=AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (Full Version)

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The Game -> =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (1/13/2008 21:50:29)

Hello everyone! I am The Game, the new Character Ratings and Advice AK! In this thread, you may ask whatever questions your heart desires, unless it is too personal. I will be here for seven days, so have fun!

I will be editing in this color.
For those of you that don't know how these kind of threads work, take a look here!
Please limit yourself to 15 questions per post. Also, do not double post. You may post once per page.

Gus. -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (1/13/2008 21:50:46)

First off, congratulations on your AK-Ship, you really deserved it, unfortunately we lost Astral. But let's forget that (but never Astral himself).
Thanks gus! Losing Astral is sad. :(
So, you get First Post and I get First Reply. It was pure coincidence I posted first reply, right? ^_^
Definatly pure coincidence. It's not like I told you on IRC right after I posted this.
Onto the questions!
Onto the answers!
Favorite type of food?
I like nachos.
IRC or Forums?
Why not both!
Favorite Ex-Raters? And Present Raters?
Ex-Raters: Astral and Suzaku, Present Raters: Zz, you, Goth, blues, etc. Too many to name.
Favorite weapon?
Mah OCoP, say what you want about AuA
I guess we both are good at making FAQ's, eh? (All my threads are FAQ's, like most of your threads).
Will you still rate a lot? No blues or Suzaku, but still like 7 per round, right?
Hopefully my raters will pick up some slack, but I will still rate. I love rating too much to stop.
Older Cartoons or Newer Ones? :P
Old: Pretty much any old Cartoon Network show, New: hmm...not many.
Miss Angband? I for one miss rating by your side, like a lot.
I really miss it. Rating with you, Goth, and Zz was the best time of my rating carear.
Miss filling up requests twice a day? I sure do.
I would rather wait for request so I can slack off. :o
DBZ or Wrestling (I forget if the abbreviation is WWE)?
DBZ. World Wrestling Entertainment is WWE.
Like Tolkien (As in, the characters, the story-line and etc.)?
No. That will keep Zz from asking me more questions. :)
Favorite genres of Music? And what Singers, bands do you like?
Bender, Bart or Homer?
Bender and Homer!
Well, that's almost 15, but I'm not exactly creative, heh. Bai bai, Best of Luck, Congratulations yet again and why not,:

@Wilde: 1st Reply > 1st to Finish :P

Wilderock -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (1/13/2008 21:52:20)

1. Favorite color?
The one I am editing in.
2. Favorite movie?
Tuesdays with Morrie.
3. Favorite rater?
Astral, too bad he had to go. :(
4. Favorite AQ item?
My Orc Cleaver of Power.
5. Have you deleted a post yet?
6. Locked a thread?
Yes. Go to the MQ section.
Oh no you do not.
8. This or that?
9. Sword or guns?
Swords are cooler. It takes no skill to use a gun whatsoever.
10. Rating center or open forums?
Both are interesting.
11. Wolfwing or The Game?
Teh Wolf n' Wing.
12. Garthonk or Gurthang?
13. I'll be back every time there is a new page with more annoying, pointless questions.
I will be here.
14. AQ, DF, or MQ?
AQ and MQ.
15. Congratulations and: I was the first one done!. ^_^
Thank you, and :).

Ryu Viranesh -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (1/13/2008 21:53:09)

So, how are ya doing?
Do your shackles fit you well?
The Fluffy Pink Shackles were not what I had in mind.
Who put you in this horrible position?
Teh Goof'.
I wonder how hard I'd have to work to get put in shackles........
Your wrist will bruise and eventually break off from your body. :o (j/k)
Nevermind, moving on, What's the first thing that you'll do with your magical AK powers?
Learn all there is to know about AKship.
Pie or Cookies?
Ok, gus or me, I hope you know what the right answer is?
umm...look over there, a bird *runs away*
Will you ever get out of those shackles?
I doubt it. :(
Please don't Phail me at the CRE Exam!
Ok, Rating or Comaparing?
AKing or Rating?
AKing people's Ratings. :o
IRC or Forum?
DBZ or Bleach?
That's enough for now, see yas next page!
/me waves baibai

Mechster Chief -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (1/13/2008 21:55:53)

Game! so your the next Ak gratz :D
It appears so, and thank you!
Pie or toast
Definatly Pie.
Super sayian goveta (goku fusied with vegeta i forgt the name.. ) lvl 7 or gotunks super sayian lvl 7
The former.
is it over 9000?
If you want it to be.
Big DBZ fan right here :D
best DBZ villian freeza or Cell?

tempestofnight -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (1/13/2008 22:02:53)

TG! Keep the tradition of rating AKs alive! Don't leave USoR or I'll quit! (god forbid)
Don't worry tempest.
Will edit with questions when I get back from school 2morro.
/me waits

Alrighty, question time!
Alrightly, answer time!
Which old school rating center on the forums was the best in your opinion?
Definatly Voids, although EGF was awesome as well.
Who offered you the job as AK?
Did you consider even for a second denying it?
Time for the lightning round....
AQ or DF?
DF or MQ?
Sprite or Siera Mist?
Chocolate V.S Vanilla?
UAQ V.S AQstats?
AQ Stats.
Windows or Mac?
IE or FFX?
Battle Strat or Encyc?
I am not good at either.
OK, that ends the lightning round.
If you had to choose somewhere else to be AK in, outside of CR&A, where would it be?
Probably EC, although they do not need more AKs.
Do you prefer spamming, or strategy?
In battle, spamming attack button unless the monster is tough.
How will you name your lockings? (I.E RiceLock)
Right now, I am staying with ~Locked.
What if this question was not hypothetical?
Then I wouldn't be answering it.
Thats all, for now......
/me bye snugs
/me countersnuggles

Jjhoho -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (1/13/2008 22:06:16)

Oh boy! I'll see if I can come up with some =D Hmm.... OK!

1. Favorite Neuro Poison?
I R not fan of poison.
2.Favorite Deadly Neuro Poison?
3. Favorite Non-Deadly Neuro Poison?
I will let you guest this one. :)
4. Coke or Pepsi?
5. Cake or Pie?
6. Obama or Clinton?
Not into politics.
7. U.S. or Canada? (Don't have to live in either)
I would say U.S. since I live there, but I heard Canada is great as well.
8. Aq, Df, or Mq?
AQ and MQ.
9. Runescape? (Please say no)
10. Why blue?
Why not?
11. Why The Name? (The Game, The Name, yeah cheap shot, I know >.>)
Why not?
12. Favorite console?
13. Favorite Forums on the Battleon Forums? (Other than CR&A)
EC forum.
14. Who has you soul?
15 Favorite Mod/AK?
They are all awesome!
I shall be back =D /mecongratssnuggles

Hyperkid -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (1/13/2008 22:08:13)

Could you please describe, in poem, What it truly means to be an AK?
I am not very good a poems.
If this were my thirteenth question, Then there would be a question mark at the end
I like moogles.
Why are your names all "The Game"?
My IRC ame is Wolfwing.
Are you fun?
I can be.
Portal out of my cage?
Warp out of my shackles?
Warp Portal?
Interstellar tube through a walrus-snake-where does it lead?
Walrus-Snake. :o
Do you have the highscore on yourself(sorry couldn't resist)?
That was a game? :o

Frayzer -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (1/13/2008 22:33:37)

Hi! Congrats on getting the AKship. You deserve it!
1) Hey Triple H TG! Hows like being an AK? :P
Iy is busy, but awesome!
2) Are studying or working now? (If you're studying go to Q3, if you're working go to Q4)
3) What subjects are you studying?

4) Whats your current job?
I am only 15 and do not have a job.
5) Dream job?
Anything that makes good money.
6) Am I of any significance to you?
Of course you are!
Congrats on this AKship again. You really deserved this AKship for giving so many thorough and detailed ratings. Have fun being an AK!
I will, and thanks!

Astral -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (1/13/2008 23:17:13)

Hey The Game, congratulations on your AK-ship! I am really proud to have you as my replacement.
Astral!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks! I am really proud to follow in you and blues footsteps!
Good luck and enjoy.
Thanks! We'll miss you. :(

Gothmog -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (1/13/2008 23:34:58)

Hey TG!!
Heya Goth!
Congrats on the AKship.
Is you were shipwrecked.. what two items would you want?
A ship, and a moogle.
Pudding or Jello?
Hacksaw Jim Duggan or The Junkyard Dog in a no DQ?
I am too young to have seen them in there prime.
Did you celebrate this historic event in any way?
A went shopping, does that count?
Why Wolfwing?
Wolfwing ish teh uber pwner.
Fav. Tolkien anything?
Never read Tolkien.
If I wanted to change my mage to a pure warrior what weapon changes will i need to make and how much will it cost? hehe.
The raters you are requesting is currently locked in a cage. Please try again later after the beep.
First place you would go in a time machine?
To my days in Angband along side you, Zz, and gus.
I think that's enough of those. Just wanted to harrass you a bit :p
See you round... Congratz again. You earned it!

The Trobble One -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (1/13/2008 23:38:32)

I mainly always ask this question, What your favorite video game excluding online games.
I own to video games. :o

kyps -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (1/13/2008 23:53:30)

Heh how'd I know this would happen?
Hey Kyps.
I guessed this would happen long before you left
Oh well congrats dude! Can't say much more than this can I...
Thanks Kyps. :)

blues -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (1/14/2008 2:19:20)

Congratz and Welcome TG!!!!
Heya blues, and thanks!
Now, let the torturing questions begin!
oh, teh noes.
Why do you answer silly questions here instead of doing some work lazybone? :P
Well, that is because...look over there, a bird */me runs away*
Hope the next ones are not too personal....
How old are you?
Where do you live?
California, US
Enaged, married, children etc., etc., etc......?
School, University, work.... what do you do besides playing stupid Internet games :P ?
High School.
Do you like your shiny new Buttons?
Ok, that was it for now. Have fun TG and meet you on IRC!
Thanks, and I'll see you there too.
/me welcome-congratzsnuggles TG!!! :)
/me thanksnuggles blues

Ricobabie -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (1/14/2008 8:20:03)

Yes I made it to the first page ^_^
:o, you're right. Let me fix that.
ZOMG! No wayz, joor an AK. :P *freaks out*
/me waits for Wico to stop freaking out.
Congrats ^_^
Thanks. ^_^
So how are you today?
I feel awesome!
Since you have a MtAK thread, most AKs I ask has a mini quiz :O Are you ready?
I think so.
What color is the sky?
a) blue!
b) rainbow
c) I dunno, this is really hard
d) what?
How many ice cream flavours are there in the world?
a) I dunno
b) a zillion!
c) you count
d) one?
With all your new AKing powers, if you see an illegal thread what would you do?
a) punch it
b) leave it cause it's not your concern :o
c) what's an illegal thread? O.o
d) lock/delete it
b d
If someone was spammingz like mad, what would you do?
a) :O freak out
b) spam with them to show you're a better spammer :P
c) delete/lock thread
d) what do you do? O.o
a b c
Congratz! you got 200% on teh quiz :D
/me does happy dance
So was the quiz easy? I would think so :P
It was teh hard.
Anyways after that quiz you must be tired, I shall leave you alone now ^_^
/me byesnuggles TG ^_^
/me snuggles Wico

UltraGuy -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (1/14/2008 8:55:43)

1. What's your fave AE game?
AQ and MQ.
2. How old are you?
3. What country are you from?
That's all.

Z -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (1/14/2008 8:58:59)

*Waves to Mentor*
/me waves to Z
Darn, now you're a rank above me. (mentor + AK) D: Why, Scakk, why?
You know that was a joke, don't you? :P
Why "WolfWing"?
Wolfwing pwns!
What were the numbers in your old forum name again? Why?
Favorite build to rate?
Beastmaster Mages.
*Throws some pink shackle-shaped cookies to Mentor*
[color=#0066FF/me eats]
Rawr. :3

DoddiP123 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (1/14/2008 9:12:52)

so, you like cookies :3?
Who doesn't?
Me snugglehugges
/me countersnuggles
Me steals your cookies while snugglehugging
So, your an AK now, hows that cage?
It is 2x2.
Do they feed you or do you sometimes eat your toenails?
They feed me pie.
Anyways, what rating center was the most fun in?
My first center I was in, which was Angband.
Why, 'The Game'?
'Time to play the game'

Zizzy -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (1/14/2008 9:31:32)

First of all, congratz TG!
Thanks Zz.

12. Garthonk or Gurthang?

LIEZ!!! :O :O :O
I just wanted Wilde to think that. :)
Everyone knows that a blade that is cursed, made out of a meteor, and can speak is totally better than a simple 500 Tokens weapon >.>
Do you like Tolkien? (You know what's going to happen to you if you say no :P)
No. /me awaits the wrath of Zz
How about cookies?
They are great!
Does Hammy like the cookie?
Not sure.
Am I totally insane, or am I just a normal maniac?
The former hehe.
Have you ever gotten any HAYT yet? If you have I'm so stealing it from you, I haven't gotten any HAYT yet D:
Nope. I have locked some threads in MQ butso far no complaints.
Good luck in your new job!
Thanks Zz!

Shadow Curse -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (1/14/2008 9:45:02)

Hurray! Congrats The Game! I was just WAITING for this to happen!
You TRULY deserved this.You're one of the best raters here.Better than me of course ;P
/me blushes
So..who 'knighted' you?
I was teh Scakked.
Are you enjoying this?
/Me snugglepunts Da Game
/me counterpunts
I looked at the your old center who reached 40 pages..why were your name ''kyle826'' before? :O :O :O *Copies from Zz* lol
It was the name of my old Runescape account.
Well,that's all I can think of.Good luck the game,and keep up the great work! I'll come back for a new rating as soon as I know my char is perfect ;)
See you later,TG.
/me waves bai
Oh! And: Does my character look cool? (Under avatar,for one time's sake :P)
It looks awesome!
I have to say this now: You are my favorite rater!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
PS:Can teh kewl Shadow be an AK 2? Pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase? *Puppy eyes* LoL,no I'm just kidding.Congratulations again.
-Ends transmission-
Did you notice that I copied ur color on teh end? XD
No you did not silly. :o

Feral Ninja -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (1/14/2008 10:18:37)

What!? The Game to Archknight? =D The Ratings and Strategy sections provide the most Archknights! xD
A new AK? Where?
No qeustions here actually, so.... Congratulations! =D
Thanks you!

Calimehtar -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (1/14/2008 10:28:50)

I might be inactive atm moment, but not inactive enough for this ^_^

Hiya Baru!

So, would you like to get my random MtAK questions?
Why not?

Okay... You are getting them no matter what ^_^

So How Does it fells you be an AK?
It is busy, but awesome!

Who made you an AK?

Are going to miss the sunshine and sleeping?
Phss. Those are overrated.

Fave Smiley?
Either ^_^ or :).

Who is your fave AK/Mod?
They are all awesome people!

Who is your fave Rater?
Zz, gus, Astral, blues, Goth, etc, and you. We cannot forget you. ^_^

Fave Manga?
Does DBZ count?

Fave anime
Does DBZ count?

Fave kind of music?

Superman, Batman, Spiderman or Baruman?
Baruman and Batman. Superman is overrated.

Baruman or Calimehtar?

TheGame or The Game?
The Game.

Bye TG and Cya on mIRC when I can make it work again ^_^

Stephen Nix -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (1/14/2008 11:26:53)

Here comes to you my questions and congrats to u on ur ak ship!
Here comes my answers, and thanks!

Are you good or ebil or evil choose wisely because if you choose wrong your seat will explode with my iceicles rite below your chair I will send you off into the oblivion....muhahahaha! Ready to play

I'm an evil penguin who loves to help in the pedias the best he can so its an honor to talk to you (yes I know I say it to all AKs)....don't get me wrong I will freeze you

whats your defence to my ultimate attack of ice ownage

does this shirt make me look fat
No way.

does it make you look fat
Definately not. Or does it. :o

what did you do when you were first given permission to work for the forums? Did you party, dance....
I went shopping with my mom.

what is your signature lock? "B"locked, Ultimate lockdown, Clawed or even frozen in time or something else...
I do not have one yet. I use ~Locked for the time being.

I hope that your having a fun time controlling the character ratings community...cya says Stephen Nix!
oh, I will. <Insert evil laugh>

littlejuror -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (1/14/2008 15:02:51)

Congratz on your AK-yness
So questions...
So answers...
Do the shiny new buttons make you feel powerful?
Indeed. I just have to remember to not abuse them.
What's your opinion on Lemmings?
Do you like my hat?
Would it look better with a feather in it?
Are you going to attempt to tell me that I'm not wearing a hat?
Well thats all I got
Congratz again /me schnuggles
/me thanksnuggles


Fishtank -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (1/14/2008 15:17:30)

I found your MtAK.
Oh, teh noes.
That was rather obvious I guess....
Well, Congrats in your new AKship!
1) Can I please have a cookie?
/me hands Fishtank a huge cookie.
2) Have you made your first lock yet?
3) What colour are your shackles?
Fluffy Pink.
4) Do they burn?
The Fluff is getting to me.
5) Has Alac turned them into triangles?
6) What shape are your shackles?
7) Ever play oblivion?
Can't say I have.
8) :/ Or :\?
9) Do u sp34k l33t?
I R bad @ l33t.
10) How many new buttons do you have?
That is a secret.
11) Do you enjoy rating?
12) How long have you been rating now?
A little over 6 months now.
13) The or Teh?
The in a formal situation. Teh on IRC.
14) How many ratings have you done?
Too many to count.

15) Do you have a favorite smily?
^_^ or :)

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