RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (Full Version)

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brianspenceni -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (9/18/2009 16:44:23)

Woot a Drizz't fan! Forgotten Realms rock, and I've always sort of though of my nerfkitten as Guenhwyvar! Nice to have a new member to the clan and any book recommendations would be great!!!

Raven Mac Drake -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (9/18/2009 18:01:25)

@ 137ben:
We are glad you are in glacius now!
You may want to visit the glacius clan roster to register.

I will ;)

Woot a Drizz't fan! Forgotten Realms rock, and I've always sort of though of my nerfkitten as Guenhwyvar! Nice to have a new member to the clan and any book recommendations would be great!!!

If you wanna a recomendation the new trilogy seems to be quite interesting, if you like what Salvatore is doing with Drizzt and Cattie Brie relationship, btw the best book for me is the Passage to Dawn, from Legacy of the Drow serie. Is really epic.
Ehehe wanna know the name of my pets??

brianspenceni -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (9/19/2009 5:54:11)

Go on, then. What's their names?

BTW i've read passage to dawn; have you read the road to the patriarch (jarlaxle, entreri) - magic!

Raven Mac Drake -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (9/19/2009 6:08:56)

I love Artemis!! Is really a great char!
ps: there's somekind of sig of the clan that I can use? Something for a new member, I mean?

brianspenceni -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (9/20/2009 9:28:49)

You could look in the glacius art section of the paxia artwork:
or take something from our recent artwork competition:

Raven Mac Drake -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (9/20/2009 9:40:01)

Hmmm another forum... it seems I need to register there lol

p.s: I'm reading your update in the [FGC]Farming guide: well done. I will try your advice for a fast farming later ;)

The Evil Child -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (11/15/2009 21:11:19)

[sm=xmas.gif] In glacious, its chri- ummm frost festivle thingey every day!!!![sm=xmas.gif]

Bernardus Rex -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (12/1/2009 1:27:41)

Hi, very very new here (as in, this is my first post.) I am defending Glacius a lot the last week or so as I farm gold to build up my estate. My question is, I am building a nice estate, got a level 9 guard tower and a level 7 Mega Portal (and portals to both worlds,) but I can't fight in a war. When do wars happen? How can I get in one? Thanks.

Baron -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (12/1/2009 2:07:59)

Hi Bernardus Rex & welcome to Glacius. If you wish to know when a war is happening, a good thing to do is check the AQ General Discussion section of the forums as it will usually have a war topic while there is a war happening, another good thing to do is subscribe to AQ's newsletters & check you e-mail weekly (around Wednesday server time) for the recent newsletter, in that newsletter it will give a short discription of the update that is happening.

If you have anymore questions about Glacius, I suggest you take a look at the Official Clan FAQ/Q&A thread.

If you have anymore questions about AQ, I suggest that you use the AQ Questions/Answers section of the forums.
Hope you enjoy being in Glacius![;)]

Bernardus Rex -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (12/1/2009 3:12:36)

Thanks for those links; I've read all of them and I guess my question is, how often do the wars happen? I have had this estate for a month and tried every single day to use it to fight in wars, but none have come up yet. The only war thread I've found doesn't list any wars for the last year. Is having and building this estate worth it? I want to use these guards and my Mega Portal.

Baron -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (12/1/2009 3:28:31)

Wars happen around every month or two, the last war happened around 2 months ago, the reason why there are no threads listing the most recent wars is because the AQ GD section gets cleaned out often. Don't worry, there will most likely be a war for Frostval which is coming soon[;)](though we don't know this for sure).

Having an estate is useful as there are many different things you can do, for example with the Battle Stat Trainer estate building, you can train in the STR, DEX & END stats for a cheaper cost than training them through visiting the stat trainers via twilly.

I suggest that you take a look at the Estate System Guide & =Q&A= Houses, Estates, and Portals FAQ for more information on the estate system.

For a full list of estate items, you may want to take a look at the Houses and House Items Index, this thread links to all of the 'Pedia entries of the current estate buildings available.

Bernardus Rex -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (12/1/2009 3:32:09)

Thanks again for all those links; I have gotten good use from them and pretty much understand everything about the estate system; it's only the Guard and Portal systems I haven't been able to use yet, and now you've told me why. Thanks again.

BlueGuardian -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (12/10/2009 22:09:44)

Just poppin' in to say, "Hey." though I'm not sure if anyone's around that still knows me. If not... *waves in greeting*


Nix Wolfwood -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (2/6/2010 22:27:01)

Hello! I think... I'll end up just posting in all the threads because I'm obviously starved for attention or something. *grin*

I've been in Glacius for a very long time. I have no idea when I joined, sometime in 2007. I'm fond of ice... and Nix is Latin for snow. *puffs out chest*

I stopped playing Adventure Quest twice... once, because I didn't have internet for nearly a year (end of 07-mid 08) and then I didn't have a computer (early 09-early 10) BUT! *takes a deep breath* I have interwebs and no life! SO!!!! *spends all my time figuring out all the new bits of the game*

Lupus the Wolf -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (2/12/2010 23:01:15)

I like the color of blue, (well green too [:)] ) and i like drinking cold drinks, enjoy cold weather and usually i open my air conditioner at the lowest temperature just to cool down. [:D][:D] .
I like Snowflake, and i always wanna touch snow but too bad my country don't have snow.

137ben -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (2/13/2010 13:51:49)

Nice to have ya in the clan :)

brianspenceni -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (2/13/2010 18:09:44)

Welcome, and sorry your country doesn't have snow! That's snow last season

xXHaWkZXx -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (9/8/2013 12:53:13)

Hi guys I've been on the forums for a while now but have been in glacius for a long long long time
My friend asked me to spread this around

that is The glacius reconstruction thread go there and help Glacius get bigger and better!
If the link is broken PM me just don't tell anyone!

tommy2468 -> RE: Welcome to Glacius! Thread 4 (12/14/2013 12:20:01)

Welcome to the Glacius Clan!

As the newly elected Clan Head I would like to present my joy to all members of the Glacius Clan, be they old or new, to be a part of this amazingly cool Clan [:)] Bad pun intended :P

If you have any questions about anything to do with Glacius or even queries you may have about forum related stuff then feel free to leave me a PM, or the Clan General, xXHaWkZXx, and we will attempt to make you feel as at home as possible [:D]

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