Mogloween 2007 (Full Version)

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Ianthe -> Mogloween 2007 (10/29/2007 14:52:00)

Mogloween 2007 - Witch Hunt!
Which witch is which??

Location: Mogloween - Main Town OR Mogloween Portal Painting

«You»: No one has been able to find your sisters in town yet. I'd like to volunteer my services to look for them.
Toil: That's so nice of you! Though really, I'm sure they will turn up eventually.
Trouble: Toil! How could you think like that! We're talking about our younger sisters! You should be more concerned.
«You»: Um well, it thinks that Toil thinks that Bubble and Bubble can take care of themselves.
Toil: I DO think that , but also have a distinct feeling that if anything goes looking for them they may end up-- regretting it.
Toil: But hey-- if you WANT to go hunting for those two, be my guest!
«You»: So to start, do you two have ANY idea where they might have gone?
Trouble: Hmmm... They had been a little angry after an argument we had with them over listening to their Eye Pods during family dinner.
Toil: They might be acting out. They've always had problems accepting authority.
Trouble: When Bubble and Bubble were just small children, they would sometimes hide and squeak with us.
«You»: Hide and-- squeak??
Trouble: The twins would turn into mice and run around the haunted house and grounds squeaking and WE would have to find them.
Toil: Ohhh... Okay. I remember. And they would end up running all the way into the Haunted Hills. You should look for them there!
Trouble: If you notice anything STRANGE, you'll know you're on the right track!
«You»: Don't worry-- I'll get the girls back!
  • GO!«You»: So far, nothing more strange than any other monster I'd find on Mogloween! Maybe I'll get lucky up here.«You»: Okay. 10 points for strangeness.

    «A bush in the background moves.»

    «You»: That bush just moved!! Note to self: Add a new rule to my handbook. Do not trust moving bushes.

    Rosencrantz: Both your majesties might, by the sovereign power you have of us, put your dread pleasures more into command than to entreaty.*
    Guildenstern: But we both obey, and here give up ourselves, in the full bent to lay our service freely at your feet, to be commanded.*
    *From William Shakespeare's "Hamlet"
    Rosencrantz: Put more OOMPH into it, lad! On stage you will have to project your voice much farther!

    «Bubble appears from the bushes.»

    Rosencrantz: Oh my! We have been discovered!!
    Guildenstern: Exit stage left!! Exit stage left!!!
    Bubble: You found me!! You better promise not to tell my sisters where I am.
    «You»: Well, I don't know if I can PROMISE that. They are concerned about you, Bubble. Where is your sister??

    «Bubble moves to the left, holding a black cat in her hands.»

    Bubble: mrew?
    Bubble: This IS my sister. In case you're wondering.
    «You»: ...........
    «You»: Why would anyone ever give a pair of TWINS the SAME NAME?
    Bubble: Is that ALL you can think of to ask? How about "Why are you turning ordinary monsters into pumpkin-headed freaks?"
    «You»: That I am just chalking up to you being a bored little witch.
    Bubble: Or how about "Why is your hair made up of snakes?"
    «You»: I have seen so much weirdness that there comes a point where even I must draw lines at asking questions. Now come on-- we have to take you back to meet your sisters.
    Bubble: Hmf!
    Bubble: << Can't... breathe...>>

    «Scene: Back to Toil and Trouble»

    Trouble: You're back!! Thank Nature's Power!
    «You»: Yes I'm back! And yes, I came across some STRANGE critters.
    Toil: Did you find our sisters??
    «You»: I did! Bubble and Bubble are right-- behind--me--
    «You»: Bubble? Bubble? TWINS?!? Where are you??
    Toil: *snicker*
    Toil (simultaneously): LOLZ
    Trouble (simultaneously): Hehehehehe!
    «You»: So why is it you two are laughing, exactly?
    Trouble: What, you don't see them?
  • Sure!

    «The scene zooms in to one end of Toil's scarf, where two spiders appear from it.»

    Toil: Sorry about laughing, but the Bubbles like to play tricks.
    «You»: So I've noticed. I really hope you have some nice rewards for me-- your sisters are on my list of all-time worst babysitting gigs.
    Bubbles: Hey! Don't blame us for your insufficiency in the babysitting arena! What did you expect with dealing with a couple tweenage witches?!?
    Mogloween '07

  • Licorice Whip
  • Licorice Whip
  • Guardian Licorice Whip
  • Licorice Whip
  • Licorice Whip
  • Licorice Whip
  • Guardian Licorice Whip
  • Guardian Licorice Whip
  • Guardian Licorice Whip

  • Sugar Rush Armor
  • Sugar Rush Armor
  • Sugar Rush Guardian Armor
  • Sugar Rush Guardian Armor
  • Sugar Rush Guardian Armor
  • Sugar Rush Guardian Armor

  • Trivial Pumpkin Patch [L. 5]
  • Minor Pumpkin Patch [L. 20]
  • Lesser Pumpkin Patch [L. 40]
  • Pumpkin Patch [L. 60]
  • Greater Pumpkin Patch [L. 80]
  • Super Pumpkin Patch [L. 100]
  • Wonderous Pumpkin Patch [L. 120]
  • Miraculous Pumpkin Patch [L. 140]

  • Drag O'Lantern
  • Drag O'Lantern Z
  • Drag O'Lantern
  • Guardian Drag O'Lantern
  • Drag O'Lantern
  • Drag O'Lantern
  • Drag O'Lantern Z
  • Drag O'Lantern
  • Drag O'Lantern

    House Items
  • Witches Portait
  • Candy Golem
  • Red Moglinster Guard
  • Green Moglinster Guard
  • Blue Moglinster Guard
  • Candy Golem

  • Return to Mogloween!

    Credits to In Media Res for the monster lists! Update of shop rewards by In Media Res.

  • Ianthe -> RE: Mogloween 2007 (10/31/2007 16:40:12)

    Mogloween 2007 - Witch Hunt!

    You: No one has been able to find your sisters in town yet. I'd like to volunteer my services to look for them.
    Toil: That's so nice of you! Though really, I'm sure they will turn up eventually.
    Trouble: Toil! How could you think like that! We're talking about our younger sisters! You should be more concerned.
    You: Um well, it thinks that Toil thinks that Bubble and Bubble can take care of themselves.
    Toil: I DO think that , but also have a distinct feeling that if anything goes looking for them they may end up...regretting it.
    Toil: But hey if you WANT to go hunting for those two, be my guest.
    You: So to start, do you two have ANY idea where they might have gone?
    Trouble: Hmmm.. They had been a little angry after an argument we had with them over listening to their Eye Pods during family dinner.
    Toil: They might be acting out. They've always had problems accepting authority.
    Trouble: When Bubble and Bubble were just small children, they would sometimes hide and squeak with us.
    You: Hide and.....squeak??
    Trouble: The twins would turn into mice and run around the haunted house and grounds squeaking and WE would have to find them.
    Toil: Ohhh...Okay. I remember. And they would end up running all the way into the Haunted Hills. You should look for them there
    Trouble: If you notice anything STRANGE, you'll know you're on the right track!
    You: Don't worry-- I'll get the girls back!



    You: So far, nothing more strange than any other monster I'd find on Mogloween!. Maybe I'll get lucky up here.

    Battle- Jack-O-Zard
    Battle- Were-Gourd
    Battle- Drag-O-Lantern

    You: Okay. 10 points for strangeness.
    You: That bush just moved!! Note to self: Add a new rule to my handbook, Do not trust moving bushes.

    Rosencrantz: Both your majesties might, by the sovereign power you have of us, put your dread pleasures more into command to entreaty.*
    Guildenstern:But we both obey, and here give up ourselves, in the full bent to lay our service freely at your feet to be commanded.*
    [*From William Shakespeare's Hamlet*]
    Rosencrantz: Put more OOMPH into it, lad! On stage you will have to project your voice much farther!
    Rosencrantz: Oh my we've been discovered!
    Guildenstern: Exit stage left! Exit stage left!
    Bubble: You found me!! You better not to tell my sisters where I am.
    You: Well, I don't know if I can PROMISE that. They are concerned about you Bubble. Where is your sister??
    (cat)Bubble: Mrew?
    Bubble: This is my sister in case your wondering.
    You: .......
    You: Why would anyone ever give a pair of TWINS the SAME NAME
    Bubble: Is that ALL you can think of to ask?? How about "Why are you turning ordinary monsters into pumpkin headed freaks?"
    You: That I am just chalking up to you being a bored little witch.
    Bubble: Or how about "Why is your hair made up of snakes?"
    You: I have seen so much weirdness that there comes a point where even I must draw lines at asking questions. Now come on-- we have to take you back to your sisters
    Bubble: Hmf!
    (Cat)Bubble: << Can't..breathe...>>
    Trouble: You're back!! Thank Nature's Power!
    You: Yes I'm back!. And yes I came across some STRANGE critters.
    Toil: Did you find our sisters??
    You: I did! Bubble and Bubble are -- right--behind--me
    You: Bubble? Bubble? TWINS?!? Where are you??
    Toil: *snicker*
    Toil: LOLZ
    Trouble: Hehehehehe!
    You: So why is it you two are laughing, exactly?
    Trouble: What. you don't see them?
    Toil: Sorry about laughing, but the Bubbles like to play tricks.
    You: So I've noticed. I really hope you have some nice rewards for me--your sisters are on my list of all-time worst baby sitting gigs.
    (Spider)Bubbles: Hey! Don't blame us for your insufficiently in the babysitting area! What did you expect with dealing with a couple of tweenage witches?!?

    REWARDSThanks to WFH:Shadow.

    Scakk -> RE: Mogloween 2007 (4/16/2010 8:42:18)

    Mogloween 5
    Witches brew and flying eyeballs, too!

    Toil: Well, lo and behold, its THAT time again! Mogloweeeeeen. Ewwww.
    Trouble: You need to get over your problems with the holiday. What happened wasn't OUR fault... entirely.
    Toil: Don't be RIDONKULOUS, Trouble. Sure, technically, it wasn't our fault. There was that particular Adventurer who stumbled into our business. But STILL.
    Trouble: Let's just try to enjoy ourselves this year. Hey, did you see our sisters?
    Toil: Bubble and Bubble? Now that you mention it, no-- I haven't seen them since yesterday!
    Trouble: Not good. I'm not as worried about them as I am about the unwitting victims of whatever scheme they have going on now.
    Trouble: THOSE two should have been named, TROUBLE, not me!
    Toil: Trouble, Trouble, Toil and Bubble just doesn't have the same ring to it, though.

    Trick or Treat!

    Mogloween event screen
    Toil: Once a year, for one week only, is the Mogloween festival! My sisters and I are sort of responsible for this... You can learn more about that in DragonFable!
    Toil: The best part about Mogloween is the prizes! The special weapons, armors, masks, and more you can use in exchange for candy are fun!
    Toil: Beware of the Moglins! those cute little fellas can become a handful during the Festival. It is the one time of year that transforms them into giant Moglinsters!
    Toil: I hope you brought your best gear and lots of room for Candy! I am going to try to wear each mask at least once before the festival ends! Now-- let's go get some CANDDAAYYYY!
    Trouble: The masks and prizes you trade your candy for are temporary. Your normal gear will return when you log out.
    Trouble: I sure hope we can find my sisters Bubble and Bubble! Maybe they are hiding in one of the houses...
    Zorbak: Mehehehe... *ahem* This costume is great, don't you think? Everyone is mistaking me for Zorbak. I'm really just a 7 year old girl... yeah, that's right. Anyway, would you like to go on a quest for me?
    1. Who are these witch sisters?
    Zorbak: You mean Bubble, Bubble, Toil and Trouble? Rumor has it that they are the ones who started Mogloween a number of years ago. They are tooooo nice for MY tastes, but--
    Zorbak:--THEY INVENTED MOGLOWEEN and found a way to turn Moglins into giant monsters! Therefore, they get an honorary seal of Ebil Approval from me!
    2. Zorbak's Ebil Pets!
    3. Ghost Princess(The very first AdventureQuest quest ever released!)
    4. Fight your clone!
    5. No thanks

    You could heal 100 HP and MP by eating 100 candy
    If you leave the Mogloween area and come back 30% of your candy spoils.
    250-1000 Candy gained
    At House
      1 BATTLE
      (List missing)
    At Captain Rhubarb's HouseAt Artix's HouseAt Galanoth's HouseAt Zorbak's HouseAt Wun-Eye's HouseAt Frogzard Hunter's HouseAt Michaelon Entan's HouseAt Safiria's HouseMOGLINS
  • If not wearing a mask
  • If wearing a mask
      Moglins: Hiyas! Okays lets play the Mogloween game! Choose a hand... if you choose correctly, you get a treat! Choose wrong and its tricky tricky time!
      Correct hand gets you the treat
      Wrong hand gets you the trick
    Princess Mask for 560 candy
    Bee Mask for 314 candy
    Jason Mask for 1000 candy
    King Mask for 1399 candy
    Frank Mask for 830 candy
    Mummy Mask for 1560 candy
    Pirate Mask for 4000 candy
    Skull Mask for 2500 candy
    Slime Mask for 1800 candy
    WereWolf Mask for 999 candy
    Witch Mask for 560 candy
    ZardHunter Mask for 777 candy
    Zombie Mask for 256 candy
    Zoro Mask for 760 candy
    Happy Face mask for 150 candy
    Paper Bag mask for 224 candy
    Tragedy mask for 590 candy
    Comedy mask for 450 candy
    Zorbak mask for 1270 candy
    Kabroz mask for 1666 candy
    Ghost mask for 300 candy

    Pumpkin Armor for 1500 candy
    Sugar Rush Armor for 3000 candy
    Pumpkin Carver for 2500 candy
    Licorice Whip for 2000 candy
    Pumpkin Shield for 500 candy
    Pumpkin Mask! for 250 candy
    Clown Costume for 2000 candy
    Gorgonzilla Costume for 2000 candy
    Pumpkin Staff for 3000 candy
    Harvest Reaper for 4000 candy

    Entry thanks to Reign Man. Correction and mask links from Stephen Nix.

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