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RE: Miscellaneous/Accessories - Read the first post!

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12/10/2021 8:37:24   

A Favour Repaid

50% Water damage reduction defensively
+50 Strength/Int/Dex <--- adds 7.5 bth through stats

Upkeep-Toggle upon equipping, cllcking the misc changes it to the other . 129 MP or 97 SP

< Message edited by SapphireCatalyst2021 -- 12/10/2021 8:40:20 >
Post #: 176
12/10/2021 15:26:33   
Lv 1000

Unofficial Info-Subs for Frostval Part 2: Curse of the Rat Queen


A Favour Repaid

MC "Water" *cough* Neutral misc, gives Water res and STR, DEX, and INT. Can swap between SP and MP cost.

Level    1    15    35    55    75     95     115    135    150G

Water    5%   20%   30%   40%   35%    40%    45%    50%    50%

STR      5    20    30    35    40     40     45     45     50
DEX      5    20    30    35    40     40     45     45     50
INT      5    20    30    35    40     40     45     45     50

SPCost   10   39    58    73    78     82     88     92     97
MPCost   13   52    78    97    104    110    117    123    129
Post #: 177
1/9/2022 13:51:38   
Lv 1000

Unofficial Info-Subs for Guardian Giftboxen 2021

Note: Something seems funky with the values at lower levels, but I'm just following the given formulas, :shrug:


Loaded Dice

Energy Misc. Grants CHA, LUK, and Damage + BtH Lean for Energy Attacks. Damage boost is /0.75 for Magic and /2 for Spells-Type attacks

MC: Provides +20 Potence for the Fear status.

Level    55G    75G    95G    115G    135G    150G

Dmg      17     18.2   18.4   18.5    19.4    20

Lean     6.4    6.8    6.9    6.9     7.3     7.5

CHA      40     45     45     45      50      50
LUK      40     45     45     45      50      50

SPCost   40     44     44     44      48      49
Post #: 178
2/1/2022 16:39:59   
 formerly In Media Res


Given to the top 150 donors: Shadow Phoenix Brooch

MC Fire accessory. Grants +CHA, +LUK, +Magic blocking, and a small END boost. Your pet and guest attacks now Burn the monster (1 turn, Fire). The monster can resist with a save at a +0 bonus (inflict with CHA/LUK, resist with DEX/LUK).

Scales as a Guardian item. Level 150 stats: +50 CHA, +50 LUK, +10 Magic, +35 END, burn power 1.6*hits/attempts for pets and 2.4*hits/attempts for guests. 72 SP.

Given to the top 150 donors: Boreal Cavalier Emblem

MC Ice misc. Boosts Ice resistance and DEX, with smaller boosts to Melee and Ranged blocking.

Toggle: You can click on the emblem to gain +10 blocking and have your weapon attacks + spells deal *75/85 damage.

Scales as a Guardian item. At level 150: x0.5 ice damage, +50 DEX, +7 Melee, +7 Ranged. 79 SP.
AQ  Post #: 179
2/12/2022 15:58:09   
 Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!

Summoning Stone

Neutral misc item. Grants CHA, LUK, and blocking. Click to toggle between:
- deals Harm damage when you block
- boosted guest damage.

Lv150 stats: +40 CHA/LUK, +8 blocking, and either +26.7% guest damage or [90.7% of a Melee attack]*hits/attempts in damage. 72 SP.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 180
4/2/2022 21:15:30   
And Pun-isher


Drive-by missing sub request: Venomjade Crown, from Harvest Festival 2021


Venomjade Crown

MC Misc, gives CHA/DEX/LUK, as well as a passive +20 Poison Potence status. MC effect is compressing an overcharged skill that consumes your turn and charges either (125x4/3)% Melee or (100x4/3)% Melee in SP, depending on if you're using a Magic or Melee/Ranged weapon. Normally an overcharged skill would do x29/24 damage, or 241.66...% Melee. This skill instead does no damage, but attempts to apply a Harm Poison at a -20 save penalty, your CHA/LUK vs mob's CHA/LUK. The save means the power gets a /0.7, so that bumps it up to ~345.24% Melee. This doesn't require hitting the enemy, so it gets a x0.85 penalty, putting it at 293.45% Melee. Split the effect among 5 turns, so we get a 58.69% Melee Poison per turn. The misc itself is also non-elemental, so the SP costs on it are all x1.1 (already factored into the numbers shown).

Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150
Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
PowLvl	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	153
CHA	5	20	35	35	40	40	45	45	50
DEX	5	20	35	35	40	40	45	45	50
LUK	0	10	25	30	30	35	35	40	40
SPSS	3	17	33	35	38	40	44	45	49
SPPot	2	2	4	6	8	11	14	17	20
SP	6	21	41	45	51	56	64	68	76
SPMeRa	40	61	107	161	221	289	365	447	523
SPMa	50	76	134	201	277	362	456	559	653
MCP	44	59	223	1533	12103	97324	784392	6323760	30256458
MCS	22	29	111	766	6051	48662	392196	3161880	15128229
Post #: 181
4/16/2022 5:13:02   

Courtesy of Anim from Discord:
From 2020 Summer Donation Contest
Veywild Helm

MC Earth misc. Increases BTH on all Earth attacks (up to +10 at Lv150; Magic weapons get /0.75, spells get /2) and DEX.

MC: The monster gets +1% to its Earth resistance every turn (to a max of 200%).
Post #: 182
4/23/2022 19:17:31   
Lv 1000

Location: The Void: Avian Trio Challenge

Unofficial Info-Subs:

Celestial Phoenix Feather

MC Fire Misc. Increases DEX + END, and either applies Choke or Fire EleVuln depending on mode.

Can toggle between the following:

Choke Mode: At the end of your turn, attempts to inflict a x(1-([DmgNum]x[MobFireRes]x[250/119]x[Hits/Attempts])) damage dealt Choke effect for 1 turn. This has a +10 Save Bonus, player DEX/LUK vs. END/LUK

EleVuln Mode: At the end of your turn, attempts to inflict a +([DmgNum]x[MobFireRes]x[250/119]x[Hits/Attempts])% damage taken Fire-Element EleVuln effect for 1 turn. This has a +10 Save Bonus, player DEX/LUK vs. END/LUK
Level    1     15    35    55    75    95    115    135    150
Type     -     -     -     -     -     -     -      -      G         
PowLvl   1     15    35    55    75    95    115    135    153

DEX      5     15    30    35    40    40    45     45     50
END      5     20    30    40    40    45    45     50     50
DmgNum   .025  .07   .115  .145  .165  .175  .18    .19    .2
SPCost   6     17    29    36    39    42    44     46     48

< Message edited by Lv 1000 -- 4/24/2022 12:05:05 >
Post #: 183
4/23/2022 22:54:04   
 formerly In Media Res


Official Info Sub:

Celestial Phoenix Feather

MC Fire misc.

At the end of your turn, if you attacked with a weapon attack or a spell, then you inflict it with Heatstroke, which is either Choke (1 turn, x[1-HStro*[Fire%]*hits/attempts] damage) or EleVuln (1 turn, x[1+HStro*hits/attempts] damage, Fire). You can click on the item to toggle between these two. Either way, the monster can resist with a save at a +10 bonus (inflict with DEX/LUK, resist with END/LUK).
Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150G
DEX	5	15	30	35	40	40	45	45	50
END	5	20	30	40	40	45	45	50	50
HStro	5.25%	14.71%	24.16%	30.46%	34.66%	36.76%	37.82%	39.92%	42.02%
SP	6	17	29	36	39	42	44	46	48
Price	9	12	45	307	2421	19466	156879	1264753	6051293
Sell	4	6	22	153	1210	9733	78439	632376	3025646
AQ  Post #: 184
5/21/2022 15:07:42   
 formerly In Media Res


From Epic Quest 15: Epheel's Gift. Kam says:

Neutral misc. On the first hit attempted (by player, monster, pet, etc), it rolls for three random effects. It will maintain all of these effects until the end of the monster's turn. It'll randomly give you anywhere from -15% to +15% damage dealt (applies to your whole side, so works on pets/spells/guests/etc), -12.75 to +12.75 BtH (again, applied to everything on your side), and anywhere from -9 to +9 Melee/Ranged/Magic blocking. You'll get a popup when this first rolls telling you what the results were. This costs no SP, essentially it's paid for solely due to the effects being neutral. It's Lv 0, and doesn't cost any gold. MC effect (yes, even though it doesn't cost gold it's MC'd, hush) is that if you're fighting a monster related to the Devouerer, you get a bonus +10% damage dealt (stacks additively with the existing damage bonus, so it'll range from -5% to +25% in this case).
AQ  Post #: 185
6/20/2022 20:49:42   
 formerly In Media Res


In the Necro shop: Necro Minion Hats. Come in six flavours, and cost Tokens unless otherwise stated:

Undead Knight: Dark+Bleed (gold)
Archfiend Deathlord: Fire+Bleed
Legion Warlord: Ice+Bleed
Deathwalker: Dark+Burn
Infernal Lieutenant: Fire+Burn (gold)
Celestial Avenger: Light+Burn

Each misc boosts INT/CHA/END and the appropriate resistance. You also inflict the listed status at the end of your turn after attacking with pets, weapons attacks, or spells:
  • Burn: [SValue]*10/7 for weapon and spells, [SValue]*4/7 for pets. One turn. Follows misc element. Inflict with [mainstat] (weapon/spell) or CHA (pet) and LUK, resist with DEX and LUK.
  • Bleed: [SValue]*10/14 for weapon and spells, [SValue]*4/14 for pets. Inflict with [mainstat] (weapon) or CHA (pet) and LUK, resist with END and LUK.

    Set bonus: If you're in a Necro class armour, then the save is at a -20 penalty. Otherwise, it's a +0 save.
    Level	70	95	120	135	150G
    Level	55Z	85Z	110Z	125Z	143Z
    PowLvl	70	95	120	135	150
    Res	61%	58%	53%	50%	50%
    INT	40	45	45	50	50
    CHA	40	40	45	45	50
    END	25	30	30	30	30
    SValue	17%	18%	19%	19%	20%
    SP	83	90	97	102	103
    Price	1440	19466	264344	1264753	6051293
    Sell	720	9733	132172	632376	3025646
    SP	81	88	95	100	102
    Price	1320	2409	3674	4620	5940
    Sell	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z
  • AQ  Post #: 186
    6/27/2022 15:28:09   
     formerly In Media Res


    Missing info subs!

    From the March 14, 2019 GGB update: Power Core. Rare item. Kam says:

    Energy Misc, has two different effects. First effect is that you deal +20% damage with all Energy weapon/special/spell attacks, this costs 20% Melee in SP each turn (SPCost1 in the table), and you only pay this cost if you actually attempted such an attack that turn. Second effect is that your Energy pets deal +20% damage as well, this costs 8% Melee in SP each turn (SPCost2 in the table), and you only pay this cost if you have an Energy pet out that's set to attack and is not tagged as a "booster" pet, this covers things like Poelala and such. The MC effect is the first effect will ALSO work if you are currently in an armour that's tagged as robot/mecha/mech, no matter what element your attack is, and the second effect will ALSO work if your pet is tagged as a robot/mecha/mech. Essentially these are player-controlled triggers. Scales to player level, slight boost if you're a Guardian, so example #s are below.

    Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150
    Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
    PowLvl	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	153
    SPCost1	6	9	16	24	33	43	55	67	78
    SPCost2	2	4	6	10	13	17	22	27	31

    < Message edited by In Media Res -- 6/27/2022 15:32:21 >
    AQ  Post #: 187
    7/1/2022 14:11:35   
     formerly In Media Res


    Summer donation contest item: Pearl of Power. Kam says:

    Randomly rewarded to 10 donators per day. Gives resistance to Water damage, +CHA, +Melee/Magic blocking, and has a one/turn use skill that attempts to control the water in/around the foe's body to Paralyze them. 40% save (AKA -10 penalty, so 40% chance the mob clears it), attempts with (STR or DEX or INT, depending on weapon type)/LUK, mob resists with STR/LUK. This effect costs 78.54% Melee in SP.

    Scales as a Guardian item. At level 150: x0.5 Water damage, +50 CHA, +7 Melee, +7 Magic. 79 SP.

    Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150
    Type	B	B	B	B	B	B	B	B	B
    PowLvl	15	23	41	59	78	98	118	138	153
    CostLvl	12	21	39	58	77	97	117	137	152
    SPCost	32	43	69	100	134	175	219	268	308

    < Message edited by Kamui -- 7/1/2022 14:38:12 >
    AQ  Post #: 188
    7/23/2022 22:53:57   
    Lv 1000

    Unofficial Info-Subs for the Shark Attack Helm misc.
    Location: "SHARK" LTS Shop


    Shark Attack Helm

    MC Water Misc. Boots CHA + LUK. Upkeep cost is HP, 41 at lv150. (No I'm not going to calculate it for all levels)

    Flavor Effect: Player normal attacks, specials, and spells take a -[PowLvl/15] BtH penalty but Water Pets and Guests deal +[PowLvl*100/15/85]% increased damage. (Yes, the BtH penalty still applies if you aren't using Water Pets/Guests)

    Effect: Water Pet and Guest attacks attempt to inflict Power: [BleedPow]*[BleedMod]*[Hits/Attempts] Bleed effect, where [BleedMod] = 0.4 for Pets and 0.6 for Guests. This has a +0 Save Bonus, Player CHA/LUK vs. Monster END/LUK.

    Level      10     35     60     85     110     135     143
    Type       Z      Z      Z      Z      Z       Z       Z
    PowLvl     44     57     73     95     120     145     153
    LUK        35     35     40     40     45      45      50
    CHA        35     40     40     45     45      50      50
    BleedPow   0.095  0.155  0.165  0.175  0.185   0.2     0.2

    < Message edited by Lv 1000 -- 7/23/2022 22:56:08 >
    Post #: 189
    7/23/2022 23:31:37   
    And Pun-isher


    Belated official subs via IMR:


    Shark Attack Helm

    Boosts CHA and LUK. Pet and guest attacks inflict Bleeding (inflict with CHA/LUK, resist with END/LUK, +0 save bonus).

    Bonus: Take -[PowLvl/15] to BTH on your weapon attacks+spells. Your pets and guests deal +[Powlvl/15/0.85]% damage.
    Level	10Z	35Z	60Z	85Z	110Z	135Z	143Z
    PowLvl	44	57	73	95	120	145	153
    CHA	35	40	40	45	45	50	50
    LUK	35	35	40	40	45	45	50
    Pet	0.038	0.062	0.066	0.07	0.074	0.08	0.08
    Guest	0.057	0.093	0.099	0.105	0.111	0.12	0.12
    HPCost	27	31	33	35	37	40	41
    MCPrice	396	814	1474	2409	3674	5324	5940
    MCSell	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z
    HPSS	29	33	35	37	39	42	43
    BoostSS	0.095	0.155	0.165	0.175	0.185	0.2	0.2
    Post #: 190
    8/2/2022 21:28:39   
     Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!

    Communicant's Wisdom

    Light misc, gives +STR and +INT, as well as reducing incoming Light damage and giving universal +5 resistance to all incoming harmful status effects. MC effect is that when vs an Undead foe, the damage reduction applies to all incoming damage elements. There are Lv 125/143 Z versions = to the Lv 135/150 versions, they just have a -2 SP cost discount as opposed to the -1 that the Lv 150 G version gets.

    Level	105	120	135	150
    Type	-	-	-	G
    PowLvl	105	120	135	153
    STR/INT	40	45	50	50
    Light	x0.6	x0.55	x0.5	x0.5
    SP	88	101	110	118
    MCMiscP	55255	264344	1264753	6051293
    MCMiscS	27627	132172	632376	3025646
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 191
    8/27/2022 21:34:43   
     Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!

    Optico Statue

    Neutral misc, so the below SP costs are after a x1.2 penalty. Grants +10 Status Potence which is modified by the Dunamis-style outleveling formula with no buffer, as well as +LUK. Can be clicked to cause player to have -6 MRM and -8.5 BtH with all weapon/special/spell attacks, but at end of turn the misc grants your pets +50% LUKy Strike rate for 1 turn.

    Level	10	35	60	85	110	135	143
    Type	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z
    PowLvl	44	57	73	95	120	145	153
    LUK	35	40	40	45	45	50	50
    SP	22	28	33	42	51	63	66
    MCPrice	396	814	1474	2409	3674	5324	5940
    MCSell	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 192
    8/27/2022 21:35:25   
     Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!

    Mutter Statue

    Neutral misc, costs no SP/MP to equip, but instead reduces your outgoing weapon/special damage by -10% (/0.75 for Magic weapons) to deal two extra hits at the end of your turn worth 4% Melee each, at the power level of the misc, and which hit MP and SP once each, with the MP hit dealing x1.5 damage and the SP hit dealing x1.125 damage. These are "other" type attacks, so not boosted by anything. You can click the misc to have it lower your outgoing damage by a further -20% (/0.75 for Magic), so total of 30% Melee. This triples the damage done by the MP/SP hits. Since these don't cost SP/MP, the non-elemental penalty is instad applied to the damage value of the bonus hits. Basically has x0.8 effect instead of the x1.2 cost, hence the 4% damage on the SP/MP hits baseline.

    Level	10	35	60	85	110	135	143
    Type	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z
    PowLvl	44	57	73	95	120	145	153
    MCPrice	396	814	1474	2409	3674	5324	5940
    MCSell	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 193
    8/27/2022 21:37:00   
     Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!

    L'ouie Statue

    Neutral misc, so the below SP costs are after a x1.2 penalty. Gives +MRM, as well as applying a counter/"blocklash" effect worth 10% Melee baseline, normal block rate is 15%, so it deals 66.66...% Melee damage if you block all of your foe's attacks. However, since this misc is giving +MRM on its own, your block rate goes up to 25%, so the cost for this 10% Melee effect is x25/15, or x5/3, so ~16.66...% Melee. Can be clicked to apply a -10 BtH lean to the enemy, but this also applies a x25/35 (or x5/7) multiplier to the damage the misc does at end of turn. Basically anything directly coming the misc can't affect the average damage that the end of turn effect does, but you CAN use this in concert with other "blocklash" effects or other effects that would increase your block rate to good effect.

    Level	10	35	60	85	110	135	143
    Type	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z
    PowLvl	44	57	73	95	120	145	153
    Melee	7	8	8	9	9	10	10
    Ranged	7	8	8	9	9	10	10
    Magic	7	8	8	9	9	10	10
    SP	45	57	64	81	95	116	120
    MCPrice	396	814	1474	2409	3674	5324	5940
    MCSell	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 194
    9/13/2022 9:29:27   
     Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!

    Paleskull Helm

    Water misc, scales, at max level gives +20% outgoing damage (adjusted appropriately for spells/skills and Magic weapons), +50 CHA/LUK, x0.5 incoming Water damage, and as MC inflicts a -20 penalty (modified with the Dunamis deal, but since this scales it ends up being slightly better than -20) on foes when attempting Choke.
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 195
    10/9/2022 18:08:11   
     formerly In Media Res


    20th anni LTS: Enchanted Emerald misc item. Kam says:

    Gives +20 Poison resistance, Earth resistance, DEX, and LUK.

    Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150G
    ResSS	-2	-4	-7	-8	-8	-9	-9.5	-10	-10
    Res	90%	80%	65%	60%	60%	60%	52.5%	50%	50%
    DEX	10	20	30	35	40	45	45	50	50
    LUK	5	10	20	35	40	40	40	40	50
    SP	14	28	49	60	64	70	72	76	79
    Price	9	12	45	307	2421	19466	156879	1264753	6051293
    Sell	4	6	22	153	1210	9733	78439	632376	3025646
    AQ  Post #: 196
    11/5/2022 12:39:27   
    Lv 1000

    Unofficial Info-Subs for Brainwreck. Just the basic effects info, sorry not gunna calc the SP upkeep.
    Location: Mogloween -> 2022 Quest: Cauldron Trouble


    MC Water misc. Reduces water damage take and increases MRM blocking.

    MC: Once per battle, heals 50% melee in SP (~196 at 150).
    Level     5     15    35    55    75    95    115    135    150
    Type      -     -     -     -     -     -     -      -      G
    PowLvl    5     15    35    55    75    95    115    135    153
    Res       0.1   0.2   0.3   0.38  0.43  0.43  0.45   0.5    0.5
    MRM       1     2     4     5     5     6     6      6      7
    Post #: 197
    11/18/2022 1:42:40   
     formerly In Media Res



    MC Water misc. Increases your Water resist and blocking.

    MC: Once per battle, you can click on it to heal SP (see table).
    Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150G
    MRM	1	2	4	5	5	6	6	6	7
    Water%	90%	80%	70%	62%	57%	57%	55%	50%	50%
    SPHeal	15	23	40	60	83	109	137	168	198
    SP	10	21	32	40	45	46	48	53	53
    MCP	9	12	45	307	2421	19466	156879	1264753	6051293
    MCS	4	6	22	153	1210	9733	78439	632376	3025646

    Redoing the 16th Anni Cupcake too, now that we're much more generous with MRM. Only works if your character is 16+ months old. Earth Resist.
    Level	10	35	60	85	110	135	150G
    MRM	2	4	5	6	6	6	7
    Ele%	86%	70%	61%	59%	55%	50%	50%
    SPHeal	23	34	60	90	125	163	205	251	297
    SP	15	32	42	44	48	53	53

    < Message edited by Ward_Point -- 3/26/2023 10:34:20 >
    AQ  Post #: 198
    12/1/2022 18:06:39   
     Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!

    Calendar misc items! Ianthe says:

    [Dark] Chrono Paladin Hourglass

    MC [Darkness] Ice misc. Grants elemental resistance and blocking, and heals you when you block.

    Lv150 stats: x0.5 resistance, +10 blocking, heal HP equal to 133.3% 80% of an expected Melee attack if you block all your foe's attacks. 70 SP.

    < Message edited by Ianthe -- 12/2/2022 2:16:29 >
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 199
    12/1/2022 23:37:08   
    Primate Murder

    Shouldn't it be 80% melee heal to account for extra blocking?

    Or is L'ouie Statue an outlier?

    Dang, you're right. Item updated, thanks. ~Ianthe

    < Message edited by Ianthe -- 12/2/2022 2:16:14 >
    AQ DF  Post #: 200
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