RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (Full Version)

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Alixander Fey -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (10/9/2007 20:59:15)

Well... heres random stuff...

Are you a christian? If so, do elaborate.
Asking if one is a Christian is basically asking if they believe Jesus Christ has saved their soul. Yes, I am Christian.

How exactly does one become an archknight of... speculation?
Getting noticed for a good record and helpful nature... in Speculation & Theories.

Can you write? Do you have stories in the CW or WA?
Look up the Strange New Neighbors article in the Zardian issue 8, and you tell me.

Do you get annoyed when stupid people speculate on stupid stuff?

SwordFyre -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (10/9/2007 22:42:53)

Do you like cheese or pepperoni?
What is your favorite kind of cheese?
Bleu cheese
What would happen if your sword caught on fyre?
Do you make that typo often?

king cam -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (10/10/2007 3:22:27)

1.If cheeseburgers pwn us all you must like cheeseburgers, so are you a cheeseburger?
I'm not a cheeseburger. That would make me a cannibal.
2.Hi, how's it going?
3.Knock Knock?
Who's there?
Ice who?
5.I scream you scream we all scream for ice - cream!
6.Knock Knock
Who's there?
Banana Who?
Banana Who?
Banana Who?
Banana Who?
Banana Who?
Banana Who?
Banana Who?
Banana Who? (say out loud) you glad I didn't say banana? :B
Yes, you're bananas.

Well thats all seeya Geno

Sephiroth -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (10/10/2007 3:57:30)

so an new AK? nice and congrats on becoming one hope ya enjoy it

Having any fun on being an Ak till now?
I suppose.
whats your favorite AQ/DF/MQ NPC?
King Tralin, 'cause he pwns. Cysero would be in second for the "Have a nice day, or else!"
Can we order Pizza?
I Love Pizza!
Good for you.
whats your Favorite Final Fantasy? *that is if you ever played one*
Final Fantasy VII
your favorite game you have played until now
Lunar 2: Eternal Blue
which is the monster that you most love killing in AQ/DF/MQ?
I don't have a favorite.
Its Peanut Butter Jelly Time!!!

who's the person that you mostly hate in the whole wide world? *is it Hitler?*
I don't particularly hate anyone. Also, a dead guy isn't still in the world, now is he?
Fat People: Funny,Ugly ._.,too much fatness @_@ or.....Serial Stealthy Fat Ninjas?
well thats all hope ya have fun.

Sephiroth wuz here!!!!!!!

Demonstar -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (10/10/2007 8:51:49)


Whats up?
The sky
Ice Cream or Pie? (dont cheat and say pie ala mode)
Is the pie pecan, Kentucky derby, or buttermilk?
Books or Movies?
Books tend to be better.
Green or Pink?
Normal or Flying elephants?
Flying elephants, so long as they don't fall on me.
Favorite food?
MQ, DF, or AQ?
AQ. Maybe MQ once it gets bigger.
Favorite Movie?
Transformers robots in disguise
Favorite book?
Ender's Game
Thats all for now!



/me pokes Geno

werepryeslayer -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (10/10/2007 9:53:26)

1)What are ur capabilities being an ARCHKINIGHT like banning
I can edit, lock, or delete posts and threads and merge threads in Speculation and Theories, Zardian, and Paxia boards.
2)Which class in AQ do u like most
I'm going to wait for the sweep before deciding that.
3)Which class in DF do u like most
Can't say I like any of them.
4)If u r a mod or admin who would u be
Well I obviously wouldn't be me if I was someone else.
5)If u were given a chance 2 create a game wat would it be based on
It would be based on my fantasy stories.
6)Would prefer being a normal member again or became a higher rank
I higher rank on the forums like mod... I don't know (might be a teensy bit too stressful in some cases), but if you count Zardian as higher rank (game-wise it is), then I already am at a higher rank.
7)Do u upgrade all ur acc in AQ AND DF
Yes, except for an experimental tertiary.
and so gd luck and see ya

Justyn Kase -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (10/10/2007 9:57:40)

Congrats on joining the new and improved, although some slightly insane (I think we forumites help cause said insanity) realm of being an AK.

Question Number 1.
Do you believe we landed on the moon, or that it was all part of some government conspiracy and filmed in a studio?
I don't care enough to go through the trouble of not believing it.
Question Number 2.
SilverWing's hot, isn't she? (I'm not a stalker, not a stalker, not a stalker, LOL)
Question Number 3.
Would you rather be trapped in a room with Zorbak or Twig?
Twig. Random fishy things are better than warding of necromancy. I'd be more likely to have to hurt Zorbak.
Question Number 4.
Do you feel Twig is secretly The'Galin?
Absolutely not.
Question Number 5.
What's your favorite quote?
I can't remember who said it, but "It's better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you are a fool than to speak and prove it."
Question Number 6.
Do you know who Boo, the space hamster, is?
No idea.
Question Number 7.
What are your personal feelings on the war in Iraq? I have a reason for that one.
To avoid sparking a political debate, I'll refrain from answering this one.
Question Number 8.
What is your personal feelings on leet speak?
Hate it.
Question Number 9.
Does this mean since you're the newest AK... does that mean the other AK's talk behind your back calling you "noob?"
We don't do that, and I'm not the newest AK anymore. About... I think three or four more have been added since I started this thread.
Question Number 10.
I'm Ron Burgundy?
No idea.
Okay, that's all I got.

"Rangers and Hamsters everywhere, rejoice!"

Waseinseon -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (10/10/2007 19:43:38)


Do you think the nazis have returned under a new name;Iraguis?

If you could make a new smiley, what would it be?


UZ -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (10/11/2007 9:54:55)

Ahh, Jeice!
I'm curious as to how you know my secondary screen name.
Congratulations for being an AK!

Anything in IRC nowadays?
There's still logs every now and then. #Worldpool has recently been established where our analogs are trapped in Tirlerion's personal playground.
Do ya like being an AK?
Where do ya live?
Planet Earth. I'm not sure which reality though. [;)]
What's your favorite book?
Ender's Game
Favorite Mod?
Hm... I feel obligated to say one of my bosses, such as Reens.
Is there any Clues in #755 or #Darkabode now? I've been a little in-active there, so I would like to know.
There are still #darkabode logs every so often.

Favorite Immertal Chronicle?

Well, now I have to go. Hiyas!

bm_dude1793 -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (10/13/2007 8:07:01)

Congrats AK Geno

Favourite item from your guide in Nautica?
Sila's Staff
If you had to get bombarded by a moglin who?
They're all dangerous. Hm... Chico. He is a coward.
Favourite game made by Artix entertainment?
So far, AdventureQuest.
Pizza or Pie?
A pizza is a type of pie, but also a type of pasta. Since I'm not big on pasta, I prefer most other pies.

hyperblade6 -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (10/13/2007 21:46:33)

Why would you make a page to answer questions?
It is a tradition.

Murray the Hill Troll -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (10/13/2007 22:12:08)

Do you like trolls? Ug!
That would depnd on the specific troll.
Would you like me to teach you some basic trollish? Ug!
No thank you.
What does it feel like to be Staff? Ug!
Graah! Grrr! Raaar! Ug!

Have a nice day, Ug!

Warlord 1134 -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (10/17/2007 17:42:39)

Hello genoclysm nice to see you as an AK now!

Do you plan to take this Archknightship and use it to your advantage to find out even more about this game?
Archknights don't get extra info. Zardian writers do. Either way, no, I plan to do what I was "hired" to do, and not just take advantage of it.
You were always my favorite truthseeker[:D]

What do you think about this awesome new game MechQuest?
I have high hopes for it.
So, what do u think about this new dragonking thing?
I think it will be very interesting, but I can say no more.
Do you expect the devourer to visit anytime soon?
Considering that he is a Lorian diety, I'd say he never left.
I remember one time when you posted on my thread. i could tell right away you were going to be something big!

Anymore insightful thoughts you'd like to share?
Not at this time.
Thanks for answering my questions geno! i know youll be a huge help to forumites on speculation now that youre an AK!

Z -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (10/19/2007 9:10:07)

Hehe, MtAK still open, Geno? Seems like you like questions. Why not do an interview in The Zardian?
I might eventually, if people gather up questions for me in that part of the forums.
Favorite book?
Ender's Game
Fantasy and a bit of sci-fi.
Terry Brooks
Dragonriders of Pern has always been enjoyable for me.
Favorite food?
Sweet tea.

Okay, this isn't really a MtAK question, but where should I begin TruthSeeking? I know there are two very good stickies in this forum, but where should I begin there?
Zeltan's guide helps answer tons of little stuff, and there should be a link somewhere to the Histories and the Truth Pedia. I suggest starting with the Histories (especially the Journal of The`Galin), then looking through Zeltan's guide if you don't have time to read Truth Pedia logs.
Thanks for answering the question, and good luck moderating!

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