RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (Full Version)

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twilight_dweller -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (9/8/2007 12:22:51)

Finally. That's all I have to say. Since everyone took all the good questions. Congrats!

JuliusBlazehearth -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (9/8/2007 12:32:29)

Congrats Geno, now here comes my questions of Doom

Who and why made and AK?
Falerin, and I don't know why. I suppose he just felt I was good for the job.
What will be your AK super power?
Haven't decided.
Your favorite autor?
Anne McCaffrey and Terry Brooks are both good, and I liked JK Rowling's stuff.
Do you like Dungeons & Dragons?
I've never played any version.
Do you like Magic: The gathering?
Never played it or read the books I hear they have.
and the last

Can I be your minion?
I suppose so. ^_^

Stephen Nix -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (9/8/2007 13:17:13)

Hey great job on being a big part of the Speculations and Throies! :)

Who gave you your position?
Faleirn asked me, so I guess it was him.

I'm an evil penguin who loves to help in the df pedias the best he can....don't get me wrong I will freeze you
Um, what?

Whats your defence to my ultimate attack of ice ownage?
Kill it with fire.

Does this shirt make me look fat?
I can't see you.

Does it make you look fat?
Anything makes me look fat.

Are u good or evil?
Good... mostly.

What did you do when you were first given permission to work for the Speculations and Theories? Did you party, dance....
Get excited, then be amused at how quickly people noticed. (It wasn't even five minute before the first congrats!)

What is your signature lock? "B"locked, Ultimate lockdown, Clawed or even Freeze Lock or something else...
Haven't decided.

I hope that your having a fun time controlling your stations...cya says Stephen Nix!

Moondragon -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (9/8/2007 16:33:29)


Do you pick in your nose?
Do you like waffles?
What is the most silly question you got?
Hm... i can't decide.
Is it hard to answer questions like those you got?
Some have been.
I ask again: Do you like waffles?

See ya.

Clyde -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (9/8/2007 17:13:03)

I cant believe they chose you...

Nah, it's cool

We need another smart AK

How did you react?
As far as anyone other than me could tell, calmly.
Did you know I got a new Ferret?
Keep up the Good Work, G


masterwolfie -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (9/8/2007 17:32:33)

Yo already congrats you but i notied this thread now you can get my questions of untimely doom or just random ....

What will your phrase be when you lock or use Ak powers like pie with his moogles lol *punts pie*
I haven't decided. I'm thinking something dragonic.
Wolves eats moogles for lunch or breckfeast?
Um... dunno?
Cookies or muffins?
Well i am still working on that puzzel >.> on those other forums lol so the turtle doesnt like the flowers [&:] it worked last time lol well any hints :D?

What will you do if drop your muffin on the floor >:)
...kill with fire.
666? people say thats the'galins number?? i try ringing him but all i get is *beep beep* :P?
That is supposed to be the number of the anti-christ and has absolutely nothing with The`Galin.
well i aint got alot of random questions today should i post again later in thread?
Or you can edit this post and pm me saying you added some.
Well keep up the good work, and congrats again
Thank you.
and oh yea Wolves pwns Moogles :D yes i got a rival kind of thing with pie


toyo14445 -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (9/8/2007 17:51:58)

Congrats Geno

If I died then ate a cereal box full of maggots would they infest my brain or my liver?
What time is it?*Gametime*
Time for me to ignore the question.
What time is it?
Any dogs in the house?*Woot Woot Woot*
Any dogs in the house?
Again, no.
What is your quest?
To seek the Holy Grail!
Why do you love the S&P forum?
It's just awesome like that.
Why is the dog in my shoes favorite cat turd?

HK 47 -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (9/8/2007 17:54:27)

Like I said: Grats Geno, you deserved it.

So, what's new?
The fact that I'm AK.
Gonna help out anywhere else?
Possibly Paxia.
That's all mate!

Baker -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (9/8/2007 20:10:30)

:o It be Geno! Congrats!

Anyway, questions...

Do you like sports? If so, which ones?
not much, tennis.
What was your reaction to being asked to become an AK?
Pretended to be calm and happy. In reality, was ecstatic.
If you could, what other forums would you AK?
What makes me the best AK? :P
The fact that this situation calls for me humoring you at this time.
What's your favorite movie?
Meh... I suppose if I must decide, Transformers.
Okay, enough. Hopefully not too many of those were already asked. Have fun, and see ya around. :D
Would you believe all but one of them were already asked?

sky1017777 -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (9/9/2007 1:17:23)


ramen or sushi
favorite color
favorite class
r u good evil or neutral
am i asking too many questions
ok thats all i can think of bye

macer -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (9/9/2007 2:48:51)

about time you made AK geno.

how does it feel to be a Arch knight?
whats your favorite Uber set (or Epic set if it applies)?
Golden, except for Axe.
Johnny Depp verses Errol Flynn, who would win?
Johnny Depp. A great actor.
can you make a joke with the set up: a Nautican, a Geoto and an Aerodu walk into a bar?

thats all for now, Congrats on the promotion that was a LONG time in coming.

Big Bizznaz -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (9/9/2007 3:28:27)

Firstly, congratulations. 'Bout time you were made an AK. Now, onto the questions.

What irks you?
Wrongful correction, as in the person being corrected being the one that is right.
Anime or Manga?
Manga. The stories usually have an extra dose of awesome.
What is your favorite quote, way to die, and school subject.
"It's better to stay silent and let them think you're a fool than to speak and prove it." Just not waking from sleep. Chemistry.
Favorite book?
Hm... there's Dune, Ender's Game, and Ender's Shadow. All three are awesome, and I can't pick one over another.
Any dreams/future goals?
Teaching Chemistry at a university.
Lurking skills?
You know it.
Alrighty you're free to go.

Links -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (9/9/2007 5:48:27)

OMG. You're the first guy I know before he was made into a AK. Anyway, I should get to asking you questions now.

Do you wear any rings? If so, which finger?
Favorite Anime/Manga?
Manga. As I said before, compared to anime, they have an extra dose of awesome to the storyline... usually.
You have any physical defects?
A single, small, curved scar on my right wrong finger.
You have a job? If not/yes, what job do you want/what's your job?
No, not yet. I'm hoping I can be a highschool teacher as my first job, but I'll just have to wait and see.
You in a relationship?
Favorite subject in school?

Crimson Raven -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (9/9/2007 6:08:14)

Howdeh Geno. Im mainly doing this because of your subtle undertones of a threat on IRC XD
Bah, that wasn't a threat, and you know it.
4. Enjoying your now God-Like status as an AK?
"god-like status"... riiight...
3. How long before you ascend to Modship then? Or even Admin... :o
No idea.
1. Do you read much? If so, what in particular? Favourite Authors?
Dragonriders of Pern series, Harry Potter, Terry Brooks' various series, Ender's Game, Ender's Shadow, and Dune.
5. Video Games? What in particular?
RPGs, especially the tactical ones, including especially Final Fantasy Tactics, Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance, Disgaea 1, and Disgaea 2.
2. Music? What in particular?
Classic rock.
Thats pretty much it.
It only looks like 5, but its really more XD

s4tchel -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (9/9/2007 6:47:50)

i don't know you so just 1 question.

Do you think fighting fire with fire makes sense?
It depends on the context. Fire fighters have used the method effectively for forest fires.

boomies -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (9/9/2007 11:50:37)

Hello! I am back. Since you were nice and didnt count that one question, and some of the things I put were statements, not questions, I still have a few more questions ( 4, to be exact) and I will use them now (In MtAKs, you need to pinch every question!)

1. If you could mod any forum other then S&T, what would you choose?
The only other I'd be even slightly interested in is the GGD. I can already AK in Paxia, and Nautica and here used to be the only ones I'd really frequent.
2. [:)] vs. [:D]?

3. What is your opinion of MtAKs?
They tend to be fun and funny.
4. If you were chosen to be in the Zardian, what would your reaction be?
Happy and worried at the same time. Having a deadline might stress me out.
Bye now then.

Edit-I crossed the number 2 out because I have a better questions. For Crimson Raven, you said you read Terry Brooks. So, Magic Kingdom of Landover vs Shannara?
Since I haven't finished the Shannara series, I'll have to say the Heritage of Shannara is my favorite series of his so far. I've heard the High Druid is good, but I have yet to read any of that.

ShadowWrath -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (9/9/2007 13:17:57)

Hey Genoclysm, i present you my congratulations and a "thank you" at the same time ... because i believe being an AK represents alot of responsabilities to take on as well as AKs being members that reflect upmost dedication to the forums and make them a better place :)

Any plans on having another Nel Avatar or are you changing inspiration completelly ?
Now that I can use my own avies, I may go on whim. Currently I'm going with something that relates to the character my forum name comes from. I have no idea when and to what I'd change it too.
Would you say you seek Truth alone ... or all 9 of them ?
Truthfully I do not seek Truth, but I instead seek the truth.
When you say you are mooving towards Paxia as well (perhaps) will you activelly participate like you do in S&T or only moderate a bit ?
Probably only moderate, but if I see something interesting along the way, I might comment.
I'm fond of some chemisty concepts i learned about in school, such as H2O's many properties, more preciselly the geometrical structure it takes when it freezes (not the molecule alone, but one to another due to the many inter-molecular liaisons it can make), do you have any specific chemistry concepts you are fond of ?
I like drawing out the dot models and balancing equations.
Now the completelly random stupid question of doom that can lead to alot of nonsense if you repeat the concept:
If chicken tasted like Scallops ... what would Scallops taste like O.o ?
It would taste like chicken, because if A = B, then B must = A.
hmm i think that'll be all, 'till next we meet !

Cheddar -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (9/9/2007 14:00:48)

I'm back...with crazy questions!

6. If pie were in squares, how many pieces would there be?
That would depend on its size.
7. If she sells seashells by the seashore, are waffles overrated?
Waffles are indeed overrated. They are just square pancakes with pockets.
8. If you had exactly 3.1415 solar panels on the top of a mansion with three acres of land, how large is the golf course?
I'd imagine pretty big, because I'd have to have a lot of money to have that much in the first place.
9. If Cysero lost his Cysero's Massive Thunder Rawk Kill You Stick, why is the moon always full in Granemor?
Because it is a universal law that whenever an RPG player reaches a land of undeath, then and only then does the sun set and a full moon rise.
10. Are you: A. a Human, B. an Elf, C. a Dwarf, D. an Orc, E. a Drakel, or F. Other?
If you are asking about the character, definately an other. My stories I'm trying to get written have races that AQ doesn't, and I use see my AQ characters as them visiting.
That's all for now. I may or may not come back later for five more questions [:-].

tempestofnight -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (9/9/2007 14:02:38)


The all knowing genocylsm, strikes again?
But I've been wrong before!
S&T is truely your realm, no?
Yes, yes it is.
Will you survive The'Galin?
No idea.
Will I?
No idea.
Will we?
No idea.
How shall you name your lockings? (see next question if you don't understand)
I haven't decided yet.
How about Cataclysmic Lock?
Hm... I don't know...
Why did you never come request me when I headed the EGF rating center?
Did you look at my character? What makes you think I ever needed a rating center?
Do you even know who I am?
I recognise the screen name.
Who offered you the job?
Did you ever consider for a second, saying no?
Of course not!
On a scale of one to ten, ten being Evo., how harsh shall you be?
Considering I'm always saying I'm too lentient... maybe a 2, but I'm not very sure.
Scakk attack?
IT?! Where?! Run away!!! (Inside joke.)
The attack is super effective! >.>;
Organic Chemistry?
I think I prefer inorganic, but I don't really have to decide between them just yet.

Thats all for now

silverdarkness003 -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (9/9/2007 14:13:14)

may you post on my suggestions?(linked to sig)
I might.
do you like my :p s?
Not when they are spammy.
Just two more...
if i was an uber dragon, would i like chicken?
Dragons like anything that is extra crispy and smothered in ketchup.
oh! one more thing

*:p-lle pounces with one milloin rainbows of :ps*
That's over three! Smite the spam!

Saerokeon -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (9/9/2007 14:14:32)


Comes from plants.

Comes from bees.

Comes from cold stuff.

Comes from leaves.

Do you realize where this is leading?

Sugar Honey Ice Tea...Make it an acronym [;)]
ORB, Orb's Requesting Breakage

Do you think Ash is a n00b?
No, I think he's a newb.

How about a noob?
how about delete the spam?

Bye then! (Meheheheh...16th)

NeoSano11vr -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (9/9/2007 17:28:54)

1-Hey Genoclysm, hows it been going?
2-Just one random question: Frosted Flakes or Wheaties?
3-Do you like the band The Used at all?
Never heard of them.
4-A Mod/AK/Admin you like/are freinds with?
Falerin, Maxwell, Lord Barrius, Damselindigital, Lkeas, Silence., Ultrapowerpie, at least. Maybe Hollow and Goofy, although I haven't talked to them as much.
5-Favorite AQ weapon?
Sila's Staff
6-Favorite type of Soda?
Cream Soda
7-Ever played Tales Of Symphonia? What about Fire Emblem?
No to the first, Path of Radiance and Sacred Stones to the second.
8-On a scale of 3 to 8, 5 being the highest, how well do you understand this scale? Hmm...
9-Do you like Criss Angels show?
Don't know him.
10-What are some of your favorite Animes/Mangas?
Ghost in the Shell's anime, and Full Metal Alchemists' manga are awesome.
11-Your favorite Book?
Tie between Ender's Game, Ender's Shadow, and Dune.
12-Favorite Color in a hat?
I don't usually wear hats.
13-Who on the forums do you think most deserves an AKship?
That isn't one? Hm... Deathisper.
14-Do you like the show Scrubs?
The few times I've watched it, it has been very amusing.
15-Ok, c u nextweekor two...?

xXxChriscorexXx -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (9/9/2007 17:51:17)


Havent been on IRC in awhile :*(

Schools keeping me busy

how is it being an AK?

Glad to see you are an AK

Have fun


Moridin -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (9/9/2007 21:21:51)

Dang, stuff happens fast around here...congrats. I really wish I had time to ask a gauntlet of questions, but I just don't. Sorry.

neo_manni -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (9/9/2007 21:36:30)

1.) hey bro how you doing??
2.) do you feel lonely at times??
3.) do you feel lonely now??
4.) are you wondering why put "?" at the end of my questions??
5.) I saw you answar a few question I was just wondering, why would you choose jacob for your son's name??
I feel it is a good name, and a name from the bible.
6.) I know we talk to time to time but what is your real name bro??
I'm one of many Daniels.
7.) Why, did you whine when ultrapowerpie said will you help us in Paxia??
Because Paxia is Paxia and it will always be Paxia.
8.)are the "??" annoying you now??
9.) sorry I can't help it will you forgive me for the annoying "??" at the end of every question *puppy dog eyes*??
10.) uuuummmmmm what question now, er! are you a rare item collector in AQ??
Nope, I only keep what is good or powerful.
11.) are you more of an AQ player or DF player??
12.) out of 1 being the lowest excitement to 10 being the most excited for it, are you awaiting the arrival of the MQ game??
13.) would you buy the equivelant of the guardianship for AQ and equivelant of DF for MQ when it comes out??
Of course.
14.) do you think they will not release something like that in MQ??
I don't know.
bye now, I guess this is the last question are you getting excited for speculating for MQ aswell??
Not sure

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