RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (Full Version)

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Rambo55 -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (3/28/2008 23:12:29)

Art Work:
Sig 1
Sig 2

Pic 1:
The overall look of the tpic is nice, the pink adding a nice, bright touch, but I would recommend changing the font color to white and setting the layer to something like overlay, to help keep it from taking the focus of the piece.

Tag 2:
I like the idea behind the pic, and the lighting effects look cool, but I've always thought the lighting in your tags is somewhat... dulled. I would like to see more intense spots of light, albeit not too much. The Only thing that concerns me is the background and how it is Kinda empty.

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

Not approved. Work on your CC. A link to Deps thread is in the first post that will help you out.

Dragon. -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (3/29/2008 13:32:34)

artwork examples

Example 1

Example 2

constructive criticism

piece no.1: Mystery

i love the render colours and placement, however the colours of the background should be more purple to match the render and text a bit more.
i like the way that some areas are more full than otheres, however i think that the top-left corner is a little too cluttered and it begins to look like a
light source, which would be fine if the light on the render wasnt coming from right.
the text is beautiful and the font and colours are well chosen, the text saves the sig from becoming too empty.
the border is simple and effective; it finishes off the piece niceley.
overall this is a wonderful piece, and is very pleasing on the eyes.
piece no.2: Breath

this piece is wondrful. i like the way that the figure is so graceful and that the C4D's add a little more chaos (great contrast).
i think some of the parts from the purple C4D should have been erased as they are a little too chaotic and they draw the focus away from
the figure, also that purple C4D should have had less opacity, again it is taking too much attention away from the main piece.
i like the red/orange glow effect (i think its a C4d) it blends well with the skin tones on the figure, however i feel its a little too bright
and makes the right side of the piece seem far too dark. the text is beautifully placed and i like the slight glow effect, it adds to the gracefullnes,
however i feel that the text needs a slight tint of colour to blend in with pice a bit more.
overall this is a beautiful piece, the contrast is good, but just a little too much in some places.

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.


Dravir Dude -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (3/29/2008 16:14:15)

my Artwork examples

Art (1)
Art (2)

Constructive criticism

This dragon-head looks really terrefying! i think that it should have more shade in its mouth and mayby a darker eye. its realy a deatailed drawing (with a lot of shading) that only a talented artist could draw! but i think that the doctor almost ruins the artwork because it doesent look annything like the original dragon. my favorite part is the teeths and the horns because they are both heavely deatailed. you shouldent have started on its body cause the head looks best alone. and whats that thing coming from behind the horn?

both characters and the boat looks cool but they dont really fit together. i like that not only the boat, but also the characters and items on the boat cast shadow. i think that the oars (<-did i spell that right?) should have shadow and you should be able to see them through the dark room inside the boat. the inside of the boat (the dark room) shouldent be that dark. and it would make more sense if the archer was facing the target with the arrow in. and eveything at the side that have oars should be dark as the boat at that side. and i cant see the oars on the other side of the ship.

This is true!

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

Approved. Place yourself on Pending.

Xeshion -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (3/29/2008 16:46:21)


[Image 1]
I enjoy this peice for a variety of different reasons. One being that too me, it tells the story of freinship, love, compassion and is a very enriched tag. I like the way the author did this becuase mainly the font, and the lighting. Too me its bright and audacious outline brightens up the tag tremendously. A fine piece of work indeed.

[Image 2]
In my opinion, this tag is a little to dull. The lack of background really takes my interest off of the piece. I'd suggest adding more "compatable" colors into the background to make it blend more with the girl and text. Overall, this isn't one of my favorites, but its still a good tag.

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

Approved. Keep working on your CC though.

Stan -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (3/29/2008 18:27:07)

1. Art Example: *Click!*
Game Example: *Click!*

2. Constructive Critiscm:
Alt Image 1.
I would probably have liked this dragon a lot before it was colored, the proportions and pose seem very good. However, it is colored in such a dark way it's hard to make out the lines. The highest blue highlights are too light, or rather, the rest of the blue is too dark. I would suggest recoloring this dragon with a lighter color, or making the lines white, because at the moment, you have to look really hard to see anything. Another thing that bothers me is the background, I suggest either creating a background that actually relates to the drawing somehow, or just a plain color. The background as it is looks out of place and distracts from the drawing. All in all, a piece of art that has potential to be quite cool, if some changes are made.

Alt Image 2.

I like this one. Everything, though small, can be seen quite easily and well. I would suggest adding a bit more shading, though, because that usually looks better on small pixelart in my opinion. The cape, armor, sword and hair are exactly the same color, adding a bit of variation while still keeping the colors gray, would probably make the character more interesting. And a minor point: the cape seems to be a bit too far to the right; too far from the character's back.

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.


Louieme -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (3/30/2008 0:45:38)

image 1:[image][/image]
image 2:[image][/image]

the legs are to small if this was based on a real robot it would fall on the floor in
the 1st few steps or brake of overwhelming weight.The arms look vary well done
its torso could be better but it looks good (3/5).The sword well looks great its but
the circle should be taken off.

well the out line is perfect for one.The head is more fish then dog like.Right hand
looks like a mace.The feet are great.The torso is well.......could be better.


Not approved. You need to work on your CC. Check the link top Dep's thread in the first post.

Rambo55 -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (3/30/2008 11:40:26)

Artwork 1
Artwork 2

Pic 1: To start, the good points of the pic are the concept and the colors. Both are nice. Now to the rest, the over saturated colors make it less desirable in some aspects. The flow of the render and the C4D seem to go different directions which doesn't go well. Flow should only go one direction. The size of the pic takes away from the detail that makes a signature good, you basically see the lady and some C4D, and nothing else really stands out to give it that detail to make it a better piece.

Pic 2: Well what i really see is the use of smoke Imo. So i would suggest making the background more detailed and the smoke seem less like an cloud and so like lower the opacity, or take a small smudge brush and smudge it out with lighten it up. The render seems to be the focal. I would suggest unblurring it and when you remake the background leave the upper half head and to about the chest area unblurred, along with the side parts, but little more blur on the arm and stomach.

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

I worked on my CC so im hoping it works this time around!


Trioaero -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (3/30/2008 16:32:28)

Sprite/example 1
Hand Drawn/Example 2

Great drawing but I recemend some light and a cave background. I think you should put more detail like putting scales. It is some fine work.

I really like how this one came out but I don't really like the hair it should be a lighter hair clolour like a blonde.

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

I tried to work on my c+c

Not approved. You need to work on your CC. Check the link top Dep's thread in the first post.

Replon -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (3/30/2008 23:56:21)

Image 1

Image 2

Constructive criticism Image 1:

The Gecko/Lizard thing fits perfect with the sig. The color blends wells with the lizard and brings it out. The text is easly read due to the light though you might want to change the outline of the text and make it a brighter color or something that isnt green but still holds the feal of it maybe yellow. The light adds some feal to the image and brings out the text wile maintaing the "green" in the image. Also might want to tone down the ammount of light in some areas, some it it seems excessive. Over all nice job

Constructive criticism Image 2:

The background just blends perfect with everything ealse. The light was the first thing i noticed then the girl. The light blends perfect with the image though in this one maybe a bit more light to bring out the image more. The smoke is perfect. But the text could be moved to a more light position because it looks wrong in a black area or maybe have it touch the light on one side and let it go into the dark spot. Great job with that one also.

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jinji -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (4/1/2008 23:28:52)

I have read the universal forum rules and the gallery forum rules

My first hand draw art example
My second art example

Image 1, I love the robot, I really like the body to it, the detail is great.
I think that if you traced it over in pen and erased the pencil lines it would give a cleaner look to it and make it look more professional.

Image 2, I like the over all look of the image it looks like a adventure quest character!
The image is a bit small over all, and personally I think the colors could be better, like if you used red or yellow trim on the armor maybe.


I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

Not approved. You need to work on your CC. Check the link top Dep's thread in the first post.

Krezos -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (4/2/2008 20:21:37)

My Flash artwork

Weapon Art 1
Weapon Art 2


Image 1

I like the clear design and bold blue colours used in this image. However (even though it does provide good contrast), I think the background is too plain.

Image 2

The background and foreground go well together in this image, and the vibrancy of colours is attractive. However, the foreground would stand out more if the background was blurred somewhat.


I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

Not approved. You need to work on your CC. Check the link top Dep's thread in the first post.

Kuropoi -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (4/3/2008 0:42:22)

Examples of Art-

Example 1

Example 2

Constructive Criticism-

Alt Image One-
The shaping of the dragon is done qute well, however what takes away from the feel of the image is the designs, is the shading of the yellow/orange type aeras.The way it grinds on the outlines, and thins them detracts ALOT from it...the same part can however be said for the light green areas.The highlights on those parts look in a way...scribbled on and doesn't fit with the feel of the Dark Green area.Which manages to save this image in the shading department, it looks more natural...then the rest of it.However it's good art, in shaping however it falls flat in a FEW aspects however it would still be quite difficult to do that, and that's quite hard to do on mspaint.However what I'd do would be when I was done I'd fix up the the line so they don't look dented at certain points, and just a tip I don't advise saving in BMP of JPG, just to give it a little more quality.I'd save it in GIF, or PNG as to avoid those little artifacts that happen when uploading it on photobucket or any other image hosting site.

Alt Image Two-
This is pretty good, however one thing I notice immediately is the large contrast between the second shade, and the last shade on the armor it gives it a sorta glowing feeling, but looks somewhat odd on the cape as well, a good amount of contrast would be better in my opinion.And the horns...they rely too much on pillow shading making them stand out from the rest of the image, and look as if they're somewhat 3-d on a very 2-d image.However with all the flaws I've stated there's a few positives, such as the great shaping of the armor and head, it makes it look like it's actually a DF warrior armor in pixel form.However I would advise next time to not use so much contrast in your shading, and it'd look much better...and even though I criticized the horns I'd keep makes it stand out and look a little differant.

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.


lordkaho -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (4/3/2008 5:47:24)

I always was crazed in giving out dragon fable suggestions. Especially ideas on new denizens to its beastiary. Here are some of my art work that i really cherish:

The Zaeroth Eternal
The Undead Destroyer I would very much want to be assigned to the hand drawn art gallery.

Constructive Criticism:


It looks nice except for a few out of proportion body parts. Like the horns, if you made it more bulky and solid, it wouldn't look like its skin on its eyelids was stretched out. Then the left wing, you could add more wrinkles to make the viewer that the skin is folded. Or else your dragon would look like it had a more claw-like wing and unable to stretch them. And oh, the upper thumb on its wing, i don't suppose you forgot to put a claw there? Lastly, the tail seems to be very big for your natural serpentine tail. If you slendered it a bit more it would be perfect. Besides those flaws, the shoulders are beautifully sketched, it really looks like its feet are flat on the ground and i love the way it rears its head as if it senses a prey.


Pros: His skin color is very well done. The shadings and contrast fit really well. And he gives off quite a soothing feeling as if he doesn't care about all that heavy armor. It really reminds me of MMORPGS like Ragnarok Online.
Cons: The hands are quite big and there are less curves on his legs and feet. It looks so straight that as if the metal greaves are directly connected to his leather pants.



"I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves."

Approved. Place yourself on pending again. I think I took you off by mistake.

Waseinseon -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (4/3/2008 21:18:01)

Very good! I can scarcely see the structure and joints in the inside of the dragon's wings and such, and it just shows how much effort was put into this. You can see the muscles pulsing through dragon, drawn to incredible ability, and the spikes on it's tale are very well done. You can see the thin skin stretched over the bone of the wings to great ability. A wonderful picture of a dragon.

I see nothing wrong with this piece at all. The shading is superb. The cape looks as though it's fluttering in the wind. The only thing that may seem a little off is the eye's pupil, but that's barely noticeable at one glance. Proportions are outstanding. This sprite that's supposed to be a warrior has been depicted beautifully.

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.


ShyTrake -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (4/4/2008 17:36:36)

Really I'm not gonna be posting in the gallery, besides for when I make my own. I don't think the images will be that hard, but CC will be hard, 'cause I'm not the best at givin CC. Image 1 Image 2

Image 1

The lady matches the color, that's great. I also think that the lighting effect or whatever I should call what's coming above her head is great. I like your flow, or however I should use that in a sentence. But one thing that I really don't like is how on the left side, it's just...emptiness. Either make the tag a bit smaller, or maybe find a way to fill it in. I like the blending (I think that's what it is, how the greenish light goes into the black) too. The text is awesome. I think that's probably the best, but sadly I can't understand it, I guess it's a name. Overall, it's a nice tag.

Image 2

I think it's awesome how you have the color kind covering the woman. But where it covers the neck, it seems to be bad. The red line shows what I mean right here. It looks nicer if you fix that, or at least be able to see mosta the neck. I like the c4d down in the bottom right, adds a flow (I think). The text is real nice, but it should be moved a bit closer to the woman. I like how the black is kinda covering the woman the most though. I like this tag lots.

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

Hope I get accepted.


Saavik -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (4/5/2008 2:23:09)

Artwork Example 1
Artwork Example 2

CC: Image 1

In my opinion, this is an attractive and balanced sig overall. The colors are well chosen; they show some variety, but they are close enough to each other to make the sig look like a unified piece. The bright diagonal dashes in the foreground balance the vertical lines in the background. I can only see two possible negatives. First, the text tends to blend into the background--I wouldn't say it's hard to read when one looks at it closely, but it doesn't pop out of the image and someone taking a casual glance at the sig might not notice it. Then again, maybe it's intended to appear only after someone takes a closer look. Second, the meaning which the artist is attempting to convey isn't entirely clear, although there's really nothing saying it has to be, if the artist wants to leave his work open to interpretation.

Image 2

This one is eye-catching; the bright light on the bridge (is that what it's called?) of the guitar drew my notice right away. The bright reddish lights in the background harmonize with this. Although the background is chaotic, the main subject stands out clearly. However, I don't think the girl matches the background very well. Her pale sepia tone makes her look washed out and bland in comparison with the brilliantly colored, high-contrast background. I'm also not sure I like the blur of orange light coming off the end of the guitar bridge; it makes the guitar seem a bit distorted. It might look better if the light bent slightly to lie over the very top of the guitar, instead of shooting off into space from the bridge. Also, at a glance it looks as if she is holding a laser sword instead of a guitar.


I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

Thank you for your time.


DarkShadowZX -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (4/5/2008 3:09:23)

Artwork Examples:

Number One
Number Two

Constructive Criticism:
Image One:
The colors are very well done, they harmonize together very well. Although the flow is where this sig falls behind, the brushes(?) are going in all directions and it clashes with the render. Maybe it's just me, but I see an outerglow on the render that does not fit with the (little) lighting. There really is no obvious sign of where the light is being given off, except maybe the the brushes. The text is nice, it fits the mood of the signature and the colors do not fight with the rest of the sig.

Image Two:
In this sig, there are a lot of distractions (For me, that is), I keep looking at the swirls and then the jacket, and then I'm back off into the background. The focal point should be more clear, this could be done by some blurring of the minor things and sharpening the focal point to bring it out more into people's attention. The swirls effect is very nice, theres this 'glossy' look to them that I love. The depth is a bit lacking, but I don't think you really needed much in this type of sig. Overall, pretty good.

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.


lordkaho -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (4/5/2008 4:57:52)

This is my second shot! I am determined to go for it!

Zaeroth Eternal

Mech Quest Manga Teaser * hehe, j/k! *


: His skin color is very well done. The shadings and contrast fit really well. And he gives off quite a soothing feeling as if he doesn't care about all that heavy armor. It really reminds me of MMORPGS like Ragnarok Online.
Cons: You could resize his hands so that it would look nice and proportional to his body, plus if you could add a bit more shading on his armor, it could very much go well with the whole picture. Oh, and adding a few curves on his legs would help too. I'm sure it would be nicer.

Rei Ayaname

Pros: From the word " Snuggles ", I easily understand the warmth this sig depicts. Rei *the girl*, seems to be quite comfy around the penguin who is in pure innocence and seems to be vague of his surroundings. The blue space to Rei's left does match her hair nicely.

Cons: it is a nice heart warming sig, but you could make it better if the penguin was nearer to Rei to make it more snuggle-like, and about the background, i also suggest that you could darken the words a bit or just make a shade of light to dark since the lights are coming from left to right.


I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

P.S. Please put me on the hand crafted/drawn art gallery!

Approved. Place yourself on pending.

Itachi_122 -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (4/5/2008 12:35:58)


First image, This piece caught my eye with lightings in BG and how the gecko blends in very well, but for text im not really sure it covers up lots of space, If it weren't there that part would show more details, but then again it is a very well made sig and i love how you did your style in this one.

Now this one I love how you put C4Ds it makes it look great but you have an empty spot right next to her head and how her guitar is contrasted I don't like those 2 but C4Ds colors are great but not guitar I also saw the Blue with green looking C4D it kinda messes up the sig but your overall is great, the sig is great and i love it.

"I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves."

Approved. Keep working on your CC.

The Lamp Shade -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (4/5/2008 20:28:20)

Art Work:
Background1 I have backgrounds because my gallery will be a place were you can get free backgrounds.
Background2 I couldn't pick which one
Organization XII
It took a while but I did it

Image one:
The colours in this image match together and the blending is good. I also like whatever filters you are using in it because it gives it some kick. I dont really like the writting in this picture but that is my taste and last of all the lighting looks good.

The first thing that got my attention on this photo whas the lighting, it was put in a great spot and made the picture have a nice light glow to it. You could do better with a bit of the colours though. Altoghter I like this image.

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves

Not approved. You need to work on your CC. Check the link top Dep's thread in the first post

unspoken -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (4/6/2008 13:05:18)

Artwork 1
Artwork 2

Constructive Critisism
Artwork 1: The colors go together very nicely and the picture is baleced. The white sparks effect kind of offsets the picture but that could be considered personal prefences. Overall it's a great picture.

Artwork 2: The picture is amazing! The girl in the middle is centered wonderfully and the clouds in the background give it a good mood and "theme" I guess you can say. The blurring effect was done next to perfect and the lighting is blenced perfectly, but the blur over her left hand and on the strings of the gutair is a little much. I personally like extremely sharpened pictures but this is still a great picture.

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.


Rain -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (4/6/2008 18:21:57)

Hi guys, I r back (yeah right)



Bad and unblended colors, text misplaced and doesn't match together... nice stock?


Colors were ok... Bad text and no lighting IMO.. nice concept? EDIT: Bad focal point and too blurry also D=

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

Not approved. You need to work on your CC. Check the link top Dep's thread in the first post

Angel Of Fire -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (4/7/2008 16:12:09)

Art Examples

Artwork One

Artwork Two

There are 2 pieces of art on it.
I work for DungeonLegends."

Constructive criticism for image one:

[img][/img]I personally think that the image is very good . The not so good bits are the size of text. The manga is good but i think the clothes could be worked on a bit more.

The colours are a bit to bright for my liking. The shadows should be a bit deeper.

Constructive criticism for image two:


I do think that the picture is abit to revealing. I know the rules state that one has to be over 13 to play AQ,MQ or Df but we all know they don't. A 9 year old boy could see this picture and get his hormones started. We all know what that could lead to *coughs*

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves

Not approved. You need to work on your CC. Check the link top Dep's thread in the first post

Wyvern Knight -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (4/7/2008 22:18:13)

1.) I hope this is an acceptable website for the game.

If this is not acceptable, I could either make a website or more preferably, post another form of art instead.


Image One

First off, I like the shading on this one, and colors work well together. But overall, there are quite a few things in this one that don't work with me. It's head seems to be slightly disproportional to it's body, although this could be intended, it doesn't appeal to me. It's position seems to be a little off as well, as BOTH of it's feet seem to be on one side of the tail, which looks a little odd to me. The Ring around it's eye seems to be a little unusual in it's shape, the back end of it behind the eye should probably be closer, as to make it more of a border to the eye. Some of these could just be personal preference, but I personally think the image would look a lot nice if these were fixed.

Image Two

To start, I like the way the ship is drawn. The shadows were also very well done, and add a good 3-dimensional look to the image. Although one of the bigger things that ruins this one is the sprites do not match the way the boat is drawn, nor do they seem to be facing quite the way they should be. The way the swordsman near the back of the boat is sitting is a good example of how it doesn't seem to be sitting correctly. I may be nitpicking, but he seems to be sitting awkwardly. The Yellow creature seems to be out of place to me, and would probably be better off left out, or facing the same direction as the wolf creature, which is probably one of the few that actually seems to be facing the right way. The Guy standing next to the quite randomly placed target is not facing quite the right way, as you can tell buy the line at his feet. His target is also facing somewhat away from him. It's a decent image, although it doesn't feel like the artist put enough effort into the sprites. If they were drawn in the same style, this could've been a really nice, unique image.


I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.


Shadow Wolf -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (4/8/2008 18:05:25)


This picture has beautiful shading, and is very good with colors. The edges are slightly pixelated, but that's okay. Very detailed, mostly in the eyes and horns. The horns have different shades that coordinate together very well. The eyes have the perfect colors, and the shadows are in all the right places. There are still many stray pixels, but for the overall effect, it's almost perfect.
Good pixelation, and the shades are very nice. The colors vary to some extent, but the character design is amazing. You can tell there is emotion in her eyes, and the wolf ears are able to stand out from the rest of the hair. It is easy to tell many things from this picture, like how old the girl is, and what she could be thinking at the moment. Very nice pixelation.


I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.


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