Bu Kek Siansu
http://forums2.battleon.com/f/fb.asp?m=22420690 quote:
The original requests involved a set of rules, and those rules are there for a reason. Sticking to them is not a matter of not releasing any single item with a reduced workload, but the precedent it would set. If players could ask for changes to someone else's ticket item after the fact, or for the production of a variant to satisfy a different aesthetic, it would infringe on the choices of the original gifter and invalidate the rules they had to work with. Further, that would be time taken away from a subsequent release, reducing what can be done for it. We're in dire need of clearing the backlog, not extending it. Additional items are a separate matter for future releases. http://forums2.battleon.com/f/fb.asp?m=22420741 quote:
Aside from the reasons I already explained, there's the matter that the prizes are meant to copy item mechanics, not powercreep the original ones nor make the originals have to get changed in order to keep up with a clone that was made more versatile. http://forums2.battleon.com/f/fb.asp?m=22420748 quote:
The Golden Ticket winners have already had their requested items designed and implemented, and they have already released. That would make it far too late for any of them to ask to instead have another item entirely. There must be misunderstanding regarding your posts. The purpose of this post and this post were for the next an item in 2025 and in the future, NOT to change/exchange/etc an item from 2024. quote:
Would it be possible to make an exception to adjust/improve the ruler from the next 2025 Summer Season of Gifting Top Giftmaster Prizes? quote:
So, would it be possible to exchange from an item to another one from the next 2025 Summer Season of Gifting Top Giftmaster Prizes? http://forums2.battleon.com/f/fb.asp?m=22420739 quote:
http://forums2.battleon.com/f/fb.asp?m=22420604 quote:
Top Giftmaster Prizes Congratulations again to all of our 2024 Summer Season of Gifting grand prize winners! They've earned Golden Dev Tickets to create custom weapon and shield skins, and even better - our generous Giftmasters have chosen to share their prizes with everyone. http://forums2.battleon.com/f/fb.asp?m=22417038 quote:
Custom Weapon or Shield Skin! The top five most generous giftmasters will be awarded a golden developer ticket, redeemable for a custom reskin of one weapon or shield of their choice, subject to the following conditions: For weapons with multiple forms (Melee/Ranged/Magic), only one form may be selected for reskinning. Sir, the purpose is/was to share their prizes with everyone. Why is it limited to only one form to be selected for reskinning? What's the exact reason behind being limited to only one form? We donated together, but it really hurts if it's being limited to only one form. Would it be possible to make an exception to adjust/improve the ruler from the next 2025 Summer Season of Gifting Top Giftmaster Prizes? Custom Weapon or Shield Skin! The top five most generous giftmasters will be awarded a golden developer ticket, redeemable for a custom reskin of one weapon or shield of their choice, subject to the following conditions: For weapons with multiple forms (Melee/Ranged/Magic) may be selected for reskinning. http://forums2.battleon.com/f/fb.asp?m=22420744 quote:
Sir, from my experiences of winning some Golden Tickets, I might/could exchange from an item to another one instead as long as it's not an armor because an armor will take a lot of works /times in order to design/code it. Anything else is doable. For example to exchange from a Weapon to a Spell/Guest/Pet/Misc/Shield instead. My apologies I cannot provide it because some PMs cannot be shared. So, would it be possible to exchange from an item to another one from the next 2025 Summer Season of Gifting Top Giftmaster Prizes?