer


Yea I have to admit, this year started off so wonderfully with the Omega change. I mean it was absolutely gorgeous now that I think abut it.

Balance: The x10 stat modifier was a very interesting change and as the months went on we were able to see a ton of new builds. But now I feel like nearly every build has been exhausted. We're literally running out of ideas here! The new coming cores will have to be extremely diverse in order to introduce more diversity.

Weapons: The only downfall with the weapons is that they aren't special so that's a major killer. If they were equipped with cosmetic cores or effects like the Dread Desolator (without the 5% bonus) i'd be more than happy to use them all.

@Squr- We can definitely do better than this. I just feel like theyre focusing on the wrong aspects of the game. I guarantee you if they would just dedicate one release to factions, players ranks (emperor, legend etc), and balance then the playerbase would go insane.

@Frost- I have to agree with you there. I am liking the fact that the ED Artist/Writing team has taken on more artists/writers because that's allowing them to create more and more missions for us. Yet the downside is that after you do all of these missions you have to wait until the next release for more missions. I wish weekly missions were possible, or even daily ones.

I guess I will have to side with @Gepard on this one and just stick around to see where it goes.

Currently I love where ED is but it can definitely be better than this. I know it can be better than this and there's no reason as to why it can't be better than this. It's the simple updates such as implementing a personal win counter, release some armors for ranks (Legends, grand emperors, emperors, etc), and implementing a Faction Win LB that will encourage players to play and will be the stepping stone to transitioning this game from "good" to "epic"
AQ DF Epic  Post #: 14
11/29/2014 2:46:02   

For me omega showed great promise,

However a few bad decisions in my view completely ruined the games position for me.

These include,

-Firstly the missed opportunity to leave varium costing gear, varium exclusive just for the cosmetic bonus, and keep the stats the same as all gear. It was a really poor decision to make all gear have a credit option, and a big spit in the face to those who already had varium gear.

The good side of this however was the removal of the stat advanatge between paid and non paid users.

-Legendary ranks, a terrible way to break the balance in stats that removing weapon advanatge and enhancement removal tried to fix... it's a shame they do all this good only for it the be destroyed by this feature.

Upside of this feature is it provides level capped players something to do, just they way it works is really bad.

-REMOVAL OF PASSIVES: Worst decision in the game and to top it off they go ahead and announce they will never return it in anyway or form (despite it already being in the game as passive cores..)

Passives gave identity and creativity and now it's gone, I really hope they consider making class unique separate passive trees.

< Message edited by Remorse -- 11/29/2014 2:48:12 >
Epic  Post #: 15
11/29/2014 4:50:37   
SouL Prisoner

I agree with remorse about the removal of passives. It was a big mistake. And on that declaring it's never return is like " I don't care what players think about it. Once done, cannot be undone. Play it or leave it" LOL, guess what??? THEY LEFT! TY.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 16
11/29/2014 10:05:49   

this is getting so repetititive.

this game will die eventually (and is akllready dead) . i only see lvl 40 playing this game now
Post #: 17
11/30/2014 11:30:02   

NO. when the devs did a sudden and complete removal of enhancements with a measly 30% compensation...some say whatever a couple players quit..I still played because I only spent like $10... (playerbase still 2000-2500ish; infernal war was EDs peak at 3000 players)

Omega comes and balance stinks with op str mercs...people think it will be fixed (player base at very beginning still high with 2 servers full at omega release)

Constant balance changes here and there now...starting to get decent except BM's deadly aim passive. Jugg was actually playable at this moment (playerbase 800-1200 average-fluctuating during powerhours)

Then comes passive to active...and now we see the str supp tm builds-->caster TM-->static grenade BH abusers--> builds restricted each time a nerf comes to these builds (who plays caster tm now?). Jugg is now ruined with no fix for 1 yr now. I can sometimes get on LB win 1-2 wins lool. Balance wasn't terrible but slowly build variety died out to a couple usable builds. (player base increased at first then leveled out and decreased when players saw that it didnt do its intended purpose<players still invest in max energy drains etc. same as when passives were here>)

Then comes legendary ranks which was a double edged sword (which as we see the playerbase is now 300s).

Right now compared to the ED during infernal wars:Better or Worse? Self explanatory imo.

Ill give this though...Omega was good that it brought in many cool missions and lowered the p2w gap
AQW  Post #: 18
11/30/2014 16:23:59   

My issues with ED:
-Low credit rewards for fights. This has always been a problem for me and is part of the reason I have long periods of inactivity. To get one item I have to spend far too much time...I do have a life after all; studies (university student, so not a lot of farming time, even forced to play AQW only on release days now when I used to be on daily),family time etc. I'm sure there are people here with much more hectic schedules that may feel the same way.

-I'd like more missions. There's a good amount yes,but missions keep me active for longer periods and I've completed most of them.

-Passives are gone: Recently returned so I wasn't aware when class passives were removed. There are advantages and disadvantages to this but it's kinda weird that classes aren't really unique.

What I like:
-During Delta and Gamma it really felt like a Pay to win system which really did a number on my morale. However since Omega I can actually win enough to make me feel satisfied.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 19
12/1/2014 0:01:19   

^ Being able to get 95% win rates PvP only proves that wrong.

Yes the game always had a luck influence.

However as classes become more similar and builds more repetitive then luck becomes far worse.

I believe the game used to have a pretty major skill factor. (Which made it far more enjoyable)

Being able to get 90%+ win rates and 70%+ in 2v2 proves this.

Plus having varium gear doesn't discount this because these win rates were achievable when leveling as a non varium as well.

Epic  Post #: 20
12/1/2014 15:18:34   
  Battle Elf
has ten 1v1 wins

Hey everyone,

I've noticed this thread is becoming hostile. Please remember to provide constructive criticism in your posts. Posts that are purely complaints will be deleted. Please read the ED GD Rules to refresh yourself on what's allowed here.

Constructive Criticism:

  • What is it?
    Constructive criticism is being able to process and offer your own thoughts and opinions in order to give courteous and friendly feedback. This is done by explaining what you like and dislike, while at the same time providing feedback that is useful. This is what separates constructive feedback from ranting/complaining and flaming.

  • Does it help? How?
    Yes! Constructive criticism helps because not only are you giving feedback about what you don't like about a quest/event, but you're also giving feedback about what you DID like in the quest. Feedback could include on such topics as statistics, more dialogue, more explanatory cutscenes, more fights - everything that quests or events would normally include. This gives the game staff a better idea on future improvements.

  • Example of Constructive Criticism:
    "I didn't partularly like this war because it felt too empty. To have made it better, I think the staff could have had a 50% cutscene to unlock rather than just a shop to progress the storyline. As it was, I personally was a little dissapointed that this war felt more rushed than previous wars, however I do understand that the staff had a lot on their plate when making this release.
    That said, I greatly enjoyed the boss fight, the animations and art fit perfectly with the song that was playing in the background. So while not one of the best wars DF have done, I still enjoyed it. Thank you, DF staff!"

  • Example of Unconstructive Criticism:
    "I didn't like this war at all. What were the staff thinking? The items in the shop were ugly, overpriced and were bugged!! No cutscene? That was never done before and it is not how it should be done ever. Seriously, doesn't the staff ever listen to us?! The boss fight was too hard and took forever to beat :( And there was no sound. I dont think the staff even care anymore. Best war ever /sarcasm I hate this game D:<!"

  • Additionally, flaming will not be tolerated in any shape or form. I've chosen to leave this thread open for now, but I will lock it if the posting behavior does not improve.

    Battle Elf
    ED GD Archknight
    AQW Epic  Post #: 21
    12/2/2014 15:12:48   
    The berserker killer


    So basically I think we can all agree that it was a great move to make the game less P2P and more open to everyone. I really do believe that this "passive" problem can be solved if they were to release the passives as cores. As far as missions go, I can only hope that they stay up to date on missions. What makes me really dislike where ED currently stands is that the missions are nice but not every mission has to have so much thought into it. Just have 20 win missions, 40 win missions, 100 win missions, 200 win missions and even go as far to have a 500 win mission with an incredible prize at the end. This is EpicDuel where Epic players get to show off but we need more rewards to show off for. No, 500 wins isn't meant for everyone but it is attainable to everyone.
    AQ DF Epic  Post #: 22
    12/2/2014 15:25:38   


    What makes me really dislike where ED currently stands is that the missions are nice but not every mission has to have so much thought into it. Just have 20 win missions, 40 win missions, 100 win missions, 200 win missions and even go as far to have a 500 win mission with an incredible prize at the end.

    The problem is... Missions were initially designed for storyline, not just easy tasks and rewards. There's a difference between storyline missions and long-term missions, i.e. Yeti training ones. They are completely different type of missions. We won't really have "pointless" Missions anymore, where there's a task given and some random story which makes no sense or whatsoever - it's a waste of our potential as Writers, and pointless for the game when players want story and they get technically nothing.

    We can release a chain, someday, full of long-term missions. Such as the ones you mentioned. There was a poll I've made, a couple of weeks ago, and we never gave out Mutating Weapons because some missions were too easy to get that much of a reward. Harder missions like these (i.e. 50-100 wins) could be fine with that, probably. Most likely receive a decent sellback, also, since the purpose of these Missions would be a long-term reward. No promises, since they aren't a priority - more of a side project, if need be, since January and February are a little bit packed already.
    AQ Epic  Post #: 23
    12/2/2014 17:35:11   

    Thgee big numbers are so overwhelming. Am I the only one?
    Epic  Post #: 24
    12/3/2014 4:11:23   
    Thylek Shran

    The idea behind the change from passive to active skills was to allow more build creativity
    by getting rid of those "must have" skills. But they was only OPed and should had been
    nerfed instead. The irony is that the new active skills are mostly "must have" skills too as
    they are also OPed but can be countered now more easily. The immunity of the three armor
    skills versus Azraelīs Borgīs debuff (Heart Attack) should be removed tho as there is no fair
    reason for this extra bonus.


    Thgee big numbers are so overwhelming. Am I the only one?

    I got used to it but I agree with you. I still dont count the last digit often as it does not
    make a big difference.


    v.35.3 (2016-01-23) ~ beam.to/shran
    DF Epic  Post #: 25
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