Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (Full Version)

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Siege -> Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (8/12/2007 17:34:10)


Thanks to brotherbeast and Geoto for the banner.

Welcome to Glacius!

Thanks go to Serbitar for the new layout.


"Some say the world will end in fire, we say it will end in ice!"

Are you new to Glacius?

If you're new to Glacius take a look at any of the threads listed. We can explain anything you want to you and show you what it means to be a Glacian. Often, new members are flamed or treated with disrespect, we aim to change that and make Paxia the best place for new members.

Are you a returning member?

If you're a returning member, once again, take a look through the following threads. We can also remind you of what its like to be in Glacius and how to fit in.

Here are some useful links throughout the forums:

Newbie Help
If you're completely new and need some serious help then here is the place to go. There are experienced members ready to help you out in an instant. Remember to read the stickies first!

AQ Q&A If you need help with an in-game matter, then here's the place to go. Remember to read the stickies first!

Forum Issues If you have any forum related topics, including feedback, suggestions, and questions regarding the forum, they go here.

IRC Chat Help Having trouble with IRC? This forum has everything you need to know about IRC, plus a Q&A topic.

Here are some useful links throughout the Glacian sub-forum:

Glacius FAQ Check out Apocalyptic's FAQ, now run by Archmagus Baron. Its updated regularly and if the FAQ doesn't answer all of your questions, please post them here or there, as both threads double as a Q&A.

GHC Thread 8 The GHC gathers here to discuss how they can make our clasn a better place. Feel free to post any suggestions there. Bear in mind that they must not be in-game suggestions.

Glacius Roster A list of all the Glacius members so far. To sign up here, just state your allegiance and your character link.

Getting to know your Glacians Ask your fellow Glacians questions and get to know them more. (No longer exists)

Official Glacius Private Forums Private forums for Glacius. Other clan's members can go there too, but only glacians have full access. I run them now, but they were originally created by Eternal Chaos.

GHC Approved Threads

These are threads that the GHC deems worthy to represent what Glacius is about. You are welcome to visit any of them ^.^

The Official Glacius Awards This thread has a collection of sigs which you can use according to what you have done in-game for Glacius.

Bobby the Cute Snow Hare XII Bobby is Glacius' official mascot. When Glacius' Z-Token count reaches a certain number, Bobby will transform into a different ice being.

Glacius Dictionary In Colonel J's Glacius Clan Dictionary, you can state the definition of any Glacius type word just for fun and have it added to our dictionary. (No longer exists)

Glacian History Resource Centre In this place, you will find all the historical records of this clan.

Feel free to chat here, we have a very welcoming, cryo-hearted community.

Updated 7/28/09

Ricobabie -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (8/12/2007 17:34:57)

Oo it's nice and flashy.

Now it's all organized and looks official it's getting stickied like the other threads in the other clans.

*Fly the thread to the top*

Siege -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (8/12/2007 17:44:22)

Im honored rico. *eyes well up* =P

Thank you. My first sticky ever!

Credits to serbitar for, well, most of it. lol

Colonel J -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (8/12/2007 18:19:37)



Feel free to chat here, we have a very welcoming, warm cold-hearted community!

Our communnity is cold-hearted!!!!!????!?!?!?!?

Mistermafio -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (8/12/2007 18:21:40)

we are cold hearted in a very warm fashion.

Siege -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (8/12/2007 18:39:06)

Well we are the ice clan lol

Colonel J -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (8/12/2007 18:54:47)

From Dictionary.com

Cold-Hearted: Lacking sympathy or feeling; indifferent; unkind. -Adjective

Siege -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (8/12/2007 19:28:31)

Uhh, I also crossed out warm? =P

Meaning we are warm-hearted but we're an ice clan so warm-ness of any kind is unacceptable.


Colonel J -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (8/12/2007 21:51:41)

Well it's misleading so Double [8D]

Lord of Ice -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (8/12/2007 22:45:44)

Maybe the following might work:

Feel free to chat here, we have a very welcoming, cryo-hearted community.

dragonmencer -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (8/13/2007 2:06:36)

Yeah, that could be good. ANd I love the new style, it's brilliant!

Apocalyptic -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (8/13/2007 4:58:54)



From Dictionary.com

Cold-Hearted: Lacking sympathy or feeling; indifferent; unkind. -Adjective

From GlacianDictionary.com

Cold-Hearted: Cool; amazing; fun to be with; part of Glacius. -Adjective

Siege -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (8/14/2007 2:41:54)

Ok, I did lots of tidy-ing up. Fixed some wierd tags, rearragned a few things, changed a few things, adjusted a few things, and added some more useful forum links.


Serbitar -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (8/14/2007 10:04:52)



Im honored rico. *eyes well up* =P

Thank you. My first sticky ever!

Credits to serbitar for, well, most of it. lol

Don't I get a credit note on the actual post? *bats eyelashes*

Apocalyptic -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (8/14/2007 14:14:38)

Note to Siege: We're on Bobby IX now and that link is out of date! Fix it!

Demonstar -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (8/14/2007 16:40:57)

its kinda funny that only active vetrens are posting on the welcome to glacius thread

Siege -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (8/14/2007 17:18:32)

Uh, yeah...I knew that heh. Fixed. =P

Hmm, serby...well, ok Im putting you in now. =P

Edit: Ok, now your at the very top of the thread. =P

Serbitar -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (8/15/2007 5:39:54)

There is only one word for you Siege: you are a ****! LOL J/K. You are teh meanie. [:(]

Siege -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (8/15/2007 15:42:48)

Haha, Im just joking. =P I'll change it.

Baker -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (8/15/2007 16:16:51)

[FAQ] for 'dis. Hopefully newer members will see and pay more attention, just in case they don't take a look at stickies (which seems to be the case, actually). XD

Siege -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (8/15/2007 19:52:40)

Wow, my first FAQ too. =P

Thanks bb. =P

Serbitar -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (8/16/2007 5:43:28)

Thankyee! Ooo teh Snowy's not gonna be happy. >.>

Apocalyptic -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (8/16/2007 10:33:04)

Nope, mine's got it too and this is sort of a FAQ...

Serbitar -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (8/16/2007 11:34:17)

At least it'll never get chomped. [:D]

Apocalyptic -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (8/16/2007 12:44:11)

Yeah! Chompation is bad v.v

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