RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (Full Version)

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Mr. Monday -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (3/13/2008 9:03:07)


Let me see if I can dig some up.

My critiscisms,

Image 1

The text placement could be played with a bit more to fit the space more evenly, the text itself is very rough in comparison to the other part of the image consider a glow perhaps or maybe even a completely different font. The bg is very effective at drawing the eye in towards the head of the render, this giving the image a natural focus point. The render's shading on the far right side doesn't fit the rest of the image, even in a linear case the side of the render is the only dark area of the entire sig. All in all, the text and the right side of the render are the only notable flaws of the image.

Image 2

Again, the first thing to catch my eye is the text. A number of changes should be considered for the text, a major increase in size for one as well as a change of color of even an outlining effect to draw attention, and again the placement should definitely be reconsidered. The render placement is fine, however the effects that were used on the render are oddly placed. Almost to the point where the size of canvas comes into question. A smaller size would almost definitely accommodate the effects much more appropriately. There isn't any sort of lighting to consider, and it isn't necessarily needed.


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Thank you.


Blind -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (3/13/2008 15:16:32)

1. Overall a nice tag, i love the dreamy kind of feel emplyed by the border and the outline of the render. The lines make it seem a little crowded on the right hand side. I like how the colour pallet has been taken from the render. Text seems fine, no real improvments to make. An all around good solid tag.

2. Another all rounder, but i have to say the blur effect dosen't seem as well pulled off as it could of been, it makes the background seem kind of dull, but it's a good try. There is, however, a good sense of depth overall. The text seems OK, a little on the blurry side, but that may just be my eyes.

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Gibby -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (3/13/2008 22:57:33)

My art submissions are edited screen shots of AdventureQuest.
Submission 1
Submission 2

Constructive Criticism:
Image 1:
The image drew my attention to the subject straight away as the background was simple yet attractive and not overdone. I think it would help if you add a little more contrast in the text. I thought that the subject's face didn't need as much softness. The skin color on her knees appeared to me to be different to the rest of her, which I thought didn't make as nice an image.

Image 2:
The flames/sparks are instantly eye catching and create an excitement feel for the sig.
The dark area below the head and neck create a "black hole" feel to me. My eyes stopped looking in that area, and I didn't even notice your name in the corner until after I'd looked at the image for a while.


"I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves."


Oli -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (3/15/2008 21:44:37)

First Ever Person:

Ancient Blade:

Constructive criticism for image one:
Image number one is very bright and has quite a high contrast level, I think the effect to the side of the image could maybe be a lower opacity because its basically white. The effect on the head; Middle of the womans head should not really be there. I think it ruins the image of the girl and is one of the things you look straight at. The font is hard to judge because i think it suit the signature but it should be a different inner color. The outline that is red makes the text stand out but to the far right of the text its gets quite difficult to read.
Overall, i think the image could have a little done to improve but it is a nice image.

Constructive criticism for image two:
Image two is the best out of the two, I think the colors are great and the effect on the far left is very unique. On the womans head it is a little bit too light which could easily be sorted out. I think the effects of the purple gems are really good and make the image stand out. The woman is at a perfect angle for the effect to overlap the body. The only down side is, if you look behind the woman there is black, i think that should be replaced with a more...Purple color.


I hereby will follow the rules set by the administrators and moderators of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

Approved. Place yourself on Pending.

super dude -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (3/16/2008 8:03:51)

Art examples

Example 1

Example 2

Constructive critism

It's really good, the text might need some work, but compared to text i have seen on other forums, it's really good, the first thing that caught my attention was the background, which is bad... you want the focus to go to the render, not the background... So maybe make the render stand out abit more, but not too much though... although that might just be me... also try to have an apparent lighting source, you may be able to see the light coming from the top left hand corner, however you don't see the source of the light...


First things first, text is bad, it seriously needs work, the C4D is good, and the render is also very good... Not really much to improve though, except the text, also try not to put your name on the sig... i know it's good for security, but sometimes it can ruin a sig... oh and lighting as well, it's bright on the face, however the rest of the sig is dark, if i was to look at it from a darker computers point of view, you woulden't be able to see it except the face, so lighting needs work as well..

The oath
I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.


MAF1A -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (3/16/2008 22:14:03)


Sig 1.
Hmm, I like the colors. It blends well with the render and you made the brushes flow nicely. The text is great. But the background seems too bright for the render. The attention is focused to the render how it should be, but it seems that it was overly done by the background. This is an oldschool sig, and has a great feel to it. Colors are down packed, but feels as if it could have been done better. A v2 would be nice to see with maybe a sharpened render and a bit blurred skin (skin looks a bit grainy). The render should have been as polished and in high quality like the text is. Overall, good job.

Sig 2.
Colors are great in this piece. Flow is nice and lighting is good. I like how you did the effects on the render. The gradient helps conduct the focus of the eye to the top portion of the render. But it seems that light behind her head takes the focus away from it. You should take a white brush and set the opacity very low, and brush what you want to be focused on. This will dim the light's affect, and put more focus on the render. Text doesnt go with the tag. it seems to plain and just there as a filler. move the text closer to the render and change the font. maybe do some effects with it. overall. average peice

"I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves."


Aekwiel -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (3/20/2008 23:26:23)

Artwork: Link, Milla

1st Pic:

I like this one more than the other because the girl is well blended with the background, colors match, flows nicely.. The only things I'd change would be to up the saturation and contrast on the girl, and the font is too plain for me personally.

2nd Pic:

This one could use a lot of work. The girl stands out a little too much from the background, I'd darken her a bit to make it blend better. What I don't like about the picture is that it doesn't look like it's finished. If the character in the corner is supposed to be the text, it deffinetly doesn't stand out enough. I wouldn't have noticed it by glancing at it. The background has a lot going on, but at the same time, it looks kind of bare.

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Taerzik -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (3/21/2008 3:03:35)

An approval request (See, told ya I'd get around to it)

Art type example 1: ->LINK<- (hand-drawn, with a mouse)

Art type example 2: ->LINK<-
(If you just get 'connecting...' for a long time it means my server is down. This is a rough Flash based MMO client.)

Criticism for alt. img. 1
*whistles* Alright, for paintbrush work that's really something. (I got the picture of the sitting dragon done in paintbrush, the pic seems to be randomized or something...) Generally you don't see something made with the paintbrush that way that looks even remotely decent, more like crayon scribbles usually. Anyway, I'd recommend working on the proportion of the tail, which seems a bit stubby, and getting the sitting posture right... I think it's supposed to be sitting right?

Criticism for alt. img. 2
Only one thing to say: smooth/blend, as in, learn to do it. The custom work on the characters was well done but it just looked 'pixelated'. Use a smoothing tool to get a blend worked in that will make the additions look more 'at home'. Other than that, well done!

"I'll be good"

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Skystrife -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (3/21/2008 21:31:21)

Piece One
Piece Two

Criticism I
The render placement can use a bit of tweaking, the text distracts the viewer from the subject, the black clashes too much with the bg, the light source is coming from the opposite direction it's supposed to be. Overall, not a bad tag, there's room for improvement mainly in regards to the composition. The seem a tad bit contrasty but all in all ok.

Criticism II

The first thing that comes to mind is the blending, the transition from the girl to the bg isn't subtle enough there seems to be a clash. A tad blurry, try to sharpen it up a bit to create a sense of depth and texture. The text isn't fitting, distracts the view from the focal in a similar manner as the one above. All in all, good tag, always room for improvement, main improvements lie in areas regarding depth and flow.

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master -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (3/22/2008 0:16:34)

Art examples: Piece 1

Piece 2

Criticism 1: The render is a bit blury, but slightly. Theres like a chalky brushed part outside the green on the right side. It would look better as a solid color. The text in this image is very nice it matches the backround so well.

Criticism 2: The text in the lower right hand corner is out of the way like. Also the text there is blurry itrself. The other text in 'breath' is nice. The lighting itself is great maybe some comming from the lower left hand corner. Colors are very good though blending could use some work.

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Creature -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (3/22/2008 4:07:07)

A little about me, I enjoy making hand drawn art, sometimes I like challenging my skills with using microsoft Word to make skins, Like ex. 2. I'm currently new to this drawing community, and If you want more info about me, please visit my other websites. People either call me Boxin (Long story from CS:S) And/or Rotgutts (WoW name) and current name Creature. I really do actually love pencil drawing, one of my favorites!

Ex. 1
[img][/img] (Sorry if it's a little big, I play CS:S and make a load of skins N'such)

[IMG][/IMG] This image was used in Microsoft Word and Ms-paint. Please don't call it a piece of Cr*p because it always amazes me.

Ex.3 (if not Ex.2 not valid)

C.C on Alternative #2 image: A Mecha on (it looks like) Computer paper.
The Mecha itself looks strong, broad, Will take action if not intending. With the Shoulder pads on this current Mecha, It looks like the left missle Launcher looks bigger than the right from my perspective. The base of the mecha is wide, and heavy. It will never be light, even if on a diet. I suggest drawing this image in color, and on 8x13" paper.I would be delighted to paint this drawing on canvas with oil pastels, which would be a beauty. I do not like how it was only a sketch and not painted at all. Or if even a vivid coloring on the Arms, or even in the beam will do joy to this picture. I think you should probably make this picture from a different perspective to show the back, or the bone of the body. If only had a left side angle or a close up on right face. I really do like the detail inlisted in the inner body, but more detail on the arms or legs would also do joy to the picture. If you ever really redo the picture, don't over do anything, such as detail, coloring, etc. The left leg also has 1 missing piece of scraps. It should be underlapping the front piece, and overlapping underneath the image.

C.C on Image #1: Desire by Graph
It has beauty and passion, just a general great piece of work. Of all pictures, this one will not be my favorite. the color mixing just doesn't fit in my eyes. Orange and purple mixing is just a little Different to me. Also, each side of the picture has a different design, which really threw me off, but in a good way. On the left (Purple) side it is spiraling with words falling south of the picture. If that fell through-out the whole picture, that would be a delicate piece of work. The other side is Strong, and lightning-y. it is a beam with an odd color, and is not my personal favorite. The mix you did was awkward and different, but overall a good piece of work. The inner girl has great detail, and looks like a summer dreamy night. She's asking you to come, with the anime type eyes. I love how she gives you a look, but maybe a winking eye, or half closed eyes might also look very interesting. Over all, good image with some disagreements on my side.
-------------------------------------------------------The Oath------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
"I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves."-Creature (Graph)

I'm having trouble joining the Approved artist, Cause that was a little blurry for me. When I get denied/Accepted or when told to do so, I will join if I find out. Thanks, and great work Graph! Also, terribly sorry for saying you name wrong, I know you don't get it a lot, so if you don't accept me for saying your name wrong, I'm ok with that. Sorry, so sorry again. Please Forgive me bloody mistake


Thanks! :D

roner -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (3/23/2008 13:28:07)

Art Samples: Both Samples in one.
Both done in flash proffesional CS3, forgive me, I'm not a really good shader.

Critism on piece one: Nicely shaded piece, correct shape and size. Though the tail might need some smoother edges, its shape is well done. Also, it has an interesting pose, making the picture even more fantastic, but the outline is thin and in some other parts wide, I can see that the graphics are not that smooth because of the program used, and the colours also blend in well. The scales on the back however aren't the same, although you may not have ment to make them, it's still nice to use the same scales all the way down. Altough not that broad and smooth, the render of the image gives a 3D feeling, and just the texture of the skin makes it look alot more realistic than some pieces. On the left wing, there is a little mistake line sticking out, I don't know if thats supposed to be there, but it distracts the viewer from all the other detail on the wing.

Critism on piece two: Small, but nicely done. Has a metalic shading effect on the green. The render is a bit pixelated, but it's carefull shading in between the hair and face is nicely done. Now the horns/ears sticking out of the head don't really fit in, although hard to notice, they look like a mistake over the shading, if you could move them up a little bit, then perhaps it would look better. The texture of it isn't quite as real as the Dragon piece, but is equaly as real. The nice thing about this image, is when you open the link, your eyes catch the face straight away, which makes you look at the beauty of this piece.

And finnaly, a promise I swear to keep:

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

Note: Thanks for making the gallery only for Approved Artists, it realy helped me test my skill.


er23. -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (3/23/2008 15:01:19)

Sample one: - I'm a beginner at GIMP, this was made when I was testing random things...
Sample two: RP academy character drawing

ALT image 1:
Green dragon - Overall, it is very well done. The colours match with each other very well and the shading is in the right places. You could work a little on the scales on the back, though, they could be a little more finer. The stripes beside each scale are coloured with a lot of detail. The dragon's pose could be changed a little, it looks slightly awkward.

ALT image 2:
A boat?(I think) - This image is not that good. The resolution is not that high, which contributes to its downfall. The ship is made with straight lines, which is unrealistic in my opinion. The little people on the ship look as if they've been cut out from a different place, so it doesn't seem to fit in with the background. Water perhaps, could be drawn around the waves, to give the picture a little more something instead of being just plain.

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

Approved. Keep working on your CC though.

Fearod -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (3/23/2008 19:39:41)

1. Art:
Fiery Gold Fungi
Black Boveox

2. CC:
Image 1
The way the light shines around the head helps you focus on the person. It draws attention away from the text. The waves give the slight mysterious impact and makes the art more quiet and peaceful. The Text is dark and assures that you see the image before the text, allowing a personal opinion to be more true. You can tell by the expression on her face and by the black clothing, that something wrong or sorrowful has taken place. The Black-White color combo attracts attention. The contrast is to dim.
Image 2
This one is different. The clothing is more casual and you can picture a small smile as an illusion of the tilt of the image. The fog-like text shows a mysterious feeling. The title 'Inspire' makes you wonder. It shows the smoke, Which also gives a quiet feeling. The colors that a wide-spread, are very washed and cannot express much feeling.

3. I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

Approved. Place yourself on Pending.

Hadoukenn -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (3/24/2008 7:45:36)

Art Examples:
Abstract Signature 1
Abstract Signature 2

Critique Examples:

The first thing I noticed about this signature is that the colours dont match very well. I think brown because the woman is bright colours and dressed in white, The background should also be white to make everything compliment each other. Another thing is how the text doesnt fit in very well. It kind of looks slapped on there randomly. One way to improve this is to move the text closer to the focal/render, so it isn't as distracting. a good point about the signature is the way everything is placed. And how well everything flows.


On this one. The first thing that catches my eye is the hugeeee text. Which is very very distracting. It is better to not use fancy fonts in signatures. If you do though, They should be small and nearer the focal so that it isnt distracting. The colours on this one are very good though. The pink and the yellow fits together very well, and the render fits in with those colours. It does look a little oversharpened in places though. And I think you should work on the blending of the render as it looks just slapped on there right now. A decent way to blend is using a soft brush and erasing just around the edges.

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.


xRaedqwex -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (3/24/2008 11:42:36)

Part one:
Arcane angel sig

Part Two:
I must say, the colors all flow in toghther, which is pretty ideal for a good sig.
Also, i do like how it is an anime theamed.

However, the lighting did not appel to me. the forground and backround do not match to well
due to lighting. As well for the lighting, I would have also liked a little bit more to the right of the girls face.
Normally, i would say one worded texts are bad. However, since you used a fairly loaded word, it somwhat matchs
the girl. The Flower on top, However, ruins the image of it being a "Mystery" picture.

overall, it has good color flow, decent lighting, though it can be improved, The text is good, but not to hot in Image choosing.

I like how the image is centered where the lighting is at maxium.
The image being the most- lighted thing in the sig makes ones eyes draw near the image, and not the background.
However, a part of the background to the left of the girl is far to lighted, which makes you want to look that way, instead of
the true image.

I also like how much of the picutre is based on matching and color choice. The girls shirt and pants match up with the strings on the guitar. The chair also has the same nice Hue as the guitar base.

As i stated earlyer, the background makes the image pop out.
However, the background is somwhat dim and dark. It makes the message of this sig say somthing like, " A Sad Song."
If that is what you are aiming at, then its fine, but if it is not then i think making it lighter will change it a tad bit.

All in all, its a pretty good sig.
I LOVE the colors you put into it, and love how the ligting makes the girl pop out.
only real thing i can say to change, is the gloomy background.

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

thank you so much!

flamen dingo -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (3/25/2008 3:27:39)

Art example one: Chibi Ninja I am hoping to be a chibi artist.

Ae 2: Flamen dingo's Signature With this is, I want to show off my Pivot Art abilities, also showing That I can make a half decent Signature.

Constructive Criticism 1: Image
I find this a good clash of colours, the effect the guitar neck with the red light cought my attention first and I though... "Wow, this looks cool" The background forms a strong bond with the actuall picture.

CC2: Alt Image
The dragon itsself is a good drawing(?) I like how you have tried to give The dragon a scale kind of look and the eye just looks perfectThe colours are just to dark for me to see some features that I find Important, for example; I fund the under belly of the dragon should be a lighter shade of blue.

'I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.'

Is it ok If you inform me Via Pm if I have been acepted too, because I will be busy for a while, only being able to check my Email, thanks.

Not approved. You need to work on your CC. A link to Dep's thread can be found on the 1st post that can help you out.

alphaberzerker -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (3/25/2008 21:09:57)

Yet another fantastic piece, I really love it's composition. Although the (I'm guessing it's a c4d not just some effect) on the left side is a little too bright. It draws away from the girl, which I'm assuming is the main draw of the piece. Also since the c4d is so bright and the rest of the piece is kind of dark, and that draws your eyes to the bright colors even more. Other than that a truly great piece

This piece has good flow, but the way the red and blue clash together instead of smoothly blending inhibits the flow. Also the harsh render really doesn't go well with the beautiful colors. Aside from the blue on the eagles(?) wings the render's colors don't match the background. Great piece overall, just in need of a few tweaks i guess.

'I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.'

Approved. Keep working on your CC though.

toidiedud -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (3/26/2008 12:32:19)

Im guessing AMV's would fall under multimedia?
Blood Plus Final Tribute-AMV
(I have many more but I couldnt really decide which to to put here)

Image One-A very good peice of art since everything compliments one another thus giving it a sureal sense of motion and tranquility...I dont really see anything to change that could make it better...but perhaps just making the bright parts a bit duller bringing more attention to the girl

Image Two-A good render and background however I feel the background dosnt compliment the energy the girl is expressing since if it was a more vibrant color it would just blend in much better than the current contrast

"I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves."

Approved. Keep working on your CC though. And be sure to credit the artists use use for your videos, that includes the songs.

JJ_Legend -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (3/26/2008 13:34:28)

Wahew, Long time no see?


Tag 1:
Hmm, It's pretty over contrasted, The text is obvious and boring, however it somewhat suits the tag. The effects are pretty nice, despite being rather bright. The lighting is all over the place, where as it should be focused me thinks :)

Tag 2:
I think the font is very unneeded, the tag would be much better with a stronger flow. Again over contrasted, however it still gives off some nice effects, a bit too bright again.

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

Approved. Keep working on your CC though. And place yourself on Pending.

FrankieTheSpy -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (3/26/2008 13:35:51)

Image 1 Image 2

Dungeon Legends

Image One
I like the background.Its really bright and it contrasts the render really well but there could be more green and i think theres a few too many white holes.Behind Pae theres that dark part and it looks really out of place and it draws alot of unwanted attention.I love the text and the way it is kind of transparent except there are some lines behind it that dont really look that good.

Image Two
I like the use of the C4ds but i think they are kind of blank around the back to the women.(If thats what they are...Im not big in that kinda stuff) The font of the text doesnt go with the rest of the picture really.The red kind of overwhelms the purple sparks at the bottom left hand corner.

Im not good at giving CC >.<Even after reading that thread.

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

Approved. Keep working on your CC though.

GaurdianX -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (3/26/2008 16:06:38)

ex 1

image 1
the concept is really impressive
there are too many white spots on there that throw the piece off
add a little more green in the white spots and it will be great
the text is impressive and adding those black underlines brings attention to the text

image 2
there are too much open spaces in the tag
i like the ideas of the sparks of color
but adding blue, and green parts doesnt fit with the background at all
really good depth with the person playing the guitar

still a beginner in the gallery but i gave my best CC

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

Approved. Keep working on your CC though.

ll_BLACKPANTHER_ll -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (3/27/2008 17:34:44)

Work 1

Work 2

Tag 1: [image][/image]

-More could have been done. First off, the location of the render isn't the best. Maybe it would have looked good at its current placement if a more suitable effect was applied to the sig that goes well with the render. Second, the texts are -- in my honest opinion -- a bit too scattered. Better placement would have helped. Third, the BG. It looks fine, but the the two diagonal lines going from top-right to bottom-left disrupts the flow.

-Over-all the sig is ok, imo. Lol, it seems as tho the sig/tag was done in a matter of minutes.

Tag 2: [image][/image]

-Lol, now this one I really like. Lighting and effects are really good. Gives the sig a -- calm and relaxing feeling to it(?). Anyway, not much criticism I can say, but I guess you could always put more effects to it. :/ I don't care what people say, but the tag looks really good to my eyes.

P.S. I apologize if I gave a poor C & C. I'm not really much of a tag/sig person, but I gave my honest opinion about your tags/sigs. :P

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.



Saint Kilda -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (3/28/2008 6:01:27)

Xanta Clause
Rat Creature

[Alt Image 1]

The Horns' shadings are a bit odd. The lower left is bright and the right side is darker. But, there seems to be a dark spot in side the light spots. Same goes for the spines. The way the dragon is positioned is a very unique. The darkness outside of the eye makes it's blue eyes standout. But, the skin color of the dragon is kind of dark in a way.

[Image 2]

The shading is pretty good. It agrees with the light behind them. The way the Character's arm, it is like she is thinking of something and her eyes isn't looking straight forward, which was very unique. She seemed to have lots of life in her. The bird doesn't have that much life in it than the girl. The background dims the text in. Makes it difficult to see it far away. The lights in the background makes the picture stands out but not the text.


I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.


Shizno09 -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (3/28/2008 18:46:52)

Art Work
Example One
Example Two

Constructive Critism
I liked this one alot, but one thing I thought that needs to be changes was the at fret where she placed here hand the stings got blurred right there. I thought all the colors matched well and it looks extremly nice.

This one was wonderful. The colors seemed to match, The women stood out and I loved how the swirls of her shoulders blended to the black background. The one thing i didnt like is the the top of the swirls are more pixelized then the rest of the picture.. It makes a wonderful sig though..


I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

Not approved. Work on your CC. A link to Deps thread is in the first post that will help you out.

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