RE: (You're at page 7, post 162)=AK= Meet the ArchKnight! ~*~*~SiLvErWiNg~*~*~ STORAGE for answering (Full Version)

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Rhowena -> RE: (You're at page 7, post 162)=AK= Meet the ArchKnight! ~*~*~SiLvErWiNg~*~*~ STORAGE for answering (7/25/2007 2:57:21)

OK... Enter the questions of DOOOOOM!!!

1) What was your first thought when you became an AK?
i was excited to be able to actually make some changes to better AQ CR&A and clean up things that needed cleaning and be able to generally help more and not have to pm a mod everytime i needed something (usually Reens. poor Reens)
2) Favorite AQ NPC?
hmm that's tough. all the female npcs look really awesome but i really like magic and mages and thus...warlic :D

i'll have to ponder some more though...

3)Favorite DF NPC?
haha. kinda trite, but C ^_^ he's just really funny. zhoom is kinda cool too just because i've never really seen him before.
4) Favorite of those two?
lol can i pick like five?
5) Favorite cutscene?
carnax war was pretty cool...
6) 2-5 again, but with "least" in front of "favorite"
omg lol.
AQ: hmmm some of those moglins freak me out o.O
DF: not an NPC but that stupid soaring theemis >_<
Soaring theemis.
best cut scene, probably the titans of battleon one :)

7) Truth Seeker or no?
8) If you ARE a Seeker, how much fun do you have doing it?
i like philosophy a lot, but it hurts your head after a while when you discover that all language and thus teh concept of truth was a human fabrication.
9) If no, are you following the in-game parts of the Devourer Saga?
ohhh...that truth seeker...
10) If yes to 8 or 9, thoughts on my sig? (Besides that it looks all pixely)
haha. it's nice :)
11) If yes to 9, how much of it confuses the heck out of you?
lol *is just generally confuzzled*
I'll stop there, so you have time to do other things too. Good luck with your Knighthood!
aww thanks for being so considerate :)

theriot20 -> RE: (You're at page 7, post 162)=AK= Meet the ArchKnight! ~*~*~SiLvErWiNg~*~*~ STORAGE for answering (7/25/2007 3:03:28)

Hello AK SilverWing.

I would like to thank you for locking some of my threads.
No hard feelings.Keep up the good work, someone has to do it.
I will try and stay out of your way as much as possible.

Thanx Again,

aww ^_^ *snuggles* it wasn't ever anything personal. just doin' my job ;) no worries :)

lxllone_wolflxl -> RE: (You're at page 7, post 162)=AK= Meet the ArchKnight! ~*~*~SiLvErWiNg~*~*~ STORAGE for answering (7/25/2007 3:11:27)

*Huggle/Tackle* Hey!! heh so you got this up
as promised ^_^
If i found a way to Capture Pae and give to you as a gift would you move or lock Enchanted BLood of Nalmir thread XD
gekko! :D hmm...only if it violates stuff....

i are serious AK :P cannot be bribed. ooh look! shiny! :D

whats your favorite part about being an ancient AK?
it's nice to be able to see how things have gradually evolved and developed and become so complex ^_^
it's also sad that most people don't know who i am anymore :(

Whats with the AGWing, still dont undertand it?
lol ag = chemical symbol for silver. it was shorter to type and so i adopted it as a nick ^_^
Paper or Plastic?
plaster. i are smrt. s.m.r.t.
Whos your favorite mod/AK/Staff (note: you may choose one of each)
<3 them all :D
whats your ideal day?
wow. that's tough. first, i'd have to find an ideal place (egypt is gorgeous. if you see the nile at sunset, you'll understand the desire to live forever but there are so many places out there so...) and then an ideal person/or persons to spend it with :)
Meat or veggies?
meat :D i is carnivore. i like spam. lol no jk. but seriously, meat is happy.
If you were to own a gekko what kind would it be and the name
gekko :D hmmm...there are kinds to those things? o.O and i'd name it Pi in honor of my favorite gekko ^_^
Laptop or PC?
laptop :D
Apple or Microsoft?
Being an old AK you must have seen many things, what is probably the dumbest thing you can remember happening in the forums?
omg. i remember one time when someone posted a series of very very inappropriate images in the AQ GGD that was basically on the order of porn >_< *is still washing out eyes*
When you first became an AK what was your first thought?
no longer have to bother Reens and Spelly for every little thing :D
Ask me one question....
surely. if you could change any one of the laws of physics/chemistry, what would it be and why? ;)
Hmm.. thats a tough one but i would have to change Hund's rule of maximum multiplicity, i would change it because it stats the more atoms spining at a higher rate the atom becomes more stable. But if this is true how come when there is a large mass of people it becomes unstable? this rule is falty and should be changed, everything is made of atoms and like people when they get to clutterd they become unstable, and thus the atom should become unstable. (and we know what happens when an atom splits or becomes unstable now dont we class ;P)

Thats all good to have you here SliverWing (j/k) SilverWing
aww thanks for coming to visit me ^^


chandler_rulz -> RE: (You're at page 7, post 162)=AK= Meet the ArchKnight! ~*~*~SiLvErWiNg~*~*~ STORAGE for answering (7/25/2007 3:36:36)

hi ^^
gekko? where? o.O
do you play DF
if you do what level
why did you want to become a mod
i just wanted to be able to help out more ^_^ oh, and i'm an AK ;) *points to thread title*
why silverwing
why what?
do you hate me
i don't hate you at all.
what about now
what about now

what about now

what about now

what about now

what about now

what about now

what about now

what about now

what about now
nope. yay for page down button :D
do you like my sig
sure ^_^
do you get paid
nope. slavedrivers :P

jk ^^ please don't hurt meh :P

choose 1 mage rouge or warrior
whats your name
Silver Wing.
AQ or DF
whats you fav food
a lot ^_^
yay! you munched my sig
o.O i did? i can only edit it out actually lol. only mods can munch sigs.
chicken or cow
puppies :D
ick :P
plus turtle equalls...
chimera. a blob. icky :P
like it?
again. o.O
is that annoying
is it

is it

is it

is it

is it

is it

is it

is it

is it
once again yay for page down ^^
see ya
i will be back


Uberdog -> RE: (You're at page 7, post 162)=AK= Meet the ArchKnight! ~*~*~SiLvErWiNg~*~*~ STORAGE for answering (7/25/2007 3:43:32)

congratulationz and good look merging the threads that look to have the same subject[;)]
haha thanks ^^ i thought it was nicer than just deleting them outright. but they do cause some funny readability errors XD

is so not my fault :P

Burn -> RE: (You're at page 7, post 162)=AK= Meet the ArchKnight! ~*~*~SiLvErWiNg~*~*~ STORAGE for answering (7/25/2007 3:52:55)

Heylo and Congratulations (even if it is a bit late and doesnt really count since you got back from retirement o_O)
haha ^_^ always appreciated anyway
How are you?
good and you?
Do you like being an AK?
yeah :) i like being able to help out
Do you enjoy these boards more or the ones when you were an AK previously?
hmm these are fiestier. but i like them both ^_^
Why are you so nice to everyone?
lol aww ^_^ *snuggles* because i like you all ;) shh...don't leak that out :P

but can i quote you on that for those who think i'm awfully mean? :P

Can I call you Silverwing? It is so difficult writing in alternating caps.
lol you can call me whatever you'd like
Do you use IRC?
yup :) you'll find me in #strategy and #dfstrategy and occasionally #battleon.
For these questions, you can say both. ^_^
sweet :D
Kittens or Geckos?
both ^^
Triangles or Sqaures?
o.O geh heptagons :D i is so clevah...
Artix or Cysero?
both ^^
Silver or Wings?
cha! both obviously ;)
Lords or Ladies?
o.O is this a trick question?
Fire or Water?
What would be your familiar? (LB is a kitten, Pae is a gecko...)
hm...never thought of that before. both :D lol that's so not applicable.
because mah brain is empty :P and it's kinda out of order right now...
Where do you come from/live?
What do you do if Flying-Evil-Ninja-Vampire-Monkeys attack you?
pfft :P those things again? well i fortified my walls last week and this week the flying buffalo-squirrels are actually coming in from their training in Idaho...
Guess thats all for now, running a little bit dry.
haha ok ^^
Bye Byez *snugglez*
bye! ^_^ *snugglesback*

Thunda -> RE: (You're at page 7, post 162)=AK= Meet the ArchKnight! ~*~*~SiLvErWiNg~*~*~ STORAGE for answering (7/25/2007 4:08:21)

Please respond. No-one answered my last post...
aww :( did you ask too many questions maybe?
Anyway... start with the default... what is it like being an archknight?
hokay ^_^ it can be a lot of work, but it's always rewarding to get feedback that people appreciate what you're doing to keep the forums clean of junk, etc... :)
Isn't the female equivilent of Knight nowadays Dame? Like, they do the same things?
XD haha. Winged ArchLady of NH/DF...
Do you think seeing as DF, AQ and MQ are equal opportunities games, there will be things like... I dunno... archdame?
lol well considering that the armor in AQ is still unisex....:P
'Cause that sounds weird.
i agree


Why not?


Whyest haveth thou taken my cake? Eth.
:O i so did not! slander! libel!...blasphemy! i don't even like cake o.O
going shakespearean on me? ;)
Y'get it? 4, four, soo=500 in leet...
......o.O lol
Eh. It wasn't much of a joke.
haha. it took me a while :P
It wasn't a joke at all.
sure it was
Are you even going to answer my statements?
:O :P ye of little faith
Art I ought to be offended?
hark! thine questions shine like the light of the east.

what were we talking about? o.O

Why art I talketh like Shakespeare?
only ye, good sirreh, could answer such a dilemma.
Shake spear.

Why doth thou not talkest like Shakespear?
doth thou question me, sirreh?
Urgh... all the old-timeyness is making me sick.
XD me too
*throws up* BLEARGH!
ick *hands you large paper towel*
Got... to... go...
*throws up again*
o.O sorry that you're allergic to me.

SypherX -> RE: (You're at page 7, post 162)=AK= Meet the ArchKnight! ~*~*~SiLvErWiNg~*~*~ STORAGE for answering (7/25/2007 4:10:14)

Hi there !!!!
hi ^_^
How long have you been playing AQ..?
since...back in 2004? back when the graphics were absolutely amazing XD yeah...i miss the old times lol
Pie or Cupcake?
Cool name..
thanks! ^_^
How long have you been playing DF?
since beta on and off. and since three weeks ago, when i actually made a semi-serious char :D
Pie or Cupcake?
You happy that your an AK?
i'm always happy to be of any help that i can ^_^
Pie or Cupcake?geh? *hands you both* all yours

Deucalion2 -> RE: (You're at page 7, post 162)=AK= Meet the ArchKnight! ~*~*~SiLvErWiNg~*~*~ STORAGE for answering (7/25/2007 4:47:58)

Is this statement false?
only if the one above it is true
raspberries and peaches
Do you want a Sneevil servant?
Are you going to become a character in DF?
haha. i'm just an AK ;) i'd say that you've got as good a chance as i do ^_^
Why isn't Cysero in AQ yet? Does he die later on in the DF Storyline?
lol uhh...i dunno? T_T
What colour are Artix's underpants?
o.O why would i know that?

(they're spotted :P)

2+2=5! Is this true, true, or absolutely bonkers?
Type pi to the nearest 10 decimal places.
Are they RuStY SiLvErWiNgS, or BrOkEn SiLvErWiNgS?
neither :P they are perfectly functional thank you.
Stumpy or Shellack?
o.O geh?
Zero or Hero?
How many legs do 568 spiders have if half of them are missing half of their legs?
lol....568 * 4
Kitens, Geckos, or Cinders?
kittens and gekkos and puppies :D
Do u wuv yur teddi bear?
surely ^_^
Do u wuv me?
surely ^_^ lol
Is Red and Fiery the new look?
*flips through the vogue - btw, first time i've ever done that :P no sarcasm* uhhh sure?
Knock Knock!
who's there?
How long have you been playing DF?
about three weeks XD
Chickencow or Spiderpig?
How you ever considered calling yourself ArGeNtWiNg, after the Roman word for silver, argentum?
XD haha nice...i type ag for shortness sake. but feel free to call me that ;)
Explosive or Incendiary devices?
esplody stuff? o.O
Is Cysero mad, crazy, or insane?
he's just awesome ^_^
If you could kill one DF NPC, who would it be?
...stupid...soaring...theemis >_< (not an NPC i know...but....i wouldn't kill any of
Do you have the Unlucky Doom Weapon of your class?
nope :( too busy on here to farm for essence lol
Will you support my Ultimate weapon Poll?
i've already voted every day ^_^
If a tree falls with no-one to hear it, does it make a sound?
sound is a human invention and thus nothing truly makes "sound". the vibrations of the inner ear drum will trigger, letting us know that the tree has fallen. but lack of knowledge does not mean that the event did not happen. thus, it made a sound, but since that is a human conception, perhaps to some animal it did not.

but since i'm speaking a language, and language is a human conception too, who the heck knows? :P

Which came first, the chickencow or the egg?
i did :D i is teh ancient o.O
Can I stop asking questions now?
please do ^_^

Jrr Kein -> RE: (You're at page 7, post 162)=AK= Meet the ArchKnight! ~*~*~SiLvErWiNg~*~*~ STORAGE for answering (7/25/2007 5:08:13)

OMG!!!! Silverwing + AK = Awesoness ^_^.. 15 questions of ebil
aww ^_^ ask away
1. Do you have any staff dragon chow?
lol i'm not staff, so nope.
2. Why your username with CAPS ^^;?
because i'm cool like that :P no when i made the account i think i was just messing around with it for no reason at all.
3. Do you play AQ?
yup ^_^ i have a lvl 106 char. it's on the legends list; it's been there for a long time i guess o.O
4. Why the DF mod aren't titled Archknight and archkitten instead =(
lol uhh...because we're lazy? and AKs are like mods but only on certain forums. so mods can have whatever titles they want; they're not AKs ;)
5. Do you think this question is ebil
6. When do you become a AK
lol read the story in my first post ;) about two years ago...
7. What's your avatar represent you and why you choose it was just pretty and i liked it ^_^ and it was one of the only ones that had anything slightly resembling wings in it...
8. Does Albert Einstein's brain is been sliced or cut to cube shapes?
gosh o.O i hope not. poor guy...give him a break!
9. Do you have a DA account?
nope >_<
10. Do you have guardian account? (ignore this question if you dont have one)
yup ^_^
11. Do play pokemon pearl
12. Which AK (archkitten) mod you like?
all of them ^_^ we're one big happy family
13. What does Archkitten means xD?
XD = very very funny
14. 5000x1000+1000 equals?
15. Do you like me or hate me [:(] please don't hate me?
of course i don't hate you ^_^ so that leaves one alternative i guess ;)
Okay. Thanks AK Silverwing ^^;
thanks for visiting ^_^ bye!

lellyna -> RE: (You're at page 7, post 162)=AK= Meet the ArchKnight! ~*~*~SiLvErWiNg~*~*~ STORAGE for answering (7/25/2007 5:15:02)

hihi ^_^
sooo..hows life?
life is happy
like marshmallows?
not particularly o.O
worst typo u evaarh made (uuuuuuuuuh me like typos)'s not a typo, but i like to forget words sometimes, including prepositions :P so sometimes my sentences come out really funny (e.g. i like to eat home vs. i like to eat at home :P)
good or ebil?
definitively good ^_^
dogs or cats (aaaw little cutey pie petpet kitty)
:D fuzzy puppies or kitties :D
fish. ooh! are we playing the association game? o.O
blue or red potion
neither :d i have heal wounds and mana regen *dances*
thing u hate most in the hooooole world
soaring theemis >_<

haha no. i'm not sure actually. that's a tough question. i don't tend to hate very much i'll have to ponder on this one

eating or zzleeping
hibernation ;)
burger or pizza
me,me,me or lellyna
i like myself better :D lol jk
o.O you know, bribery does not usually come in the form...of smileys :P
favorite letter (GO Y)
o.O uhh...i like beta :D because it's fun to write
want some cake?
lol i'm good. thanks
tea or coffeeee
can i borrow ur shue
sure? *gives you a spare shoe*
sooo................the last doomy.............its artix coffee mug right?
XD sure
*bye winky*
bye! ^_^
ps. Woooa not a single word about pie and cupcakes (normal cake dont count)

boomies -> RE: (You're at page 7, post 162)=AK= Meet the ArchKnight! ~*~*~SiLvErWiNg~*~*~ STORAGE for answering (7/25/2007 5:17:05)

Reminder to rate...Mrs. Antiquated.
*trouts you* i are not mrs. :P
So, why AG if yu are Silverwing?
ag = chemical symbol for silver and it's easier to type :D
Do you, as a silver bird, have any relatioon to Ronin of Dreams, the mechaferret?
lol nope. but <3 teh ferret :D
Where does the avvie come from?
i was randomly searching for pretty pics one day ^_^
Your opinion of the huge amounts of questions I gave you.?
thank you for the discretion this time
Where is Nix?
o.O i have no clue. i ate him a while back....but he didn't show up again :(
W00t first post! (Check page 1)
Cya as soon as you answer these.
T_T i should just not answer these XD

Arc -> RE: (You're at page 7, post 162)=AK= Meet the ArchKnight! ~*~*~SiLvErWiNg~*~*~ STORAGE for answering (7/25/2007 5:23:58)

Hey SiLvErWiNg!
hiya ^_^
Can I ask you something?
surely. you just did :D
What's your favorite food?
lol a lot of stuff...too hard
Favorite color?
green, silver, and this blue i guess ^_^
Favorite game?
AQ lol.
i actually really <3 melee :D and cranium

Favorite TV Program?
Darkness or Light?
Ever visited my gallery?
nope? ^_^;
AQ or DF?
Well, that's all! See ya!
bye! ^_^

The Broken Arrancar -> RE: (You're at page 7, post 162)=AK= Meet the ArchKnight! ~*~*~SiLvErWiNg~*~*~ STORAGE for answering (7/25/2007 5:31:26)

hi ^_^
Now for my 33 questions!
1. When you woke up today, what did you think?
where did the bunker go? o.O
2. Who will give you your next kiss?
:O Cooties! ick.
3. What's a word that rhymes with "DUCK"?
luck. muck. truck. buck. :)
4. Favorite type of food?
a lot ^_^
5. Who is the 4th person on your missed/received call list?
:O classified. stalker!
6. What shirt are you wearing?
a tan one? :O


7. What were you doing 20 minutes ago?
lol i was merging together threads that belonged in the new quest thread.
8.What are you going to do tomorrow?
merge more threads that belong in that thread :)
9. What's your favorite animal?
fuzzy puppies and kitties, wolves, big cats :D
10. Bright or Dark Room?
11. What did you dream last night?
:O classified! i dreamt? o.O
12. If you're in a room with two beds, which one do you pick?
the bigger one clearly :P the other one would be in the hallway cuz it wouldn't fit in the room....
13. What were you doing at midnight last night?
on the forums ^_^
14. What's your favorite soda?
15. How do you like your eggs?
16. What's a word/phrase that you say a lot?
rawr :D
17. Who told you he/she loved you last?
classified ;)
18. Last furry thing you touched?
hmm...a rug o.O
19. How many drugs have you done in the last three days?
0 and 0 in my lifetime :)
20. How many rolls of film do you have to develop?
none. i have a digital camera that i don't use XD is this a trick question? o.O
21. Favorite age you have been so far?
0 i am ageless and immortal :D although the respawning is starting to get old >_< i mean, couldn't i come back as a cute and fuzzy creature? o.O
22. Your worst enemy?
you :D lol jk. in real life, don't really have one o.O in DF it's gotta be soaring theemis :P
23. What is your current desktop picture?
classified :O

lol it's the default screen that the comp came with. never bothered to change it.

24. What song do you hate the most?
hmm...there's a lot of those lol. but of the most current, maroon 5 can do better than that :P and i think i'm allergic to fergie's big girls don't cry :P
25. If you had to choose between a million bucks or to be able to fly, which would you choose?
ability to fly :D
26. Do you like steak?
meat :D totally
27. The last song you listened to?
XD i'm such a dork :P fantasie impromptu
28. What's your favorite movie?
gladiator, amadeus, the pirates series, batman begins
29. If you could punch 1 person in the face, who would it be?
o.O no one. that's mean!
30. What is the closest object to your left foot?
my chair...?
31. Do you have any crushes?
ha! such mortal tendencies ;) you forget, i'm ageless and immortal :P

no >_<

32. Think you have been in love?
o.O love? what is this concept of which you speak? o.O
33. Have Piercings?
Have fun....or elsez!
^_^ hehe you too

Lord Momo -> RE: (You're at page 7, post 162)=AK= Meet the ArchKnight! ~*~*~SiLvErWiNg~*~*~ STORAGE for answering (7/25/2007 5:35:21)

hi im gonna eathcya!!
rawr! not allowed! *gets out banhammer*
now for torture muhahahhahaha!!!!
oh. it hasn't started yet....*gets out banhammer again* old are you?
:O classified.

i am ageless and immortal and i respawn here every day o.O

2.where do you live?
in a land of silver winged creatures :D
3.are you evil?or ebil?
neither :D i am good, at least i'd like to think :P i annoying?
5.are you annoying? :\
6.if you think your annoying then your annoying and im not!omg!
o.O you notice something strange about this question and the one before it? and the one after this one?
umm...there's a lack of capitalization and punctuation?
7.did you notice already??
9.i love pie
<3 gekko too :D
10.out of 10 how big is my post?
lol 3.5/10
im going to stop bugging you.......JK
haha :p knew it was too good to be true
11.chickencows or cowchikens?
neither :P i ate them both for lunch
12.cats or dogs?
fuzzy puppies and kittens ^_^
13.humans or drakels?
14.doom or wasp?
o.O that comparable? lol
15.bee or fly?
ick :P *me goes off to squash them both*
16.whats the diffrence between a fly and a bird?
one is cute and the other is not :D
17.i recomend not eating my sig its horrible
o.O i'll take that into consideration ;)
18.if you could become something else what would it be?
something that could fly and was adorably cute :D

MECHEN -> RE: (You're at page 7, post 162)=AK= Meet the ArchKnight! ~*~*~SiLvErWiNg~*~*~ STORAGE for answering (7/25/2007 5:44:48)

only one question do you like my Avatar's?
iDoom avatar SRoD
iDoom avatar SSoD
iDoom avatar TBoD

PM me if you do or dont.

lol if you made 7 more, you could ask beleqwaya to upload them ^_^ they're funny

knightedge -> RE: (You're at page 7, post 162)=AK= Meet the ArchKnight! ~*~*~SiLvErWiNg~*~*~ STORAGE for answering (7/25/2007 5:46:04)

only one question..WHO the heck are you anyway?

I don't think SiLvErWiNg needs to answer this one at all. If you are so rude as to not bother reading the first post in this topic, which quite clearly gives more than enough information to answer that question, you do NOT deserve an answer. Icemaster Yeti

rseyo -> RE: (You're at page 7, post 162)=AK= Meet the ArchKnight! ~*~*~SiLvErWiNg~*~*~ STORAGE for answering (7/25/2007 6:27:51)

hello,(( <<hugs>>)) congratulation ^_^ yeepee!
waw an AK (freezes in amazement)....
:O ono! *goes off to find blowtorch* too much?
<defrosted> uhm okey question, uhm plain cereals or cereals with chocolate, and marshmallow, or fruity cereals
^_^ hmm plainer cereals. i like honey bunches of oats :D
next question, do you like choclolates?
only dark ones :D and only in very small quantities >_< yes i know, i'm odd like that :P
what type of chocolates, white, dark or milk chocolates?
dark :D yummy
which is cuter, a bunny or a teddy bear?
ooh...bunny gets points for being alive :p but teddies are so snuggly o.O

both :D

robina, or valecia or aria or thursday(in df)?
valencia :D she does the most damage and thursday is just freaky o.O
okey, uhm I can no longer think of any question, uhm can you be my friend? ^_^
surely :D
yeeepee thanks for answering buh bye...^_^
bye! ^_^

Tag -> RE: (You're at page 7, post 162)=AK= Meet the ArchKnight! ~*~*~SiLvErWiNg~*~*~ STORAGE for answering (7/25/2007 7:08:13)

Do you like Chocalate?
only in miniscule quantities
Favourite Movie?
gladiator, amadeus, batman begins, pirates (i-iii) :D
Favourite AK?
<3 them all ^_^
Favourite Mod?
<3 them all :D
What's your favourite food?
lol a lot.
Do you like being an AK?
yup :) i love being able to help out ^_^
Do you have a signature lock?
a sig lock? o.O what be a sig lock?
Do you have a signature tag?
lol yeah i don't ever use my sig though o.O
Mehehe... That's all!

you forgot the folks :P
;) bye ^_^

Sara -> RE: (You're at page 7, post 162)=AK= Meet the ArchKnight! ~*~*~SiLvErWiNg~*~*~ STORAGE for answering (7/25/2007 7:16:47)

hey there ^_^
thanks :)
Dogs or Cats?
fuzzy puppies and kitties! :D
Cake or pie?
depends on what type...but usually cake
Numbers or Letters?
well you kinda need them both but because i'm not so l33t, letters :P
Favorite AK?
<3 them all :D
Best Friend on here?
lol a lot ^_^ *snuggles them all*
Your reaction to the PM?
lol. sorry for the loose tooth?
AQ or DF?
Favorite thing to do in Real life?
i <3 volleyball :D and travelling to exotic places and watching tv :D
Do you have any pets?
nope. :(
Do you like my sig and avvy?
What would you do if you woke up and were hit on the head by a head of lettuce?
hit the person back for ruining a perfectly good meal for a bunny :P
Do you have a watermelon?
actually yes o.O it's waiting to be eaten
Am I starting to get annoying?
lol this is actually not one of the longest
Ask me a question. For a change.
surely :D *ponders*

if you could change a physical law of the universe or add a law, what would it be and why?

I would make no gravity so we all just drift into space! *Evil Laugh!*

Closest thing to your right foot?
my chair
How old are you?
ageless and immortal :D
Ill be back. Just wait.
haha ok ^_^

Im back!

turkeylurkey -> RE: (You're at page 7, post 162)=AK= Meet the ArchKnight! ~*~*~SiLvErWiNg~*~*~ STORAGE for answering (7/25/2007 8:03:25)

hola hola hola!
como estas? ^_^
for the 7th time:soon the every forum member will be an AK and there will be nothing left to moderate[sm=rainbow.gif]
o.O :O

but...they pay me in units of cookies...T_T

do you play dragonfable?
yup ^_^
what lvl are you(if you play)
what is your character ID?
uhh classified :P only because you will all farm the stuffing out of me in PvP lol
do you play adventurequest
yup ^_^
see yah!

tren54 -> RE: (You're at page 7, post 162)=AK= Meet the ArchKnight! ~*~*~SiLvErWiNg~*~*~ STORAGE for answering (7/25/2007 8:06:07)

I... Don't know you.
:O i don't know you o.O
wow, now that i'm looking at that XD it's hard to see :P

Oh, well.
read my first post lol ^_^
Now, on to the questions!

What... Is your name?
Wing, Silver
What... Is your quest?
to chomp everything in sight :D
What... Is your favorite color?
green, silver, and i like this blueish color too
Can I call you AgWiNgZoRs?
sure ^_^
What's up with your avatar?
lol it was pretty?
Would you call your editing color Cyan?
hmm i'm not sure what it is. i don't think it's cyan though. kinda of blueish blue-green?
You like?
Can you say... HUH?
noooo! T_T not the addictive badger song again
You are thinking about... Badger badger badger snake!
mushroom! :O
Oh, I'm so telepathic!
Why do you hang out in the editors community so much?
editors community? o.O i hang out there?
Yes, I've been here longer than a year. Well, in a week or two
:D i've been here for about two now lol
You want a cool sig?
sure ^_^
Yes, YOU DO!
lol i already said i did
Well, you know where to find one?
where i found my avvy? :D
*gasp* Right!
OK, I'm done yet.

*inserts a NOT^^^*

I'm done, don't worry I saw too many funny questions to stop. Sorry.
Have you seen me around before?
Is it because I'm special?
AM I special?
....i don't think you want to be special in that way ;)
Wah or yay! (Choose on whatever you say)
yay :D
I've always wondered, what does <3 mean? I never figured it out...
lol <3 = heart = love :D you can verbify anything you want to
You like leekspin?
o.O never seen it before lol
Pie or cake?
usually cake. i actually don't eat much of either. haha
Favorite anime? I likez... Hikaru no go, FMA (of course), wolf's rain, FL CL, ranma, and other stuffs...
lol. i read that as favorite animal XD

bleach and inuyasha are really all that i've ever watched o.O and only because prompted to :P

Would you rather be Ed or Al Elric?
o.O and they are?
What would happen if you found the philosopher's stone? (Bring people back to life, change people so they look different, make gold from lead, that kind of thing)
hmm well isn't the philosopher's stone (original version) only for converting lead to gold? in harry potter, it's for staying immortal and as i'm already immortal, that would be redundant ;)

also, i get paid in cookies, so gold would be redundant :P and you can't eat golden cookies o.O

That should be all. Oh, and notice how this is all in a color?

lol very nice ^_^

sjra -> RE: (You're at page 7, post 162)=AK= Meet the ArchKnight! ~*~*~SiLvErWiNg~*~*~ STORAGE for answering (7/25/2007 8:06:41)

1. Where did you get your name? Was it something sensible like mine (The super powered jester and rooster amputater)?
lol it sounded good at the time. i was just trying to think of a somewhat not terrible name. hehe
2. Do you obey the smiley limit?
of course!
3. Have you banned anyone yet?
nope o.O only mods can do that lol
4. <Insert question here>
yes, that heroes advertisement at the top annoys me too and no, i haven't seen any of the new episodes :D

first thing i saw :P

5. How do you feel about this -

I vote we get all the AKs off the battleon forums and throw them in the furnace!

:O *gets out banhammer* you know that we all don't get along well enough to be in that confined a place :P haha jk <3 ^_^
6. I am a mod on 3 other forums, does this beat your AKship?
surely o.O
7. Have you heard of me before (probably not)
i've seen you around :)
8. Have they thrown you in the furnace yet?
9. If no, why not?
because that would be AgWing abuse!
10. I can't think of a question number 10.
sweet ^_^
11. Have you banned anyone yet? Did I ask that before?
lol yup. and nope.
12. Did I tell you they're gonna throw you in the furnace?
lol three times.
13. Is 13 unlucky?
14. :O dirty mouth? clean it with some orbit!, I can never think of a question 14...

15. Did I just copy - paste all these from another MTAK thread?
could be o.O

pjc -> RE: (You're at page 7, post 162)=AK= Meet the ArchKnight! ~*~*~SiLvErWiNg~*~*~ STORAGE for answering (7/25/2007 8:13:58)

Hi! [:D]
hi ^_^
My nice little selection of questions for you:

1) How many posts have you locked/deleted so far?
one, two, three licks to get to the center of a tootsie pop...
2) Do you like animals/have any pets?
nope :(
3) What's your favourite type of music?
i <3 a lot of eclectic music ^_^ classical, and whatever's on the radio :P haha
4) Have you ever met any other mods/AK's/game staff?
nope :(
5) What's you're favourite type of food? (And do you like bacon?)[sm=icon_mrgreen.gif]
lol a lot. and not particularly? o.O
6) Do you get up early in the morning or do you like to have a lie in?
i get up early when i have to and hibernate otherwise
7) Do you like sports? And if yes, what sports do you play?
yah :D volleyball
8) How tall are you?
that is classified information o.O in silver winged person land, i am 20394857345 units tall :D
9) What is/was your strongest school subject?
lol..umm...english/philosophy/biology/french/history/latin? o.O
10) What is/was your weakest school subject?
lol ummm everything else?

gym. totally gym. they made me wear this stupid uniform and run in 30 degree weather >_<

11) If you could have one superhero power, what would it be?
flight :D
12) Have you ever been abroad? And if yes, what countries have you been to?
yup ^_^ that is teh classified :O you can check my passport ;)
13) What colour is the front door of your house?
dark brownish/red? aren't they usually all that color?
14) Do you have any bad habits?
answering your questions ;)

haha that and procrastinating :P

That's all for the questions. [;)]
Congratulations on being an AK (even if it's a bit late now) ^_^
lol aww thanks ^_^
Ciao! [:D]
bye! ^_^

bLaze_fire -> RE: (You're at page 7, post 162)=AK= Meet the ArchKnight! ~*~*~SiLvErWiNg~*~*~ STORAGE for answering (7/25/2007 8:42:30)

Are you friendly?
rawr! of course not :P that's a silly question. why would i ever be friendly? (unless bribed o.O)
How old/young are you?
well, in silver winged person land, i am 1329487029487 units of age :D

haha, for normal standards, i'm pretty young i guess o.O but for forum standards i guess i'm ancient :P (but only because i'm immortal and ageless)

What's your fave armor?
golden :D
What's your fave weapon?
auaxe but only because it heals me :P in terms of prettiness, beautiful oblivion might win o.O
Do u lyk making frnds??
:D absolutely
What's your nationality?

silver winged person

WHat country are you in?
:O classified!
silver winged person land :D

What's your fave subject?
lol i like literature/history/latin/french/biology/genetics/philosophy/economics :)
I hate math do you hate math?
lol not really?

IN the end ... Can we be friends? [:D]
surely ^_^

i mean. ahem. what did i say about bribes? they are illegal and immoral! rawr!

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