RE: (You're at page 7, post 162)=AK= Meet the ArchKnight! ~*~*~SiLvErWiNg~*~*~ STORAGE for answering (Full Version)

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Vardek Crom -> RE: (You're at page 7, post 162)=AK= Meet the ArchKnight! ~*~*~SiLvErWiNg~*~*~ STORAGE for answering (7/25/2007 9:08:38)

Hiyas SiLvErWiNg!
heyas Vardek ^_^
I will go right to the point:
1_ That avatar is from...
a random google search.
2_ Favourite AQ weapon:
3_ Favourite DF weapon:
hmmm...uhh...don't really have one o.O doom only because i use it all the time :P
4_ Do you like eating/locking/deleting spam threads?
lol nope actually. i only lock/eat/delete/move/merge because they break the rules :P
5_ People say you don't care about the threads theme, that you lock them for no reason. Is that right?
i care very much about the theme of the thread. if it's against the rules which i am (bribed) bound to uphold, then i absolutely will not hesistate to keel it. but if it's in the GGD because it belongs there, i won't touch it.
6_ Nothing further!
hokay ^_^
Good luck and have a good day!
aww thanks! you too! :D

Puppy -> RE: (You're at page 7, post 162)=AK= Meet the ArchKnight! ~*~*~SiLvErWiNg~*~*~ STORAGE for answering (7/25/2007 9:27:08)

magic! :D *snugglepounces*
I was wondering where you were.
i was under the bunker. but apparently the questions esploded it o.O
Do you count anything with a ? a question?
grammatically yes, by actual common sense no lol. yay for rhetorical questions that i don't need to answer :D
If so what is your favorite forum?
<3 all the forums i've ever been in ^_^ never actually got to visit a lot of the forums, including most of the community ones but i'm sure that i'd like them too :)
Why did you leave?
i was afraid that i no longer had the time to dedicate to my AKship the way that i wanted and i decided that someone else with more time and a lot of experience would probably benefit from getting the chance to help out in my absence :)

i didn't log onto the forums in a long time because i felt kinda no longer needed and also because i really didn't have the time ^_^;

Why are you one of the friendliest AK of all?
aww ^_^ because they bribed me? o.O
/me snuggles. =P?
Best Friend on forum?
lol i have a lot of those :)
Favorite Actor on forum?
o.O there's actors on the forum? :O
Do you like to Edit?
lol it it means saving space for another post yeah :)
Read the final Harry Potter book?
nope T_T i'm so far behind on my HP reading
First 10 words that come to your mind?
first 10 words that come to your mind darn that's seven
Cookies or Pie?
cookies probably, but depends on what type of pie. is fruit tart a pie? o.O
Pie or Pi?
gekko! :D
Fish of <><?
jesus? the sea? ooh! trout of slappage! :D did i get it?
Now those questions are very unusual?
If Yes then Congratulatiosn! You just read the last book of the series.
If No then, Read it right away!?
lol hokay ^_^ after i read the 5th and 6th >_<
I added the ? so it seemed more of a question. Well Ill be back later. Too ta loo.
:) bye!

The Game -> RE: (You're at page 7, post 162)=AK= Meet the ArchKnight! ~*~*~SiLvErWiNg~*~*~ STORAGE for answering (7/25/2007 9:37:42)

Hey SiLvErWiNg!
hey! ^_^
1) What ever happened to your rating center, I mean, I know it closed down, but I don't see it in The Rating Center Encyclopedia thing.
well after i left, i think i left it in the charge of ryanplex and gang, so i have no clue XD
2) Do you ever miss rating?
indeed :(
3) Do you like Pie?
<3 gekko even though she likes to munch my wings
4) How do you feel about Moogles?
5) How about Moogle Pie?
is that...even edible? o.O
6) Pepsi or Coke?
coke. definitely coke.
7) You ever heard of me?
you seem vaguely familiar ^_^ so yes, i'm sure i have lol
8) How's life?
life is beautiful! *sniffle* lol
9) What qualities have you brought to the AKing world?
geh. bribery? :D snugglechampionships?

That's all for now! [:D]
hokay! bye! ^_^

rabbithop1 -> RE: (You're at page 7, post 162)=AK= Meet the ArchKnight! ~*~*~SiLvErWiNg~*~*~ STORAGE for answering (7/25/2007 9:53:58)

Hey silverwing!
hi rabbithop1 :D
What is jour favorite food?
lol there's a lot...
favorite pet (in real-life :P)?
don't have one :( but fuzzy puppies and cute kitties ^_^
favorite movie?
gladiator, amadeus, pirates (any of them), and batman begins
how old are jou?
i am immortal and ageless. i respawn a lot >_<
whats the ID from jour dragonfable character? i wanna challenge her :P
uhh...i think that you would farm her to no end. who told you it was a her anyway? o.O
did jou ever saw a forumer that jou reaaaaaaaaly want to ban?
lol umm....only because he posted porn :P
must i quit asking things now?
haha :P

i dont think so!

jou like rolleroasters?
yah but not the ubercrazy ones
what whas the delicioust thread jou eated?
hmmm....jours? :D
do jou have a job, if jou have one which one?
yup. it's classified.

(darn those ppl from silver winged person land who told on me >_< janitorship is nothing to be ashamed of! :P)

are jou lazy :P?
are jou?
also congrats with becoming an AK [sm=biggrinparty.gif]!
aww thanks ^_^ lol
and thanks for trying to help me before with my account :)
my pleasure :)

well i think this is enough...
or should i do more?
no T_T
na jou will be angry :)
:D nah
jour a very nice AK!!!
aww thanks ^_^
bye Silverwing!
bye! ^_^

PanDryer -> RE: (You're at page 7, post 162)=AK= Meet the ArchKnight! ~*~*~SiLvErWiNg~*~*~ STORAGE for answering (7/25/2007 10:39:22)

Umm... Hiyas, Silver!
hiya ^_^
Fav. Game System?
game cube because it has....MELEE :D
Family Guy or Robot Chicken?
neither? o.O
I haven't wrote in this color before... [:o]
lol yay?
I'm not surprised.

Do you like chips?
yah :D
Potato chips?
Corn chips?
Beef Jerky? xD!
why not? XD
That's all for now... Forget that. It's not over. :0
T_T so close...
If you were in a forest, and inside a invisible barrier, how would you get out?
well if it's invisible how would i know that it's there? o.O and i would so totally walk out because my wings are defective :P

I'm pretty much done. [:)]

hokay ^_^ see you later!

DivineBeastLink -> RE: (You're at page 7, post 162)=AK= Meet the ArchKnight! ~*~*~SiLvErWiNg~*~*~ STORAGE for answering (7/25/2007 10:58:21)

1. Pie or cake?
2. Warrior, Mage, or Rogue? (both DF and AQ)
mage ^_^ all the way
3. Favorite game?
4. Can you be bribed?

*ahem* by the rules of conduct, this nefarious deed shall absolutely never occur! banhammer to ye who tries! :P

unless it's by using cute fuzzy puppies o.O darn those things :P

Maxx -> RE: (You're at page 7, post 162)=AK= Meet the ArchKnight! ~*~*~SiLvErWiNg~*~*~ STORAGE for answering (7/25/2007 10:59:51)

OMGBBQ! bbq..*drools* *shakes awake* uh wha? oh right.... lol this the first time i posted on one of these cuz i didnt wanna bug the AKs but now... i dont care, poor sliver [8D]
bbq? o.O food? where?! :O and you didn't bring me any? T_T
hey-os sliver!
heyos Maxx ^_^
1 what is the best weapon in DF (other than doomies or staff-makes)
hmmm.....prettiness or actual usefulness?
2 what is the best weapon in AQ (other than BOA)
beautiful oblivion for its prettiness and auaxe for its usefulness :D
3 do you think im cool?
sure ^_^
4 my mom says im cool!
oh i see. believe everything you hear eh? ;)
can i bribe you with cookies to be my friend? 0.o take em, c'mon! they're chocolate chip!
XD you don't need to bribe me to be your friend (cuz it'll never happen anyway :P)
i'll be your friend regardless O:)

5 fav show?
friends but mythbusters is pretty cool too. ooh! and fight science o.O and dogfights o.O wow...i'm such a tomboy :P
6 fav food?
a lot :P
7 why that avvy? why not any other avvy?
because the other avvy went on vacation T_T
8 did u read my dragon armour post? huh? did ya didya? huh? huh?(siggy)
9 fav movie?
gladiator, amadeux, pirates (any of the 3), batman begins
10 put cheese on the noodles an what do ya get?
mac and cheese? o.O
11 really?
stop interrogating me T_T
12 seriously!?!?
13 wow never saw that coming
14 DA or NDA?
15 what is your opinion on the quantum physics theorm?
which one? the original einstein theorems were almost right, but he had to insist on putting ether :P
16 intresting...
yah :D
well that was fun
lol fun. who said you could have fun? :O *steals*
well im done bugging u...for now. buh-byis!!

SahdowOfDarkness -> RE: (You're at page 7, post 162)=AK= Meet the ArchKnight! ~*~*~SiLvErWiNg~*~*~ STORAGE for answering (7/25/2007 11:03:12)

No question Limit! *Laughs Evily*
:O darn! i knew i forgot something :P
Ow well, congrats about 2 months late.
o.O lol...more like a year and some late?
Isn't this...a bit late? o.O
lol no? i had one the last time around too.
Do you like pie?
<3 gekko
not really
only some types
yah! :D
Have plans for forum domination peace?
:O who ratted me out? >_<
Abusing Enjoying those AK powers?
:O was it the same person as above? :O
How many "What is the meaning of life/universe" questions have you seen so far?
lol only one i think?
Is the universe here for counting how many " What is the meaning of life/ universe" questions you see in one MtAK thread?
haha. could be.
Do you have Harry Potter 7?
nope :(
Do you read Christopher Paolini?
who? o.O
Am I annoying you in the slightest?
who made you an ak?
reens? o.O
Does Rimblade owe you money now?
:O *goes off to search for Rimmy*
What happened to Spellfire?
she got really busy in real life with her own business T_T
Do you see me on the forums often?
hmmm no?

Kain -> RE: (You're at page 7, post 162)=AK= Meet the ArchKnight! ~*~*~SiLvErWiNg~*~*~ STORAGE for answering (7/25/2007 11:08:39)

Hehehe...Lets make a silver wing suffer....*snuggles*
:O abuse!
1- Do you like cookies?
sure :)
2- What bring you to the DF forums, and no in the AQ?
lol well my original post *points to first post which explains it all ;)* was in AQ CR&A and H&S. when i came back, those forums were already in good order, so i was readopted to NH and DF.
3- If you could choice someone to be your apprentice, who would be (well, I know that I'm in the list, no)?
lol fortunately i don't have that choice :D
4- Do you like pies?
surely ^_^
5- If you are women (yes I know...), what do you think about the discrimination by the male players for female players?
o.O i am women. rawr. male players be bad.
i actually haven't seen any of this going on. but i really believe that especially on a forum, when you don't know genders, there is absolutely no excuse for discrimination.

6- Do you like lock threads? I guess that you like...
:O i don't like to lock/merge/delete threads. i only do it because i have to uphold the rules that i was given ;) gotta earn those cookies you know :P
i mean >_<...yes!

7- Why you and the AK never are on when bad things happen (like the glitch abuses of the fire weapons)? I think that you guy (and girls [8D]) should have a ring that does shocks when a rule is break (oh, wait, if this happen we will not have more mods...)
:O what are you insinuating? no actually, we try to be on as much as possible but we are only volunteers here and we try to come on in our free time but there is a lot that goes on. we try to do the best we can, but there are a lot fewer of us than there are of rule breakers would be my guess ;)
and who told you about the shock ring? :O

8- Hmmm, (really without ideas....).....ah, why you don’t create guides in DF too?
lol umm...because i'm still behind on updating the AQ ones XD
9- Quick, choice a mod! Okay, now who he (or she) is?
classified. <3 them alll :D
10- Well, I want to ask another and final question:
What do you like most in the forums?
<3 how active they are ^_^
11- heheheh, joke, good job, and in the future I know that AE will pay (in cash! or DCs) you....
o.O don't understand the question :D

Kitsukaru -> RE: (You're at page 7, post 162)=AK= Meet the ArchKnight! ~*~*~SiLvErWiNg~*~*~ STORAGE for answering (7/25/2007 11:15:36)

*snuggles purty angel*
:D *snugglehuggles Kitsu*
Greetings, SilverWing. It will be a pleasure asking these questions.//
I just want to say that i really like your explanations when/for closing threads.
It's as if your feeding the group of blood thirsty members who hate when they're threads get lock, but are obviously
in the wrong ... <:P
XD i figure that a little humor can go a long way. and a little gentle touch can also reduce the number of hurt feelings ;)

How and when did you get your status/title?
lol my first post will give a much better explanation. but...about two years ago and then again a month? ago. and...Reens gave it to me? lol

What was your first though when you saw
those new shiny buttons? >:D
:D no need to bother others everytime i need something. now they can bother me XD

Have you ever received warnings before you
became an AK, or during your AK reign.
:O blasphemy! lol not to my recollection.

If i wish to become an AK, what would you suggest
i do?
just be helpful and continue doing what you're doing. and never ask lol. asking always kills you :P

Personally, what are the chances of me
becoming an AK?
classified :D

lol i honestly have no clue. staff picks AKs, not i ;) and they're only picked when it's deemed that there aren't enough AKs or when there are openings somewhere.

Do you wish to become part of the actual
game creation? And what department would you like to major?
that would be really cool but as i have no real programming skills (so forgotten all my java :P) and my drawing skills aren't computer based lol, i doubt i could actually do much. i think that i'd like to help with the creative parts, the storylines, the pictures, the jokes :D

What are your personally thoughts on MechQuest.
sounds cool :) although i'm not as big on mega death machines. <3 my mages and such lol

Do you think AE should focus on DragonFable for now,
before moving on to such a project?
well, their staff seems to be getting larger and larger so i'm sure that they can handle multiple projects :)

Quickly, what are your first impressions when you
view this?
*sigh* something clickable? :P lol jk ^_^ i'm impressed by your gallery actually. it's very nice :)

I apologize if I'm being rude here, my intention isn't to offend.
How old are you, SilverWing?
:O *is soooooo offended and trouts Kitsu* i am ageless and immortal! and i respawn in silver winged person land whenever cinderblocks are dropped on me, etc...

Is it so that a large majority of the forum do not read
the rules? Aren't they the people who create all the silleh threads?
lol well, i'd say that people might not have read the rules -- which they should totally do! :P -- but they seem to pick up on de facto rules (that are definitely part of the established rules).
but yeah, it would make life so much better for everyone if we all read and followed the rules ;) but then i'd be out of a job. and the cookies were yummy....;_;

What could AE do you enforce/endorse
reading the rules?
you mean what could they do to help? nothing i guess? i mean, they put the rules out there but it's up to us to follow and read them since we're all big kids now ;)

Wouldn't it be sensible to display a rule per day in
the Forum Announcements area?
lol....hmmm...why did i not think of that :P clever o.O

Your truly and angel SilverWing, thank you!
aww thanks! :D *snugglepounces again*

Whoop Whoop -> RE: (You're at page 7, post 162)=AK= Meet the ArchKnight! ~*~*~SiLvErWiNg~*~*~ STORAGE for answering (7/25/2007 11:17:17)

Again first post and now with the confusing,
1. Did you pinch his behindus?
o.O whose...? and this seems inappropriate somehow o.O
2. Are you a member of the Harlem Globetrotters?
i would be shortest member ever.
3. Are they ever gonna make a poultry weapon?
gosh i hope not lol
4. Got milk?
not a cow or a celebrity so no.
5. Is Cravendale so fresh that the cows want it back?
well the cows are really not doing so well these days. in fact, they've been recalling a lot of stuff, milk, their baby cows, their spots, butter, even stuff that doesn't belong to them, like licking salts o.O apparently, these cows been outsourcing. tsk tsk tsk :P
6. Look out crazy lobster!
i know! that crabby moves fast! and it apparently thinks you're dinner?
You know if you can sensibly answer these I would be impressed...unless it's just no and yes answers I would be very un-impressed
:P haha thanks.

Lord Barrius -> RE: (You're at page 7, post 162)=AK= Meet the ArchKnight! ~*~*~SiLvErWiNg~*~*~ STORAGE for answering (7/25/2007 11:30:57)

O.o Tis a "Wing of Silver"! *snuggles while purring*
'tis an ArchKitten of Fabling Order! :D *snugglehugglepouncetackles and gives LB a cookie :D*
So how do you think you're doing as an AK? I think you've done pretty well. :P
lol aww thanks ^_^ that's for you guys to tell and for me to not know. haha. there's no good way to answer that question lol. you've set me up. conspiracy! :O
You made a mistake posting your MtAK here. The main reason I never finished answering mine is because I got flooded with questions. XD
XD should i have posted it in Bugs or something? haha
Anyways, much wood *would* a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
now this always confused me. isn't a woodchuck just a groundhog? then why on earth would you have a perfectly good weather teller chuck wood? o.O and if you chuck wood, the wood has to go somewhere, so wouldn't it hit more woodchucks and start a chucking war? and then....we would have no more trees to grind up into paper and tissues. that would be like shooting ourselves in the proverbial foot :O your quest?
i have a quest? o.O
oh! i remembers :D *me goes off to find more stuff to munch on* no wait. that wasn't it. oh! *me goes off to hibernate*

I have indisputable evidence that you are, in fact, snuggly. How do you respond to this?
.....>_> <_< who's the rat? :P *goes off to destroy all the evidence - could have sworn i put all those away in my private snuggle important files drawer.
What if I were to tell you this evidence came from me? o:
*gasp!* you! </3.
et tu brute? :P

Are you perchable?
surely :D
And finally (but most importantly!), do you has a flavor?
well, see i did. but then....i haven't polished my wings in a while even though plushie gave me his feather shampoo. water + shampoo = more rust >_< so....currently i might taste like rust? :P
Alright, I'll stop bugging you and do some actual work now. XD Have fun!
XD yeah, they have us on a short chain lol. *snugglehugglebyes*

Bookman -> RE: (You're at page 7, post 162)=AK= Meet the ArchKnight! ~*~*~SiLvErWiNg~*~*~ STORAGE for answering (7/25/2007 11:47:29)

Well let me begin.

Do you enjoy being an AK?
i enjoy being able to help in a greater capacity, so yes :)
Were you in the beta?
If so do you still have your Beta character?
yup. it's awful though lol.
If not then ok.

Do you watch the Simpsons?
because ppl yell at me otherwise?
Do you have a favorite game?(Xbox,PS2,Wii,360,etc.No PC.
melee :D
Why do you like it
what's not to like?! lol it's cute characters beating each other up for fun :D ...and there might occassionally be some strategy involved o.O

haha, no i actually like falco a lot because link was my old fav, but with him your skill - or at least mine - plateaus and falco's speed and strength are hax :P

Now to go to next questions =p.
Are you old enough to drive?
classified. and who needs to drive when one can fly? o.O
Do you have a car?
XD! cars...oh you kids crack me
If so what kind?
a masterati >_<
Favorite Movie?
gladiator, batman begins, pirates, amadeus.
Favorite AE Staff?
<3 them all :D
What made you get your name?
lol because i couldn't think of anything else cooler?

Well thats all for now.Laterz.
hokay. bye!

The Nameless -> RE: (You're at page 7, post 162)=AK= Meet the ArchKnight! ~*~*~SiLvErWiNg~*~*~ STORAGE for answering (7/25/2007 11:51:28)

Greetings, may I interest you in a bottle of the broken dreams of small squirrels?
gasp! you stole my bottle!? ;_; *steals back* now, did you also happen upon a jar that had a list of flies that dragon/damselflies thought were just imposters? umm...>_< you didn't see anything....
If you had two turnips, how much hairspray could you get for that same price squared?
well that would depend on the number of bunnies out in the field that day, the number of asteroids in the belt, the number of sun?star?spots on that one star in the orion belt, and how expensive gas was the previous day :P (per barrel of crude mind you)
I'm looking for pants that will also function as a salad radar, do you have any?
well if you spill your salad and dressing on the pants and it stains, then all pants become salad radars :D
If a helicopter crashed in your house but you had no ketchup, what would you do?
ha! who needs ketchup? i mean, clearly the helicopter was over to borrow the sugar...
What justice is there in a world where you cannot package ice cream in a block of cheese?
:O all my dreams is shatterded.
The correct answer to both of those questions is yes.
Some people ask me why elderly people drive so slow, but frankly, I don't believe in the elderly. I think it's a story made up to scare little children...
*nods* it's a conspiracy. just like santa and the tooth fairy. i mean, when you tell adults that they no longer exist, is that just to save monies? :O because i is now owed like $203948.
Are there any particular bricks that made jello have that taste of sour apples?
i think you'll want to find the ones that they used to build the guardian tower with. you know, that original cylinder one. i think that guy who tries to cheat you out of a vorpal polish, word on the street, he ate the old guardian tower and they've covered it up. clever....
That is why the penguins only fly when a gong has discovered the cure for yellow.
oh! ^_^

Aerowarrior -> RE: (You're at page 7, post 162)=AK= Meet the ArchKnight! ~*~*~SiLvErWiNg~*~*~ STORAGE for answering (7/25/2007 11:56:09)

Aero! :D
/me PounceAttackles Silver ^^
/me snugglehugglepounces Aero :D
How's it feel to be back?
forget the forums, forget the staff. it was the snuggleparties that i missed :P

haha, no it's really really good to be back ^_^ coming back makes me realize how much i missed everything.

Biggest thing to change in your abscence?
hmm....sticks. yes. sticks.
the presence of the DF and MQ forums lol

Any new talents hobbies that you've picked up/discovered that you'd like to share?
don't belive those who tell you that you can't eat paste. because paste is really yummy and you build an immunity to it after the first few ER visits....ignore those doctors who tell you that you're stupid because they've never tried this :P

haha. i play piano and volleyball, used to play violin, can apparently trout people? o.O

What's your favorite part about DF?
clearly the endless farming lol. actually i like the fact that the chars are pretty :D *is so shallow ;_;* lol the walkaround can sometimes actually be annoying to load lol but otherwise, that's nice too.
Think you'll ever go back into the rating business?
iffn i have the time ^_^
Well, that's all of now.
:O that's it? you gave up that quickly? :O tsk tsk tsk
/me byesnuggletackles :D

Elnaith -> RE: (You're at page 7, post 162)=AK= Meet the ArchKnight! ~*~*~SiLvErWiNg~*~*~ STORAGE for answering (7/25/2007 12:05:05)

Heya Silver!
XD! abusing our powers are we ;) as punishment, i'll answer yours last :D lol no jk. but i do need sleep right now X_X
How are you doing?
elly! :D *snugglehuggles* lol i just locked the other one, so good :D
Do you like abusing your powers?
psha yah :D

ahem. i mean...of course not. (don't put me back in the shackles please ;_;)

How can you have silver wings, arne't they much too heavy? I mean, light as a feather, isn't really to say about your feathers.
:O you bring up a good point. well i mean planes can't i? *goes off to polish the wings* would i fly better iffen they were just plated?
Do you think I am evil?
lol course not
Do you think LordBarrius posted the best questions in your thread? He says he did.
lol they were pretty good. but i also got a bunch of other kooky ones, lol, like by TheNameless
Which one do you like better, NH of DF GGD? :P
the way that question is set up, they're all nested :D so all! lol
Why didn't you put a question limit? It is quite advisable.
lol because that part might have escaped me? :D
What do you think of my new avatar?
Is your gender often confused? Mine is >.>
lol totally >_< *me goes off to ponder what gender Elly is*
Hmm that's all, see ya SW ^_^ *snugs*
hokay :) *snugglehugglebyes*

mooneeve -> RE: (You're at page 7, post 162)=AK= Meet the ArchKnight! ~*~*~SiLvErWiNg~*~*~ STORAGE for answering (7/25/2007 12:10:44)

hi ^_^
Are you ready to answer some questions......if not take a break.
lol i would, but i'm lagged 4 pages :P
1. Do you like pie?
lol why does everyone ask about pie? of course i <3 gekko :D
2. If the anwser to one is yes anwser number 3.

3. Which flavour?
...uhh...gekko isn't edible? o.O
4. Do you like chicken[sm=chicken.gif]?
lol sure :)
5. Have you battled my character?
haha probably not.
6. If the anwser to number 5 is no then will you battle id is 112374?
lol sure.
7. If you battled me what color is my armor?
lol i will :P but just not whilst i'm answering questions lol.

8. Do you like cats?
yup ^_^
9. Do you have a pet?
10. If you anwsered number 9 yes anwser this do like your pet?
11. Which cat would you prefer this one[sm=animal-smiley-025.gif] or this one[sm=icon_twisted.gif]?
<3 cute fuzzy kitties :D
12. Do you mind sharing your id with me?
lol it's classified ;) only because it's so awful lol.
13. If you said yes to number 12 what is it? If you said no I will turn learn the way of the sneevil ninja and seceretly find out your id while you play on df!
lol go for it? o.O *cough* stalker :O *cough*
14. Do you think I'm done asking questions? (If you said yes you win this [sm=biggrinparty.gif]!)
yay ^_^
Have a nice day.....of anwsering hundreds of questions!
lol thanks. you contributed too you know? ;)

Tainted_Flesh -> RE: (You're at page 7, post 162)=AK= Meet the ArchKnight! ~*~*~SiLvErWiNg~*~*~ STORAGE for answering (7/25/2007 12:47:18)

Hi *Eye twitches*
umm...the ophthalmologist is down the hall? ^_^;
Are you psychotic?
Are you mental? is that different from psychotic? o.O well, by much anyway :P
Do you like taintedness?
Do you like cats?
yah :D
*Cough* I'm going annihilate you *Cough* *Cough*
you know that would be more convincing without the coughs. hope the visit to the ophthalmologists was ok. the pulmonologist and ENT doctors are back up the hall thata way :D
*Steals cookie*
:O ;_;
*Sells cookie on ebay*
:P rawr i bought it back for the price of $0.01 :D
Meh bye.

Stephen Nix -> RE: (You're at page 7, post 162)=AK= Meet the ArchKnight! ~*~*~SiLvErWiNg~*~*~ STORAGE for answering (7/25/2007 12:55:49)

mr silver wing I still will be sending you forum stuff weekly and yes IChar said the same thing about the AK's going in regularly and I always have a big list
XD i'm a she :P

hows it going
not too bad but busy. have yet to go into pedia today....
are you good or evil choose wisely
does this shirt make me look fat
trick question! :O you're not wearing a shirt. you're a penguin o.O
does it make you look fat
if I do my incredible attack of iceberg ownage what do you do to stop this incredibly evil penguin
*scratches head* well...that would imply that you had an iceberg so...:D *takes away iceberg*
thats is all for now see you come sunday
hokay. bye!

tiptopjoe -> RE: (You're at page 7, post 162)=AK= Meet the ArchKnight! ~*~*~SiLvErWiNg~*~*~ STORAGE for answering (7/25/2007 13:03:12)

Hey, a few questions.

Obviously AQ or DF or MQ?
Do you like sport?
yup :D
If so, what sport?
any variant of volleyball, basketball, and a few others ^_^
favourite film of the year so far?
hmmm...i haven't seen all that many lol but i'm sure that it would come down to casino royale (because it's the only one that i've actually really seen :P)
Favourite book of the year so far?
uhh...hmm....i liked nietzche a lot? :D
Do you play video games?
nope, not really
If so, what type of video games and examples?
i've only ever played mario kart and melee.
that's all I can think of right now.
hokay ^_^

NeoSano11vr -> RE: (You're at page 7, post 162)=AK= Meet the ArchKnight! ~*~*~SiLvErWiNg~*~*~ STORAGE for answering (7/25/2007 13:11:02)

Hey SiLvErWiNg, hows it been going?
hey! ^_^ it's been going good. until you came along ;) haha jk XD
Did it take a lot of work to become an AK?
well, i co-did five guides and had a ratings center? o.O
Just one random question: Frosted Flakes or Wheaties?
oooh...honey bunches of oats :D
Do you like the band The Used at all?
lol never really listened to them?
A Mod you like/are freinds with?
lol i <3 them all ^_^ they're really fun and awesome people :)
An AK you perticularly like?
lol same as above
A favorite Admin?
lol haven't actually had the pleasure of really knowing too many AE Game Staff but mods count as admin too. but <3 them all :)
Favorite AQ weapon?
auaxe. only because it's useful :P
Favorite type of Soda?
Ever played Tales Of Symphonia?
Where did you get your forum name?
lol i couldn't think of anything better?
Do you like Criss Angels show?
never seen it
A movie you enjoyed?
gladiator, batman begins, pirates, amadeus
Favorite Color in a hat?
o.O about blue-ish, green and silver. ooh with trim! :D
Do you like Scrubs?
not terribly o.O
Ok, c u nextweekor two...?
hokay :)

flyingkidjoe -> RE: (You're at page 7, post 162)=AK= Meet the ArchKnight! ~*~*~SiLvErWiNg~*~*~ STORAGE for answering (7/25/2007 13:13:45)

Hello SiLvErWiNg,
Hello flyingkidjoe
How are you doing?
good :) and you?
How old are you =p?
i am ageless and immortal ;)

Do you have any brothers or sisters?
How did you find out about Artix Entertainment?
lol i think i just did a google search a long time ago and this popped up.
Who is ur fav Ak/mod?
<3 them all :D
What is ur fav food?
lol there's too many
Do you like cake? =p
sure :)
Do you have any pets in real life?
Do you have any children?
o.O i'm not that ancient lol. nope.
Do you like cheese cake =p!?!?
when it's good :D
What tv shows do you like?
friends ^_^
Do you like stargate =p?
never really seen it? :D
Do you think little green people are takeing over?
oh yeah. i've chucked out at least 5 today. they seem to really like rose plants?

Well thats it for now thanks =p
hokay! bye! ^_^

blooby140 -> RE: (You're at page 7, post 162)=AK= Meet the ArchKnight! ~*~*~SiLvErWiNg~*~*~ STORAGE for answering (7/25/2007 13:15:58)

Well hi anyways.
thanks ^_^
1)What did you do when you first found out you were an AK?
lol i went back to my ratings :P i was behind.
2)Who's your favourite member of staff (You can be honest)?
<3 them :D perfect honesty.
3)What's your favourite colour?
green, silver, and this blue isn't bad ^_^
4)Mine's green, do you like green?
5)Which do you prefer: AQ or DF?
6)In whatever game you prefer, what do you most look forward to in the upcoming releases?
hmm well beserker is coming up, so i guess that for now lol
7)What's your favourite type of food?
haha too many
gekko? :O where?
9)I like chocolate...mmmmmmm..*drools*
10)Got any pets?
11) What is your favourite type of animal?
fuzzy puppies and kitties and big cats and arctic foxes, and wolves, and X_X too many :P
Thats all for now, BYEBYE!!!

Crimsonrider -> RE: (You're at page 7, post 162)=AK= Meet the ArchKnight! ~*~*~SiLvErWiNg~*~*~ STORAGE for answering (7/25/2007 13:41:07)

ZOMG a new AK sweet lol.....
lol an old new AK. *read the first post ;)*
1. Hi....... :P
2.Most of these questions will be weird... and one wordish..
most of the answers shall also be weird....and one wordish..
3. Are YOU up FOR the CHALLENGE?
are YOU?
4. I doubt it.
ha! :P i thought as much ;)
5. lol
7. Dance?
8. Roll around in :O dirty mouth? clean it with some orbit! for 50 bucks?
:O i is not bribeable!
9. :O I think I skipped 6.
eh. 6 was a wannabe 9 anyway :P
6. Heh...... Do you like to edit peoples posts?
lol because it saves space yes ^_^
10. Silver? Or wings?
11. Cats or Dogs?
both :D
12. Scary or not-scary
not scary
13. Welcome? or go away?
welcome :D
14. :O or O:
15. :O Me thinks you broke the symbol rule in your title :D
ummm...>_< yeah....well it'll get taken down anyway :D
16. AK or Admin?
lol i'm an AK
17. Pae's job or Artix's.
mine? :D
18. How did you become an AK >.<
lol read the first post ;)
19. Eh lets skip this question.
why? 19 is clearly > 9 and we didn't skip 9
20. Doesent mean I'm not coming back ;O
21. Funny or hysterical?
22. Mean or depressed.
neither :P
23 Creative or Helpful.
either ^_^
24. :O A car what do you do?
XD! cars...wings > cars :D
25. Random D:
26 Lets skip this one too lol....
:O lazeh.....
27-30 These ones too.
:O lazeh!
31. Whoo we made it..
awesome ^_^
Avios, For I will come back, No?

lol bye!

Wolkanne -> RE: (You're at page 7, post 162)=AK= Meet the ArchKnight! ~*~*~SiLvErWiNg~*~*~ STORAGE for answering (7/25/2007 14:20:30)

Hi SilverWing
hi ^_^
Ill try not to ask a lot of questions
ty :D
Bye :P jk jk
So Sneevils Vs Zards?
fuzzy puppies?
What do you think would happen if the AQ and DF players entered in a war against each other?
lol well i know that my AQ char would kill my DF char in about two turns lol...and my DF char wouldn't scratch my AQ char :P
Winged piece of silver or wings made of silver?
uhh...that's too much thought lol o.O
Like my sig?
Thats it Bye

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