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Meet the ArchKnight: Radagast

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11/15/2006 9:00:03   
Legendary Knight of Order

Welcome one and all! For anyone who doesn’t know how these work, Check here for an idea.

Things to know:

1) I do not answer personal questions such as “Where do you live?”, “How old are you?” or “What do you look like?” Questions about my hobbies and interests are fair game though
2) I would appreciate it if you kept the number of questions within reason. (ie, no posts with more than 20 questions)
3) No sigs, please.
4) My responses shall be much like this
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 1
11/15/2006 9:13:01   

1. Do you have a job? If so, what is it?
Does student count?

2. What state do you live in?
Suffice to say that I live in the United States. I don't like to get much more detailed than that

3. What games do you play besides AQ?
Various PS2 games, such as Battlefront 2, Kingdom Hearts, Soul Calibur, and various Final Fantasy Games

4. What's your favorite restaurant?
Fast Food: Burger King, Non-fast food: Either Outbacks or a Mongolian Restaurant

5. What's your favorite song/band?
Tough call there. I'll give you fair warning and say that I'm a fan of country music. My specific favorite...maybe Rascal Flatts

6. What's your favorite movie?
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi

7. What did you do when you found out that you had become an AK?
Well, I couldn't stop grinning for some time...

8. Why did you choose the forum name that you did?
It matches my AQ character name

9. Who (besides yourself) is your favorite AK/Mod?
Well, I don't really play favorites much. I respect them all equally

10. Do you do any graphic design or digital artwork of any kind?
I draw things and then I color them in Paintshop Pro, if that counts

That's all for now, I suppose. I'll come back with more questions if they arise. Yay, fun.
Fun indeed ^_^

< Message edited by Radagast -- 11/15/2006 11:28:11 >
AQ  Post #: 2
11/15/2006 9:13:58   
Crazy Rare Hunter

Hello Radagast :-)
Hi Evo!

How you doing today?
Well enough. Thanks for asking

So where you a little shocked when you were asked to be an AK?I was.
Yes, yes I was.

Are you a Star Wars fan like me?
Allow me to put it this way, I have most of the dialogue from the original trilogy memorized (I'm still working on the latter trilogy)

Should I stop changing my Avatar , since I change it everyday? ( I am so indecisive )
*shrug* Keep the one that feels right.

What are your hobbies & interests besides this forum and game? ;-)
I'm really into the arts. I love music, visual art and the theatre

Don't you think we need some more light in the Dungeon?
Yes, I can barely see the marks I put in the wall...

Are you a fan of spam? I am getting tired of eating it everyday ^.^
Heh, I was in Boy Scouts. One of my troop's rules was that we weren't official members until we 1) Went on a campout, and 2) Ate Spam. It's alright if it's properly cooked ^_^

Well that's all I got right now , it's still a little early for me.Have fun answering all of the questions you will get , I did.
Ok then. Until next we meet *Salutes*

Waves Bye
*Waves back*

< Message edited by Radagast -- 11/15/2006 13:19:52 >
AQ AQW  Post #: 3
11/15/2006 9:18:00   

Hello. Nice to meet you

are you enjoying akdom?
So far so good.

mac or windows xp?

df or aq?
AQ, though in all fairness, DF doesn't have as many things to do...yet

what is speaker to bugs? lol
Well, my job is reporting bugs...I've also bugged your phone (jk)

favorite food?
Pizza. Is there any other answer?

do you like sushi?
Never tried it. Been meaning to though.

red or blue?

does this mean you get your nerfcat now? or is that mod only?
*Shrugs* I'm a dog person, myself

ciao R!

< Message edited by Radagast -- 11/15/2006 15:16:15 >
AQ  Post #: 4
11/15/2006 10:56:07   

hello person i have never met before, or ever spoken to
Hello, equally unknown person

well what is you favourite clan?
Psh. Like you don't already know.

who is your hero?
In what aspect of my life? I have many heroes.

white, dark or milk chocolate?
Milk chocolate. White Chocolate's pretty good too

hot chocolate or frozen chocolate?
It's chocolate. Who cares if it's hot or cold (Though I do love a good cup of Hot Cocoa...)

why is grass green?
Clearly, it's because it wouldn't make sense for it to be red.

healthy or unhealthy?
I'm healthy, thanks for asking

enjoying your new job?
Very much ^_^


fiz the wiz

< Message edited by Radagast -- 11/15/2006 11:46:11 >
AQ MQ  Post #: 5
11/15/2006 11:36:01   

Yo man, howz things?
Yo! My life's looking fine!

What do you do for fun?
Well, I read, draw, act...

Do you do anything besides that?
Sleep, eat, watch plays...

What's better, chips or tachos?

Linsey Lohan or Hillary Duff?
Er...Lindsay Lohan

That's all!

< Message edited by Radagast -- 11/15/2006 11:48:05 >
DF  Post #: 6
11/15/2006 12:25:11   


when were you asked to be an ak?
Couple days ago. As you can probably tell, I said I'd be happy to be one

what is your favorite movie?
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi

is it mutch better to be an ak?
I get more privilages, but more responsabilities as well. I'm happy with being an AK

thats all

< Message edited by Radagast -- 11/15/2006 12:59:27 >
DF MQ  Post #: 7
11/15/2006 12:38:52   

are u a new AK
Yes, yes I am.

how long have u been an AK for
Couple days now.

< Message edited by Radagast -- 11/15/2006 13:00:21 >
AQ DF  Post #: 8
11/15/2006 12:50:18   

Greetings, Master AK.

Congrats on getting that, by the way. Not really the place I would've expected, but well-deserved nontheless.
Heh, thanks


1. Do you consider yourself creative?
I like to think so. I do some drawing, some acting and write some poetry. So, yes, I'd say I'm creative.

2. What do you often find yourself creating when you have the opportunity?
I draw some. I also dabble in poetry from time to time

3. What do you consider yourself the best at? (Relating to #2)
Nothing. There is always somebody who's better than you. Oh, you mean of the prior question? I think I'm a better poet than an artist.

4. Favourite [Shakespeare] play and why?
Midsummer Night's Dream. It's a great romantic comedy, and it holds sentimental value to me as it was the first play I was actively involved in.

5. Favourite character in that play and why?
Puck. He's just a fun character.

6. What genre of film do you usually go for?
Sci-fi or Comedy

7. If someone you didn't know were to fall over in the street, what would be your first thought and action?
Worried about what happened and try to get them out of the way of any incoming traffic

8. Would it change if you did know the person?
Maybe in the degree of my worry, but I'd expect I'd react in a similar fashion

Hmm, that'll do for the moment. You didn't give me a lot to work on, especially with that "No personal questions" comment.
Heh. There's a reason for that. I value my privacy greatly.

< Message edited by Radagast -- 11/15/2006 13:11:00 >
AQ  Post #: 9
11/15/2006 14:20:02   
Zorbaks brother

Hi radagast.

Are you new?
Yes, I'm a new Ak

How did you become an AK?
I was asked.

I forget,Is it the AK hunt season now?
AKs are chosen as needed. There is no "hunt season" per say.

And VampireHSS is an AK now am I right>

Thats all i can think of for now,Bye.
Ok, bye.

< Message edited by Radagast -- 11/15/2006 14:40:27 >
AQ  Post #: 10
11/15/2006 14:35:38   

Hello Radagast.

i think ive only seen some few times before on the forum when u werent an AK.
Heh, don't worry, I was probably just in other parts of the forum

hows life?
It's good. Things are moving along nicely

hows forum life?
Also good

hows AQ game life?
*shrug* Working on getting Reign and Shadow. Pretty well, I'd say.

u want to hear something funny that happened 1 time on my school?.. il tell it anyway=P
Go on...

on the school we had heard a TV team would come to find some pupils to a new show that would come on TV.
when the TV team came 4 pupils came to them since they were going to be asked questions to see if they were suited for the show, but after some minutes it came an BIG argue between the judges and when it was in the flame point of the argue it all calmed down and the teachers and the pupils got told that they had been tricked and that it wasnt any new show that was comming only a joke so after a few funny sketches (spelling?) the 4 pupils got 1 T- Shirt each as a gift for being asked those questions and all that.
oh and in some months the things that happened there is gonna be on TV for real to show what happened.
Heh. Ironic result

got any pets?
I have a dog

do you know what a Degus is?
A small rodent native to Chilie. Also known as the Trumpet-tailed Rat. Recently became a popular pet.

thats all maybe il find some other questions later.
I look forward to it.

*snuggles Radagast* Bye.

< Message edited by Radagast -- 11/15/2006 14:47:15 >
AQ  Post #: 11
11/15/2006 16:06:13   

Heheh. I remember you. You were quite helpful even before now. ;)
Heh, thanks

Oh course this is just the intro. Just like every AK before, I will "fire away" will all the questions. Rest easy.. For now. ;)
Very well then. I eagerly await your questions

*You took my avvie to by the way :P*

And NOW you change it. >_>
Well, your post had reminded me that I hadn't done so yet.

< Message edited by Radagast -- 11/15/2006 16:34:46 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 12
11/15/2006 16:18:49   
Ninja Paladin
Lost, Wandering Goddess

Radagast is an AK? I always saw you as being a KoO. ^_^

Right, questions.

1. What are you majoring in/plan to major in college?
Right now, I'm thinking Theatre. Of course, that means that in 20 years time, you'll probably find me waiting tables

2. What's your favorite restaurant?
Either Outbacks or a local Mongolian Restaurant

3. Who's your favorite AK?
I don't play favorites. I have equal respect for all of them

4. How, specifically, did you find out about AQ?
Saw a banner and clicked on it

5. What's your favorite TV show?
Eh, various animes, I guess. They tend to have good character development

6. Having fun with your new AK powers?
*laughs evilly* Yes...

7. What's your favorite thing to do in your free time?
I like things involved with the theatre. I love to act.

8. Are you into digital art or any other types of art?
I do some drawing, color it in photoshop. Still trying to master the techniques though.

9. What video game consoles do you own?

10. Have you ever been to another county? Which one (if so)?
I've been to Canada and Mexico

All the questions I have for now. Congrats on the AKship! (/is jealous >.>) :D
Very well then, and thanks ^_^

< Message edited by Radagast -- 11/15/2006 16:41:13 >
AQ  Post #: 13
11/15/2006 17:05:25   


hiyas Rad-a-gasp!
Hi veteran-dog-eeee!

you sound like a strict person in the KoO board, how are you going to break to some people that the bug they posted has been talked about for the past 6 pages and has already made it onto the first post since last month?
*shrug* Edit in the response, Pm, anyway that gets the job done.

what would you do if i did this? *grabs Rad and blows in his face*
The words Wet Willy come to mind...

would you eat greasy foods if it had a sticker on it that says that it had been reduced in fat by 65%?
If I liked such foods, then yes. I grew up on a low-fat system anyway.

how about greasy drinks?
Never did like greasy drinks anyway, so probably not

hmm, i seem to have run out of creative stuff (plus my greasy drink is going hot in the sun)
Ok, have fun with that greasy drink

see ya later in other places, and congrats. soon you will be getting to know how painful it is to mod a board which is frequented by more people than you have met in your entire life ^_^.
Time will tell...time will tell...

< Message edited by Radagast -- 11/15/2006 17:12:50 >
AQ DF  Post #: 14
11/15/2006 17:20:20   


If you were in the world of Star Wars, who would you be?
Probably some character that was never named in the movies, but if I had the choice, I'd be Han Solo, just because I like to say "Never tell me the odds"

Are you going to get the PS3?
Not immediately. Maybe after the price drops.

What are your top 5 favorite movies?
Return of the Jedi, The Matrix, V for Vendetta, Princess Bride, The Producers (2006)

Have you ever pulled a great prank on someone in real life before?
Nope. I've never even tried

Well that's all I have for now, so I might be back later
Ok, see you then.

< Message edited by Radagast -- 11/15/2006 18:57:02 >
Post #: 15
11/15/2006 17:20:56   

'Ello, Radagast!
'Ello there!

How's life been treating you?
Pretty good. Everything's been going well

Which do you prefer out of:

Alien or Predator?
Predator. Gotta love a villain with mandibles

Computer or PS2?
PS2. Allows for more interactive games

PS3 or Wii?
*shrugs* We'll see after it comes out

Final Fantasy or Star Wars?
Now that's unfair. A video game compared to a movie? Unless you meant The Spirits Within. In which case, Star Wars, hands down

Telephone or IM?
IM. You don't have to worry about those troublesome "um" statements

How would you describe being an AK?
It's cool

Since I'm assuming you're in High School, how do you like it?
You assume wrong. I'm a college student. High Scholl was nice, college is better

What's your favourite subject?

Do you think that someone can have more than one "best friend"?
I use the term in a sweeping sense, to describe those closest to me. As such, I would say yes.

Do you like the Elder Scrolls games(if you've played them)?
Never played them. Heard good things about them though

Have you ever heard any Incubus music? Did you enjoy it?
Never listend to Incubus

Well, it seems I'm out of questions for now, but if I come back... *Glares menacingly* Then I'll give ya a cookie :D
Cookie? Where?

Your friend,


< Message edited by Radagast -- 11/15/2006 19:14:30 >
AQ  Post #: 16
11/15/2006 17:54:42   
Outsmarting Bugs

1. Where do you live? :P (sorry, had to get that out of the way)
At my house

2. Do your powers only extend to the bugs forum (assuming that's what your title means) or can you work in other places too?
That is what the title means, but my powers apply to various other areas.

3. Why does the chicken WANT to get to the other side?
It wanted to show the armadillo it could be done

4. Why do people say life is short? Do they honestly do something that takes longer than their life?
Well, if they said life was long, they'd be more inclined to procrastinate

5. How can someone tell if a pit is bottomless?
The same way they tell whether a tree falling in the woods makes a sound or not when there's nobody around to hear it

6. If you were to become paralyzed from the neck down, would you consider selling your spinal cord on E-bay?
No. I've been through so much with it, I couldn't stand to let it go

7. Why do German delis have kosher sections?
Because the kosher delis make money

8. Describe Einstein's Theory of Relativity in the context of 16th century understanding based on Greek and Roman literature.
"You think I'm moving, but to me, it looks like you're moving!

9. Where IS waldo?
Hmm, I don't see him...maybe we should do a google search?


9. Who (besides yourself) is your favorite AK/Mod?
Well, I don't really play favorites much. I respect them all equally

You were excluding me there to be more fair to the others, right? :P
*Whistles nonchalantly*

I guess I'm out for now ;_;

Ah well, TTFN

Your better-friend-than-wolfbane-friend,
Vivi/Geta/ssj4 Gogeta/ssj4 Vivi/phoenixfire555/Bill (you pick one)


< Message edited by Radagast -- 11/15/2006 19:22:35 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 17
11/15/2006 18:27:48   

*appears in a puff of marshmallows*
Hi Mr Radagast!! Hi
What can I call you besides 'Radagast'? I also go by "Rad"
Random question time!
okie question 1, for 1000 dollars and a twily plushie ... what are your current thoughts over the socio-political-economical issues affecting the least fortunate southern countries, their tendence to natural catastrophes, and their relation to pie? The pie is the source of their woes, or rather, their lack of pie is.
question 2, for 2000 gold and a brand new pencil sharpener *cough*lie*cough* ... now we all know that according to basical thermodynamics it is impossible to create a continual movement artifact .. but suppose you were in space where is widely known there is zero gravity, how would you suggest to create this machine? by using only a cat, a shoebox, half a cookie and a chair's leg? Um, I'd like to use a lifeline.
Do you like:
Harry Potter(the books not the movies? Yes
The Inheritance Trilogy(by Christopher Paolini)? Yes
The Darren Shan books(by Darren Shan)? Never read them
The Lord of the Rings(the books), The Silmarillion and The Hobbit? Not so much
Blueberry coffee? No (What? I don't drink coffee
Yoda? Yes
cheese? On pizza, yes
llamas? When they aren't spitting on me
Pie? Chocolate pie, yes
Are you having fun being an ak? Yep ^_^
What is your favourite, chocolate or chips? Chocolate
Mountains? Yep
Fresh air? Yep
Trees? Yep
Monkeys? Yep
Pie? See my last pie response
Pizza? Yes
The color black? yes
Werewolves.. and other creatures of the night? Sure
These questions? *shrugs* There are a lot of them
What's your favorite kind of coffee or tea? Don't drink them
Do you play Neopets? No
Which is better:
Coffee or Tea? Drink neither
Snow or Ice? Snow
Pumpkin or Apple? Apple
Orange or green? Green
White or black? Black
Swiss or Cheddar? chedder
AQ or DF? AQ
Who do you like better; Icemaster Yeti or Falerin(the Loremaster)? *shrugs*, don't see either of them around much, but I respect what they do
Have you ever challenged Mr. Flibble to Mortal Kombat? Not yet...
If you did, who won? See the above
If not, who do you think will win? I think it would be a draw. Mr. Fibble is a tough opponenet
Do you lock a lot? Not yet
Do you gamble? Nope
Do you like blue? Yep
What's your favorite color? Black or Blue
Who's your favorite musician? Rascal Flatts
What is your favourite element in AQ? Fire
What is your star sign? Libra
What do you like doing when you're offline? Anything related to the arts
What music do you listen to? Country
What's your favorite book? Xanth Series by Piers Anthony
What's your favorite movie? Return of the Jedi
Has asparagus ever grown tentacles and attacked you? It will one day...I know it will...
If so, who won?
Have you ever seen the rare White Asparagus? It comes in white?
Do you like your aspragus cooked or raw? Cooked
And with what kind of flavoring? Some salt...
What is your favorite kind of liquid? water
If you could live anywhere where would you live? Eh, I like my current home
How many fingers am I holding up? By the time you read this, none
If you had the chance, would you want to swim with dolphins? Yes
Do you like seafood? Yes
What is your favorite type of food (no junk food + ice cream etc) Chicken
What is your favorite flavor of ice cream? Raspberry
What is your favorite type of junk food? Chocolate
Have you ever eaten a piano? Nope
Do you like the kind of gum made with gum base and blasting powder? It's an explosian of taste! What's not to like?
Do you like gum? Meh, not really
Have you ever eaten a piano? Nope
How do you disable sticky keys? I just alternate shift buttons
Do you like waffles? Yep
How many electrons can the 7G sublevel hold? I didn't think there was a 7G sublevel
What does THIS do? Capitalizing all letters in a word adds emphasis to it (excessive amounts of capitalization, however is regarded as Spam
A plane crashes on the border of Canada and USA, where do you bury the monkey's nuclei? With the rest of the monkey
I have 3 apples, You steal 2, Reens gives me three, LegionOfNoodles is a cow, and likes fat monkeys. How many armpits do I have? The same amount you started with
If Matrix A is an M*N matrix, and Matrix B is an N*P Matrix, how many cow pies am I hiding in my 4th cup of coffee that was recently emptied? 42
Would you like to live under the sea like the crabs in the song "under the seeeeaaa, under the seeeeaaaa" =P It would get annoying, I suppose
Is the glass half full or half empty? Half full
Am i annoying? no comment
what is your favorite element? Fire
What do you feel was the primary cause for intense social cleavages in the Soviet Union from WWII through Gorbachev's demokratization? Bad government
You have 12 marbles, you can use a scale twice, 1 marble weighs more than the others, find the marble using only the scale (two times, and the marbles on them in any order/number/way you like.
(There is a way to solve it.) With 12 marbles, you'd need a third weighing
What is the square root of that thing over there? That tree? The square root is the one on the left
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? As much wood as it could chuck
What is your favourite forum? *Shrugs* I hand out on the KoO board, the OoC room and the Suggestions board
Who is your favourite forumite? Can't narrow it down to just one
What do you wish would be added to the game? Oh, many, many things...
if you could destroy one thing, anything, in any of the world, permanently, what would it be? Bigotry
Hold your tongue and say: I was born on a pirate ship XD Done
Who's the oldest AK that you know of? Dunno. Never ask ages
Do you like monkeys that are red with yellow shirts and come from a planet shaped like a black, green, and purple banana? Well, if they have purple bananas...no
My birthday is tomorrow! Happy Birthday
F33R the power of the keyboard! I fear it not
And... last but not least: What do you think about the fact that any Adventurer with a Fire/Dark Blade of AWE can now summon the Guardian Dragon? Not an issue for here or now.
Byeee! *transforms into a Maraquan Uni and flies off*

< Message edited by Radagast -- 11/15/2006 19:54:01 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 18
11/15/2006 18:39:06   

Hi, How are you today???
I'm fine, thanks for asking

First the hard questions!!!
Who had the biger kingdom the mongols or the huns?

What is the square root of pie?
A slice of pie times itself

what is 11029347287+39857783987573298759375?
A very large number

How long have you been a ak?
Couple days now

Silly questions!!!

Do you like

I like chocolate pie



The food's ok, the kind that appears on the forums is not

Are you a:




Sorry if this is a insult
If none what are you and why
I am one who refuses to be labeled (And behold, my definition is my explanation!)

What clan are you in?
It appears on my profile


< Message edited by Radagast -- 11/15/2006 20:00:50 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 19
11/15/2006 21:12:15   

Hey Radagast

Du u still hav a toy that u luv wen ur little and still luv now (hope that isnt 2 personal)
Kinda. I've had a lion stuffed animal since I was pretty much a baby. Right now, I'm pretty sure it's in storage.

R u a cartoon fan?
Meh, not as much as I was when I was younger. I might watch one or two if I need a chuckle, but I really prefer things with more in-depth plots

Wats Green Gello?
Dunno. Closest thing I can think of is Green Jello, probably lime flavored

Du u support a baseball team?
I'm more into the arts than I am sports. I don't really have a favorite baseball team.

Just got bak from Skool since i liv in NZ so l8ers
Ah, I've heard it's nice there

< Message edited by Radagast -- 11/15/2006 21:34:01 >
AQ  Post #: 20
11/16/2006 1:34:24   

Hi rad! Hello again
so what job do you do when not ak-ing? Student
Where are you from? My home
How old are you? As old as my tongue and a little bit older than my teeth (I repeat, I don't do questions like this)
Do you ever want a vacation from AQ? Not yet
Why and how did you start AQ? About a year ago, I saw a banner and clicked it. Lo and behold, it took me here.
How long have you been playing? A little mor than a year
Approximate age and any family? See above for the age response and my family consists of those I've lived with all my life
Is Artix going to drop another bomb? Where did you hear that?
umm what do you mostly look for in signatures (like how do u guys decides who get creative) Not my job
How did you find out about AQ? I clicked a banner
Are you ever gonna answer? joking... Nope
Are you going to have any class that will be associate with you? aka you be the leader of X class. None come to mind
How did you become a staff member? (I'm not saying i wanna become one because i don't I'm just curious :P)? I'm not a part of the AQ staff. I'm a volunteer for the forums. And I became an AK because I was asked
If you could do one thing consequence free what would it be? (Ex.-Ban every person who didn't like you) *shrug* Never liked the "consequence free" scenarios, as I probably wouldn't try anyway
Rad, do you speak english and leet? English, yes. Leet, no
Simple fun question.... What is your favorite thing you have contributed to adding to the game? Er, I haven't added anything to the game in particular
What is your favourite weapon in the game? Depends on what I'm fighting
Why did you choose the name radagast? It was a character name I already semi-identified with (ie, I've used it before)
What is your favourite thing about AQ? The community
Why do you love snuggling so much? That is for me to know...
How good are you to limbo? (What was I thinking) Pretty good, actually
Do you read often? When I have access to a good book
If so, have any favourite series? I'm rather fond of the Xanth Series by Piers Anthony
can i have a peek in your secrets box??? No. Your mind might not be able to handle the infinite knowledge of the universe
What's your real name? A collection of letters given to me at birth to form a phonetic noise which I have come to identify myself with. (Again, I don't do personal questions)
Is it worth it? (becoming a moderator, taking on all the responsibilities) 1) I'm an AK, not a mod. 2) I like it well enough
What is the best part? (I'm assuming it is getting a chance to give back to the game, and help the community) Pretty much
What do you do, on any given day on the boards? Check the boards I work on, check some I don't work on...
what's your favourite flavor of Pringles? Original
do you think that Shakespeare's macbeth has ANY resemblance to the lion king? Aside from the witches and scottish accents, I can see how the Lion King has similarities to 'the scottish play'
whats you favourite monster to kill on aq? The Seeker. Been trained to kill guardians, but he's so easy to kill
If Artix were unable to continue managing AQ (for whatever reason) do you think you'd be able to take over? If not, who do you think would? Me? Highly unlikely. A member of the AQ Team would do it best
Do you watch Anime? Some
If so which Anime is your favorite one? The one from which my avatar comes from (Naruto)
Is this topic rather annoying for you to have to do? You keep getting some really off the wall questions and are asked the same ones repeatedly. I kinda noticed
Who's turn is it next to be a mod that is met? If I knew, I doubt I would be at liberty to say
What would be your top 3 priorities in this game? Get to a high level, experience all it has to offer, get the uber sets
If there were a chance for you to appear in AQ as a NPC, what do you hope to be? You know, I've never given it much thought.
What do you hope to see in AQ in another 3 years time. *shrugs* Too many variables to say for sure.
Whats your favorite aq quest and weapon? Quest...let me just say "Twilly Punt!" Weapon...depends on the enemy
Who is the coolest non-staff person? I dunno. I have a lot of respect for a lot of people
Are you really as cool as you seem to be? I like to think so
how many hours a day do you play aq? Never timed it
and what equipment setup do you use? My character page answers that
How many countries have you ever lived in? 1
How many languages can you speak? English and a good deal of Spanish
can i have a cookie and 1000M gold? Cookie yes. Gold, I don't have that much to give
What is your most used Armor/Class? Either Paladin or Necromancer.
1: What kind of music do you listen to? Country
4: How do you guys choose the Quote of the Day? Not my job
4. What is the wingspeed velocity of an unladen swallow? What kind, African or European?
5. Where'd you get the coconut? Er, a swallow dropped it!
6. Are you suggesting coconuts migrate? Why not?
Do you own any pets? If so, what are they and what are their names? A dog named Sadie
What state are you in (USA) or what country? I live in the USA, and that's as specific as I wish to be on the matter
" Good news my lady ! Thou noble prince has arrived !" ... " Watch out !! She's got a mace !!" Movie: Stuck on You
i love that movie, but seriously here is my question. Why do u stay as a mod if there is no pay (i least I'm guessing there is no pay)? Don't you need to earn a living for your children? Don't have children. And when you do volunteer work, you don't expect to be paid
how experienced would you say you are in doodling swords, people and animating things? Doodling, semi-experienced. Animating, not at all experienced
Which of the staff members have you met? In real life, none.
If ya should make a guess, how many Danish player do you think is playing on AQ? More than 1
Except translation, where are you currently focused mostly on AQ, Your programming or Forum administrator ? I'm not a programmer, and I'm an AK, not an administrator. My duties are fewer.
have you ever thought of using another name beside smbdoll? and if so, what? When did smbdoll come into this?
Which is your favorite face on the forums? The avatar I used before
Do you like dragons? (I like dragons ^.^) They're giant winged fire-breathing reptiles...What's not to like?
What do you do for fun? Read, draw, act
Did you play any other games before AQ and if so which ones? Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy...
Do you know how many times you've been kidnapped on IRC? Haven't the foggiest idea :)
What is your favorite pet in the game? All shall fear the wrath of my Nerfkitten
Are you violent? Not really
are you a doctor? Nope
are you a dentist? Nope
Do you have a particular affinity to any one AQ element in particular? Fire or wind
Which has been your favorite AQ event? Frostvale
Have you ever talked with any of the other staff members in person before? If yes, what was your impression of them? If no, which one would you like to, if you could? If we count IRC, then I've talked with a couple
Have you ever watched 'Over the Hedge'? Nope.

I'm going to be doing a LOT of these 45+ question thingees. Just warning you.

Please. I specifically asked in the first post that people limit their questions to less than 20. This is the last time I'm answering a list of questions greater than 20.

< Message edited by Radagast -- 11/16/2006 13:14:10 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 21
11/16/2006 2:15:27   

I have never heard of you before!.
Well, you can't know everyone, I suppose

When did you become an AK?.
Couple days ago

Im totally jealous,

Have you ever used photoshop?.
Yep. I color my sketches there

What places are you actually AKing now?.
Bugs, I have my powers here, and a couple other places as well

Not too many questions but bleh...

< Message edited by Radagast -- 11/16/2006 11:59:01 >
Post #: 22
11/16/2006 2:26:54   

Wow no personal question? This is gonna be hard. Ok here it goes.

1) night or day?
Well, it's day now, so let's go with that

2) favorite season?

3)what is your favorite smiley like this =)
More like this ^_^

4)um...ugh! I mean what is your favorite fud(food)?

Thanks for asking these questions.
No problem

Man I have seen you somewhere on the forums I just forgot...
I tend to hang out in the OOC Room, Suggestions Board and KoO Board if that rings any bells

< Message edited by Radagast -- 11/16/2006 12:01:01 >
Post #: 23
11/16/2006 15:24:11   

Hey Rad!
You asked for less than 20 questions. So here is precisely 20 questions.
What came first, the egg or the hen? Define egg. If an egg in this case is defined as having come from a chicken, the chicken would have come first. If its only requirement is that it hatches a chicken, the egg would come first
5. Are you related to Queen Elizabeth? Not to my knowledge, but I am related to Sir Francis Drake
8. If a tree fell in a forest, yet no one was there to hear it, did it make a sound? Yes
13. What's the sound of one hand clapping? I can do this, actually. It's a matter of moving your hand in such a way that your fingers hit the base of your hand. It sounds rather like snapping.
How did you get your job on AQ I assume you mean on the forums, as I don't work on the game itself. I was asked.
What's 74 times 360 over the square root of 65 and 1/2? An irrational number
If you think, therefore you are, how can you be a figment of my imagination, is this some weird group hallucination? If you exista as a dream, you must exist in some form, the source of that existance is unimportant.
Who do you want to snuggle in these forums? That's for me to know...
Did ever met Harry Potter?(Not in movies) Nope
If you saw a Gorilla wearing a goldfish top-hat, riding a bicycle with forty-two thousand Rabid B.U.R.Ps on its face what would you say? Don't fall!
How many people have you eaten? Me? None. My dog on the other hand...
What do you think about London? It's a nice place, but I wouldn't want to live there
Why is the meaning of life 42? Because Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy said so.
If you could be a class NPC, what class would it be for? Dunno. Haven't thought enough about it.
Do you have an iPod? (Thought I'd ask since it seems like 90% of the world has one...) I'm part of the 10% that doesn't
what do you like most about history? The Roman Empire
What's you favorite invention/past and present? Steel
what type of dog do you like most? Labrador Retriever
Who is your favorite female NPC ? Dunno
*Runs away from the nice men with the straight jackets...*

< Message edited by Radagast -- 11/16/2006 17:38:35 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 24
11/16/2006 16:36:17   

Just a minor something that's been bugging me:

Radagast as in the Slavic god, or Radagast as in the LotR character?

Yes. I chose the name with a basic knowledge of both.

< Message edited by Radagast -- 11/16/2006 17:39:09 >
AQ  Post #: 25
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