I finally found some free time to play with the Inn again and I gotta say, this time challenge is a real treat! After taking a look at Vath and Stalagbite's info pages, I quickly realized that I would need to be trickier than this tricky duo. First attempt with dragonslayer and 2 pirate guests: attacked Vlad first so that Stalagbite became unhittable for the rest of the fight. With dragonslayer's venom and blind combo from my guests, I was able to kill Vath's partner... which pissed him off so much that he wrecked my entire squad into oblivion... Sure, you could try and blind him as much as possible, but remember that Vath just needs a few lucky hit to ruin your day. Plus, you wouldn't be able to survive long enough for the accumulated dot from dragonslayer's skills to do their magic anyway. Second try, soloed with a dodge-tank dread pirate: Vlad went down, but I had no ways to damage the purple dragon, NEXT! Finally, I decided to combine the best of both worlds: soloing the duo while fighting as a dodge-tank dragonslayer! After switching my stats to 200 end/cha, stocking up on potions and buying the hero diet, I set off into the rift with Draco, knowing that it was either now or never. This time, however, I intended to deal with Vath first. Shield, tiny bubbles on Vath and Draconic Blind on Stalagbite became my winning strategy (thank goodness that the blind and dot skills of dragonslayer could work without hitting the target). The fight was a test of endurance between the four of us. I defended and stuffed myself with health potions, cocoa, seaweed and biscuit while Draco did the heavy lifting. Eventually, Vath got tired of being smacked in the face by a baby dragon and decided to call it quits, though not before exhausting all of my healing supplies. Thankfully, Stalagbite was a complete pushover, even with the new boost buff on top of being virtually unhittable (once again, thank goodness that dragonslayer's venom doesn't need to hit). After waiting around 15 turns for the poison to take effect, I finally earned the right to take the choas dragonlord armor... which will most likely gather dust in my closet and never see the light of day ever again. Overall, great challenge! Can't wait to have some fun with the twins next! P.S: I am sleepy, which is why this post is so frisky. Night night
< Message edited by LoreQuester -- 12/21/2020 13:52:00 >