RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (Full Version)

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lifeman9 -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (8/25/2007 13:18:09)

What would everyone say to a new Clan Event.. Geoto's Comedy Night, or somethign around those line were everyone can make there jokes Rants, etc, and we can jugdes too see whose the funniest and the funniest person wins and signature We made even be able to make duo Clans or something..

Oliver Bell -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (8/25/2007 15:12:35)

Sounds good would it be here or in the unoffical contests forum?

Korento Ratsastaja -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (8/26/2007 12:59:17)

congrats Life ^_^

I'd also update the council list, it still says I'm the E/P council leader, it could cause confusion...

lifeman9 -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (8/26/2007 13:28:35)

I don't know Maybe we should ask Pie if we could?

Oliver Bell -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (8/29/2007 10:27:45)

Have you asked Ultrapowerpie yet Lifeman9?

lifeman9 -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (8/29/2007 12:33:23)

I did Pie said i guess...

Oliver Bell -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (8/30/2007 8:46:56)

Is it just me or are we getting less room for threads?

lifeman9 -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (8/30/2007 9:03:22)

What do you mean?

Oliver Bell -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (8/30/2007 9:05:28)

I mean the page looks shorter than before as if some threads have gone it could just be me.

lifeman9 -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (8/30/2007 9:08:59)

No just go to the top of the page and change Topic from last date or something to all topics.

Oliver Bell -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (8/30/2007 9:10:45)

Thanks still we could use some more threads I will see if I can think of anything.

Oblivion_Necroninja -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (8/31/2007 17:45:51)

Sorry I've not been around recently... School and all. I'm going to check the music thread right now!

lifeman9 -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (8/31/2007 17:46:49)

Thanks I was going to bump it Lol! I was last person to Post

P.S. Anyone else noticed the beside Dynami We're the only Clan without an AK,Mod, Etc in our Clan?

Oliver Bell -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (9/1/2007 6:10:58)

I did actually but I don't think nocturu have one either.

lifeman9 -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (9/1/2007 9:01:26)

I was thinking that too... Cause,
Aerodu: Ultrapowerpie
Geoto: None
Igneus: Bballman23
Nautica: Lkeas, and others I think..
Lucian: ?
Nocturu: ?

4/4 Have one.. Well I thought Lucian had one... "/ Maybe not whatever.

P.S. Council Elections? And Vice Clan Head... ( I would like Oliver Bell but it up to voter)

Oliver Bell -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (9/2/2007 6:47:45)

So it is almost time for the forming of the high council remember 3 members per council.

lifeman9 -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (9/2/2007 9:16:24)

Ok So Me and Oliver are the only council members active so..

Let The VOting Begin... But we need them to do the thing.. Lol

Oliver Bell -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (9/2/2007 14:00:21)

Lifeman9 if you remember I am not currantly in the council but I will try for a position now.

Oblivion_Necroninja -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (9/8/2007 13:12:27)

Ugggh. Sorry I haven't been around, but school has killed my energy levels...
Well, that and Nocturu is having a bit of a crisis now too...

lifeman9 -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (9/8/2007 20:24:27)

Bad News, UGH ALIENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Broke my internet after a Storm and they won't fix it. It's working at the momment but could go off at anytime.

Oliver Bell -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (9/9/2007 4:09:39)

NO! Try and get on when you can Lifeman9 we need you to finish the election.

lifeman9 -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (9/9/2007 12:52:59)

It's working at the Moment Alient is coming tomorrow to fix it.

P.S. Spending most of Internet on MSN... People beofer games :P

tauguy -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (9/10/2007 13:40:00)

Wow, BB is in the df design notes. Well done 'DragonLord BrotherBeat'.

lifeman9 -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (9/10/2007 20:22:28)

Hi all,
I was wondering, this sounds stupid but, do you think that we could make a thread for Saying Thank you, or sorry, too the people who have left Geoto due to fighting after DB2000 Left, or when they were ignored their artist rights. I have read the rules top to bottom 4 times, unless this is a Good Bye or welcome thread, This is allowed.. I think.


Oliver Bell -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (9/11/2007 13:17:34)

Sounds good and I hope everythging goes well with it Lifeman9.

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