Issue 9 - Letter to the Editors - Featuring Zorbak! (Full Version)

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Reens -> Issue 9 - Letter to the Editors - Featuring Zorbak! (10/17/2007 16:53:42)


Letter to the Editors
By Alac, featuring Zorbak

Hello all! I'd just like to take a moment to remind people that we are accepting Letters to the Editors now. We recently got our first one, as you can see below. Please check out this thread in The Zardian board for more details on what we're looking for in a Letter to the Editors:
If you have something to say, please email it to Thanks! And now for our first Letter:

"Why is there so little Zorbak in the E-Zine? In case you aren't aware, I'M the franchise around these parts. Everyone loves Zorbak. Notice that you don't see a "Falerin goes to the Con" picture page, or an "Ask Cyrus" animated feature on There's a reason for this...

I suggest you immediately incorporate more Zorbak to improve your circulation. First of all, get rid of Twig on the opening page. Replace him with a zombie... or perhaps one of my many other ebil creations. Maya needs to go as well; she should be replaced with my much more witty and attractive girlfriend MuGlen. And as for your new logo: No one wants a Zard reading a magazine. Instead, might I recommend a Skelly Zard reading from the Necronomicon?

Finally, the name... "The Zardian." Ugh. I suggest "The Zorbakian" at the very least, though I'm sure there are many other Zorbak-related titles you could come up with. Perhaps something paying homage to my legacy as the greatest Ebil necromancer to ever walk the face of Lore. Might I suggest you surround yourself with Zorbak plushies and listen to my "Ask Zorbak" clips until you are sufficiently inspired?

In summary, I offer three little words: Needs more Zorbak!

Ebilly Yours,

Ebil Master Necromancer Supreme"

Circe -> RE: Issue 9 - Letter to the Editors - Featuring Zorbak! (10/17/2007 18:22:49)

Oh that Zorbak! We definitely need more of his snarky goodness, maybe he should have his own column...? The world according to Zorbak where he can pontificate on the horrors of good and the joys of evil. Ha, I actually think it would be hilarious to read Zorbak's take on all things AE, because I'm sure that would be different than what we normally see and hear. Anyway, good stuff this issue!

Xplayer -> RE: Issue 9 - Letter to the Editors - Featuring Zorbak! (10/17/2007 19:16:46)

I would sure like a regular ask zorbak in the ezine. Then more questions can be answered by the greatest necromancer who ever lived, is alive, and ever will live.[:D]

As for his other suggestions...[&:]

Baker -> RE: Issue 9 - Letter to the Editors - Featuring Zorbak! (10/17/2007 20:19:06)

Hehe, I liked Zorbie's letter. I would love to see Alac or smb try to respond to it while maintaining their sanity. :P

Artus -> RE: Issue 9 - Letter to the Editors - Featuring Zorbak! (10/18/2007 1:01:49)

That was original, iŽll always be a Zorbak fan [:)] nice work [:D]

mcbaine -> RE: Issue 9 - Letter to the Editors - Featuring Zorbak! (10/18/2007 6:11:59)

i wonder who sent it it - i liked it

Vaseline28 -> RE: Issue 9 - Letter to the Editors - Featuring Zorbak! (10/18/2007 12:08:35)

I loved the letter, I would equally love a reply...

Circe -> RE: Issue 9 - Letter to the Editors - Featuring Zorbak! (10/18/2007 20:44:43)

A reply would be great. Alac or smb would of course be able to maintain their sanity. But perhaps a moglin of a different viewpoint might want to weigh in and disagree with Zorbak. Maybe Twilly?

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