RE: =MtAK= Gnomish Knights abound! (Full Version)

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Shodu -> RE: =MtAK= Gnomish Knights abound! (10/17/2007 18:42:01)

Everybody I once knew and loved is becoming an Aarchkniiiiiiiight :P

There are quite a few of us, tis true

What is the meaning of life?



How little you know...

Will you give me a cookie?

Hmm... Perhaps. Depends what the rest of these questions are like

What about two?

You're definitely pushing it now


Bless you

What's your favorite color?




Wrong again

No cookies for YOU

What's your name?

Sir Gnome [;)]

Spell it out


Spell it out backwards


With your nose


On a pogo stick

I worry for your mental health Shodu. I really do



If you had a pet monkey and could teach it one song, what song would you teach it?

Uh... 'So Long and Thanks for all the Fish!'


Because Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxys pwns ALL

You're lying

THAT is slander!



Favorite Band?


I don't like that band

Now you're lying :P

I like that one

I see....

Just kidding


This is the end, but beware. I'll be back. WITH WEAPONS.

Eek [&:]

GelatinGhost -> RE: =MtAK= Gnomish Knights abound! (10/17/2007 19:17:25)

I've said in the ggd thread, but I'll say it here again: congratulations!

Can't hear it enough!

(I want an editing color :P)

You're allowed to post in any colour you want, as long as none of the AK/Mods/Admins have stolen it yet

Hmm... I need a question... how do you like your eggs done?

Scrambled, and on toast

I'll think of some more later ;)

Looking forward to it!

lifeman9 -> RE: =MtAK= Gnomish Knights abound! (10/17/2007 19:21:34)

I noticed earlier in the Edge Of Unity.. Punishment? Thread.
and said Congratz!

Yup! Very observant [:)]

Shadow Curse -> RE: =MtAK= Gnomish Knights abound! (10/18/2007 2:49:49)

Well Hello Sir Gnome!!

Ah... Finally someone who tripple spaces their questions so I don't have to!

Congrats on the AKness!


How did you feel when you saw the PM about it?

Stunned would be the best word

And how is it,having the chance to stop spam threads?

I thought I would feel guilty about locking peoples threads.... But I dont :P



Where do you live?


Can i have a cookie?

For the tripple spacing, yes! *hands over cookie*

I can't think of more now,but i may be back!

Okies [:)]

Crimson Raven -> RE: =MtAK= Gnomish Knights abound! (10/18/2007 3:47:20)

Wow, another one has been taken.
This is the end of Paxia I say, the END! :o

Eh, don't complain - Nocturu have Rico now! :O

Having fun?


Enjoying the powah?

VERY much so *evil laugh*

Gonna get your shackles customised? Pimped out? :D

I'm definitely considering it... I could get Alec to triangeify them!

How are you getting along with the other PoWs? ( Prisoners of War ;) )

We're all mad, and admit it. This pretty much sums things up

Gonna come to Nocturu more often now? Tell us off and all that? :P

I will try! I endevour to read all new posts in every clan every time I log on

Want me to make you an avvy? Unless you've already got someone doing it that is :o

I've got this nice shiny one made by the power that is - our very own Reens! I've also got a couple by BrotherBeast that i'll be using in the future, but if you want to contribute, the more the merrier!

Some randomness :o
Or are they O.o


Left or Right?

Right (handed)

Up or Down?


Half Full, or Half Empty?

Who drank my beer?!

TOmato or TomAto?

tOmato, its our language! :P

Blue, Red or Black pen?


Rubber Duck or Real?

Rubber Duck!

Cocoa Cola or Pepsi?

Diet Coke

Favorite shade :P Aka, Black, white or somewhere inbetween?

Ooh.... 25% grey

And finally.... Have you ever heard of AFL?

Nope [:D]

Serbitar -> RE: =MtAK= Gnomish Knights abound! (10/18/2007 6:16:16)


Ah... Was only a matter of time until you got here Serby!



How's it been so far?

Not bad, not bad

Which clan will fall first? Answer or die.

Glacius :P

Now for the question I ask on all these MtAk threads: Isn't Evanescence the best??

NO. And i cannot say that emphatically enough. Rammstein all the way!

If you answered no, I shall smite ye.

I'm sure you get a Severe Warning or some such for smiting an AK

Okok.. What's your favourite band?

Rammstein :D

You'll still spend loadsa time with Nautica won't you?

Once i've finished with AK things *me locks another GGD thread* then I'll be spending time there, yeah - its not favoritism though!

Hope you have fun.

Thanks! I'm sure I will [:D]

Bwy bwy.

/me waves

boomies -> RE: =MtAK= Gnomish Knights abound! (10/18/2007 9:18:52)


Naughty Naughty, not exactly encouraged...

Anyways, since you and Deathwhisper are kinda brother AKs, I shall ask you both the same questions.
Deathisper, Deathisper. No "WH"
Fair enough, although he now is a SoO too!

Boomies: Meh, that reminds me. WH is Mod of DF Encyclopedia...


So, is this 15 questions per post, per page, or per MtAK?

Per post, but its a post per page

Favorite AK?

Hah! Couldnt choose only one

If a snake went up to you, who would win? Snake vs Mongoose.

Snake vs Mongoose eh? Hmm.... Probably the Mongoose, as it could divebomb the snake with eggs!

Who abducted you?

The Loremaster!

Tried to escape yet?

No, i'm enjoying AKship very much

If you were to choose anywhere except the GGD and S&T, where you would choose to AK?

Some sort of Q/A, or perhaps something MQ


A rather boring question

How is your insanity level at the moment?


In any clans?

I'm true blue Nautican

What is the Legacy of Xilar?

Um.... The'Galin. Basically.

Falerin vs all of the S&T AKs, who would win?

Falerin, clearly - he can uncreate, you know

[:)] vs [:D] vs [;)] (Meh, you cant answer without breaking Smiley rules...)

That's what YOU think! :P

Favorite Admin, Mod, AK, and Forumite?

Again, pass

Well, goo'day, if you allow me I shall be back.


ion24 -> RE: =MtAK= Gnomish Knights abound! (10/18/2007 15:28:50)



If time stoped, would AQ be Fun?

It always is

It's Time For Chicken!

See above ^^

And there's Soy Sauce!

Though I'll pass on that

Do you like Chicken?

Very much!

I Like BK's Chicken.


NAU! Tell me! Do i have an AKing waiting for me!?!?!

Can't comment on things like that

WHAT?!?!? They don't "NEED" Me?!?! i Am Here Aren't i?!?!

Indeed you are

*Lights Bon-Fire*

Oooh.... Bright...



Let's See..... PEPSI OR COKE!?!?

Diet Coke

A Whole Bottle of Tabaco Sauce down the gullet or ten mini Hot Pepers?



They're special :O


Um.... Its a bit late for that [:D]

ShadowScypher -> RE: =MtAK= Gnomish Knights abound! (10/18/2007 18:22:06)

Your a AK?


Since when?

Uh... See the timestamp on the top post


*Hands over*

Dragomech -> RE: =MtAK= Gnomish Knights abound! (10/18/2007 20:32:17)

Congrats of your AKship Great Sir Gnome by the way how is it being an AK

Great fun, thanks!

so are you thinking of getting a new avatar

Melikes this one

what is your favorite food

Pizza :P

favorite drink

Diet Coke

that is all i got for now but I will be back to haunt you with more questions

I'll be waiting

and good luck( are going to need it because the place you are moderating is hard to do)

I enjoy the challenge of GGD, and Paxia's always fun

NeoSano11vr -> RE: =MtAK= Gnomish Knights abound! (10/18/2007 21:05:27)

Hey Sir Gnome, how has it been? Congrats on the AKship ^_^

Its been a lot of fun

Just one random question: Frosted Flakes or Wheaties?

Frosties :P

Do you like the band From First To Last at all?

Never heard of them, sorry!

A Mod/Admin/AK you like/are freinds with?

We all get along very well

Favorite AQ weapon?

My Nemesis Mace

AQ, DF, or MQ?

It varies

Ever played Tales Of Symphonia?


What about Fire Emblem?

Nor that

On a scale of 3 to 8, 5 being the highest, how well do you understand this scale? Hmm...


What are some of your favorite Animes/Mangas?

Not really too in to that stuff, sorry [:)]

And What about Books?

Many many many! Diskworld Series is fantastic, for example.

Favorite Movie(s)?

Various, again. V for Vendetta is great

Who on the forums do you think most deserves an AKship?

*Is gagged*

Do you like the show Scrubs?

Definitely, its hilarious

Ok then, c u nextweekor two...alright?

Fair enough

king cy -> RE: =MtAK= Gnomish Knights abound! (10/19/2007 9:34:21)

I have no question that you will be a great addition to AQ.
congratulations again :D

Good hearing from you Cy, thanks [:)]

hooded figure -> RE: =MtAK= Gnomish Knights abound! (10/19/2007 19:54:01)

Hi there Sir Gnome!


Question time?

Its FINALLY answer time

What's your favorite Uber Set(AQ)?

Nemesis, as its the only one I've got!

How great is your intellect?


If you and Wallo arm-wrestled, who would win?

Hrm.... Well he IS listed as a 'Forum Legend' somewhere, while i'm one of the newer AKs....

What other forum would you moderate if you were given a choice?

Some form of Q/A, or something MQ

Cookie or Pie?


Choc. Chip or Oatmeal Rasin(cookie)?

Double choc chip :P

Pecan or Pumpkin(Pie)?

Needs meet!!!

Biggest Pet Peeve?

...? Pets that annoy me? Um... Dont know acutally

Favorite AK(other than yourself)?

I couldnt pick one!

Done with questions for now

Still got a fair many more to answer though

Congrats becoming an AK!


~hooded figure

mooneeve -> RE: =MtAK= Gnomish Knights abound! (10/19/2007 22:06:15)



I just finished with your other AK'd memeber...Now for you![sm=icon_eek.gif]

Heh, as you wish

Let the chickencow begin!


So How'd you feel tagging your first thread![;)]

Its very strange... but fun!

Yeah you're a gnome!...Why the gnome...

Becuase. Gnomes!!!! What is there not to love?

Do you reeeaaaalllly like gnome's

Well I AM one, so that would have to be a yes

What about chickens?

You may want to ask Croncler about that one...


Tasty! :P


Sound even tastier!

Why do I like chicken and Cow's so much?

I have absolutely no idea

Oh well might as well be off have fun...(Trying to keep up with those bolts and shackles[;)]!)

Hah, they're not bad so far. Thanks!

Paledragon -> RE: =MtAK= Gnomish Knights abound! (10/19/2007 23:41:07)

Ooh... new shiny AKness. Congratz Sir Gnome!

I know! I do like the shiny :P

Soo... did your shackles have to be custom ordered?

Yeah, the other ones were far too large and not nearly cool enough

RPGs or FPSs?


Disneyland or Disneyworld?

Disneyland, as I can acutally get there without a several hour plane journey



*undoes shackles*

:O Better not tell Fal...

BTW, I'm the person Rico was talking about. You know, the one with the keys.

Ah HA! That could come in useful

*flees to Alinos before fal can catch me* (read as: I'LL BE BACK!!!!)

Looking forward to it!

Big Bizznaz -> RE: =MtAK= Gnomish Knights abound! (10/20/2007 20:27:33)


Can you get me a good vacation package?

Well.... Um.... Perhaps? I'd try the Aerodu Travel Agency if I were you

Day Malrone -> RE: =MtAK= Gnomish Knights abound! (10/23/2007 11:15:20)

Time for interrogation mega fun!

Ah, DM! Welcome to my thread of DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM♠

Who knighted you?

The Loremaster, Caelestian God of Evil

Favourite class (AQ)

Has to be Necromancer

If you could AK one more board, what would it be?

Some form of Q/A, or some MQ

AQ, DF or MQ?

MQ, then AQ, then DF

Colour or Color?


z (zee or zed)


realise or realize?


Congrats and good luck![:)]

Thanks! I may well need it...

Oliver Bell -> RE: =MtAK= Gnomish Knights abound! (10/23/2007 14:04:24)

Alright no more one post per 2 pages!

Well interest was dying out a bit...

1.Do you play AQ,DF and MQ or a combination of them (e.g. DF and AQ)?

Most MQ, then AQ, then DF

2.Do you think that being an AK will mean alot of hard work?

Yeah, but its a lot of fun too!

3.Do you prefer AQ,DF or MQ and why?

Hmm.... Well while MQ is new and exciting, AQ has the feel of something really really well done about it!

4.Do you like being an AK of Paxia and GGD or would you have prefered something different?

Well I never thought i'd be down for GGD, but Paxia is where my heart's always been

That will do I may or may not post again.

Fair enough, thanks!

Fishtank -> RE: =MtAK= Gnomish Knights abound! (10/23/2007 15:38:21)

Once a page? Horay!

Heh, its one way to drum up some interest!

1. Did the lockpick I gave you in my last post here work?

Sadly, no. Methinks that's been tried too often in the past to work

2. Define "the vortex of time and space" in your own words :)

'Chez Lutin' (Thats French, by the way)

3. Salsa? (the food topping)

Good Stuff!

4. Do you like my new sig? (profile)

Methinks its changed since you posted here, but the new one's good!

5. Favorite candy?

Chocolate? Can I say that? (Words like Candy are much more American than English, they confuzzle me)

6. How did you get Nemises mace so soon *tilts head in awe*

The Maze. Lots of the Maze. Then some MORE of the Maze...

7. favorite smiliy?


8. Can thou be bribed?

No, the shackles prevent it totally

9. Pancakes or regualar cake?

Both! But Pancakes first

10. Fishtank.... Is that dude great or what?

Definitely, the kind of guy who knows while Gnome's a deserving Global Mod on a certian private forum.... [;)]

11. DID YOU SEE THAT!?!?!?!?!?!?


12. Opinions on the word "huh"

Incredibly useful - Verbal shrug!

13. Opinions on the recent war rewards?

Again, I think i've left this rather too long to know which rewards you're refering to, but I havent bought any War Rewards at all recently

14. Any sneak peaks at Saltys next form?


15. Which is better? The questions in my first post or in this one?

Both are good

Untill the next page.... MUHAHAHAHAHAHA!


Ricobabie -> RE: =MtAK= Gnomish Knights abound! (10/23/2007 23:05:44)

:O you changed the rules! I can ask you questions again.

Yup! Enjoy!

Ooo I finally changed my avy again XD Do you like it?

Heh, well so have I! I don't know where you got this one from, but its very you :P

Why did you pick your edit color to the one you're using now?

Well, I like it, frankly!

I changed my edit color like 4 times XD oops.

Heh... Well I could in the future

Ok this is a question of all questions, you need to answer this properly :P

:O /me prepares

Which Charlie and the Chocolate factory is better? The old film or the new one with Johnny Depp (*fangirl screams*)?

The old one, BECAUSE the new one has Johnny Depp in it!

Pirates or Spiderman? (choose wisely)


Do you like eating Rice Cakes? Igneus seem to love to eat us :o

Heh... Nah, i'm happy being affiliated to teh great clan!

You don't live in server time right? (Just making sure)

Veeery definitely not. I'm 7 hours out :O

Have you noticed the IRC services have been dead since yesterday afternoon (Oct22)?

That was a LONG period of service death! I was muchly shocked

Ooo I had a blue optical mouse and it died T_T If you can make any color optical mouse, what color would it be?

Heh, would be blue - Nautica forever!

If you had to name a drink you made, what would you name it?

Ooooh... Now thats an interesting question... I'd have to think about that. Water 2?

Anyways.....I'll leave you answering the other questions XD

Heh... Nearly finished now!

/me bye snuggles


Agent Val -> RE: =MtAK= Gnomish Knights abound! (11/1/2007 0:49:50)

hmmm...might as well

Lol! Don't be TOO enthusiastic :P

So sir gnome how does it feel to be an ak!....!

Special! Shiny!

I wouldn't be surprised if everybody is nautica becomes a ak except me...

Well we DO have the most AKs, but we couldnt FIT all of us into the AE basement

so how does it feel to be able to lock people post at whim(at the right circumstances of course)

Heh... Its quite a power rush!

how was the knighting?

I was very shocked! But very grateful of course

why do you love nautica?

Clan of the Waters, just the place I want to be! Lots of great people there too

hm....why are you gnome?

Cos i'm amusingly Gnomish

think of any catchy phrases like moogles?

No... But I may make an alliance with the Rice-Cakes to make something awesome!

i will think of more...later[sm=6r83v6.gif]

Fair enough [:)] quick one before i log off...what do you think of me?

Loyal Nautican, been around as long as I can remember, hope you don't go any time soon!

edit:name change, what do you think about it?

They ALWAYS confuse me [&:]

Serbitar -> RE: =MtAK= Gnomish Knights abound! (11/4/2007 11:04:57)


NO. And i cannot say that emphatically enough. Rammstein all the way!

:O j00 don't like Evanescence? :O *-32 respect points* Myeh, I'm the only person I know in RL and the forums who likes them XD.

Lol... There can't be many people with Respect points then!

I wonder how long it'll take for you to answer meh questions.

Um..... [8|]

*sets egg timer*

Heh. I can say that by now, your eggs are well and truly done!

What be the three qualities you like most in a person?

Honesty, humour, and friendlyness

What be the three qualities you dislike most in a person?

Arrogance, ignoring people, and.... BEING EMO

Favourite film?

V for Vendetta (I'm a disciple of Cubal's)

Least favourite film?

Hm.... One of the Harry Potters. They're played far too much

Were you ever in any other clans?


Will you ever be?

No, but if I could be in two, i'd be in Glacius as well (as Ice = Water, if we're being honest)

Least favourite subject? (Like school subjects)

English. Luckily, I no longer have to do it

Favourite subject?

Francais, bien sur

*Leaves exploding cookies* They taste good but after 3 hours you regret eating them XD.

Eep... Well i'm lucky i've got a fast digestive system then!

Bwybwy! (Shamelessly adds sig)

Bye for now! (Shamelessly removes sig!)

Avro -> RE: =MtAK= Gnomish Knights abound! (11/5/2007 18:33:11)

it's my fwiend teh Gnome!

Teh Avro!

/me snugs Gnome


Tensy has tried to make me a sword?!

o.O That could go horribly wrong...

cookies or Avro?

Heh... Avro shaped cookies?

otters or swords?

Otters! (A tribute to a certain Moderator)

/me pokes Gnome

/me locks every thread Avro has ever contributed to, or thought about contributing to

chicken wings?

Chicken's always good!

what colour is your hat?

Red, nice and classic

bai bai!

C ya!

akoru -> RE: =MtAK= Gnomish Knights abound! (11/27/2007 18:40:44)

If You were to fall off a clift, what would u like to land on?

Um... something soft?

[&:] or [;)]

I end up using [&:] a worrying amount...

Poked 100 times or get punted?[:D]

I'd be a man Gnome, and take the Punting

Rock or stone?

Um... Rock

What so you think your life is?

I dont quite understand what you're asking here

Mistermafio -> RE: =MtAK= Gnomish Knights abound! (11/28/2007 15:02:42)

Well here I am again, seems I was right on two pages being to much.
Now if you will excuse me...
*Does victory dance*

Heh.... Enjoy the moment :P

So on with the questions.

I knew they couldnt be far off!

I remember someone promising to read my poetry, have you already done this or was your schedule still to tight?

I've started, but there's a lot of it! I am reading it carefully though - enough to notice the spelling mistake on post 2 ("lounges"? :P)
Its nice and cynical in places, which is very me, and having thought the early ones were good, the latest ones are great!

If you had to choose between being a stereotypical nerd or being a stereotypical punker, what would you prefer?

Hah! Two delightful choices.... Probably the nerd, as he'd end up getting paid more, and not die early from some smoking related disease

tómayto or tomáto?

The latter. Anglo-Saxon pronounciation rules!

What is your favourite pig-meat.

Bacon, ham... They're all good!

Now here is something you have to answer honestly, are you one of those people that, when someone tells you he is on a martial art, feels the need to chop around in the air or make high pitched noises?

I'd definitely think about doing it, but probably restrain myself from acutally acting it out!

And finally, %?

Um.... 74.3%?

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