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Character Rating Beastmaster

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1/3/2021 0:22:38   
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Hello I also want to play my Warrior. I'm planning to go Beastmaster. However I'm not sure if FO or FD is the best way to go, I don't even know if Warrior's the way to go. I'm also looking for build suggestions

Character Link : https://aq.battleon.com/game/flash/charview?temp=86973958
Level & Status : 120, Adventurer (planning to go Guardian maybe after reaching Lv 135)
Build : Beastmaster (Not sure if FO or FD, Warrior at the moment)
Armor of Awe/UltraGuardian Element (If Applicable): N/A
Custom Weapon N/A

  • Element: N/A
  • Accuracy Lean: N/A
  • Special Rate: N/A

Level(s) of Items with Multiple Versions : Maximum possible
Alignment (Good/Evil or Chaos/Unity) : Neutral
Notes : Please recommend items for his level.
Goals : If you could recommend farming spots so I can reach Lv135 faster, that would be great. Farming equipment recommendations also appreciated. Thank you!
Z-Tokens (If Applicable): None

< Message edited by Veleqwii_Fox -- 2/5/2022 3:00:13 >
Post #: 1
1/3/2021 2:58:36   
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Primate Murder


I'm planning to go Beastmaster. However I'm not sure if FO or FD is the best way to go, I don't even know if Warrior's the way to go.

That's a little vague. Both FO and FD beastmasters are viable builds, though they tend to have different focuses. FD beastrangers generally use effect weapons and let their beasts deal the bulk of their damage. FO beastwarriors use pets and guests for their effects, and rely on armor skills for damage.

Which one would you find more fun to play?


If you could recommend farming spots so I can reach Lv135 faster, that would be great. Farming equipment recommendations also appreciated. Thank you!


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Threads about where and how to farm are disallowed in this forum. For farming spots, check the AQ Guides section of the forum. You will find the Farming Guide Compilation, which is the principal resource for requesting and discussing specific farming spots.
- From Q&A Rules.
AQ DF  Post #: 2
1/3/2021 3:10:39   
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FD Beastranger then :D I think I'd want Pets/Guests for damage.

Currently I have 200 STR/DEX 125 CHA and 75 LUK but I won't mind resetting

I guess I'll check the farming guide compilation. Thanks in advance!
Post #: 3
1/3/2021 5:04:08   
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Ryu Draco

Quick reference, if you prefer Burn effects or pure damage, I'd lean towards FD. Paralysis effects would fit better with FO, but this isn't really a hard rule and you can make most ideas work.
AQ  Post #: 4
1/3/2021 5:12:02   
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I guess I'll go with the damage option for now. I already have an FO character, so I might as well try FD on this one
Post #: 5
1/3/2021 10:15:37   
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Primate Murder

For stats, I recommend 250 Cha, 250 Dex and the rest in Str.

Neko subrace, Sol Neko to be specific, is the best choice for FD beastmasters. It has Cha drive, passive beast boosts, burn/bleed toggles and chargable qc effects.


We do not have 100-proc no-drops at the moment, so you'll want to switch to a spear and use the element that has the least number of useful shields and weapons. I suggest water.

Fire has a number of great weapons. Foam Finger has a toggle to boost the damage of your pets and guests - though it only comes back at Snugglefest. Fireheart Warbow inflicts a very strong Burn (great synergy with lvl 8 Neko passive), but only comes back at Harvest Fest. Until you can grab one of them, I suggest using Dreamweaver's Reach, as it regenerates a notable amount of sp after each attack. Make sure to grab it asap - after Frostval passes, it will become perma-rare.

Gas Rat Grenades deal reduced damage, but make the monster Choke.

Ice Cream Scoop attempts to Daze the monster.

Frag Rat Grenades deal reduced damage to inflict Bleed, which has nice synergy with lvl 8 Neko passive.

Royal Voidrender toggles between energy and harm damage.

Sacred Paladin Bow restores a notable amount of hp every turn if you're fighting Undead. Unlike DL or Dreamweaver weapons, you do not have to attack to gain the bonus.

Eclipsed Dragonlord's Patience restores sp after every attack.

On a side note, Rainbow Raygun allows you switch around monster's resistances, so you can actually fight without a full elemental coverage. Something to keep in mind.


Bards of War are some of the best armors in the game for beastmasters. They have two toggles that can grant your pet and guest celerity for a fairly minor price of increased damage intake and upkeep. URs currently have Retro (wind), Frigid (ice) and Jolly (fire) variants. Grab them as soon as you can, as they can leave GGBs at the end of the Frostval event.

Paladin has a number of skills that could be of interest to beastmasters. It has the strogest light guest in the game, an FD mode, a Burn toggle, a set of Cha skills, bonuses to inflicting/resisting status effects against Undead and a lvl 17 toggle that makes your pet and guest deal +25% damage.

All other elements can be easily covered by Sol Neko armors in just 3 slots (+no-drop).


Snuggle Hearts is the best fire shield for beastmasters - its Burn Potence has great synergy with the neko armors. Unfortunately, it only comes back at Snugglefest, so you'll have to use something like your Overlord or the Grakma-Hide shields until then.

Fujin shield has a Dex drive for boosted accuracy.

Pies has a Cha drive, which is invaluable for beastmasters.

Chieftain's Ironthorn has a Str drive to make your bows deal increased damage. Alternatively, Sol Shield slightly reduces your damage intake based on your Cha.

Umazen Aspis gives Paralysis potence.

Scarab Shell has a toggle to lower monster MRM, increasing the accuracy of your/pet/guest attacks.

Eclipsed DL's Will has a qc skill that gives you a Barrier.


As a beastmaster, the majority of your spell slots will be filled with guests:

- Blazing Legion Minion inflicts Burn, which has nice synergy with lvl 8 neko passive. If you don't have a spare UR, Grakma (from the Grakma Warhorn misc) can inflict EleVuln.

- Pyre Rat pays gold to deal increased damage or inflict Burn, but it costs tokens and only returns on TLaPD. Until then, Fruitcake Zard has nice synergy with Umazen shield and Frostgale's Remorse misc.

- Dekanor deals +50% damage for an increased upkeep.

- Nezujimbo can inflict Freeze. Great synergy with Jolly BoW's inbuilt skill, Frost Effigy pet and Frostgale's Remorse misc.

- Sugar Gobbler (comes back at Mogloween) toggles to inflict Petrify. Great synergy with Retro BoW's inbuild skill and Fu Dog pet. Until then, Twilly toggles between damage and healing.

- Mogdin is the strongest stun guest in the game.

- Paladin's Manifestation does double damage for an increased upkeep.

- Grimlord of Nulgath does double damage for an hp cost.

Since the only harm guest in the game uses mp, you may want to get a harm SPell. Runic Binding does harm damage, boosts your damage for 4 turns and inflicts the monster with EleVuln.

Since Fu Dog + Sugar Gobbler and Frost Effigy + Nezujimbo have a fairly high chance of petrifying/freezing the monster, you may also want to get powerful wind and fire SPells. Warmaster's Burst and/or Unravelling Nightmare should fit those niches.


Flame Bot does +50% damage for an sp cost. If you don't have a spare UR, Underwyrmling is the only pet in the game that can harm monster's sp.

Aqua Bot is a water clone of Flame Bot. If you don't have a spare UR, Mutant Egg pet (available at Grenwog) toggles between damage reduction and inflicting paralysis (synergy with Umazen shield, Fruitcake guest and Frostgale's Remorse misc).

Grab another Mutant Egg for wind, as the element has nothing exceptional currently available.

Frost Effigy toggles to inflict Freeze and has Freeze Potence to boost Nezujimbo's infliction as well.

Like the Effigy, Fu Dog toggles to petrify and has a potence for Sugar Gobbler synergy. If you don't have a spare UR, Woolzard toggles between inflicting Sleep and EleVuln, and both statuses can be enhanced for an sp cost.

The best energy pets are rare, so grab another Mutant Egg for this element.

Depending on your preferences, either Fairy Godmother (toggles to heal) or Dogzilla (toggles to burn) would work for light.

Pygmy Zombie Groupies come with an inbuild misc that boosts their damage. If you don't have a spare UR, Gold-Hungry Abyssal Mimic (Rare GGBs) pays gold to deal extra damage. Finally, you have the option of Model 294, which toggles to inflict EleVuln.

I should also mention a rather unique Azamay Golem pet. By itself, it's nothing exceptional, but you can buy a set of miscs to customize it, allowing you to attune the golem to any element while also boosting its damage and accuracy. It can replace any of the pets mentioned above as long as you have some spare misc slots.


Essence Orb, of course, to maintain your guest and misc upkeeps.

Goggernaut Helm gives +10 bth to every attack on the field, including your pets and guests.

Clever Disguise sacrifices your turn and some sp to give guaranteed celerity to your pet and guest. With Foam Finger enables a pure beastmaster playstyle.

Frostgale's Remorse toggles between giving you Paralysis and Freeze potence.

Yasakani Jewel makes your healing effects 10% more powerful, and also gives Dex and Cha.

Waffle Cone boosts ice damage of yourself, your pet and guest, as well as giving bonus Cha.

Mana Trap is very useful against spell-casting monsters.

Grakma Warhorn compresses a fire guest. (only if you didn't get Blazing Legion Minion)

Hope the info's useful and don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions!
AQ DF  Post #: 6
1/4/2021 8:28:29   
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Thanks again Primate Murder! I'll be working on this now

Btw, any alternatives to Bard of War? I don't have enough URs lol

Maybe I'll farm first to Level 135

< Message edited by Veleqwii_Fox -- 1/4/2021 8:56:07 >
Post #: 7
1/5/2021 5:34:38   
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u can get all the 3 of the nekos, including the default no-drop neko would cover all 8 elements. 2 versions of neko, 1 of them is for 100% pro weps, other one is for burn/bleed effects.
if possible try to get all 3 bard armour as they might be leaving.
Post #: 8
1/5/2021 6:42:37   
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Ok thank you!

I probably won't be able to get the Bards of War, I don't have any UR sadly
Post #: 9
1/9/2021 15:18:43   
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OG Ranger

No one mentioned this but the pikazard is a good energy pet. It toggles between pure damage and paralysis. Its at the Zard shop.
AQ  Post #: 10
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