=DF= December 4th Design Notes: Arena at the Edge of Time: Chaos Lord Duos! (Full Version)

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Peachii -> =DF= December 4th Design Notes: Arena at the Edge of Time: Chaos Lord Duos! (12/4/2020 22:12:37)


Arena at the Edge of Time: Chaos Lord Duos!

Hey there, heroes!

This month's Arena at the Edge of Time challenges are here! The Chaos Lord board now has two new entries!


The twins, Xing and Xang are here to challenge you. Can you defeat them both to earn the Forced Reflection scythe?

Next, the Chaos DragonLord Vath and his dragon, Stalagbite stand in your way! Conquer them in order to earn the Vath customization option for the DragonLord class!

If you think you have what it takes to face these dangerous duos, head over to the Arena at the Edge of Time to test your skill!

Also this week, December's Dragon Coins special has arrived!


Obtain the Blessing of Kyanos, only available for this month from the Book of Lore! This frosty cape will be sure to make you look cool! Check it out if you're interested!

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Tags: Verlyrus

wer -> RE: =DF= December 4th Design Notes: Arena at the Edge of Time: Chaos Lord Duos! (12/4/2020 22:17:35)

awsome! Can we get a hi resoltion art for both xing/xang and vath?

Kurtz96 -> RE: =DF= December 4th Design Notes: Arena at the Edge of Time: Chaos Lord Duos! (12/4/2020 22:40:40)

Interface error: I beat the Vath and Stalagbite duo but the armor of vath option still says I have to defeat them both. However, the armor customization option for Vath is properly unlocked.

Vath armor looks OK, but not as chaotic as I thought is would be.

wer -> RE: =DF= December 4th Design Notes: Arena at the Edge of Time: Chaos Lord Duos! (12/5/2020 3:10:36)

good reminder we should have more armour options based on chaos lords!

Dratomos -> RE: =DF= December 4th Design Notes: Arena at the Edge of Time: Chaos Lord Duos! (12/5/2020 7:13:07)

While the Chaos Lord board hasn't been my favourite, due to not being an AQW player, the fights were very enjoyable. I do like how we get customization options as a rewards from Inn fights and Vath's armor looks great. Especially switching the shield to dagger.

Alm Nullamors -> RE: =DF= December 4th Design Notes: Arena at the Edge of Time: Chaos Lord Duos! (12/5/2020 10:11:10)

I guess the Chaos Beasts were dropped from these challenges and now we'll get two Chaos Lords for each update? Honestly, that's a rather fair way to approach this board. The main thing that got my interest at all was seeing how Doverly physically designed the Lords for DF and how the fights are coded. The Beasts were just a bonus that I'm alright to see let go.
Who cares what game they're from, I want to see how they look and battle in this one. Can't wait to see what you do with Wolfwing.

LigerBeard -> RE: =DF= December 4th Design Notes: Arena at the Edge of Time: Chaos Lord Duos! (12/5/2020 13:55:33)

@Kurtz96: Mind me asking how you beat the duo? I've been trying to with Dragonslayer, since it worked so well on Stalagbite alone, but I've been getting creamed nonetheless.

Kurtz96 -> RE: =DF= December 4th Design Notes: Arena at the Edge of Time: Chaos Lord Duos! (12/5/2020 14:50:20)


I used DmK. I killed Vath first (does he do anything?) and corruption on Stalagbite lowers his defenses so you can hit him. When he gets down to about 4 to 5 thousand and does not have 50 all I used favor + Inner Darkness (plus dragon boost) to kill.

AstralCodex -> RE: =DF= December 4th Design Notes: Arena at the Edge of Time: Chaos Lord Duos! (12/5/2020 20:24:01)

Vath gives you -all and -bonus and has a big 6 hit attack. V2 totally crushes the duo though, because Stal isn't big enough to survive a favor inner.

If you don't have v2, I recommend Technomancer or Ranger.

dragon_master -> RE: =DF= December 4th Design Notes: Arena at the Edge of Time: Chaos Lord Duos! (12/6/2020 6:37:09)

Tried using a full defensive stat setup with Pyromancer along with 5 potions and seaweed/hardtack. I must've screwed up a bit somewhere because stal killed me. Then I did with some other classes, but to no real avail. DmK worked just fine though. You need a class that has BtH buffs or attacks, as well as skills that lower enemy healing. Otherwise, you won't kill stal because he will block and outheal any damage you inflict on him. Also used a full protection/assist dragon, because remember - for corruption to do anything - it still has to hit stal. Therefore, dragon provides you with +100 BtH, which basically makes everything an autohit.

Otherwise, fight becomes easy when you kill Vath.

but in general, i dislike these ''they buff each other'' and "when one dies, the other gets more powerful" boss fights. We already had this kind of lazy nonsense with Archdryad Malydrys. Why is this being recycled? It's not fun. Or enjoyable.

Dratomos -> RE: =DF= December 4th Design Notes: Arena at the Edge of Time: Chaos Lord Duos! (12/6/2020 8:29:26)

@dragon_master It makes a lot of sense if you think about the fights we have.

We've never faced a Dragonlord and his/her Dragon in the inn before so it would made sense that they would buff each other and be in good synergy and being mad if the other one would be defeated.

As for Xing and Xang, I have no idea what their backstory is, but them being in synergy and buffing each other seems to be perfectly understandable.

And this one really isn't recycled or lazy as The Dominion of Dreams fight was released two and a half years ago and the only this kind of fight we have seen after tha is Inevitable Equiblirium.

mds2006 -> RE: =DF= December 4th Design Notes: Arena at the Edge of Time: Chaos Lord Duos! (12/6/2020 11:51:04)

In AQW, Vath/Stalagbite's mechanic was that Stalagbite would start hitting for thousands of damage if you attack Vath first, but then Vath takes heavily reduced damage if you kill Stalagbite first... kinda wild to see both offensive and defensive buffs go both ways here


also doesn't make much sense for Stalagbite to go "Vath, no!" because he was being controlled by Vath and wouldn't actually be mad when he's gone lmao

Also I'm wondering if the lack of Chaos Beasts was because of feedback or simply because there's already two opponents for each of these without needing them. I don't even remember if the remaining Lords of Chaos even have partners other than their Beasts
The Inn loves having multiple bosses to fight individually, then together at the same time, but it wouldn't make as much sense to do it with different Chaos Lords together as it would with the Lord and their Beast

TFS -> RE: =DF= December 4th Design Notes: Arena at the Edge of Time: Chaos Lord Duos! (12/6/2020 21:05:51)

I feel like this release was leagues better than the Escherion release, partially because the filler beasts were (thankfully) cut and partially because these two sets of fights were just more interesting/unique characters that the DF team was given to work with (not that that's saying much compared to the other Chaos Lords, though). While the first point is a huge improvement, I feel like the second point is just downhill from here until we get to Alteon and Drakath (which are their own issue because they're not only DF characters, the latter has his own Ultimate Orb/Dragon DF incarnation that would have been its own way cooler fight but is now excluded).

The other interesting point is that Vath/Stalagbite and Xing/Xang on their own seem way weaker than normal Inn monsters and only become a standard challenge once they've teamed up, which... I'm actually fine with, as it's been said that this board is intended to be easy/introductory and this is true to concept in that regard (also true to the characters as they don't fight without their partner or whatever). Though this does also make the Fantastic One-Headed Hydra look even more out of place/pointless than it already was lol.

I still greatly dislike the Chaos Board concept but this is definitely way, way better execution.


but in general, i dislike these ''they buff each other'' and "when one dies, the other gets more powerful" boss fights. We already had this kind of lazy nonsense with Archdryad Malydrys. Why is this being recycled? It's not fun. Or enjoyable.

I strongly disagree with this sentiment, partner bosses with mechanics that stem from interacting with each other are some of the most interesting ones there are, IMO. Even if the difficulty/complexity of this one does pale in comparison to Archdryad/Skywatcher and En/Tropy I still thought it was a cool mechanic to see.

solaurusX -> RE: =DF= December 4th Design Notes: Arena at the Edge of Time: Chaos Lord Duos! (12/8/2020 15:00:15)

I'm so confused on this fight. I hit Vath, I can't hit Stalagbite for the rest of the fight. If I hit Stalagbite, Vath begins One-Turning everyone in the party. I've tried, Dragonlord, DnK V2, and more and nothing works. Beginning to believe these are all less "challenges," and more exercises in frustration.

AstralCodex -> RE: =DF= December 4th Design Notes: Arena at the Edge of Time: Chaos Lord Duos! (12/8/2020 16:06:49)

Do you have a fed dragon? It's really trivial to use Scout to give 100 bonus and crush Stalagbite with basically any class

Otherwise, use a class with inbuilt +bonus such as technomancer.

My v2 run with endgame gear took about 4 minutes as a result: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWZGLt8GKsQ

Even my no DC no DM no fed dragon Techno run took less than 11 minutes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrJQ2PaABX8

lordmastersupreme -> RE: =DF= December 4th Design Notes: Arena at the Edge of Time: Chaos Lord Duos! (12/11/2020 18:42:47)

frustrated the belts on vath's armor are red and i can't change it. wish they were like in vath's armor during the fight D: great fight though, liked it a lot. took me some time to defeat them, i forgot i could use food xD

EDIT: (actually i think customization is kinda bugged, when i try to recolor evolved dragonlord those blue lines and circles are still blue)
EDIT2: actually it's extremely bugged, my armor is a mess my shield and only my feet turned bronze and yellow color for some reason :0

AstralCodex -> RE: =DF= December 4th Design Notes: Arena at the Edge of Time: Chaos Lord Duos! (12/11/2020 23:06:52)

@lordmastersurpeme, it's not bugged, it uses your dragon's colors.

lordmastersupreme -> RE: =DF= December 4th Design Notes: Arena at the Edge of Time: Chaos Lord Duos! (12/12/2020 10:28:28)

@AstralCodex Thanks for pointing it out :) I can finally use my vath sword in style. (CC evolved dragonlord customization is kinda weird though. We can't change the standart blue markings like before, and sometimes when you leave fairy paint room without saving the colors, some parts of the armor retain those colors you didn't save).

LoreQuester -> RE: =DF= December 4th Design Notes: Arena at the Edge of Time: Chaos Lord Duos! (12/21/2020 13:48:02)

I finally found some free time to play with the Inn again and I gotta say, this time challenge is a real treat!

After taking a look at Vath and Stalagbite's info pages, I quickly realized that I would need to be trickier than this tricky duo. First attempt with dragonslayer and 2 pirate guests: attacked Vlad first so that Stalagbite became unhittable for the rest of the fight. With dragonslayer's venom and blind combo from my guests, I was able to kill Vath's partner... which pissed him off so much that he wrecked my entire squad into oblivion... Sure, you could try and blind him as much as possible, but remember that Vath just needs a few lucky hit to ruin your day. Plus, you wouldn't be able to survive long enough for the accumulated dot from dragonslayer's skills to do their magic anyway.

Second try, soloed with a dodge-tank dread pirate: Vlad went down, but I had no ways to damage the purple dragon, NEXT!

Finally, I decided to combine the best of both worlds: soloing the duo while fighting as a dodge-tank dragonslayer! After switching my stats to 200 end/cha, stocking up on potions and buying the hero diet, I set off into the rift with Draco, knowing that it was either now or never. This time, however, I intended to deal with Vath first.
Shield, tiny bubbles on Vath and Draconic Blind on Stalagbite became my winning strategy (thank goodness that the blind and dot skills of dragonslayer could work without hitting the target). The fight was a test of endurance between the four of us. I defended and stuffed myself with health potions, cocoa, seaweed and biscuit while Draco did the heavy lifting. Eventually, Vath got tired of being smacked in the face by a baby dragon and decided to call it quits, though not before exhausting all of my healing supplies. Thankfully, Stalagbite was a complete pushover, even with the new boost buff on top of being virtually unhittable (once again, thank goodness that dragonslayer's venom doesn't need to hit). After waiting around 15 turns for the poison to take effect, I finally earned the right to take the choas dragonlord armor... which will most likely gather dust in my closet and never see the light of day ever again.

Overall, great challenge! Can't wait to have some fun with the twins next!

P.S: I am sleepy, which is why this post is so frisky. Night night

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