RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (Full Version)

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EragonZZZZ -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (9/2/2007 18:37:11)

Are you telling me I've done such a thing?
No, never. D:

Lol, I'm working on mine to. You're gonna release before me, though, I bet. :]

SirSchmoopy -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (9/2/2007 21:00:16)

im gonna release before both of u [sm=silly.gif]!
btw how do i make tetris? i tried everything, but nothing seems to work, i tried making everything sorta like a wall so when it falls it stops on top of it but not even that worked so far!

flsg -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (9/2/2007 23:44:19)

SirSchmoopy: -.- you don't just ask how to make a game...
if you do that and ask for the code to copy/paste, of cours you'll release before us. This is NOT a competition

EragonZZZZ -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (9/2/2007 23:53:23)

I think we've been here before....

SirSchmoopy -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (9/3/2007 10:35:56)

flsg, im not asking for the code, im asking how to make the thingy where they land on top of eachother, in other words, i need to know how im supposed to do it, like for example, make ita wall, then ill make it a wall myself, i just wanna kno whut im supposed to make.
edit:lol eragon...

flsg -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (9/3/2007 12:48:48)

SirSchmoopy: if you're thinking about using "wall" then abandon your project immediatly >_<

The Illusive Man -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (9/3/2007 12:57:46)

that's nice flsg lol.

I was wondering - this may sound really stupid and basic, but i'm actually stumped on something.

I *looks ashamed* use dynamic text boxes to declare all my variables. I was wondering...

How would I

Declare a normal variable purely in AS
Declare a global variable purely in AS



EragonZZZZ -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (9/3/2007 13:13:51)

No worries man.

normal variable declaration?

var name:type = new type()

In other words:
var randomNumber:Number = new Number()
var isitFalse:Boolean = new Boolean()

Also, those parenthesis are the constructor statement.
They help 'construct' a new instance of that variable.
var randomNumber:Number = new Number(5)
var isitFalse:Boolean = new Boolean(false)
var genericString:String = new String("Hello World!")

EDIT: flsg, what is this 'wall' of which everybody speaks?

flsg -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (9/3/2007 13:19:05)

what eragon said
also, NO ONE IN THE WORLD uses the Number, Boolean and String constructor. A normal person assign the variable value directly:
var randomNumber:Number=5

The Illusive Man -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (9/3/2007 13:27:11)

and how to make it global?

EragonZZZZ -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (9/3/2007 14:03:51)



what eragon said
also, NO ONE IN THE WORLD uses the Number, Boolean and String constructor. A normal person assign the variable value directly:
var randomNumber:Number=5

It was just the easiest way to teach constructors...

And althorne, get in the habit of not using _global.

The Illusive Man -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (9/3/2007 14:36:14)

i just wanna know how lol. Knowledge is power

SirSchmoopy -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (9/3/2007 14:42:31)

flsg, if im wrong, then how do i do it????
btw, dont get pissed off, cuz im not asking for code, sheesh.

flsg -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (9/3/2007 21:37:21)

ok then. I don't think you'll be able to make a tetris game(no offense, it's hard), but here's a simple way:
consider the entire game screen as a two-dimentional array. the value 0 for empty, 1 for full, like a tile-based game.
but I seriously doubt you know how to make a tile-based game(again, no offense, you never post tile-based games)

SirSchmoopy -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (9/4/2007 16:38:49)

but i do have a book that explains about tiled based games, i got it when i first started making flash stuff, its called beggining flash game programming for dummies!!! yay! its perfect for me!

edit: wahh!! ur right flsg it's WAAAAAAAAAAAAY too hard!!! iv been trying all day, but no succes, i guess i wont release before both of u...

< Message edited by SumRandumReetrtNamdSirSchmoopy -- 9/4/2007 18:14:21 >

flsg -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (9/4/2007 21:07:59)

SirSchmoopy: lol next time, fix a reachable goal before starting your game XD

SirSchmoopy -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (9/5/2007 18:28:19)

well, duz any1 kno how i can make it? perhaps a lil hint? plz? C'mon, i really need to make it, cuz it wuz my friends idea, and he said he wontadvertise on digg until i release it :(.

flsg -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (9/5/2007 18:35:11)

SirSchmoopy: you should stop accepting every request your friend gives you XD

SirSchmoopy -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (9/5/2007 20:48:22)

theres only 1 problem, he pays for my website, and he paid for flash 8 for me, and hes paying for xbox live for me, and he lent me his world of warcraft, whcih i lost, so i owe him so much, so he said i have to make any game he wants.

flsg -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (9/5/2007 21:10:38)

WTH?!?! you really think you're gonna make a game this good to compensate for all his lost?! No way. the price of website, flash 8, xbox and WoW cost WAY more than your game even if you charge him to pay 50$ a month to pay the debt.

also, sorry but I don't think your story is realistic. If he want to play tetris, all he need is to go google a free tetris game.
XD >_> >_< v_v <_< ^_^

SirSchmoopy -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (9/5/2007 21:15:36)

no its just tetris is a minigame in my game, also, im not paying it off in money, he just wants me to make good games, as long as he likes em
edit: also, im gonna post a sweet lil' guy with sweet lil' demon armor, it alredy rocks.
edit2: heres the dood hes pimped!!!

EragonZZZZ -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (9/5/2007 23:12:33)

ohhh my head.
I'm going to ignore the above conversation and mention that...

Along with AS.
But I decided that since the JVM is free, and portable, AND fast

AS 2 = Java > AS 3 = C++

In my book of things to learn

flsg -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (9/6/2007 16:48:48)

EragonZZZZ: lol:
since Java and AS2 are on the same level of program language(both done by C++ I think), they should be considered equal. Now that there's AS3, it should have almost the same execution speed than Java.
C++ is the most useful language EVER. Most MMORPGs are done in C++ because it's super fast, and OOPed. I think it belongs to the third program language level while AS3 and Java are in the forth.

SirSchmoopy -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (9/6/2007 18:10:10)

im sorta gonna quit this forum to go learn more AS2, so ill see you in, about never bu-bye! its been good knowin yah, c ya!

flsg -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (9/6/2007 19:00:35)

-.- wth was that
anyway, good luck!!! DOn't forget to come back here sometimes lol
let's see, how many members do we have now?:

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