Mark for Death Equip Slot: Front Shoulder Damage Ranges: 68-76 Damage Type: Explosive Hits: 1 Energy: 63 Cooldown: 2 Bonuses: None Special Effects: 100-200% Damage (Depends on enemy health) Applies a 2 turn, ((EnemyHP*100 / EnemyMaxHP)*.4), Bonus Buff to you. Inflicts a 2 turn, -((EnemyHP*100 / EnemyMaxHP)*.2), Defense Nerf. Combos: None Description: No one can hide from the Reaper! Increases your BtH and lowers your foes Defense! Higher damage the lower your foes health, less nerf/buff the lower your foes health. Attack Image: Attacking 1!, Attacking 2! Wicked Chakram Equip Slot: Back Shoulder Damage Ranges: 68-76 Damage Type: Explosive Hits: 1 Energy: 63 Cooldown: 2 Bonuses: None Special Effects: 100-200% Damage (Depends on enemy health) Inflicts a 2 turn, -((EnemyHP*100 / EnemyMaxHP)*.45), Boost Nerf. Combos: None Description: Your foe may struggle, but these will make sure they can't fight you! Nerfs your foes Boost, lowering its damage. Higher damage the lower your foes health, less nerf the lower your foes health. Attack Image: Attacking 1!, Attacking 2!