RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (Full Version)

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Hyphernion -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (4/26/2008 21:46:52)

Artwork 1:
Artwork 2: Having issues with link

Picture 1: Very good fading and lighting tecniques. However, it seems to make the writing slightly blurry. It also distracts from the total picture. But the Penguin rocks so I'd give you a 8 out of 10. All in all, a very good picture.

Picture 2: The smokiness of the girl's hair and background makes the picture very enticing. Almost like a spirit trying to draw you in. The pale smoke also gives it that rising felling. Kind of like the sun rising out of the darkness in the morning. However, it is a slightly akward angle since you are looking directly at her chest. Also, try to make the girl sharp with less blur but leave her hair and clothes smoky. That'll create a rising out of nothing look that is perfect for the "Morning Dancer" theme.


I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

Not approved. Read the rules.

jamesthebond3/carbine -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (4/27/2008 19:06:05)

Artwork One: Artwork One

Artwork Two: Artwork Two

Mystery, For the most part, I like the layout - nicely divided into thirds, with the character looking back towards the center of the image. Unfortunately, I think the brilliant pink background is a bit too busy for the text to be completely clear, especially since the contrast levels between the purple text and the darker parts of the BG aren't as distinct as they could be. I would suggest toning the levels down somewhat so it's not quite as flashy, and maybe changing the color of the text to a more bluish shade.


Morning Dancer, Very distinct and clear, easily read and gets its message across. Perhaps a better photograph of the girl could be chosen, though - her eyes are closed and half her face is covered by her hair. I'm also somewhat confused by what that is behind her. Is it a generic background, or perhaps the skirt etcetera from her dancing outfit? The text is subtle, which appears intended. If it wasn't, then maybe brightening the text a little more. However, that's not really needed, as neither the background nor the text are too saturated, and it's easier to see bright text on a dark background than vice versa


I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

Approved. Keep in mind spam is heavily enforced in the Gallery.

Lucario0708 -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (4/27/2008 20:57:02)


image 1 cc

I really like the effort you put into it with cutting and psting the renders but what i didnt like wasI dont really understand the bird it a penguin or an owl try and make it look more like what it is

image 2 cc

1st of all good work with rendering second it is how you put in the background and all others but i dont like the swirls on the ladys dress it looks like she's a ghost and it is just creepy


"I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves."

Not approved. You need to work on your CC. edit:i edited it ~Lu

done edited it

Not approved. Work on your CC. A link to Deps thread is in the first post that will help you out.

Celondir -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (4/29/2008 10:48:22)

Artwork 1
Artwork 2
I know I'm obsessed by Slugwrath. ^^

Constructive criticism
Image 1

The words are really nice and in 3D, but the girl's image is pretty low-quality. The background changes too much, it's pink, and behind the girl it's tan. The background behind the girl should've been pink, purple, red or any other colour that looks like pink.

Image 2
"Morning Dancer"

The entire image is fading, which isn't good, because the girl is the "main object", right? You should focus on her, because now it looks like she's part of the background. And I can look right through her right arm, which isn't okay, because she's human. I've never seen a human shine through. I can't see what she's standing on, we're looking at her from the front, right? Because I expect to see the trees' trunk, but I see the trees' top. That doesn't make much sense to me.

I hope that this was enough criticism. [:D]

EDIT: My English isn't that good and my English vocabulary is even worse. [&:] ^^

"I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves."

Approved. Keep working on your CC. The link to Dep's thread should help you with that. And your English is just fine.


Shadz -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (4/30/2008 19:55:39)

My two
I sketch, but this will mostly be for posting

constructive crit for number one

I like the way you wrote the title, it goes well with the theme of the pic. One crit I have is that possibly when you put the render of the bird/penguin the tip of the horn was cut, but thats not a biggy. I dont really like the different background on the top right corner, but maybe you meant to do it that way.

Constructive crit for number two

I like the shards of color coming down, and likewise with the small, how should I put it, transparent picture of the "take board"(Dont know name) From infering, the theme is about a dream of preforming, but it would be easyer to find out if you had made it in english, but I like the chinese text. I think the red glow distracts you a small bit, but fits nicely with the other colors.


I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

Not approved. You need to work on your CC.

The Critic -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (4/30/2008 23:26:36)

[Alt Image 1] [Alt Image 2]

My art: One. Two.
Constructive Criticism for alternate art number one:
Very nicely done beast, but there's an un-needed, unnecessary dentist cracking a joke above a good picture. The beast is great, but the dentist and his quote definitely have to go. Above all else it distracts the viewer from the main premise; The monster. It should be removed to not have pointless doodles like the doctor distracting viewers. Besides that, the shading may have been a pinch bit much.

Constructive Criticism for alternate art number two:
Decent pixel and decent form, but the chest, even though it's like a full-body profile shows the right pec which would say he's angled very slightly toward the viewer yet it's obvious he's facing as left as possible. Also, the shading is weak, very weak. For a pixel it could need a LOT of shading, and redefining the face which has small if any good detail, just eyes and such. Good pixel, but lacking shading and a nice face.

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

Not approved. You need to post your OWN images. Second image is from Devilman501. You are barred from AA. Seeing Ripping in the rules.
Grafh, read the PM I sent you.

xtreeme -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (5/1/2008 5:40:00)

I myself am making a small game project ( "alpha-demo" here )
As for art, I'll post my old DF contest edit ^_^ ( linkage! )

It's a great signature overall. Wonderful & cute xD
But now let's dig deeper. I really liked the choice of colours, which makes the character and the penguin appear on the front line (and are the first, that the eye highlights), and the effects seem on the background.
The particle effects is made simple, yet it's enough to fascinate the viewer.
Only things that I personally would change are the text colour and size. The text blends into the background, thous making it hard to read . Moreover the artists' name is quite small AND it blends into the background which makes it even harder to read (unless that was made on purpose).
All in all it's a great signature, that is made simple, colourful and attractive.

A great work, that really catches the eye!
The name of the art speaks for itself: we can see a person taking a deep breath. In addition the artist has added some light effects, which make the female quite attractive, or even seductive. We can see a mix of effects, such as sparks, lights, glowings. While the artist succeeded in making the given signature interesting, colourful and eye catching, he, in my opinion, used way too much colours, which make it look worse, than it could be at it's full potential. Also the bright light on the left matches the skin colour, thous making two 'main figures', which they eye registers first. If I recall correctly only one is allowed in art.
All things considered this is by all means a great artwork, yet I would probably use the first one as a signature as it's more 'eye-catching and 'eye-friendly'


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El Glamoure -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (5/1/2008 9:53:22)

Hello, I'am fairly new to graphics, I use Gimp. I'm on other graphic websites, and people have taught me a bit :)

artwork 1 -
artwork 2 -
First Image - I think it is OK. Something a newly beginner would do, the colors are meh, the text is just plain out of place and wrong, the effects aren't very pretty, the detail is OK, the render is a too big which makes the artwork crowded. maybe the render should be made smaller, it should have a bit of sharpening, the color should be worked on more, the effects more defined, the text deleted.
Second Image - it's OK too... the contrast is too much, the colors are pretty good, there is some depth, the text is again very bad and out of place, it takes the focus off of the girl, the lighting is pretty good. work of a novice. Take out the text, lower the contrast a tad.

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

EDIT : added links to which images i was critisizing.

Approved. Keep working on your CC.[/color]

Aurora WhiteWiolf -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (5/1/2008 19:35:07)

Hi, I use GIMP and am fairly new to sig making but i think i'm ok. Here's a couple of images i made.

[image][/image]My best so far

[image][/image]Second best

Image 1
I think you should choose a different color for the bottoms of the wings because it doesn't match up with the image very well. For example, instead of having it fade to blue, have it fade to black and it would then math up with the image. Another thing is that there is a small silver part between the wing and body which says that you didn't spend much time on it, and "missed a spot." The text is to small, and the eagle to big; i would suggest making the sig a little larger so that you can make the text clear and space it out a little. Also you should spend a little more time on the background because it looks as if you took a few brushes, and blurred it around a little. Great idea, work on the coloring and background
Image 2
First of all the lighting isn't very good, considering the fact that the lighting on the person is coming from a totally different angle than the light on the background. Also, it looks a little crowded. I would suggest making a larger sig, and enlarging the text so that you can see it a little more clearly. I would also suggest that you keep the lighting a little more the same in the background, because going from yellow to black looks like it's unfinished. Overall, it's a nice sig and a cool idea.


I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

Edit: i changed my tags....


ronin101 -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (5/1/2008 20:05:43)

ok i use gimp and im getting better at it here the two i want to use

[image][/image]<----image one

[image][/image]<-----image two

Image one

Needs better lighting.I need to work on my cd4 rendering.I need to work on my CC. I also need to work on a better flow, and the back ground is a bit dull. needs a light sorce

Image two

Needs a light sorce. needed to keep some color of the render. text is hard to read. and ialso needs a c4d in the back. too much open space


I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

Not approved. You need to work on your CC. Check Deps thread. Link on the first post.

Xyphon -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (5/2/2008 19:32:48)

1. Multimedia - Working on a game called Mythical Tales. Also Flash drawings (this will be in the multimedia post) that has the drawings of the weapons and other things. Here is weapon 1: Click here and Weapon 2: Click here
2. Image 1 Image 2

For image 1:
I love the artwork. The Gecko is amazingly drawn and the text for it is well-written (like, it's good to explain the Gecko). The background is pretty cool but does have some problems which are listed below, but yes, I like the background style.

I think that the Text doesn't go well with the rest of it all. If the text was darker not only would it be easier to read but it would stand out more. I find that the text hurts my eyes in a way. I think the background is too light in some areas and too dark in others. For example, the part beside the Gecko (not sure if it's part of the gecko, this isn't well established, which is another problem) doesn't clash with the gecko or the background. If it is the shadow, than that needs to be darker and more recognizable as a shadow. The rest of it is fine.

For 2:
Well, the drawing is truly amazing. The background colour and the smudge affect was an amazing idea and is all around an awesome picture.

This is mostly good but the smudge parts of it come from a bad part of the girl. Most of it is with the white, which clashes bad with most of the picture. If you mixed it with the skin colour more than you do, then it'd be great. For the bottom right of the picture, I don't like the smudging there. Instead of the blue and white smudged together, they are apart, it makes it look horrible, smudge them together with skin colour, and that'd fix it. I love the rest of it.

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.


grounder890 -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (5/2/2008 20:52:07)

(Gimp on both)

Art 1

Art 2


1. I love the character. It is smooth and makes sense when going through frames. If anything can make this better it would be adding some type of background, but for an animation it is animted awesomely!

2. I like it alot. The render matches the background and the type makes sense. It is, however, missing something to spice up the background perhaps a nice c4d or some brighter.


Nice pieces but may be missing some key parts.


I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

Not approved. You need to work on your CC. Check Deps thread. Link on the first post.

Shadz -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (5/3/2008 17:52:33)

I think I get how now



image 0ne (death from above)

I like how you made the wings seem like they have shadows.The words make sense with the picture. Background is the same on both sides, which shows a sense of repeating. Overall, pretty good. There are some parts I dont like, including the part of the leg with the chain, a bit is cut off, so it kind of leaves you wondering. The background could be better (clouds, showing it diving) but it still works with any.

image tw0 (disorder)

One thing I dont know when I hit the image is the words do not really match with the images on this sig. Parts like the guitar and the take board, show more of dreams. The thing I saw that caught my eye was the stripe of bright red on the top of the guitar this can be a plus and a minus. The plus is it draws the attention of the person seeing it to the guitar, one of the main stock. The minus is when looking at the guitar, it gets some peoples eyes to keep wandering to the strip. The last thing I can see, but this may be right, is that the chinese writing is cut off if it has more then two symbols. Overall, nice image, some parts could be better.


I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.


grounder890 -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (5/3/2008 21:45:49)

okay gimp on both

Art 1

Art 2


1. I like how smooth it is. It is nice and smooth but lacks some key details. (look below)

It definetly need a BG, and one that makes some sense. Maybe some words or something to spice it up. Also an enemy would make his attacks have meaning. The one with the laser blast thing should start closer and maybe and with an explosion. Possibly enlarge it. My opinion is that it needs to be a small bit bigger and and have a nice matching BG.possibly a place from the show and maybe a but more detalic. Also the canvas should be a little smaller to fit it better.

2. It is a nice banner but is also lacking many things. (look below)

First, It needs to be brighter in the middle chest area. It should have a more detalic c4d it just looks like a c4d with a render on top and ttthe c4d color doesn't match. The BG doesn't really go with this render. The bottom of the render is also cut off. Maybe a more detalic c4d, some text and it brighter may spice it up just enough, but not too much. Maybe it would look better as a sig, instead of having that mush extra space that just has a BG that doesn't match.


I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

Edit: just so you know, I did the criticism on the two pieces of artwork


dxb105 -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (5/3/2008 22:21:05)

art pices

constructive criticism 1

the artwork is very good and the render placment is very good also.

i would say that the backround is a little off key and dosent blend well with rendner.
try to exparament with other colors till it comes togethe pefictly and it would improve the tag in a big way

constructive criticism 2

the blending is very good and it only needs a few things to make it best like...
you could add a little more to the backround in a low ocupacy to make it pop out more.


I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

Not approved. Work on your CC. A link to Deps thread is in the first post that will help you out.

toonpenguin -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (5/4/2008 15:58:04)

[I delted my old one and this is my new one [it has my new CC on it][ the reason i'm re posting cause it seems you skipped over mine][please forgive me if i am wrong]

1. image 1
video 1
2. Alt image 1-
The artwork is very well done. I agree with the mixture of the colors[yellow and green dragon]. The eyes of the baby dragon made it seem like it was crying which i liked.
Maybe use a lighter green for the wings of the dragon. Other then that i personally thought the baby dragon was beatiful and very detailed[espically with the scales runing up its back] Beautiful job.

image 2-
The japense girl in the bikini really caught my eye right away. I personally liked the picture of the girl.Her eyes were closed that and her hair covers the right side of her face. This added a mystery effect to the picture. The back round was a little blury. I couldnt really tell what it was it looked like it was water. If so the water went great with the girl in the bikini. But 1 thing about the picture i didnt like was her right arm was holding on to somthing[couldnt tell what] it just didnt seem good in the picture. Maybe have her running her hands through her head. I personally think that would look better then have her arm out to the side.


I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.


The Critic -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (5/4/2008 18:39:23)

Grafh, I PM'd you. Could you read my message?

autumnsgrace -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (5/5/2008 1:36:52)

Required examples of gallery art:
Image 1 (PS) (And a sig version.)
Banner for a forum I used to run. [Flash]

Constructive criticism.

(You are an evil genius for making the links pull up results at random.)

Image one (non-alt) chosen: Glow effects always make me happy. :P The rendering on the anime bit looks smooth enough, (or if it's not a render, good job drawing it! :o ) though the lighting appears strange with all the glowy stuff in the background with the anime being more pastel. Perhaps if the girl and penguin thing were more centered so that there is more light on the right side...I dunno. Overall, it's fine though, and if I weren't required to study it as indepth as right now, I certainly wouldn't go: Argh! My eyes! D: I'd rate it average.

Image two (non-alt) chosen: I really can't figure out anything wrong with this one except that I can't figure out if the white stuff is smoke or water. In either case, it works well. The text color and placement works very well since you are able to see and read it, but it isn't more powerful than the focal point of the sig. It gets an 8/10 on an awesome scale.

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.


wolfythegreat -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (5/5/2008 16:25:57)

1. My art:

Iamge 1:
This peice has very little blending. The colors of the background don't match that of the eagle except for the wings. The background and the eagle are flowing two different ways making the overall flow bad. The text and font are nicely done but the lighting is all over the sig instead of directed to one place. I like the lines in the text because it makes it look like movement in some ways. No negative space. ^^ I love that.

Image 2:
This one I like alot more. I love the way that this sig flows. It makes it seem like the woman is being thrusted backwards by the c4d. The lighting is fair. It seems as though the lighting should be coming from the c4d but the light is coming from above. Looks like two different lighting sources. But the overall brightness and contrast in this sig is good. The text and font are nice. And still no negative space. Still love it. ^^

And now for my vow to follow the rule and not be a complete jerk to the other amazing artists in this forum!

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.


Dark_Wurm -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (5/7/2008 7:17:59)

Hello again :]


Constructive Criticism:
Image 1 -
+ This artwork has an aesthetically pleasing colour scheme, which relates to the render used.
+ The gecko's red eye stands out well from the greens, catching the viewer's attention.
+ The signature has a good concept, which is portrayed through both the gecko's grin and the text "ravenous".
- The artwork lacks any sort of obvious flow.
- Text could perhaps be better placed and modified so that it adds more to the signature.

Overall, a well made signature with an interesting concept.

Image 2 -
+ The first thing I noticed when I viewed this artwork was the sense that the woman is breathing in the 'particles' which are displayed through the effects in the bottom left of the image. This is an excellent technique.
+ The cloudy text style used adds to the signature's concept.
+ The position of the render also adds to the concept portrayed.
+ Good colour scheme, using a mix of reds and purples.
- Some of the effects in the left don't seem to really fit with the image's theme, such as the 'v' shaped effect at about the middle of the image.

Overall, a well designed and skilfully executed artwork with a great concept.

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.


*Ben* -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (5/8/2008 20:46:55)

Examples: Example 1. Example 2.

Image 1. The colors around the eagle do not match well at all. The text styles varied too much. I do however like that the eagle is flying down as to grab it's prey; the text "Death from above" fits well with it. The background style doesn't go well. personally I would have visible wind blowing against the bird. The bird's colors and background don't match either. Basically, it doesn't blend. The lighting is not just in one spot which doesn't make sense since it would look better if the lighting appeared like the sun. I do like that you didn't leave any blank spots .

Image 2. The color of Pae's eyes just immediately caught my eye. The c4d's color doesn't fit with the green. The gecko's color and the background's color are very different even if they are green. The lighting seems to draw my attention away from the main part of the sig which is the gecko. I like that the text outline is green but it should be a little darker or light to blend well. The shadow of the gecko is actually really light. It would be better if it was just a tad bit darker. It is also too large. If the gecko was placed in the middle then the shadow would make sense but having it at the end of the sig it it basically a waste of space that could be a tree or a rock to resemble it's environment.


I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.


nathan abcd -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (5/11/2008 1:16:10)

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

Not approved. Read the rules.

~~DrAgOnBlItZ~~ -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (5/11/2008 5:15:31)

These are my Two Entries


[image][/image]Tag 1<*~*>Tag 2 [image][/image]

Constructive Criticism:

Constructive Criticism For Tag 1:

+ The Text Really Match the Render
+ The Whitening effects catches my eyes
+ The Background of The Tag Matches the Render which is PAE the Gecko
- The Water Drops on Pae did not help becoming the tag more attractive
- The EYES Looks Scary and made the tag look like Pae is a Snake

=This Tags has a Skillful Maker

Constructive Criticism For Tag 2:

+ The Background Matches Her Jacket
+ Her Hair made the Tag very Beautiful
+ The Text Sentimento really touched me
- She's only Concentrated on her guitar like she dont feel other people
- The Thing behind here did not match the background..for me

=This Tags has a Very Talented Maker


I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.


Approved. Place yourself on pending.

Darklaw -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (5/11/2008 10:36:11)


Constructive criticism

image1 - im guessing that this sig is your fav, well i cant blame you, the contrast and flow of this sig is fairly good. its awesome the way you matched the render and the text together, not many people can do that. The bg could use some improvements tho, perhaps if you smudged it a little bit and make it a tincy wincy darker and it also needs some sharpening the bg does look a little blured. The red eyes on the render is a eyesore (no pun intented) it kinda sticks out with the green bg.

image2 - the bg is to plain.I would suggest that you add a c4d in there to fill that brown emty gap.I respect that you used brown and white for this tag it really goes with the render.
The render looks smudged then iwarped thats really awesome the way you did it :) The text can use some work its kinda small, perhaps you can make it a bit bigger and a small glow would be kewl too.


I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

Approved. Place yourself on pending.

LordRaydec -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (5/13/2008 1:05:13)

Hand Drawn 1

Lable/Sig style


image 1 - [image][/image]

I like the text on this image quite a bit. The way it flows gives it a much more elegant feel compared to boxy text which might ruin the blending of the text and the style that was chosen for the signature. The color of the text is also quite pleasant on the eyes, the choice to go with a color that blends better with with the background was an excellent choice, i believe that if you had chosen to use a contrasting color on the text it might have felt out of place. I think that a bit of depth might help the signature a lot, when i look at it it feels slightly flat and uneven, with a bit of depth i believe it could go quite far, for example i think that you might want to make the text smaller and add some more things to the signature, perhaps it a dark spot here or there or an extra image or two that are faded quie a bit and in the background barely visible but there to make everything feel a bit more complex.

Alt Image 1 -

You had me at dragon xP. I absolutely love dragons, everything about them interests me, their size, how different people see them, and this dragon is done quite well. I love the shading done on the underside of the chin on those scales, it shows a good contrast in light compared to the shading done on the back of the neck, i also think that the horns are done superbly, i have trouble with them a lot when i try to draw dragons. One thing that caught my attention that you might want to look into fixing is the eye on the dragon, it doesn't quite seem to fit, it has its own shape but it seems flat and out of place how it is drawn and shaded, perhaps changing its shape and size could help you with making it fit the dragon more, also remember the eye of the dragon is round, so try to add some shading directly to the ey so that it makes it look like it is rounder.

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.


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