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RE: Miscellaneous/Accessories - Read the first post!

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9/7/2023 15:19:48   
 Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!

Wingweaver's Spirit, Ianthe says:

Level 150 stats:
x0.5 incoming Wind damage
+35 END
-6.25% Heal Resistance

Allows you to toggle on an effect, pay [20% Melee] in SP each turn. After attacking with a weapon attack or spell, you gain a Barrier (20% Melee *[hits]/[attempts] worth of HP).
NOTE: With status potence MCs, we're trying to stick to the following:
- Just potence: +20 (large bonus, but you need to combo it with other items to use it)
- Just influencing its own save: +20
- Both potence and influencing its own save: +10 (not having to combo anything make it worth less)

We figure that the same applies to healing:
- Just +healres: +12.5% (bc you need to bring other healing items)
- Both +healres and a healing effect: +6.25%
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 226
10/5/2023 19:12:56   
 Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!

Opulent Opal misc item

Gives +20 Disease resistance, Water resistance, INT, and LUK.

Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150G
ResSS	-2	-4	-7	-8	-8	-9	-9.5	-10	-10
Res	90%	80%	65%	60%	60%	60%	52.5%	50%	50%
INT	10	20	30	35	40	45	45	50	50
LUK	5	10	20	35	40	40	40	40	50
SP	14	28	49	60	64	70	72	76	79

Price	9	12	45	307	2421	19466	156879	1264753	6051293
Sell	4	6	22	153	1210	9733	78439	632376	3025646

AQ DF MQ  Post #: 227
10/5/2023 19:13:17   
 Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!

21st Anniversary Cupcake

MC Fire misc, gives Fire resist and CHA.

MC: Gives Thermal Shock Potence and Burn Potence (+20). This gets modified by the Dunamis outlevelling formula (with no buffer).
Level	10	35	60	85	110	135	150G
Fire	86%	70%	60%	55%	54%	50%	50%
CHA	10	20	25	25	30	30	35
SP	16	34	45	49	52	55	57

MCMiscP	10	45	513	6861	93103	1264753	6051293
MCMiscS	5	22	256	3430	46551	632376	3025646
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 228
10/20/2023 13:56:17   
 Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!

Scarecrow's Heart Amulet

Darkness misc, boosts your outgoing Darkness damage, CHA, LUK, and MC provides +20 Fear and Panick Potence.

Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150G
Dmg	1.03	1.07	1.12	1.16	1.17	1.18	1.18	1.19	1.22
CHA	5	20	30	40	40	45	45	50	50
LUK	5	15	30	35	40	40	45	45	50
SPSS	6	17	29	38	40	42	44	46	50
SP	6	17	29	38	40	42	44	46	49
MCMiscP	9	12	45	307	2421	19466	156879	1264753	6051293
MCMiscS	4	6	22	153	1210	9733	78439	632376	3025646
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 229
11/15/2023 20:46:23   
 formerly In Media Res


Bonus Summer '23 donation item: Wishweaver's Spirit

Boosts DEX*.

Also has a "damage boost" for up to 20% Melee, and pays an additional 15% Melee worth of HP for the following effects that you can toggle between:
  • EleVuln mode: When you attack with a weapon attack or spell, before calculating damage it inflicts EleVuln on your foe. It lasts for 0 turns (that is, the current turn only) and increases damage by [above damage boost]/1.4. Wind only, inflict with DEX/LUK, resist with END/LUK.
  • Leech Seed mode: At the end of your turn, inflict a Spirit Seed based on how accurate your weapon+spell attacks were. Power: [above boost]*hits connected / hits attempted, Wind element. When the Seed detonates, it heals you equal to the damage dealt. Also, whenever it inflicts a Leech Seed it increases the durations on all other Leech Seeds back up to 3. Inflict with DEX/LUK, resist with INT/LUK.

    *Dev note: Boosting "whatever your mainstat is" isn't preferred so I chose one; if you want it changed then let me know.

    Sample Numbers at Lv.150
    +50 DEX
    +20% damage boost that gets funnelled into the 2nd effect
    Upkeep: 30SP + 52HP

    < Message edited by Ward_Point -- 1/30/2024 8:13:20 >
  • AQ  Post #: 230
    12/8/2023 17:23:49   
     Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!

    Trickster's Pack (Frostval 2023 Week 2: Unexpected Help)

    Wind misc, always provides a DEX bonus, and toggles between two modes. By default, it reduces incoming Wind damage, and charges DEXSP and ResSP per turn. You can click to toggle it to instead counter blocked hits with (15 x Blocks / Attempts / 0.15)% Melee Harm damage at end of monster turn, this charges DEX2SP and BlckSP per turn, DEX2 is adjusted for the effect no longer being elemental. So in total, SP1 is the cost for the Wind DmgRdc mode, and SP2 is the cost for the Blocklash mode. Guardian version gets a 1 SP discount, Token versions get a 2 SP discount (neither is listed in the table).

    Also has Lv 31/85/125/143 Z Token versions, costing 737/2409/4620/5940 tokens each.

    Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150
    Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
    PowLvl	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	153
    DEX	5	20	35	35	40	40	45	45	50
    Dmg	x0.95	x0.8	x0.65	x0.6	x0.6	x0.55	x0.55	x0.5	x0.5
    DEXSP	2	7	12	12	14	14	16	16	18
    ResSP	5	18	32	36	36	41	41	45	45
    DEX2SP	2	8	14	14	17	17	19	19	22
    BlckSP	5	7	12	18	25	33	41	50	59
    SP1	7	25	44	48	50	55	57	61	63
    SP2	7	15	26	32	42	50	60	69	81
    x2MCP	18	24	89	614	4841	38930	313757	2529504	12102584
    x2MCS	9	12	44	307	2420	19465	156878	1264752	6051292

    Kam Edit: I derped and forgot the counter mode isn't based per-hit, it's just based on % of blocked hits, fixed above.

    < Message edited by Ward_Point -- 1/30/2024 8:12:16 >
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 231
    1/6/2024 14:17:27   
     Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!

    Mountain Pass Globe

    Scaling misc item, grants up to 50% damage reduction to the active element, toggling between Fire and Ice as MC bonus, with Ice being default. Also gives +10 All Potence for 10% Melee in SP cost. If using the weapon and shield of the Winter Warden set, this doubles to +20 All Potence.

    Sample Numbers at Lv.150
    x0.5 incoming [Fire/Ice] resistance
    +10 All Potence
    Upkeep: 83SP (Guardian) / 81SP (Z+G)

    < Message edited by Ward_Point -- 1/30/2024 8:06:10 >
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 232
    2/1/2024 0:02:02   
     Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!

    Lunar Wood Dragon Ornament

    Earth misc. Boosts Earth resistance, BtH, and LUK. Has a toggle that charges 5% Melee extra in SP cost per turn to grant you x1 + (0.5 x OutlevelMult) LS chance on your weapon/spell attacks, with the OutlevelMult working similar to the Dunamis stuff, so you can't just use a low level version of the misc. This extra 5% Melee is charged on the first attempted weapon/spell hit that fires per turn, and OutlevelMult has a cap of 1.1, so you'll get at most x1.55 LS chance.

    Level	10	35	60	85	110	135	143
    Type	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z
    PowLvl	44	57	73	95	120	145	153
    ResSS	-7	-8	-8	-9	-9	-10	-10
    Res	x0.65	x0.6	x0.6	x0.55	x0.55	x0.5	x0.5
    LUK	35	40	40	45	45	50	50
    BtH	6	7	8	8	9	9	10
    SP	47	54	55	61	62	68	69
    CostLv	35	51	69	92	117	142	150
    TglSP	4	6	8	10	14	18	19
    MCPrice	396	814	1474	2409	3674	5324	5940
    MCSell	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 233
    2/8/2024 19:42:55   
    And Pun-isher


    2023 Frostval Gifting Reward: Heroic Titan Miscs

    Via Kam:


    (Nightfall) Heroic Titan's Pledge

    Dark/Fire misc items. Gives resistance to the item's element (capping at x0.5 DmgTkn for the scaling version) and +20 Burn/PBurn Potence (this adjusts with the usual outlevel/underlevel setup), costs 5% Melee total for the Potence effects, already factored into the below numbers. MC compresses a toggle that heals you for 10% Melee when you successfully strike a foe suffering from Burn or Prismatic Burn. This costs 20% Melee per turn, and is only charged when A) The toggle is activated, B) You attempt a weapon/special/spell attack on a foe, and C) The foe has Burn or Prismatic Burn inflicted on him. This doesn't get the x0.9 always useful penalty since it's tied to an elemental item, and it doesn't get the auto-hit x0.85 penalty since it requires you land a hit to trigger. The healing effect can trigger up to 4 times per turn.

    Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150
    Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
    PowLvl	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	153
    Dmg	x0.95	x0.8	x0.65	x0.6	x0.6	x0.55	x0.55	x0.5	x0.5
    ResSP	5	18	32	36	36	41	41	45	45
    PotSP	2	2	4	6	8	11	14	17	20
    TtlSP	7	20	36	42	44	52	55	62	64
    TglSP	6	9	16	24	33	43	55	67	78
    x2MCP	18	24	89	614	4841	38930	313757	2529504	12102584
    x2MCS	9	12	44	307	2420	19465	156878	1264752	6051292

    Autumn Package Misc via Ianthe:


    Winter 2023 Top 50 Z donors: Spirit of Autumn

    MC Wind misc. Toggles between Wind and Earth resistance. Grants a standard boost to STR and a smaller boost to END.

    It's also statted to have a damage buff, but the buff is funnelled into the following effect: at the end of your turn, if you attacked with a weapon or spell, the monster becomes Burnt (Wind, 2 rounds). The Burn's power is equal to the buff. The monster can resist with a save at a +0 bonus (inflict with MainStat/LUK, resist with DEX/LUK).

    Level 150 stats: +50 STR, +35 END, x0.5 Wind/Earth resistance, 20% Melee going into the Burn. 87SP

    < Message edited by Lorekeeper -- 2/8/2024 20:46:09 >
    Post #: 234
    2/16/2024 0:56:10   
     Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!

    Lovestruck Scope

    Neutral misc, non-elemental, so all the costs below are after a x1.2 cost penalty. Gives boosted BtH, and gives boosted damage to and reduced damage from Bleeding foes. MC compresses a quick-cast skill with a 1-turn cooldown (so can cast every other turn) that applies 1 turn of Celerity to the player. This costs 120% Melee in SP due to being always useful, but you can eat up to 120% Melee worth of Bleed status on the foe to mitigate the cost (so if there's enough Bleed on the enemy, the skill is free).

    Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150
    Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
    PowLvl	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	153
    BTH	1	4	7	8	8	9	9	10	10
    Dmg	x1.03	x1.07	x1.14	x1.14	x1.16	x1.16	x1.18	x1.19	x1.22
    Res	x0.95	x0.8	x0.65	x0.6	x0.6	x0.55	x0.55	x0.5	x0.5
    SP	12	35	63	71	75	85	89	100	106
    SPCel	36	54	96	144	199	260	328	402	470
    MCPrice	35	47	178	1226	9682	77859	627513	5059007	24205166
    MCSell	17	23	89	613	4841	38929	313756	2529503	12102583
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 235
    2/16/2024 16:16:45   
     Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!

    Update: Lovestruck Scope now only provides 75% of its listed bonuses for the damage and resistance effects (AKA 20% damage gets adjusted to 15%), and the Celerity cost now checks player level rather than item level for its cost.

    Update to the update: Fixed a bork making the Celerity cost double dip on the x1.2 cost penalty, making it actually have a x1.44 cost. Also, forgot to mention, but the misc also charges 5% Melee to cause Bleed effects to deal +15% damage.

    < Message edited by Kamui -- 2/19/2024 20:58:44 >
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 236
    3/4/2024 19:52:40   
    Bu Kek Siansu


    Lunar Wood Dragon Ornament

    Earth misc. Boosts Earth resistance, BtH, and LUK. Has a toggle that charges 5% Melee extra in SP cost per turn to grant you x1 + (0.5 x OutlevelMult) LS chance on your weapon/spell attacks

    Does the LS chance affect on all elements including Harm/Void or only 8 Standard elements or only Earth element?
    Also, does it stack with other effect(s) like with Lust/Envy ( Lucky Strike rate on Fire/Earth attacks by +40% )?

    < Message edited by Bu Kek Siansu -- 3/4/2024 22:29:01 >
    Post #: 237
    3/5/2024 9:09:52   


    Does the LS chance affect on all elements including Harm/Void or only 8 Standard elements or only Earth element?
    Also, does it stack with other effect(s) like with Lust/Envy ( Lucky Strike rate on Fire/Earth attacks by +40% )?

    It affects all weapon/spell attacks on the player side regardless of element used to attack. In other words yes it works with harm and void and yes you can stack it with other player LS effects like lust/envy/TK etc.
    AQ  Post #: 238
    3/5/2024 10:31:34   

    Note: The LS rate from Lunar Wood Dragon Ornament does not stack directly with Lust/Envy additively, but rather multiplicatively, e.g. (10+40)*1.55. Of course Hypercritical (Timekiller for example), is a multiplicative modifier, so it would stack like this, 10*2*1.55.
    Post #: 239
    3/5/2024 13:19:51   
    Bu Kek Siansu

    Oh, okay. I understand them clearly. Thanks to both of you for clarifying.

    Other question here ( Q&A section ): http://forums2.battleon.com/f/fb.asp?m=22415074

    Post #: 240
    3/7/2024 15:32:27   
     Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!

    DreadStalker Call

    Water misc, gives +CHA, +WaterDmgDlt, and causes pet and guest attacks to attempt Water Burns on your foe. The Burn attempt is charged separately for pet/guest, and is charged on the first hit a pet/guest attempts that turn. It will charge 20% Melee in SP per affected attacker, and will attempt a 10% Melee Water Burn that lasts 2 turns for each hit, maximum of 4 hits can trigger this per attacker per turn (so 8 max hits per turn total). This is inflicted with CHA/LUK and resisted by DEX/LUK, 50% save.

    Level	10	35	60	85	110	135	143
    Type	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z
    PowLvl	44	57	73	95	120	145	153
    CHA	35	40	40	45	45	50	50
    Dmg+	15%	16%	18%	18%	19%	20%	22%
    SP	21	23	24	26	27	29	30
    SPBrn	16	22	30	42	56	72	77
    MCPrice	396	814	1474	2409	3674	5324	5940
    MCSell	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 241
    3/22/2024 16:13:24   
     Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!

    Legion Monsterlord Gaze

    Water misc, scales, granting up to +50 LUK, +20% Water DmgDlt, and +10 BtH. MC compresses a quick-cast skill that eats up to 100% Melee worth of Burn on your foe to attempt a +(25 x BurnVal / 100 / 0.7 /1.4)% DmgTkn Water EleVuln for 4 turns (reads as 3 in-game, it's working properly since this is quick-cast), this skill can be used once per turn. The EleVuln inflicts with <WpnMainstat>/LUK vs mob's CHA/LUK, mob has a -20 penalty to the save.

    < Message edited by Kamui -- 3/22/2024 18:09:26 >
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 242
    5/17/2024 15:24:27   
     Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!

    Ianthe says:

    Ultra-Rare: Arcane Rift Key

    MC Water misc. Grants INT, LUK, and Water resistance. Level 153 stats: x0.5 Water damage, +50 INT, +50 LUK for 79 SP.

    Comes with a built-in quick-cast skill. You can spend [150% Melee] SP for the following good effects, all of which are permanent:
    - Enemy Harm Burn, power:1.7.
    - Enemy Fragile, -24.29 END.
    - Self Regen, MP, power:0.2 [err, like 20% Melee]
    This also applies the following bad effects:
    - Self Harm Burn, power:1.275.
    - Self Fragile, -10.7 END, un-Lucky Break-able.
    - Enemy Regen, power:0.15 [err, like, 15% Melee]
    It also applies the following effect: the next time you cast a spell, inflict your foe with a Void burn (3 turns, power:5) subject to a save at a +0 bonus (inflict with INT/LUK, resist with INT/LUK).

    This entire effect can be resisted with a save at a +0 bonus (inflict with INT/LUK, resist with INT/LUK). This is a save against Burn You can attempt this once per turn, and can only use it successfully once per battle.
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 243
    6/27/2024 15:30:39   
     Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!

    Moontide Bracer - Ianthe says...

    MC Neutral misc. Takes *0.9 to effects.

    Boosts END and LUK. Also boosts "outgoing damage" and funnels this into granting you Barrier each time you land a hit with a spell or weapon attack on your turn (max 4/turn).

    Comes with a skill. This is a spell-like attack, two hits, seeks between Water and Harm. Uses END for stat bonuses. It deals -47.14% damage and leaves your foe Drowning. The save is at a +0 bonus if both hits connect or a +20 bonus if only one does (inflict with END/LUK, resist with END/LUK).

    PowLvl 153 stats: +45 END, +45 LUK, barrier based on 9% of an expected attack per hit (max 4/turn), 48 SP/turn
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 244
    8/8/2024 17:17:52   
     formerly In Media Res


    GGB UltraRare: Illumia's Spirit/Mystic Gem

    MC Light misc. Gives Light resistance, Darkness resistance, and +blocking. Costs SP on all versions.

    Comes with a skill, Summon Illumia. This skill costs MP and uses INT for bonuses on the Mystic version, and costs SP and uses STR for bonuses on the Spirit version. 2 hits, Light, takes -50% damage. You automatically gain Element Shield (3 turns, -(16.7/1.4)% damage, Light+Dark), and the monster can be Blinded (-27 BTH, 3 turns) subject to a +0 save (inflict with MainStat/LUK, resist with END/LUK). The Blind is affected by monster Light resistance and skill accuracy; the EleShield isn't.

    Level 150 stats: x50% Light and Dark resistance, +10 blocking, 97 SP/turn.


    Note for nerds: Blind and EleShield don't synergise well, which we've taken into account by having the Blind assume the monster is doing (140-16.7)% Melee damage instead of 140% Melee.
    AQ  Post #: 245
    8/15/2024 20:07:24   
     Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!

    Reflective/Frigid Mirror Vordred's Sacrifice - Ianthe says...

    MC misc. Comes in Light and Ice flavours.

    Click to toggle between:
  • Gives Light resistance. Also gives a damage boost that gets funnelled into Burning your foe (power:[damage boost], 2 turns, follows weapon/spell element) after attacking with a weapon or spell, subject to a save at a +0 bonus (inflict with MainStat/LUK, resist with DEX/LUK).
  • Boosts blocking and gives -12.5% Heal Resistance.

    Level 150 stats:
    - x50% [Light/Ice] resistance, power:2 burn, 58 SP
    - +10 blocking, -12.5% Heal Resistance, 12 SP.
  • AQ DF MQ  Post #: 246
    9/13/2024 19:41:47   
    And Pun-isher


    Warwolf Prime Misc:

    ANDrAS Type-PC261

    Non-elemental misc, so all of its effects either have x1.1 cost or x0.9 effectiveness. Scales, at max level it gives +50 CHA and +10 BtH for player/pet/guest, with the BtH cost being paid in two ways, the default cost is x1.4 of normal player BtH cost to pay for player + pet, and if you have a guest out, you'll pay = to x0.45 of player BtH cost at end of turn. All of this is paid via HP cost that's = to the SP cost it would be x1.1 and /1.125. It then charges a further 11% Melee in HP cost to give +1 WHz of PCF when the HP cost is paid (so either right when equipped or at start of turn, and the 1 WHz it gives for that turn gets deducted if you de-equip the misc). Clicking on the misc during your turn after starting battle gives 3 options.

    Berserk Wolf: Toggles on/off a -BtH lean Berserk for the player's side, affecting weapon/special/spell/pet/guest attacks, this is given a base value of -(8 + PCF) BtH lean, with PCF being WHz / 2 / ItemsUsingPCI, so if you have 10 WHz and 2 items with PCI turned on, including the misc, you have a total of -(8 + (10 / 2 / 2 = 2.5)) = -10.5 BtH lean. This part of the toggle is not charging anything. The toggle also charges (15 x 1.1 = 16.5)% Melee in HP cost to attempt a 2-turn -9 MRM DefLoss on the enemy, effective vs all elements, using player CHA/LUK vs enemy CHA/LUK, and a 50% save.
    Novasteel Strike: Pay (40 x 0.85 x 2 x 1.1 = 74.8)% Melee HP to apply Celerity to your pet for 2 turns. Quick-cast, can cast once/turn. Basically this is a clone of Falcon Spirit on Tribal Shaman, but with an HP cost.
    Pulse Core Integration: Toggles on/off (default is on) PCI, this boosts the Berserk from the first toggle as a flavour effect, AKA you still get full benefit from PCI for the second effect of PCI being active, namely that you heal HP = to (PCIBonus x 0.9 / AssumedHits / AssumedHitRate)% Melee after each connected hit from weapon/special/spell/pet/guest attacks. AssumedHits is 6 if you have a guest active, 4 otherwise, and AssumedHitRate is 0.85 normally, adjusted based on how much the effect of the Berserk Wolf toggle is, so if you have it giving the -10.5 BtH lean from above, then it's 0745. So if you have 10 WHz, 2 items with PCI active, a guest active, and the Berserk toggle is on, you'll heal for (5 x 0.9 / 6 / 0.745) = ~1.01% Melee in HP after every hit from the listed attacks. Note, though, that you can only heal from each specific source up to 4 times per turn.
    Shift Gear: Requires PCF to be capped. You now generate [8% of cap] WHz of PCF per turn. You also gain +[cap*2]% chance of your guest Ferociously Striking for 2 turns.
    - First use: +0.8 WHz of PCF per turn, +20% FerSt rate
    - Second use: +1.2 WHz per turn (total: +2 WHz/turn), +40% FerSt rate
    - Third use: +1.6 WHz/turn (total: +3.6 WHz/turn), +60% FerSt rate

    < Message edited by Kamui -- 9/13/2024 21:15:46 >
    Post #: 247
    10/16/2024 13:51:27   
    And Pun-isher


    22nd Anniversary LTS

    Kam says:


    AQ's 22nd Birthday Cupcake

    Gives Wind resistance, paid for via the SPRes section each turn. If a weapon/special/spell attack is attempted in the turn, then you pay the listed SPStts in SP, worth 25% Melee in SP, to attempt a (15 / 1.5 / 2 = 5%) Melee Bleed after each hit, with a -10 penalty to save, and a -(7.06 x MobEleRes x Hits / Attempts) BtH Blind for 2 turns, with a neutral save (+6 MRM is worth 10% Melee, /0.85 since this requires hits, x2 for a 50% save, but /2 since it lasts 2 turns, so ~7.06), uses player's equipped weapon for element. Both of these inflict with WpnMainstat/LUK vs mob END/LUK (the Blind is happening from them shutting their eyes trying to endure the sight of you waving a delicious cupcake in their face, and the Bleed happens from them trying to endure the internal anguish the thought causes them, that makes total sense, right?).

    Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150
    Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
    PowLvl	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	153
    ResSS	-1	-4	-7	-8	-8	-9	-9	-10	-10
    Res	x0.95	x0.8	x0.65	x0.6	x0.6	x0.55	x0.55	x0.5	x0.5
    SPSS	5	18	32	36	36	41	41	45	45
    SPRes	5	18	32	36	36	41	41	45	44
    SPStts	8	11	20	30	42	54	68	84	98
    MCMiscP	9	12	45	307	2421	19466	156879	1264753	6051293
    MCMiscS	4	6	22	153	1210	9733	78439	632376	3025646
    Post #: 248
    10/23/2024 1:48:17   
     formerly In Media Res


    Fungibushi Suitou

    MC Wind misc. Boosts Wind resistance, increases outgoing weapon+spell damage if your foe has Spore, and boosts the damage of Poisons and Spores by +25%.

    Comes with a skill, Sporeburst, that's only useable if the mob has Spore. Skip your turn and consume up to [200% Melee] worth of Spore. At the start of your next turn, gain Element Empowerment. The boost is equal to the eaten Spore value, times the Spore's exponent, times 1.25 (for the above effect), plus 100% for skipping your turn, and then split over 4 turns. That's about +96.9% damage when the full value is eaten. This affects Wind plus any additional elements of the eaten Spores.
    Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150G
    PowLvl	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	153
    Wind%	91	82	70	61	57	56	54	52	50
    +Dmg%	1.03	1.05	1.08	1.09	1.1	1.11	1.12	1.13	1.14
    SP	11	20	33	42	46	48	50	53	54
    Price	44	59	223	1533	12103	97324	784392	6323760	30256458
    Sell	22	29	111	766	6051	48662	392196	3161880	15128229
    AQ  Post #: 249
    11/4/2024 0:34:23   
     formerly In Media Res


    Reign's Memory. Kam says:

    Fire misc, gives +STR, reduces Fire damage taken, and gives a damage bonus vs Burning enemies (on the backend, you're always paying for it, at half value of what the boost would normally cost, but you don't actually get the boost unless the enemy is Burning). Can be clicked once per turn to grant you STR Boost (1/3 the boost of Reaping Gale) and +25% DmgDlt Fire EleEmpow, both lasting 3 turns, at the cost of inflicting you with 3 turns of 25.79% Melee worth of Harm Burn, this can't be cleansed via LUKy Break. The Burn on player gets adjusted also by the same penalty monster Harm attacks would have, so the Lv 150 version is ~12.3% Melee.

    Level	105	120	135	150
    Type	-	-	-	G
    PowLvl	105	120	135	153
    STR	40	45	50	50
    Fire	x0.6	x0.55	x0.5	x0.5
    +Dmg	17%	19%	19%	22%
    SP	56	63	69	69
    MCMiscP	55255	264344	1264753	6051293
    MCMiscS	27627	132172	632376	3025646
    Updated 1st December 2024. Strength Bonus reduced to ~+40 at Lv 150. Harm Burn on Self reduced to 25.79% melee for 3 turns

    < Message edited by Ward_Point -- 12/1/2024 4:29:22 >
    AQ  Post #: 250
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