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Carnax Saga

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10/31/2005 20:46:15   

Drakel Attack

An elite force of Drakel warriors have been dispatched, to Stonerule where they have begun to pillage the ancient temples . No one knows what they are looking for, but we must stop them before Stonerule is destroyed.

Total Monsters Needed to kill: 1,000,000
You can pick up “ Twilly Form ” in the Treasure chest (Guardian Only)

“Robina Hood is a sure shot. You can practice by shooting Drakel Air Raiders!”
“Stonerule is still inhabited, but it’s outskirts are dotted with temples from a grander time.”

For each Drakel Air Raider shot down, you gain a +0.1% BTH boost.

Twilly: Oh no!! Stonerule is under attack from all sides! We need everyone’s help!
Twilly: If you need to be healed I can help you.
“Heal me please” or “Let me handle this.”

If healed
Twilly: There we goes! All healed up!
“Thank you”

The Drakel hid inside massive domed cities long ago to escape a great destructive force. Now some Drakel have left their cities and are searching for something that could help them stop their old enemy if it returns! They won’t let anyone stand in their way. Now let’s save Stonerule!
“Battle the army” will put you against 2 battles of the monsters randomly chosen from the list below.

Level 39 and Below
Drakel Air Raider
Drakel Captain
Drakel Caster
Drakel Enforcer
Drakel Power Scout
Drakel Warrior
Drakel Water Mage
Drakelon Prototype

Level 40+
Drakel Air Raider
Drakel Captain
Drakel Caster
Drakel Destroyer
Drakel Enforcer
Drakel Power Armor
Drakel Power Scout
Drakel Swordmistress
Drakel Warrior
Drakel Water Mage
Drakelon Steam Dragon
Greater Warbeast
Lesser Warbeast

Once the 1,000,000 Drakels were defeated.
You battle:
Level 39 and Below
Drakel Guards ( Drakel Enforcers )

Level 40+
Drakel Guards ( Drakel Destroyer )

Then you fight:
Commander Kragg

Valencia: Well done! We managed to drive the Drakel war party out of Stonerule and saved these old temples from destruction. Something else, too--
Valencia: I found a large supply of rare Azru Stones among the crates that the Drakel left behind. I don't know why they'd have that many, but they're for sale in Yulgar's shop.
Valencia: If nothing else at least he and I will make a little profit from this!
Robina: Whoa whoa whoa there! You're a little quick to jump on the war profiteering bandwagon, aren't you?
Valencia: I wouldn't talk, little girl. I'm a businesswoman deep down... I don't get my kicks swinging on tree branches and scraping by as a petty thief.
Robina: You must feel safe standing all the way over there, with your little "truffle" pet. But I don't have to get anywhere NEAR you to show you who's boss!
Tathlin: Now now, m'Ladies, I didn't journey halfway across the continent to be a referee in a grudge match. I have a feeling that we're not done here...
Valencia: Ah, dear Sir Tathlin, nice of you to join us. Looking more handsome than ever I see.
Tathlin: *heh* Well, thank you. But I'm not here to take sides. I think something is wrong. I first noticed it when I dismounted my steed after the battle ended.
Tathlin: ...A low vibration in the ground at our feet. At first I thought it might just be me, but it's still there. It's not an earthquake...
Robina: Hmmm... you're right! Like something is building up, ready to move... coiling like a snake? I wonder---
Valencia: I don't know about you two, but I'm going to back up.

The Monolith explodes from the ground.

Tathlin: What.... the..... $#*&...... is THAT??
Robina: Not sure, but for some strange reason I want to touch it. Or maybe just steal the nice shiny blue gem.
Valencia: Seems to be some sort of clock perhaps. But the face is segmented and moving. Maybe it's counting down to something?
Tathlin: We're going to need some help understanding this, that much is certain. Let's head back to town.
Valencia: Don't forget to get your very own rare Drakel-made Azru Stone in Yulgar's shop!
Truffle: Meeeep!

The militant Drakel have been pushed out of Stonerule, but their invasion seems to have triggered some new event. That may have very important, and very deadly repercussions.
COMING NEXT… We learn more about this strange object.

As reward you could buy the Azru Stone Gen 2

Typo correction from Miss Bond.

< Message edited by Suikoman444 -- 1/29/2013 3:06:07 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 1
1/26/2006 18:12:20   

Attack on the Drakel Domed City
Isle D'Oriens > Falerin's room > Click on the Time Scroll lying on the extreme left side of the table

We have trailed the Drakel war party who raided Stonerule and seemingly activated a strange clock, counting down to a possibly dangerous event. Time for us to get some answers.

Total Monsters Needed to kill: 1,000,000
You can pick up “ Artix Guest ” in the Treasure chest (Guardian Only)

“Artic Krieger has come with us on this mission . Be careful not to shoot him when you aim at those Drakel.”
“ The Drakel‘s domed cities are normally hidden in mountain ranges. This one, for some reason was not.”

For each Drakel Enforcer shot, you gain a +0.1% BTH boost.

Twilly: We tracked the wily Drakel back to their domed city! We need you to help fight and get to their leader!
Twilly: If you need to be healed I can help you.
“Heal me please” or “Let me handle this.”

If healed
Twlly: There we goes! All healed up!
“Thank you”

The Drakel hid inside massive domed cities long ago to escape a great destructive force. Now some Drakel have left their cities to search for something that could help them stop the old enemy if it returns! A Drakel war party activated a strange “clock” in Stonerule. We need to find out just what it means…

“Battle the army” will put you against 2 battles of the monsters randomly chosen from the list below.

Level 39 and Below
Drakel Air Raider
Drakel Captain
Drakel Caster
Drakel Enforcer
Drakel Power Scout
Drakel Warrior
Drakel Water Mage
Drakelon Prototype

Level 40+
Drakel Air Raider
Drakel Captain
Drakel Caster
Drakel Destroyer
Drakel Enforcer
Drakel Power Armor
Drakel Power Scout
Drakel Swordmistress
Drakel Warrior
Drakel Water Mage
Drakelon Steam Dragon
Greater Warbeast
Lesser Warbeast

Once the 1,000,000 Drakels were defeated.
You battle:
Level 39 and Below
Drakel Guards ( Drakel Enforcers )

Level 40+
Drakel Guards ( Drakel Destroyer )

Then you fight:
Commander Kragg

Kragg: *huff huff* Thank the Creator! I managed to escape those meddling humans at last!
Kragg: Now I must regroup with my special Drakel War Council and figure out our next move!
Kragg: Gah!! It's one of the humans' ghastly pets!!

Truffle flies in.

Truffle: Mep! meeep!
Kragg: Please!! Spare me!

Valencia and Galanoth walk in.

Valencia: Truffle, come over here before this ugly guy's bad breath makes you faint!
Truffle: Mep? meeeeeeeeeee...!
Kragg: Gahhh! I am trapped! I beg you, please spare my worthless existence!! I promise to never again lay waste to one of your hairless-ape villages!
Kragg: Really, I do!
Galanoth: Suuurrre. I only believe you when you don't say anything, Kragg.
Valencia: You have some questions to answer!
Kragg: Okay, anything! Except for top-secret secrets.
Valencia: I don't think so. Here's how this is going to work: we ask, you answer. You don't answer, you get thrown into the Pit without that big flamethrower on your arm.
Kragg: Um.... can I have a day to think about it?
Galanoth: I suppose so... you can spend it in the Pit.
Kragg: Nevermind. You were saying--?
Valencia: Question one: why did you raid Stonerule in the first place?
Kragg: My special Drakel War Council thought we might find a valuable clue to our past there, since Stonerule is so ancient.
Galanoth: You can't fool us... we know that your past is no history to your kind: it is the rest of us that you keep it hidden from!
Kragg: bah-- you are right. But it is for the better. Some things are better left shrouded in mystery.
Valencia: Okay then, tell us why you had all those Azru Stones with you? And just what is that giant clock-like structure that blew up out of the ground??
Kragg: Our magiscientists discovered the Azru Stones a few cycles ago. They have a mystical property that we don't quite understand fully. But then--
Kragg: --Their magnetic poles were found to point to Stonerule. Something there must have a deep geologic link to the Stones. But we found nothing when we ransacked the place.
Galanoth: Ah yes... that was very nice of you to do, Kragg.
Kragg: There is no place for diplomacy when it comes to protecting our species! My faction of Drakel society believes in doing whatever is needed to preserve our future.
Valencia: Okay. So then what is that clock-like monolith that appeared out of the ground??
Kragg: We have no idea. My best guess is that the Azru Stones somehow caused it to appear.
Kragg: Our Drakel seers have said a "prophet" of some kind will appear in Stonerule, so there is more to come...
Kragg: ...perhaps something dangerous lies in wait. Either way, the best thing for you to do is to keep watch on the Stonerule monolith.
Kragg: .........
Kragg: Can I leave now?
Valencia: I don't know. Galanoth, what do you think?
The Scene changes to the Pit.

Kragg: ........mommy?........

We have gotten a few answers, but are left with even more questions. Make sure you get an Azru Stone from Yulgar’s shop, and the Drakel Flamethrower weapon, then keep watch on the strange monolith in Stonrule and await the arrival of this “Prophet”!
COMING NEXT… Dark Tidings.

As reward you could buy the Drakel Flashers.

< Message edited by whackybeanz -- 12/28/2012 7:50:32 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 2
1/26/2006 18:12:57   

The Undead at the Monolith

You: Okay, so here I am. I wonder if volunteering to watch the monolith was a good idea after all...
You: ............
You: Hehe, nevermind. There doesn't seem to be anything going on here! I actually wouldn't mind a little excitement.
The Reaper: What is that you said?
You: Gah! You're-- you're--
The Reaper: Come now, I can't hear you. Speak up! No wait-- I don't have any ears, so I guess that doesn't make a difference.
The Reaper: Ah well, here is a little something to keep you busy.

You fight 18 battles against the monsters below (Randomly Chosen)

Level 25 and Below
Giant Spider
Lesser Zombie
Sickly Zombie
Undead Knight
Undead Mage
Undead Moglin Knight
Undead Soldier
Undead Troll
Undead Wounded

Level 26-50
Draegan Avenger
Drakath the Undead Dragon
Moglin Fiend
Pygmy Zombie
Skull Swarm
Undead Commander
Undead Giant
Undead King
Undead Knight
Undead Skuller
Zombie Dragon
Zombie Knight

Level 51+
Big Zombie
Drakath the Undead Dragon
Moglin Death Knight
Moglin Ghost
Moglin Phantom
Pile o' Bones (Undead)
Pygmy Zombie
Undead Basher
Undead Berserker
Undead Giant Moglin
Undead Moglin demon
Undead Skuller
Undead Warlord
Undead Wolf Master
Zombie Commander
Zombie Dragon

The Reaper: My my, you are quite resilient, fleshling.
You: Just what are you doing here?? Is this stone clock something YOU made?
The Reaper: Actually, it seems I am here mistakenly. You see, I thought it was time for me to do my "clean-up" job that is scheduled here in Stonerule...
The Reaper: ...but I have come here too early.
You: Clean-up job?? What do you mean exactly?
The Reaper In a while there will be more souls to collect here than I have seen in a long time. THAT'S what I mean by clean-up.
You: Maybe we should evacuate Stonerule.
The Reaper HAHA. Evacuation will only prolong the inevitable. And if there is ONE thing I am all about, it's the inevitable.
The Reaper So, while I'm here, I might as well have a try at collecting your soul. Want to take me up on the challenge?
“Fight the Reaper” or “Flee the Reaper”

If you choose “fight the Reaper” you will battle The Reaper.
If you choose “Flee the Reaper”

You: Uh, no thanks. I'll pass on that for now. Lots of leveling up left to do. Heh.
The Reaper: No skin off my back. Literally. I'll be seeing you, fleshling...

You go back to battleon.

< Message edited by whackybeanz -- 12/28/2012 7:54:27 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 3
1/26/2006 18:13:17   

The Prophet Arrives

Night in Stonerule…

???: It is a long and difficult journey, but at last I have reached the hallowed land of Stonerule.
???: Hmmm…yes… I can feel the vibrations in the fabric of the universe. This is indeed a place of great potent--
???: AND JUST how long have you been here? I wonder??
You: I’m sorry, but I didn’t have much of a choice. I have been watching the monolith for a while now. Just who are you?
Riona: I am Riona Shadowgale, and I have come from the faraway land of Talados to foretell of the Great Scourge.
You: The Great Scourge? That sounds bad. What exactly does that mean, and where is Talados? I’ve never heard of it.
Riona: That’s because Talados NO LONGER EXISTS. Nothing remains, save a few wandering souls. Such as myself.
Riona: It happened when I was a child... before the lands became more united by the growing power of Battleon and its loyal Adventurers and Guardians.
Riona: Talados was a rather remote place, its culture spirited and unique. But unknown to my people, a powerful evil was being nurtured by a secret guild of sorcerors.
Riona: They planned to use this terrible force to conquer the southern lands of the Continent. But before they even fully understood what they had created, it grew beyond their control.
Riona:The THING arose, and tore Talados apart. Most of my people died. Those who lived gave a name to this creature: CARNAX. In your language, this name means "Great Scourge".
Riona: The island of Talados sank below the waves, and Carnax with it, until everything vanished in a whirlpool of dark mystical forces.
You: So you are one of the last survivors of Talados. Why would you come this far just to warn us about Carnax?
You: We were able to decode the monolith's runes and see that it is counting down to Carnax's arrival.
Riona: How did you know of Carnax before today??
You: Our archmage, Warlic, had discovered an evil force here, that existed in some kind of half-formed state. Some of our greatest heroes have been able to defeat it.
Riona: Defeat? Defeat Carnax? I am afraid you do not understand the nature of your enemy, even if you now understand who the enemy is.
Riona: I have not come just to warn you. I would not come just for that. If there was no other reason, it would be hopeless…
Riona: There have been few things of greater importance the survivors of Talados have thought of over the years, than the ultimate way to destroy Carnax.
You: Well that's great! How can we beat him once and for all??
Riona: I said we have been THINKING about it, not that we actually figured it out.
Riona: But I know of a possibility--
You: Oh no-- Riona, watch out!!

The Reaper approaches Riona.
You fight 6 battles against the monsters below (Randomly Chosen)

Level 25 and Below
Giant Spider
Lesser Zombie
Sickly Zombie
Undead Knight
Undead Mage
Undead Moglin Knight
Undead Soldier
Undead Troll
Undead Wounded

Level 26-50
Draegan Avenger
Drakath the Undead Dragon
Moglin Fiend
Pygmy Zombie
Skull Swarm
Undead Commander
Undead Giant
Undead King
Undead Knight
Undead Skuller
Zombie Dragon
Zombie Knight

Level 51+
Big Zombie
Drakath the Undead Dragon
Moglin Death Knight
Moglin Ghost
Moglin Phantom
Pile o' Bones (Undead)
Pygmy Zombie
Undead Basher
Undead Berserker
Undead Giant Moglin
Undead Moglin demon
Undead Skuller
Undead Warlord
Undead Wolf Master
Zombie Commander
Zombie Dragon

Riona: As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted, there have been rumors that the rock beneath Talados-- which crumbled when the island fell into the sea--
Riona: --may possess a powerful magic force that could weaken Carnax.
You: That's great, but like I said, our mightiest warriors have been able to keep Carnax at bay so far.
Riona: You still do not understand what you are up against. The Carnax you have been fighting is only a GHOST, an AVATAR. It is only a fraction of Carnax's true strength
You: So what are--
Riona: I'm sorry, I must go now. There is something I must do. When the time comes I will send for you.
Riona: Take this as a reward for your help so far.

Level 25 and below
Treasure Chest

Level 26-50
Big Treasure Chest

Level 51+
Treasure Hoard

Riona: I will not let the fate of Talados befall your lands....
Riona: ...I will do whatever it takes. But you must promise to do the same...

Riona vanishes and you go back to Battleon.

< Message edited by whackybeanz -- 12/28/2012 7:57:23 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 4
1/26/2006 18:13:36   

The Prophet’s Secret

You: It's been a while since the Prophet came along. I wasn’t quite expecting someone like Riona Shadowgale, though.

Moon Called walks in.

Moon Called: Ah, there you are! I wasn't sure where to find you.
Moon Called: A messenger came to town, sent by someone he never got a good look at. Said the person was wearing a red cloak.
You: Could it be?? She said she would send for me-- What was the message?
Moon Called: You are to go to the foot of Mount Furrowald as soon as possible. The messenger said it was of "dire importance"!

After a day’s Journey you come to Mount Furrowald…

You: Prophet! I am here, as you asked!

Riona appears

You: Whoa, that was fast! You hide very well.
Riona: Yes, I suppose I do. The Talados survivors have become very good at hiding.
You: But why? Why have you stayed away from the rest of civilization so long? Why did you not warn us long ago of the possible return of Carnax?
Riona: Because-- we never knew when, or where it would happen. We HAVE tried to warn those who could do something. But we were always looked upon as storytellers.
Riona: How could we prove that we were from an island nation that had kept to itself so long? When Talados was destroyed and sank into the Sea, very few of your people felt our loss.
Riona: I-- I have someone you should meet.
Riona: Danail--?

Danail comes out.

Danail: Yes, Mommy?
Riona: This is my son. We have been traveling together for 5 years.
You: Alone? Just the two of you?
Riona: Yes, mostly. Sometimes we meet up with other survivors of Talados. For special occasions, such as anniversaries of the Great Scourge, or special discoveries one of us makes.
Riona: And, well, births. A new Taladosian is always important.
You: You are a people without a homeland, wandering around for decades now. Why not all build a town together?
Riona: Then-- then we would lose our past very quickly. Our identity would be swallowed by the world, by trade. Don't you see?
Riona: If we remain as nomads, our children will know and remember all that we teach them of our past. They will not lose our memories, the memories we pass down to them.
You: Your children should know more of the world than just what Talados was like, and how it was destroyed. Don't you think that is a dark, sad view of the world??
Riona: No. I do not.
You: Well, I can't tell you how to raise your child. So, remember when you said that you may have found a way to stop Carnax?
Riona: Indeed... Carnax may have a weakness. You see, the warriors of Talados had not even hurt the terrible creature.
Riona: It was only when the island began to collapse in to the sea that Carnax began to weaken. For so long my fellow survivors and I did not understand why...
Riona: But I heard several days ago that the Drakel had been mining a special stone from the southern coast. I tracked some of these stones to a shop in your hometown.
Riona: The shopkeeper, a burly man named Yulgar, called them Azru Stones. They looked just like a mineral deposit that was common in Talados.
Riona: But these stones had been polished by decades beneath the waves. I believe that if each of your warriors carries one of these stones into battle, Carnax can be weakened.
You: Weakened? You mean, you don't know of a real way to actually stop Carnax? Just weaken him?
Riona: It will give your lands more hope than we had in Talados.
Riona: We---- had none.
Danail: Mommy, I am getting that bad feeling again... Can we go now???

Zorbak appears.

Zorbak: Mehehehehe!!!! I see that this is going to be like taking candy from a baby for someone as ebil as me!!!!!!

You fight 6 battles against the monsters below (Randomly Chosen)

Level 25 and Below
Giant Spider
Lesser Zombie
Sickly Zombie
Undead Knight
Undead Mage
Undead Soldier
Undead Troll
Undead Wounded

Level 26-50
Draegan Avenger
Drakath the Undead Dragon
Moglin Fiend
Pygmy Zombie
Skull Swarm
Undead Commander
Undead Giant
Undead King
Undead Knight
Undead Skuller
Zombie Dragon
Zombie Knight

Level 51+
Big Zombie
Drakath the Undead Dragon
Moglin Death Knight
Moglin Ghost

You: Zorbak! Why are you attacking us with your undead minions?
Zorbak: Well, I was hoping to get the bounty that the Reaper put on this woman's head! But YOU had to go and ruin my fun! Bah!
You: What? A bounty-- on your head, Riona-- and set by the Reaper himself??
Riona: I can explain that quite easily, my friend. You see, I am one of the last survivors of a land that was destroyed by the cataclysmic release of Carnax.
Riona: We-- the last of the Taladosians-- are all supposed to be dead. Already.
Riona: It is no wonder that Death's physical presence itself is stalking us.
Riona: Thankfully, our children-- my son Danail included-- are not natives of Talados.
Zorbak: *ahem* This is all very emotional, but I should be going... We will meet again! meheheeeee!
Zorbak: AAKKK!

Zorbak falls down the mountain.

Riona: Thank you for helping me again. You always seem to be in the right place at the right time! I am sure we will meet again. Until then, take this as a little reward.

You get 2 chests, picked randomly from the list below.
Level 25 and Below
Treasure Chest
Potion Treasure Chest
Rare Treasure Chest

Level 26-50
Big Treasure Chest
Potion Treasure Chest
Rare Treasure Chest

Level 51+
Treasure Hoard
Potion Treasure Chest
Rare Treasure Chest

You: She disappeared! She should be a Ninja instead of a Prophet!! Well, time to go. I'm going to need to make sure I have an Azru Stone, and train a lot!

Even as you return home, you cannot help but remember the haunting look in the boy’s eyes. He is wise beyond his 5 years, but feels sadness for an entire civilization. He must be so lonely, with only countless hours of stories about a land he will never see, and a monster you hope he never does…

< Message edited by whackybeanz -- 12/28/2012 7:59:41 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 5
1/26/2006 18:14:28   

The Prophet’s Son

You can pick up, up to 5 potions from a bag here.

You: The crystal hand on the monolith is glowing! Ever since it first exploded out of the ground here in Stonerule it has seemed steady.... something must be getting ready to happen.

Riona appears.

You: Riona! It's good to see you. The hand on the stone clock just started to glow!
Riona: I know. This thing is not a clock, though.
You: What do you mean?
Riona: It is what could be called a "Focus Nodule". I just spent a few hours consulting with your wizards Warlic and Jackel Sano.
Riona: They are both very familiar with the Ethereal Realm, the place that exists between the world we see and the world we cannot see.
Riona: THAT is where Carnax has been this whole time, since he vanished into the sea along with my homeland of Talados. But, you see, I am not here to tell you that…
Riona: I also learned something-- more frightening than I could have ever imagined. It concerns my son, Danail, whom you met before
You: Can you take your hood off? I can barely hear you.
Riona: Of course. But pay no heed to my emotions...
Riona: You see, I cry now not because of the violence which is about to befall you and your friends, but out of self-pity.

Riona cries.

Riona: Right now, my son awaits my return in our makeshift home in a cave on Mount Furrowald...

Scene changes to Danail in the cave, with Carnax appearing behind him.

Riona: Warlic told me that in order for a Focus Nodule to appear in our world, there needs to be someone who can anchor it here by sheer force of their belief.
Riona: And for the five years of my son's life, I have instilled in him countless hours of tales about our lost homeland of Talados, and of the horror that was Carnax.
Riona: I-- I gave my child belief in the terror of Carnax... a belief not tempered by the experience of having lived through it... His innocence became a pure place where Carnax could--

Scene goes back to the monolith.

Riona: So it was my son, his knowledge of the monster, and the belief I instilled in him, that has given Carnax a foothold in the world once again!
Riona: This-- horror-- that is about to unfold-- is my fault!
You: No, don't say that! It wasn't--
Riona: You will never understand the guilt that I feel... I must leave now, back to my dear Danail! I feel the Reaper returning with his minions again--
You: Go now, hurry! I will hold them off!
Riona: Be sure to get an Azru Stone from the shop as soon as you can! The stones will help you-- but there is something more that I can do. I will return!

Riona leaves.
You fight 6 battles against the monsters below (Randomly Chosen)

Level 25 and Below
Giant Spider
Lesser Zombie
Sickly Zombie
Undead Knight
Undead Mage
Undead Soldier
Undead Troll
Undead Wounded

Level 26-50
Draegan Avenger
Drakath the Undead Dragon
Moglin Fiend
Pygmy Zombie
Skull Swarm
Undead Commander
Undead giant
Undead King
Undead Knight
Undead Skuller
Zombie Dragon
Zombie Knight

Level 51+
Big Zombie
Drakath the Undead Dragon
Moglin Death Knight
Moglin Ghost

You get 1 chest, picked randomly from the list below.

Level 25 and Below
Treasure Chest
Potion Treasure Chest
Rare Treasure Chest

Level 26-50
Big Treasure Chest
Potion Treasure Chest
Rare Treasure Chest

Level 51+
Treasure Hoard
Potion Treasure Chest
Rare Treasure Chest

You: The Reaper just won't give up on trying to take Riona!

The monolith starts glowing more than before.
You: Oh no-- that can't be good! Now the whole thing is glowing!

Scene changes back to the cave.

Riona: I'm here now, Danail, I'm here for you. I want you to know that whatever happens now, I will love you forever... I promise you that.
Danail: He's coming, Mommy. He told me that he's coming...very....soon...

You go back to Battleon.

< Message edited by whackybeanz -- 12/28/2012 8:02:46 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 6
1/26/2006 18:15:54   

Carnax Rises
Travel Map > Sail East > Stonerule > Speak to Artix > To Stonerule! > Take a closer look... > The Carnax Saga Cut Scenes OR The Last Stand > Carnax Saga Scenes

You: The monolith is glowing faster than ever... Something is going to happen soon, I can feel it!

At Mount Furrowald.

Danail: He's coming now, Mommy!! I'm so sorry I ever talked to him, I'm so sorry--
Riona: It wasn't your fault, my dear. I should have-- I--- shhhhhh, my son, shhhhh...... He will not hurt you. I will not let him hurt you.
You: Uh-oh--- this is it!

The monolith explodes.

You: C--C---C---- Carnax???

You battle Carnax: Tentacles.

You: Was-- was that it?? I can't believe it, I defeated Carnax!!
You: I did it!!! I am going to be the greatest hero in all of Lore!!


You: Ohhhhh… no… not again!

“To War”

Skip directly to MegaPrime's dialogue below.
Accessible ONLY by using the Time Scrolls in Falerin's room at Isle D'Oriens, 2nd to the left from where he stands.

Carnax was a powerful monster created by a sorcerer’s cult They lost control of the beast and Carnax destroyed the island nation of Talados. And vanished into the sea with it.

“Galanoth. head of the Dragonslayers, can absorb punishment from Carnax with his heavy armor.”
“Vampireslayer E has put off his vampire slaying to help battle Carnax”
“The water elf Aquella fights to protect her coastal home.
“Robina Hood snipes at the beast from a distance.”
“The paladin Artix Krieger fights Carnax’s evil with his holy might!”
“Warlic is one of Lore’s greatest wizards.”
“Captain Rhubarb has given us many supplies for battle!”

Twilly: Oh no!! That big ugly-wugly is stomping around everywhere.! We need your help now!!
Twilly: If you need to be healed I can help you.
“Heal me please” or “Let me handle this.”

If healed
Twlly: There we goes! All healed up!
“Thank you”

From the treasure chest, guardians can pick up the Carnax Blade and you can pick up, up to 5 potions from the bag.

Guardians can also do little side events.

Shoot Carnax

Robina: Welcome to the Stonerule battlefield, where we are fighting the gigantic and powerful monster Carnax!
Warlic: I have magically charged some arrows for you to shoot at Carnax from afar! They should be strong enough to pierce his evil hide. Just click on the targets when they light up.

You now get to shoot arrows at Carnax.

Robina: Great shooting! Those arrows definitely let Carnax know we mean business!!
Warlic: If you hit more than 30 of your targets you will get a special reward! If you hit less than 30, you will get a lesser reward.

If you hit more than 30:
Level 25 and Below
Treasure Chest

Level 26-50
Big Treasure Chest

Level 51+
Huge Treasure Chest

If you hit 30 or less:

Level 25 and Below
Small Treasure Chest

Level 26-50
Treasure Chest

Level 51+
Big Treasure Chest

1 on 1
You fight a full HP Carnax.

When you click battle, you have the option to bring Artix, Galanoth, E or Aquella with you.

Now what parts of Carnax’s massive body do you want to attack?

Choose LOW to fight his arms and legs, or choose HIGH and ride on the wizard Jackel Sano’s ice platforms and fight Carnax’s upper body.
“Battle HIGH!” or “Battle LOW”

Monsters possible to fight.
(Level 40 and lower fight weaker versions)

Carnax: Head
Carnax: Right Shoulder
Carnax: Left Shoulder
Carnax: Back
Carnax: Tail

Carnax: Right Arm
Carnax: Left Arm
Carnax: Right Leg
Carnax: Left Leg

At about 50% HP depletion
Prophet vs. Carnax

MegaPrime: Halt your thunderous movement and turn your fetid breath away from me, foul beast! NOW you shall feel the power of a level 110 warrior as I smite you into oblivion!!

Carnax squishes MegaPrime

You:Ouch! I guess MegaPrime will need to go see Twilly. Once he makes his way back here from the other side of the planet, that is...
Jackel Sano: This battle is not going so well! More and more of us are dying, and for some reason Carnax has an innate ability to repel our most powerful spells!
Jackel Sano: Yet we are still able to chip away at him with less powerful attacks. If we do not defeat him soon, he will reach other towns and trample them into nothingness!
You: Riona Shadowgale- the Prophet! What are you doing here-- with your son??
Riona: My son needs to be here in order for my plan to work...
You: What plan?
Riona: You shall see.Wizard, I will need your help.
Jackel Sano: I will do as you ask, Prophet. But you should know that nothing we have thrown at the great beast so far has done more than scratch him.
Riona: Danail, please wait with one of these heroes. I must go now.
Danail: Yes Mommy... I'll wait for you!
Jackel Sano: Just what is it you had in mind, dear Shadowgale?
You: I'm with you, Blackhawke.. time to take a little rest before jumping back into battle!
Blackhawke: Hehehe. Rest?? Watching a child is just about the farthest you can get from rest.
Riona: The blindfold is need to help me focus. You see, I have realized that there is a psychic link between my son and Carnax.

Riona puts a blindfold on.

Riona: This is the beast's greatest weakness. To sever the link, I must reach back, far back, into the very soul of my lost homeland.
Riona: I will use the special bond that exists between a mother and child as my anchor as I build this focus, then use it to RIP Carnax out of my son's soul!
Jackel Sano: ……..
Jackel Sano: Very well. If nothing else, that is one thing we haven't tried against this brute yet.
You: It looks like this is it-- Riona is about to do whatever it is she's planning. Maybe the child shouldn't watch--
Danail: No, I want to see my Mommy!
Blackhawke: You heard the boy.
Riona: NOW, wizard!

Jackel creates an ice bridge and dodges a shot from Carnax.

Jackel Sano: Good luck, Prophet!
Riona: That wasn't very nice...
Riona: The power within the Azru Stones builds... the time to strike is now!

With the power of the Azru Stones. Riona charges at Carnax dodging shots and then attempts to counter a laser with her power. Carnax loses about 20% of his HP and Riona dies.

You: Oh no... Riona....
Jackel Sano: She has died. A side effect of her actions, it seems.
You: Many of us manage to cheat Death, but Riona was one of the souls that Death was looking to collect.
Danail: Where is my Mommy, Mr. Hawke?
Blackhawke: Sh-- she is, uh-- she had to go away for awhile. (I think I'm going to need a little help with this one...)
Jackel Sano: Shadowgale has done what she intended. Her son is freed from his bond with Carnax, and the beast is weakened. And so there is only one thing left for us to do--

    Skip directly to Carnax is dead dialogue.

    Once Carnax’s 275,000,000 HP is depleted…

    You fight Carnax
    “See Carnax fall”

    Carnax collapses violently.

    CARNAX: I've failed you, my Master...death has come, my nightmare ends.
    CARNAX: I can rest, finally...rest...you can't reach me now.
    CARNAX: ……..

    Carnax’s eyes close and he turns to stone.

    The Great Scourge of Carnax is now defeated , and the beast's massive body has become entombed in a cocoon of rock. Stonerule can now be rebuilt.

    A kind family of married villagers, unable to have children of their own, have volunteered to take young Danail into their home as their own.

    Something tells you the story of Riona Shadowgale, the Prophet who helped save the world from Carnax is far from over…

  • Carnax Eye (10)
  • Carnax Eye (40)
  • Carnax Eye (65)
  • Carnax Eye (80)

  • Carnax Fighter
    You return to Battleon.

    Links from Stephen Nix.

    < Message edited by whackybeanz -- 12/28/2012 8:05:24 >
  • AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 7
    1/26/2006 18:16:48   

    The Prophet Returns

    Travel Map > Sail East > Stonerule > Speak to Artix > To Stonerule > Take a closer look... > The Return of Riona Shadowgale!

    Ghost: Do you see me?? If you do, come closer. I need your help-- you may be my only hope!
    Riona: I am Riona Shadowgale.
    You: The Prophet who came to warn us that the Great Scourge Carnax was awakening?? B-but you sacrificed your life to break your son's psychic bond with Carnax!
    You: If it weren't for you we would have lost the battle! You-- YOU DIED!
    Riona: Yes. And that is why you can see right through me now. Listen to me, for I do not know how long you will be able to hear my voice...
    Riona: I am trapped in a place I can only call Nowhere. In order to escape, Death offered me a quest. I was to collect Death's lost hourglasses...
    Riona: ...but as I went about this task, I found that Death was never planning to live up to his end of the bargain. Death had also given a task to another newcomer to his realm:
    Riona: CARNAX! Carnax was sent after me, to prevent me from fulfilling my goal and collecting the hourglasses. Now the beast has me cornered.
    You: How can I help you? You're trapped somewhere that I can't get to!!
    Riona: Ahh, just use your imagination.
    You: ......
    Riona: That's right... all you need to do in order to help me.. is DIE.
    You: Hehe. Sorry, but I will need to think this over... Give me 80 years and I will get back to you.
    Riona: You will be able to return to life, I promise you! It is only I who Death is trying to keep from leaving. My entire race was nearly destroyed by Carnax long ago.
    Riona: I have been cheating Death ever since. I am one of the last survivors of Talados, so Death sees me as a prize to keep. But I NEED to escape this place, and be reunited with my son!
    You: Well...okay. But I hope you're right! So how do I go about dying, anyway?
    Go let that little creature over there kill you.
    You: ..... okay.

    You fight Rock Man.

    If you win.

    Riona: What are you doing back here? You are supposed to let the monster kill you

    Riona: Go back and try again! Or if you don't want to enter Death's Lair and try to save me, you can go home.

    You can fight Rock Man again or go back to Battleon.

    If you lose.

    You: Whoa... this place is eerie. Something about it seems familiar though.
    You: AAAHH!! Y--you're Death, I suppose?
    DEATH: Welcome to my domain. You owe me some favors, and I have a task for you. Listen carefully to my instructions.
    You: I-- sorry to interrupt you, but I'm not here for myself. I'm here for someone else.
    DEATH: Huh? What do you mean? No one ever comes here unless I want them to!
    You: Well, I think if you check your list, if you have one, that you'll see my death today was unscheduled.
    DEATH: Hmm... wait right here.
    You: Heh... I'm not going anywhere.
    You: This is ridiculous. I'm used to politics, but there's even red tape to deal with down here!
    You: This is worse than waiting in line at the DMV (Department of Mounted Vertebrates)!
    You: Finally! You kept me waiting forever.
    DEATH: Ahem... "Forever" is a relative term in this place, friend. Anyway, I DID find your name on my list, but then I checked it twice, and saw that you are in fact EARLY.
    You: Well, good! Where did you learn that "checking it twice" trick? I heard that somewhere before...
    DEATH: One of my mentors, with considerably more flesh, a bushy white beard and better clothing once taught me that.
    You: So, can I start looking for my friend now?
    DEATH: Well, what friend might this be?
    You: I don't think I should tell you that.
    DEATH: Okay then, have it your way. I will show you 8 portals you can use to search my domain.
    You: Great! Let's get started!
    DEATH: You must first find a portal to a cemetery, then find a portal to a dungeon. The odds are stacked against you, just the way I like it!

    [Death does tell you what to do, but it is a little ambiguous. What you need to do is find the Cemetary portal and do that one. Then try another portal. If that portal is NOT the Dungeon portal, you must go back and do the Cemetery portal again, then try a DIFFERENT portal. You must find the Dungeon portal immediately after doing the Cemetery port. They must be done one after the other. Icemaster Yeti 21 January 2007]

    You then reach the 8 portals.

    Each Portal takes you to a different element.

    Darkness Portal
    You: Wow, I never would have expected to find something like THIS in Death's lair!

    You will fight one of these monsters:

    Level 25 and Below
    Evil Eye
    Sickly Zombie

    Level 26-50
    Undead Mage
    Zombie Knight

    Level 51+
    Elder Vampire
    Skull Swarm
    Vampire Warrior

    Ice Portal
    You: I should have packed some warmer armor...

    Level 25 and Below

    Level 26-50

    Level 51+
    Snow BunnyZard
    Rock Man

    Water Portal
    You: *glub* *glub glub*

    Level 25 and Below

    Level 26-50

    Level 51+

    Fire Portal
    You: Anybody have a nice cool glass of lemonade?

    Level 25 and Below

    Level 26-50

    Level 51+
    Ultra Akriloth, Dragon

    Light Portal
    You: Aww, I hate it when I get sand in my potions!

    Level 25 and Below

    Level 26-50
    Glow Worm

    Level 51+
    Bright Sunray
    Cyclops Chieftain

    Wind Portal
    You: What kind of crazy things would want to live up here???

    Level 25 and Below
    The Bloatt

    Level 26-50

    Level 51+

    Earth Portal
    You: How does that one fairy tale go, about the big bad wolf--?

    Level 25 and Below
    Werewolf Warrior

    Level 26-50
    Alpha Werewolf
    Werewolf Warrior

    Level 51+
    Alpha Werewolf
    Werewolf Warrior

    Energy Portal

    Level 25 and Below

    Level 26-50

    Level 51+
    Energy Dragon

    Eventually you’ll pick the right combination. If you are impatient, highlight the box below:


    The Cemetery portal is the bottom portal on the right. The Dungeon portal is the second portal to the left of the Cemetery portal (the next portal closest to the bottom of the screen after the Cemetery portal).

    You: So much for resting a bit! I'm beginning to wonder whether I will EVER find Riona again!
    Riona: Wonder no more...
    Riona: I am here.
    You: Riona! Thank goodness-- now we can get out of here!
    You: ..........
    You: How do we get out of here?
    Riona: Simple. We fight and defeat the ghost of Carnax.
    You: Oh.
    Riona: I know, it is a daunting task. I wish I could say something to raise your spirits.
    You: Hehe. LOL
    Riona: ??????
    You: You said "Raise your spirits".
    Riona: *smiles politely*
    You: Where do we find the ghost of Carnax?
    Riona: Right now he has gone to replenish his energy in the hourglass of Kerylon. He left that creature you just defeated to keep me here.
    You: How are we going to beat him though??
    Riona: Now that you are here, I am able to draw on your mental energies and charge up my own powers. I will help you fight him!
    You: Sorry, one more question: How can Carnax be INSIDE an hourglass??
    Riona: It's a BIG hourglass. Come, we've no time to waste-- the portal is this way!

    You fight Ghost of Carnax.

    Now you’re back at the body of Carnax.

    You: Unbelievable! I'm back here again! But I don't see anyone else...Did I just do all that for nothing? Or was it some kind of dream??"
    Riona: It was a NIGHTMARE...
    Riona: ...But from now on, my life shall be a dream!
    Riona: I am back in the world of the Living, and at long last I see a smile on my son's face!
    Riona: And it is all because of you! Thank you, my friend!

    Riona Shadowgale and her son Danail are reunited, a family once again.

    The Ghost of Carnax remains trapped in Death’s lair. But despite that Carnax found relief in his own death… Many heard the beast’s last breath: “I’ve failed you my master… My nightmare ends… I am free.”

    And so a mystery remains.

    Who is the master of Carnax, if Carnax destroyed the civilization that created him long ago?

    You go back to battleon.

    Image thanks to Scakk.

    < Message edited by whackybeanz -- 2/16/2013 7:30:43 >
    AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 8
    6/17/2006 22:32:54   

    Thanks to Pae and Mogster

    Gain access to The Last Stand > The Story > More Story * 3 > First Meeting with Maxwell and Morgan

    Enter the Portal

    You: Whoa…
    You: Where am I? Something about this place is familiar though…
    You: Actually, A LOT is familiar about this place. Wait a second! This is where Battleon SHOULD be!!
    You: As soon as I jumped into that portal, all the buildings just disappeared!!
    You: Did -- did I do that?? Did I just destroy town!?!?
    You: Okay, I have two choices. Sit around here for a while and see if anyone else shows up, or go out and find someone else by myself!
  • Wait here for a while.

      You: Well, for now I will wait.
      You: mmm… getting tired…I should go lay down somewhere.
      You: Ahh… morning already. I guess I had better start searching.
      You: Now, where do I go first?

  • Go search for others.

    • North
    • South
    • East
    • West

    You: Hmm…something makes me feel like I should go check the east side again…

    You: Another one of those portals! This one is different somehow… I can almost SEE something inside --

    Level 25 and Below
    ??? (Weakest version)
    Level 26-49
    ??? (Middle version)
    Level 50 and Above
    ??? (Strongest Version)

    You: What on Lore could that have been?? I think that this place is where Battleon USED to be, so I think I traveled to the future, or to the past.
    You: Since there doesn’t seem to be any evidence that a town was once here, maybe it’s more likely I traveled into the PAST! But how did that portal appear in the first place?
    You: And why?? And what was that THING that tried to kill me???
    You: Uh oh, the portal is back again! Wait… this one is more like the first one. I can’t see anything in there… I hope it goes back home!
    Jump In! (Takes you back to Battleon)
    Explore More! (Takes you to the following)

    You: There must be more here than just that portal. If I DID travel into the past, then that means that not only is town missing, but EVERYONE I knew here is missing too!
    You: This could be very bad... I don't have any idea what to do or where to look. Maybe I should have jumped in that portal when I had the chance.

    Level 25 and Below
    Giant Spider
    Huge Rat
    Level 26-49
    Young Minotaur
    Level 50 and Above
    Forest Demon
    Sneak (25)

    You: Looks like the local wildlife knows I'm here-- I'd better go somewhere else!!
    You: Okay, now I should be safer out here. I need to figure out how to track down one of those portals so I can get back to my own time!

    Level 49 and Below
    Drone (10)
    Level 50 and Above
    Drone (10)
    Drone (40)

    You: Wow!! What was THAT thing? The Drakel have some crazy technology, but that thing definitely didn't belong here in the past!!
    You: I remember overhearing Warlic talk to someone at the Inn about portals... what was it that he said--?
    Warlic: There are threee types of portals that a wizard can learn to manipulate. They are: Dimensional; Spacial; and Temporal.
    Warlic: Dimensional portals can transport someone from one dimension to another. The portal between here and the Ethereal Realm is one of them.
    Warlic: Spacial portals can move someone or something from one place to another, within the same dimension. I can teleport myself from Battleon to Lolosia, or elsewhere.
    Warlic: And Temporal portals are for travel through Time itself! Time portals are the hardest for any wizard to master. Because of that, they are very rare.
    Warlic: Time portals most often appear due to circumstances beyond any wizard's control, and can often be by-products of Dimensional or Spacial portal creation.
    Warlic: Each kind of portal has its own dangers. Dimensional portals might transport someone's spirit but leave their body behind.
    Warlic: Spacial portals might send you to the bottom of an ocean or the inside of a mountain. But the problems one might have with a time portal can be the worst....
    Warlic: If you travel through time, you might forever alter the present by changing something in the past. Those with evil intentions might also use time portals to wreak havoc.
    Warlic: I always recommend to any young wizard to NEVER attempt to create a Time portal... they are for use only in extreme circumstances, and if no other tactic works...
    You: Someone must be messing around with Time!! This could be worse than I thought.

    Level 49 and Below
    Drone (10)
    Level 50 and Above
    Drone (10)
    Drone (40)

    You: Not another one!! I need to get out of here now and tell Warlic about this!
    You: Another portal! This one doesn't seem to have anything wanting to come out. Maybe it wants me to go in--

    Jump In!

    ???: hooo huuu.... uoooy eeeera nii roof ti woon!!!
    You: huh what??? Have I seen you somewhere before?
    ???: .........
    ???: xxaan raack?
    ???: eeeyyaaassss!!!!!!
    Morgan: Yah beat those up pretty bad.
    You: What is this place??? Who are you?!
    Morgan: My home. If yah don't like it, yah can try and spit-shine the whole thing. But yah won't get far.
    Maxwell: Hollow is NOT going to like that you broke his security drones...
    You: Those little flying things?
    Maxwell: Yeeeeahhhh.
    You: But they shot at me!!
    Maxwell: Are you DEAD? No? Well then... that about settles it. Hollow won't like it one bit.
    You: Okay, can we slow down a little? I don't even know where I am. First I was in Battleon, with Yulgar's Inn, Warlic's shop, the Guardian Tower... then a weird portal showed up--
    Morgan: Let me guess-- you JUMPED IN.
    You: Well, I ADVENTURE for a living. You see some mystical portal and you jump in. It's what I do.
    Morgan: Didn't anyone ever tell yah that if yah see something that de-materializes yer body and flings you across time and space, that yah DON'T just dive in without asking questions??
    You: ......... Point taken. Your hair is PINK, by the way.
    Maxwell: Ahem. Rule number 2: Don't make fun of the girl with the BFG. What's done is done. You're here now. So you hopped in this portal, found yourself where? In the past?
    You: I looked around and found another portal, but a giant monstrous arm tried to pull me in. So I beat it back until that portal closed.
    Morgan: I feel for yah-- I HATE giant monstrous arms!
    You: Another portal showed up and I decided to keep looking around a little more. That's when those flying drones came after me. The next portal I saw took me here!
    Maxwell: From the looks of things, you are from our past.... maybe hundreds or more years ago. The portals you've been so casually hopping around in are time portals.
    Maxwell: We're not controlling them, but chances are the next one you see will be back to your own time. Those drones you saw went crazy and escaped from our mechanic, Hollow.
    Maxwell: You look to me like an experienced warrior of some kind, and we could use your help. There is one more robot that got away. He's somewhere in this junkyard.
    Maxwell: Tell you what... you go that way with Morgan to look around for that robot, and I will go this way. Help us get him, and we'll help you find that portal back home.
    You: Deal!
    Morgan: Let's go! Oh, by the way, anyone ever tell yah that yah dress funny?

    You have the choice to get Left, Up, or Right

    Level 25 and Below
    Evil Eye
    Level 26-49
    Dastardly Gloop
    Demon Cat
    Level 50+


    Level 49 and Below
    Junkbot (20)
    Level 50-79
    Junkbot (50)
    Level 80+
    Junkbot (80)

    Morgan: woooooohoooooo! Now THAT was some fine BOT-KICKIN'!!!
    You: Okay, Maxwell, I did what you wanted.
    Maxwell: That you did! Good job. Now let's find you a portal home....
    You: Before we do that, I have a question. Just why are all these time portals popping up everywhere? From what I know, hardly anyone can control them.
    Maxwell: You got that right. NO-ONE can control them that we know of. In the past, where you're from, MAGIC is extremely powerful.
    Maxwell: That's the only thing we know of that can even HOPE to control time portals. But here, in your future, Magic is all but gone. Very few people know its secrets.
    Morgan: So we think something REALLY BAD is happening right under our noses. Someone-- or something-- has gotten a lot of magical power in OUR TIME.
    You: Well, if you ever need help, just send someone back to my time to get me. I'll be ready.
    Maxwell: Morgan, why don't you go back to the past with our new friend here? A little time-recon might help us figure out what's going on!
    Morgan: Sweet!! I'm ready to ROCK!!

    Before long, you find a portal back home. Something tells you that things are just getting interesting...

    You then return to Battleon

    < Message edited by whackybeanz -- 12/28/2012 8:31:59 >
  • AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 9
    6/23/2006 23:34:37   


    It all began a year ago, when a giant monster was reawakened...

    Twilly: Oh no's!! Who are these strange people? And what are these ugwy monsters??
    Twilly: If you need to be healed I can help you.

    If you choose Heal me please

    Twilly: There you goes! All healed up! Good luck fighting!!

    “Jess, assassin from the future”
    “Maxwell, one-time prince of a future Stonerule”
    “Robot Drone 262”
    “Hollow, cybernetic mechanic”
    “Morgan, elite shock trooper”
    “Cor-Demi, alien from another world”

    Guardians can pick up an potions to make their amount of potions equal to 5.
    Guardians can pick up Weather Controller from the chest.

    You can choose to go into battle against the Carnax Spawn with some help or by yourself!

    With Artix!
    With Aquella!
    With Robina!
    With Galanoth!
    With Morgan!
    With Warlic!
    By Yourself!

    The Spawn of Carnax are attacking all over the world!
    The three areas that are being attacked most heavily are Battleon, the seaside town of Lolosia, and the mountain Kingdom of Stormfallen. Where will you fight?

    Level 19 and Below
    NaxTrooper (5)
    CarnZard (2)
    Carnis Minor

    Level 20-49
    NaxTrooper (25)
    CarnZard (18)
    Carnis Secundus

    Level 50 and Above
    NaxTrooper (50)
    Greater CarnZard
    Carnis Major

    Level 19 and Below
    NaxTrooper (5)
    CarnZard (2)
    Carnis Minor
    Aquanax (10)

    Level 20-49
    NaxTrooper (25)
    CarnZard (18)
    Carnis Secundus
    Aquanax (30)

    Level 50 and Above
    NaxTrooper (50)
    Greater CarnZard
    Carnis Major
    Aquanax (55)

    Level 19 and Below
    NaxTrooper (5)
    CarnZard (2)
    Carnis Minor
    C-Rex (20)

    Level 20-49
    NaxTrooper (25)
    CarnZard (18)
    Carnis Secundus

    Level 50 and Above
    NaxTrooper (50)
    Greater CarnZard
    Carnis Major
    C-Rex Supreme

    After 2,000,000 Spawn of Carnax are killed...

    The last monsters of the attacking horde are found where Stonerule once stood. You hurry there to fight them and join up with the warriors from the future!

    Level 29 and Below
    C-Rex (20)

    Level 30-69

    Level 70 and Above
    C-Rex Supreme

    Maxwell: You did it!! I hate to tell you, but this isn't over yet... the person who caused this attack is still on the loose!!
    Morgan:: Yeah, on the loose in the FUTURE! Back in our time, the future, a crazy mad scientist is making these monsters!!!
    Maxwell: It looks like those creatures are related to a giant monster called Carnax, who first appeared in YOUR time.
    Maxwell: So this mad scientist must have somehow taken some DNA from the Carnax monster into the future with him.
    Morgan:: You and yer friends know the Carnax monster's weaknesses, so we could use yer help back in the Future!! Are yah ready to help kick some more monster butt?!?
    Maxwell: Grab one of Hollow's Weather Controller weapons first, if you want to.
    Morgan: Allllllriiiight!!! Here comes another portal. This is our ticket to the Future.

    You could now buy Hollow's Weather Remotes from a shop.

    Maxwell: LET'S DO THIS!!


    < Message edited by whackybeanz -- 12/28/2012 8:46:02 >
    AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 10
    4/13/2008 1:37:32   
     formerly In Media Res


    Fight for the Future!

    «Scene: A ruined city in the future»

    1,000 years into the future. Although much of the magic has gone from the world, Peace at last has come to most of the kingdoms, realms and nations.

    Finally the technology of the more advanced races spreads among all others and is used not for war, but to build and make life better for millions upon millions.

    But this would not last... Not because of greed or jealousy, but because of a terrible evil that would arrive from another time, known only as the Hordes of Makkisar, with only one goal in mind--

    --to gain total control of the world of Lore, and recreate it to suit every desire of the dark and twisted mastermind who brought his evil into a once glorious future.

    Only one force remains that can hope to stand between the Hordes of Makkisar: A group of the best and brightest who call themselves simple-- The Order.

    You have traveled through time to help them battle the Horde of Makkisar, only to find that a large enemy force waits in ambush!!

    It all began a year ago, when a giant monster was reawakened...

  • The Story
  • To Battle!
  • Carnax Saga Scenes
  • The Return of Riona Shadowgale
  • Back to Town

    Twilly: I reawwy shouldn't have jumped through this portal with you! But at least I got got these kewl future-shoes!!
    Twilly: If you need to be healed I can help you.
  • Heal me please.
    Twilly: There you goes! All healed up! Good luck fighting!!

    Anna: Hello, my name is Anna. I'm an orphan-- my whole family disappeared during the first days of the Makkisar Horde's attack.
    Anna: Jess and Hollow found me and saved me from a C-Rex and a Carnis Minor. They took me back to the Hatch and I met Maxwell, who has been like a big brother to me.
    Anna: He treats me special... not because he feels sorry for me. It's because I have this power... I can sense things. Thoughts and feelings.
    Anna: Sometimes I know when the monsters are coming! This time I missed them, because the time portal opened up and blocked out my ability for a while!
    Anna: I'm happy Maxwell is back, but now we're trapped!

    «Guardians can obtain The BFG from the chest»
    To Battle!

    «You can obtain Artix, Riona Shadowgale, Robina (Wind), Captain Rhubarb, Morgan, or Warlic as guests»

    After 1,500,000 enemies were defeated

    1 BATTLEMorgan: We finally drove back their ambush!! Now let's get to the Hatch!!
    Maxwell: Once we're safe inside the Hatch, we'll be able to plan our next move. You'll also be able to look around and even buy some stuff from Hollow!

    Shamelessly copy-and-pasted off UltimateAQ.com.

    < Message edited by whackybeanz -- 12/28/2012 9:00:54 >
  • AQ  Post #: 11
    4/15/2008 0:20:48   
     formerly In Media Res


    The Last Stand

    Travel Map > Sail East Twice > The Devourer Saga > Mount Thrall > Pod 1 > Relive the Battle to Save the Future! OR Battleon Inn > The Devourer Saga > Mount Thrall > Pod 1 > Relive the Battle to Save the Future!

    «Scene: A ruined future city. You can skip to the War Camp at any time.»

    1,000 years into the future. Although much of the magic has gone from the world, Peace at last has come to most of the kingdoms, realms and nations.

    Finally the technology of the more advanced races spreads among all others and is used not for war, but to build and make life better for millions upon millions.

    But this would not last... Not because of greed or jealousy, but because of a terrible evil that would arrive from another time, known only as the Hordes of Makkisar, with only one goal in mind--

    --to gain total control of the world of Lore, and recreate it to suit every desire of the dark and twisted mastermind who brought his evil into a once glorious future.

    Only one force remains that can hope to stand between the Hordes of Makkisar: A group of the best and brightest who call themselves simple-- The Order.

    You have traveled through time to help them battle the Horde of Makkisar. The Order has been planning a final strike against the Horde of Makkisar for days now... Little do they know that the evil master of the Horde has been creating his own secret weapon, which he is about to unleash upon The Order, hoping to destroy their resistance at last!

    «Scene zooms in, and Carnax breaks out of a building. Scene shifts to Anna, Hollow, and Maxwell.»

    Anna: Oh no!!! It's the sorceror, and it looks like-- like--
    Maxwell: Yeah-- like big trouble for us! Anna if this actually is HIM-- the real Carnax-- do you think--?
    Anna: I don't know, Maxwell. I may need help-- and even that might not be enough!
    Hollow: Maybe it's time to break out my INVENTION, Max...
    Maxwell: Even your Assaultmecha might not be enough to fight THAT!

    «Scene zooms in to Carnax's head. Makkisar appears.»

    Makkisar: AT LAST! With the sorcerors of Talados I created Carnax over a thousand years ago! And with technology of the future I have resurrected him in the flesh!!
    Makkisar: My time has finally come. Now, I will crush The Order, and along with them, the last hope of this world to challenge me! Now, Carnax: DESTROY THEM!!
    Carnax: YEESSS, MAAASTERR....
    Anna: Carnax?? It's ME, don't you remember?
    Carnax: ........ DIIIIEEEE!!!!
    Anna: Don't you remember-- TALADOS? Don't you remember the survivors of your rampage? How you lived on in our memories, and nightmares---
    Carnax: ..........
    Anna: Do you remember my ancestor Riona Shadowgale? Her son, Daneil, formed a psychic link with you that was so strong it became your greatest WEAKNESS.
    Carnax: THE--- THE BOY.... YESSS.
    Anna: The boy believed in you-- in your legend-- so MUCH that it helped awaken you from your long slumber. But your legend haunted him... and his nightmares never ended.
    Carnax: .........
    Anna: YOU, Carnax... were a nightmare for the survivors of Talados. YOU, Carnax, are a monster now and forever. WHY-- Why would you let the one who MADE you this way...
    Anna: Why would you let Makkisar make you KILL AGAIN? You can end the nightmare, Carnax... only YOU...
    Carnax: oooohhh nooo... I-- I-- CANNOT! NOT AGAIN... NOT EVER AGAIN.
    Makkisar: What is this insanity?? YOU are MINE to command!!! You will do as I say, and lay waste to these fools!!
    Carnax: NO.
    Makkisar: WHAT???

    «Carnax shakes Makkisar off»

    Hollow: This doesn't look good, Max...
    Anna: No, something's happening! My amulet--

    «Anna's amulet starts glowing»


    «Carnax's eyes glow»

    Anna: The hearts of Talados--? But what-- Oh my.. he means the amulet! ALL of the amulets! Every survivor of Talados had one, and passed it to their children down through the years.

    «Arcs of lightning shoot out of Carnax, with one hitting Anna's amulet.»

    Anna: Carnax is dividing his spirit across all the Hearts of Talados in the world!! He's------------ Killing Himself!!

    «Carnax's body arcs with lightning, and glows white»


    «The glow intensifies»

    Carnax: IT--- IS--- OVER!!

    «Carnax disappears in a flash of blinding light»

    Anna: It-- it's over. Carnax has split his spirit among dozens of Heart of Talados amulets, spread around the world. No-one can EVER bring him back from the dead again.

    «Scene shifts to the top of a nearby building. Makkisar appears.»

    Makkisar: It is NOT over, my dear... On the contrary, the Horde of Makkisar is still mine to command. Now that you are out in the open, I can destroy you myself!!

    «Zooms in. Makkisar waves his staff»

    Makkisar: Horde of Makkisar-- ATTACK!
  • Battle!
    Old Image
    It all began a year ago, when a giant monster was reawakened...

  • The Story
  • To Battle!
  • Carnax Saga Scenes
  • The Return of Riona Shadowgale
  • Return to the Hatch
  • Back to Town

    Twilly: I reawwy shouldn't have jumped through this portal with you! But at least I got these kewl future-shoes!!
    Twilly: If you need to be healed I can help you.
  • Heal me please.
  • Let me handle this!
    Twilly: There you goes! All healed up! Good luck fighting!!
  • Thank you!

  • Morgan, elite shock trooper
  • Cor-Demi, alien from another world
  • Maxwell, one-time prince of a future Stonerule
  • Hollow, cybernetic mechanic
  • Robot Drone 262
  • Jess, assassin from the future
  • You must be a Guardian to refill your Health potions from this bag.
  • If you become a Guardian and open this chest, you can use Morgan's Overcharged BFG pulse gun!
  • Anna, a mysterious psychic girl
      Anna: Hello, my name is Anna. I'm an orphan-- my whole family disappeared during the first days of the Makkisar Horde's attack.
      Anna: Jess and Hollow found me and saved me from a C-Rex and a Carnis Minor. They took me back to the Hatch and I met Maxwell, who has been like a big brother to me.
      Anna: He treats me special... not becuase he feels sorry for me. It's because I have this power... I can sense things. Thoughts and feelings.
      Anna: I am descended from the Taladosians, a race of people who have psychic powers. My ancestor Daneil Shadowgale had a special connection with the Carnax monster...
      Anna: --and since the Horde of Makkisar are creatures made with Carnax's genetic material, Maxwell thinks I have a hidden pwoer that can help stop them!!

    To Battle!

    Full heal after every other battle, and after the last battle.

    Morgan: That was it!!! We destroyed the last remnants of the Horde! YEEE-HAAAA!!
    Anna: The Horde of Makkisar may be gone... but Makkisar is not!
    Maxwell: THERE! On top of the old Calidon Building! Is that him? He looks different--

    «Truth stands on top of the building»

    Truth: Do you not recognize me??

    «Truth turns into Makkisar»

    Makkisar: I have not travelled through time and dedicated every minute of my life to conquering the world for NOTHING! I will NOT be beaten!!! I will NOT!!!!!!!!!
    Makkisar: Come to me!!! I shall destroy you myself!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Fight!!!

    1 BATTLE

    Makkisar: Now... you shall feel my true wrath! I have the last of Carnax's essence... His pure power and purpose shall be mine to use, and mine alone!!

    «Makkisar breaks the vial, and absorbs the essence. He glows, and disappears.»

    Morgan: This doesn't look good.... What do yah think, Jess?
    Jess: I think Makkisar didn't just disappear for good.... Hey-- where's Maxwell??
    Hollow: It's not like him to run away.

    «Maxwell enters in the AssaultMecha»

    Maxwell: I think NOW is the time to break out your Assaultmecha, Hollow. I’ll use the jump-jets to get to the rooftop. Who wants to help me fight him??
  • Fight Makkisar with Maxwell
  • Fight Makkisar by yourself

    Full Heal
    1 BATTLE

    «Makkinax turns to stone. Enter Anna and Maxwell.»

    Anna: It's over! The last of the sorceror's forumula is gone along with him, and Carnax's spirit is now divided among all the Heart of Talados amulets.
    Maxwell: Finally we can start to rebuild. We'll make the world just as beautiful as it was before the war began. Before you go back to your own time, I have something for you...

    SHOP: The Future
    Assault Mecha

    Maxwell: I hope you like it! If I recall my history classes, you'll have more than enough chances to use it against some powerful enemies!

    «A portal appears»

    Anna: There's a portal back to your time! Amazing-- it's as if Time itself knows you're ready to go home. Goodbye, Hero, and thank you!!
  • Goodbye!
    Monster List
    Level 0-19
    CarnBorg Prototype (10)
    Carnis Minor (15)
    Fountainax (13)
    Lesser C-Rex (20)
    Piconax (7)
    Rookie NaxTrooper (10)
    Sickly CarnZard (5)

    Level 20-49
    Amateur NaxTrooper (30)
    Aquanax (33)
    C-Rex (40)
    CarnBorg v1.0 (25)
    CarnBorg v2.0 (40)
    CarnZard (30)
    Carnis Secundus (35)
    Nanonax (32)

    Level 50-69
    Advanced CarnBorg (55)
    Carnis (55)
    Greater C-Rex (60)
    Greater CarnZard (55)
    Hydronax (53)
    Micronax (57)
    NaxTrooper (50)

    Level 70+
    C-Rex Supreme (80)
    CarnBorg 2000 (70)
    CarnZard Defender (80)
    Carnis Major (75)
    Maelstronax (73)
    Minax (82)
    Perfected CarnBorg (85)
    Veteran NaxTrooper (70)

    To Battle!

    After Makkisar appeared with the reincarnated Carnax, we thought we didn't stand a chance. But the new Carnax kept something Makkisar didn't count on: his conscience. Carnax destroyed himself, leaving Makkisar and the last of his Horde. The time has come for the final battle!

    After 800,000 enemies were defeated

    «Dialogue as above»

    1 BATTLE1 BATTLEThanks to whackybeanz and UltimateAQ.com. Updated monster list by In Media Res.

    < Message edited by whackybeanz -- 12/28/2012 9:05:11 >
  • AQ  Post #: 12
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