Tolkienfanatic -> Punt Twilly (6/29/2007 16:24:59)
[image][/image] Punt Twilly Location: Falconreach -> Twilly -> Minigame Prizes -> Enter the correct password -> Open the Shop Contents Twig Punting Hat Twilly Punting Hat Zorbak Punting Hat Dialogue Twilly: Did someone say cake? No cake please!!!!!!! quote:
Note: You can obtain the password by unlocking the secret level of the Moglin Punter minigame. This game can be found at: Password: spoiler:
kthxHat! Pop-up headlines while attempting to open the shop: quote:
Special Moglin Punter Shop Opened! Wrong password! Thanks to Stephen Nix for entry rewrite. Jay for spoiler, pop-up headlines, and corrections.