RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (Full Version)

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Oliver Bell -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (10/3/2007 12:06:01)

MQ is good but I would give it up to fight for my clan,and will.

lifeman9 -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (10/3/2007 15:07:31)

I will too of course because I hit the cap yesterday lol

Oliver Bell -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (10/4/2007 11:23:26)

Well it is time to fight lets all keep count of our kills each day then see who does the most,all the clan, now is a good time to be active.

Oblivion_Necroninja -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (10/6/2007 11:06:01)



...sorry. But you DO realize that, if one of the clans wins, it could spell doom for Paxia, and possibly all of LORE, right?

Just wanted to make sure you knew...

EDIT: Never mind... I thought Geoto's win # had more digits than it did...

Arliena -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (10/8/2007 21:23:59)

when did Clans in chaos become Clans fight themselves?

Oliver Bell -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (10/11/2007 13:39:06)

I would like to inform you I will be away from the 12th tomorrow til the 15th.

Super Meh -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (10/11/2007 15:10:11)

Well, See you when you get back then Oliver, and if it's something fun, have fun...
And if it's something boring, hope it's not do boring mate [:D]

Oliver Bell -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (10/15/2007 10:58:23)

I have returned and it wasn't particularly fun but not boring either.

lifeman9 -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (10/15/2007 13:14:51)

I would Like everyone to meet Murray the Hill Troll he will be one of Our Council members.
Also I need someone to take over the Roll Call Just Message Me and I'll give you the coding.

Murray the Hill Troll -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (10/15/2007 13:26:26)

Hello! Ug! I am glad to meet Geoto! Ug!
I am currently the strongest registered Geoto member. Ug!
I will be looking after your encouragement/peacekeeping needs. Ug! Which you can PM me about if you wish.Ug!
Also, please forgive my trollish accent. Ug! Wraar! Ug!

Oliver Bell -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (10/17/2007 13:10:52)

Lifeman9 could you update the Rock call link on the first post of this thread to the new thread?
EDIT:Thanks.But one of your links, the one to the chat room,isn't in working order.
EDIT:Fixed thanks Lifeman9

Cadam72 -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (10/24/2007 0:28:00)


I would be happy to help in any way I can. I travel for work a great deall but would like to help in any capacitysuch as mobilizing team members to recruiting new members to the vlan and helping them develop. Let me know what I can do for the group. Alleric

lifeman9 -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (10/24/2007 14:32:38)

Cadam I'm a deeply sorry for that, it was one of my moments of stupidity, I may have misread your PM but, I'll PM what you said as to keep your.. information?

Oliver Bell -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (11/6/2007 15:28:31)

Just saying but arn't we supposed to have a clan head election every 2 months if so that is 1 weeks time.

lifeman9 -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (11/6/2007 15:34:15)

Exactly, I was about to post that, We will be holding Clan Head, and Council positions beginning on Saturday, Ending on Tuesday, that sound good. I've also worked the requirements for Head and It looks as if Me, Super Meh, and Oliver are the only one allowed to be Clan Head. Everyone else I think would be too active, and I have a Feeling Oliver will run for head this time. Nominates are beginning.. Tomorrow.. Hee hee XD

Cadam72 -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (11/6/2007 19:27:50)

I would be interested in running for a lower post involving recruiting, mentoring or helping characters develop. I am trying to post and be more active, as requested. Alleric.

Oliver Bell -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (11/7/2007 13:53:30)

You are right Lifeman9 I will be running for clan head I doubt I will win but still I can fit Geoto in amongst alot of homework which in itself is a great achievement. Just one thing isn't the voting time a bit short considering how inactive we are?

Also WHERE HAS GAIA'S thread gone!

EDIT:Lifeman9 you need to change the link in the rocks of the spire welcome you thread to the neo rock call thread.

lifeman9 -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (11/7/2007 16:04:12)

I've noticed that as well, and That's a different thing OliverI misunderstood

Oliver Bell -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (11/7/2007 16:09:24)

Thanks for sorting the link out Lifeman9. Will you be creating a new Gaia thread as the old one has disappeared.

akoru -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (11/12/2007 22:13:24)

Hmmm i have a question on the roll call. When you are "inactive" does that mean that you dont play or post on the forum? I play like everyday, but i dont post that much here.

Oliver Bell -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (11/13/2007 11:38:11)

That should go in the FAQ but still the answer is forum activity. But for future reference I will add it to the top of the Neo rock call.

lifeman9 -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (11/13/2007 14:45:27)

I have gotten in a bit of trouble.. ( Someone insult my girlfriend and well..) So i'm off the computer for the week, Election will be over on Monday just letting you know.

Oliver Bell -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (11/13/2007 15:00:59)

Ok Lifeman9 thanks for letting us know see you soon.

akoru -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (11/13/2007 18:26:56)

How are the elections going to be a real "go"? I mean that there are so less people who go to Geoto forums to vote. Won't it be like a bit un-fair if only 5 people votes?

Oliver Bell -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (11/14/2007 12:56:52)

Maybe but at the moment it is the only way.

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