RE: =MtAK= Gnomish Knights abound! (Full Version)

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Zizzy -> RE: =MtAK= Gnomish Knights abound! (11/28/2007 15:06:59)

:O You tried to hide this from me didn't you? >.>

Darn! You found it cunningly concealed in the Paxia stickys!

Once again, congratz Gnome :P

Thankee [:)] Tis always good to hear!

Do you like Tolkien?

Well... LoTR and the Hobbit are very good, but ive never had the urge to read all the other books about the history of Middle Earth, and the like

Favourite music band?

Rammstein :P

Favourite movie?

I dont know! Honestly. If pushed into a corner, i'd concur with the Sandman (a nice cryptic answer for you!)

Favourite book?

The Diskworld Series

You want one of those umbrella automats don't you? :P

YES! A million times, YES!

What was the reaction when you got the question? :P

Laughed aloud!

Meh... I won't bother you anymore, you probably got better stuff to do. Cya around! :D

Well you did do that rating for me, which is more time consuming than this, so its no trouble really. Seeya Gurthang!

Avro -> RE: =MtAK= Gnomish Knights abound! (11/28/2007 15:43:10)


Welcome back Avro!

why is it taking so long to answer?

Beacuase I'm taking lazyness lessons from Pie. Problem is, he's too lazy to turn up and teach

favourite ice cream flavour?


/me slaps Gnome

:O /me stops answering questions! Hmm... Better

favourite country?


favourite number from 1 - 2?

Root 2!

bai bai! /me bai snugs.

Bai Avro

ABSTRT -> RE: =MtAK= Gnomish Knights abound! (11/28/2007 16:05:21)

Hello Gnomeh.


Some questions I have.

In this thread? Really? :O

Do you like bacon?

Very muchly!

Favorite ban/singer?

Rammstein / Till Lindermann

Favorite frontman?

See above

Favorite song?

Klavier - Rammstein

What's your take on subliminal messaging?

Only affects stupid people? :P

Do you believe in UFO's?

Not really

If so, what do you tink they fly around in? Space Cadillac?

Flying Saucers ofc

Thanks for answering my questions Gnomeh.

No problem! [:D]

Fishtank -> RE: =MtAK= Gnomish Knights abound! (11/28/2007 16:09:00)

Time for another round of fun!

Welcome back Fishtank [:)]

*sets timer*

*punts timer*

1) Honestly, and in all seriousness, what do you think of me?

Very hardworking, good contributer when I see you around. Definitely doing a good job!

2) Can I please have a cookie?

Hmm... Seeing as i've taken a while to reply, then go on *hands over cookie*


That's Fal's line

3) Why?


4) What?

Gnome Power Armor

5) When?

That would be telling

6) Who?


7) Where?



Um... yes

8) [sm=Floyd.gif] Or [sm=minitwilly.jpg]?

Twilly, as i'm a Ninja over Pirate

9) Has thou felt the pwnage?

Nay. I deal out the pwnage

10) Ever enteres the realm of the rice cakes?

I'm a frequent guest, and Friend of the Realm

11) Ever counted to infinity?

Twice. I helped Chuck Norris do his attempts

12) Do you think people look like their avatars?

Heh... Gurthang, definitely (see top post of this page before he changes his avvy)

13) Do you know what the longest word in the English language is?

No :p

I do.

Have another cookie

14) Which Questions are better? page 1, page 2, or these?

They're all the same to me... Though you are pushing the '15 only' rule a bit here

Only pick one!



Go on then...

15) How was your day?

Good acutally, much less work that normally

YES!!!!!!!!!! 'TILL THE NEXT PAGE MORTALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [sm=feiertag-smiley-007.gif]

See 'ya there Fishy

Mistermafio -> RE: =MtAK= Gnomish Knights abound! (11/28/2007 17:00:25)

New page new questions yay!

Welcome back!

First of all let me state there was never a spelling error in that poem, and while we are at it the edited by part underneath the post is just a part of your imagination.

Ah... I apologise for any confusion caused then

No buts!

Do you see any?

Heh, I said buts.

Yes. Yes you did.

And now for a bunch of more questions I don't really want answered:

*sigh* ... Why do I even bother?

So, what's better, the simpsons, futurama, family guy or southpark? But remember you may only choose one, unless you choose three to not choose, then you may chose three to not choose.

Futurama > Simpsons > Family Guy > Most things > Southpark

Choose is a funny word when you say it often enough... Choose.

Chews! :P

What do you think of the foo fighters?

Not really my cup of warm beverage

Did you just say they roxorz my sockzors?

Not *quite* that

no? <:'^(

Sadly, no

That's all for this page, see you next time.

Ok, see you soon!

Aaaand... Cut! That's a wrap ladies and gentlemen.

*Applause for the Director*

Gnome will you get rid of the cameras for me?

Yeah... I'm sure Fal will loan me his Uncreation powers for a bit :P

Serbitar -> RE: =MtAK= Gnomish Knights abound! (11/29/2007 16:58:59)

Actually there's about 126 points left. :)

Ah ok, thats good! :D

How are you on this fine day?

Fine :P Still got lots of chocolate left over from Christmas Frostval, so i'm gonna be ok for a while!

You know this is my first post in *checks* 4 days. Be honoured. Very honoured.

Well this is the first reply i've written in about 4 weeks, so you should be honoured too!

You like French, eh? I've just had A ONE AND A HALF HOUR FRENCH EXAM!!

Meh, not too bad. Could be worse


Well that's something for you to look forward to then!

Dyu still like it now, eh? EH??

Yep :P

I hate emos too but there's a breed I hate more: Chavs!! *dramatic chipmunk*

Nah, Chavs > Emos, but only margianlly

Don't you just hate teens who talk American but are English!?! Like when they say: "Ahwwesuhhm!" or "Mom" or "Ace!"

Heh... Perhaps

That's all for now, Sir Garden. I'll be back!

Sir Garden? How dare you! *slaps with trout*

*Hits high note and explodes*

Sara -> RE: =MtAK= Gnomish Knights abound! (12/1/2007 20:55:12)

What! You hid this from me! [>:]

I'm disappointed you didn't find it sooner, Paxia is the place to be!

I will have to remember to bookmark this thread and come back every page now...

Sadly this is the last one... Its been running for quite a while now!

Greetings and salutations!

Indeed, welcome to Paxia! :P

Congratulations on becoming an AK!

Thanks! Never gets old hearing that :D

So... I wonder what questions I should ask... [:)]

Questions? Darn, i forgot they were allowed here

/me runs through PM of templates

Templates? No originality?

I FOUND IT! [:'(]

/me hides

Do you feel confortable knowing I have found this thread?


Why or why not?

Its now locked :P

Are mods lifeless?

No, but they DO bite

Why or why not?

Because of the rabies - its been spread by a certain platypus...

What will happen if all the AKs rebel?

MADNESS! And then severe chastisement from the powers that be

Did you bribe my servant to not tell me about this thread?

Servant? o.O I thought only the mods got them (ie the AKs :P)

Want some more freshly baked questions?

Ah... go on then

*Wiem burns his finger on the oven*

That'll teach you!

Have you ever been burnt?

Uh.... Probably


Kettles, most likely, or if not, then some failed cookery attempt

Do you play the lottery?


Why or why not?

I don't like throwing money away

Have you ever won?

See above :P

Can I see right through you?

Only when using my special Gnome powers of invisibility

Have a car?

Not quite yet, but soon

What model if so?


I wonder if I can PM you more questions once this is locked...

Uhm... Well..... Perhaps? :P

Oliver Bell -> RE: =MtAK= Gnomish Knights abound! (12/2/2007 14:28:04)

Time for more questions

Bring 'em on!

1.If you could get anything for free what would it be?

Hmmm...... Good question. Quite possibly a car :P

2.Do you know how to use every button on the forums?

I'd like to think so

3.Are you pro unity, neutral or against unity?

Pro-unity, but also pro friendly Paxian Wars.

4.Do you know if the paxia project thread that is in the suggestion forum is going to be active?

I really hope it will be, but couldnt say for sure

5.Do you think it would have been beter to place this thread in general discussion (I do)?

Perhaps yes, but Paxia is my real home

6.Are you suprised at how easy the questions are?

Relieved :D

Thats all till I edit this post.

Ah... Shame the thread's locked!

littlejuror -> RE: =MtAK= Gnomish Knights abound! - Pages 1 & 2 answered! (12/4/2007 14:17:04)

:o teh Gnome!!

:o teh Juror!

So I have one very important question for you...

Ok. I'm prepared. I'm wearing my special preparation hat.

Do you think you can handle it?

I sincerely hope so!

Are you sure?

Uh... YES!

Ok then,


If you had rabbit powers who would you eat first O.o

UltraPowerPie :P

That is all



See you around!

J_bn -> RE: =MtAK= Gnomish Knights abound! - Pages 1 & 2 answered! (12/5/2007 16:17:05)

Did you ever have a different forum name?


If so, did I know you when I used to be active?

Sadly, no

on to normal-er questions.

Fair enough :D

Chicken or Turkey?

Both :P More meat the better

Zucchini or Squash?


Broccoli or Cauliflower?

As above :P

AQ, DF, or Mechquest?

Oooh.... AQ, then MQ, then DF

brotherbeast -> RE: =MtAK= Gnomish Knights abound! - Pages 1 & 2 answered! (12/11/2007 11:06:53)

Some of us are being/ gonna be affected by what has been dubbed "The Midwest Ice Storm" and it spawns a few questions.

Ah... I'm well out of it in England

Do you like the cold?

Depends... On a ski slope, yes

What is the ideal temperature?

Depends on the environment. Normally though, 25 degrees C?

Do you like snow?


What is your favorite season?

Summer - Longest holidays

What is your favorite holiday?

Heh :P As above

What is your favorite AQ event?

Oooh... that's a good question. Paxian ones of course!

Is this you in your battle gear?

I prefer a heavier plate, and less of the silly beard :P

Do you like other flash games?

Generally yes, but don't have much time to play them

What about Anime?

Not really my cup of tea

I really like watching CSI (all 3, yes even Miami... I like making fun of Horatio), Cane, Bones, Dexter, and House... do you?

Oooooh yes. CSI is fantastic, as its so ridiculous, and House is simply brilliant due to Hugh Laurie. The other two I don't think i get on my TV.

If so... you roxorz!!! If not, then what shows do you watch that are taking time away from you watching these great programs?

I watch things like Smallville too

Do you like to read? If so, What genre?

A lot, and fantasy generally, if not Sci-fi

Do you like to write? Again, if so, what genre?

I do a bit, but realise i'm quite poor at it. Again, fantasy.

I think that is about it for now.

That's fine

*throws werebear afflicted snowball*


akoru -> RE: =MtAK= Gnomish Knights abound! - Pages 1 & 2 answered! (12/12/2007 0:46:15)

Yay![:D] Hi!

Hey, welcome to my MtAK

1. Since your a gnome, can u give me an exact # of gnome there are in the world?[;)]

Its constantly growing, so I couldn't say for sure

2. What is your 13th favorite food?

Uh..... Pasta :P

3. Are you a tennis player?

Occasionally, but a poor one

4. Do you like random questions?

Isn't that what this thread is for?

5.What do you think of your job?[;)]

Deleting every thread in sight Helping keep the forums clean

6. If you can have only a cookie, would u let your friend have it or be greedy?

I'd share it, depending on the friend

7. Why you think #7 is a lucky number?


8. Last question, what is x if x=e((234/6)/([pi]))to the 6th power?

9949079.195 (3dp)

I'll be back on the next page[;)] have fun!

Ah... Shame its now locked, but thanks!

The Trobble One -> RE: =MtAK= Gnomish Knights abound! (12/12/2007 0:54:39)

Who gave you AKship? (a bit personal)

Our very own Loremaster, the Caelestian God of Evil, Falerin Ardendor!

What's your favortie video game? Besides online games?

Hmmm.... Quite possibly a favourite oldie, Baldur's Gate 2

freedom_cleastia -> RE: =MtAK= Gnomish Knights abound! (12/15/2007 3:30:13)

hi sir gnome!

Hi hi's the univision coming along?

Not bad, but we need more participation! you watch manga?


3. does AQ staff like puns alot?

Hah... Clearly


I'd say twisted sense of humour :P

4.Fav genre?


neo_manni -> RE: =MtAK= Gnomish Knights abound! (1/23/2008 21:40:26)

congrats on becoming an AK!


1.) lasagnia or pasta??

Pasta every time

2.) if you could go to any tropical island right now what would it be??

o.O Not sure! Interesting question though

3.) man the new nightbane is hard, I hope he doesn't come to paxia. Imagine the flame fest we would have in paxia if he did??

Aah.... The fun that would be had. Paxia > Nightbane though :P

4.) who do you fear most gamewise in AQ DF and MQ??

The puns. Always the puns.

5.) do you have a PSP, if you do do you have Final Fantasy Tactics?? if you do have it isn't it awesome??

Nope to the 1st question :P

6.) what do you have a liking towards more RTS(Real Time Strategy) or RPG (Role Playing games)??


7.) lebanese or italian or american food the best??

Italian, but of course

8.) which country are you from??


9.)........and hows the weather in your country??

Miserable. Always.

10.) what do you think of the ads that the forum gets now that AE is looking for sponsors??

I don't really notice them much, they don't bother me

11.) do you get any special powers for being an AK in the actual game??

Nopes :(

12.) good luck getting onto the zardian??

Aah... I suppose I could write something sommetime, but I don't think I'd be quite good enough

13.) honour or money [8D]??

Money :P

14.) bracelets or amulets??


15.) (you choose the last question, you might wanna say something about something that no one has asked you yet but was waiting for the opportuny so ask the question and answer it if you so choose to do).

Uh.... Sir Gnome, are you enjoying your AKship? Why yes, I am!

Circe -> RE: =MtAK= Gnomish Knights abound! (1/31/2008 17:23:40) wonder I never found this!

You should frequent more often!

/me snuggleglomps Gnomer!

/me snuggletackles the Sorceress

You're an excellent AK!

Why, so are you!

We've had good times together in MQ!

Oh yes... I believe GD still bears the scars

What are your favorite potato chips?

Hmm.... Roast Chicken flavour :P

Do you have a favorite kind of juice?

Apple & Blackcurrent

Do you know how to turn on your heartlight?

Uh.... Not without severe surgery

See ya around Gnomer! Nah nah nah nah goodbye :P

Oh the memories.... :P Seeya Circ!

adamgore -> RE: =MtAK= Gnomish Knights abound! - Pages 1 & 2 answered! (1/31/2008 21:01:28)

hey sir gnome congrats on becoming an AK


pizza or tacos ?


ever played rockband ?


if so do you lke it ?


Blue or Red?

Nautican Blue!

Why did the chicken cross the road ?

You'd need to ask Croncler

coke or pepsi ?

Diet Coke

what is your favorite band ?


do you like being an AK ?


whats the best thing about being an AK ?

The custom avvy rights :P

Cat or Dog ?


If you could go anywere in the world where whould it be ?

Skiing in Switzerland!

Why ?

Lovely scenery, great sport

thats all I can think of for now bye


darklightknight -> RE: =MtAK= Gnomish Knights abound! - Closing SUNDAY (2/3/2008 7:28:18)

Hmm... *pokes gnome*
Well then, onto the questions...

:o How dare you! :P

Favourite food?


Favourite band?


Erm... think... oh, yeah!
Yu-Gi-Oh!, Poke'Mon or "I would rather burn both of them with a flamethrower!"

Pokemon :P

Mechquest, Dragonfable or Adventurequest?

AQ, then MQ, then DF

Favourite fruit? (well THAT was random O_o)


*pokes gnome again*
*and again*
*last time... almost*

... Hrumph.

Candy or chocolate?

Choc! Lots of lovely chocolate :P

Do you need a helper to take over Paxia and the whole of Lore? I am a good tactician and swordsman, and mage!

Hmm... Its tempting. You silence Pie and I'll take over!

*Gives gnome a reality-warping and bending mystical lockpick and an uber-weapon to escape the secret basement with*

*evil cackle*

Bye! Oh, forgot, congrats! ^_^

Bye, and cheers!

Frayzer -> RE: =MtAK= Gnomish Knights abound! (2/3/2008 9:42:24)

Congratulations on being an AK! I know this a old news but I had to say it :P

Heh... Thanks, and same to you!

1) Hows like being an AK?

Well, as you know, its a lot of fun really

2) Are you studying or working now? (If you're studying go to Q3, if you're working go to Q4)


3) What subjects are you studying now?

French, Spanish, German, Maths

4) Whats your current job?

6) Dream job?

Ski instructor!!!

7) Am I of any significance to you?

Heh... You're one of the gang, of course!

Thats all Sir! Have fun being an AK!

And to you too! And you can keep calling me 'Sir' :P

eagle88 -> RE: =MtAK= Gnomish Knights abound! (2/15/2008 5:35:22)

Hey- It's ZZ's Thread of Questioning!!

Oh no it isnt! This is SG's :P Learn who you're dealing with eagle, or you may end up with singed feathers

I didn't forget, see?

Hah. No comment

So, in your estimation, who is the best film composer: John Williams, James Horner, Danny Elfman, Hans Zimmer, etc.?

Aah... The world of film is a closed book to me really. I'm one of those people who thought Alien vs Predator Requiem was a good film :P

And how about comedic singer: Weird Al Yankovic, Tom Lehrer, The great Luke Ski, Spike Jones, Stephen Lynch, etc...?

Wierd Al is GREAT :P Love it (Amnish Paradise anyone?)

Is it good?

But of course

I reserve the right to claw your brain with more question at another date ^_^

Not if I can move this to the archive first

Catch ya on the flipside!*Flies away*

*Takes out an Anti-Air rifle*

Sir Gnome -> RE: =MtAK= Gnomish Knights abound! (2/15/2008 6:23:34)

And that's a wrap! Until next time....

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