Correct; Sila's Staff is outclassed these days. Regarding an element to skip, I'd go with the elemental opposite of whatever is encountered least e.g., Water, since Energy monsters are relatively rare. Even if you can find one, other elements can cover you (NB: With Water, you may want to consider Healing Branch given its Healing/Water compression). Not really? Beastmages definitely have a case of 8 slot syndrome given Guests and Spells typically use the same slots. Necromancer is a good option given that it compresses 6 Guests into an armour slot. You can also consider compression spells like Destruction Burst/Fires of Desolation (though admittedly a number of these are $35 Package items...). Same basic idea; If you're going to forego an element, make sure it applies to the one you encounter least.