RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (Full Version)

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capt.morgan123 -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (6/9/2008 22:27:57)

1. Artwork
Example 1
Example 2
As you can see i specialize in firearms. Paint exclusive.

2. Constructive Criticism
- = Con
+= Pro
Image 1

- The text seems a little bit small, and possibly a little bit out of place. Not the most straight-laced font either, but some people like that. I can't help but thinks it unbalances it somehow.

- The hair on the left side is a little hard to distinguish from the background. There also seems to be a glare on the top left side of the hair, although it was intended I believe it to
be unnecessary. The lighting was easily percieved without it.

-/+ Odd color scheme, can't say I personally like it, however the colors do go well with each other.

+ The "sparks" are easy to distinguish against the background, they personally remind me of arc welding. It makes one think, and that is the point in art, in my opinion. To inspire thought.

+ Face it, the woman used is gorgeous. Using sex appeal imagery is an old but nonetheless effective advertising tactic, and its easy on the eyes (as is she :p).

+ The color scheme, the picture, and the text font all have a definite feminine feel that comes across nicely. Nor is this feel overpowering, it would appeal to both female and male users.

Overall, it's great, and superior to anything I could do. It brings back memories of arc welding, and that appeals to me.

Image 2

-The first thing I notice is the background and the lack of defenition. Some people like that and it was undoubtedly the objective, but I don't find it all that appealing. It's like a swirling mass of unbalanced colors, in the middle and shallow right side its a lighter color, while top right and far left are both dark. There really doesn't seem to be much middle ground so it leads me to think of the background as unbalanced.

- Not the image I'd look at and think "I could make that into a sig!". I lack the vision to do so, but even though most of the target is inside the signature's border, I can't help but feel that I'm seeing this man's full potential. A guitar player sitting on a chair is nice, but what if this person was an amputee with a pegleg? That would've put a more relatable feeling to it. The feeling of being "hamperred" by something, held back in other words. Most all of us will be held back by something, a conscious, a friend, morals even. It would be a physical manifestation of said hamperring.

+ Despite what I think of as imbalance, the colors ARE easy on the eyes. No obscenely bright colors that will fry your eyes while sitting in the dark at 4:00 a.m.

+The text is easily read, a nice uniform font, and a "decent" size. I personally would've put it a little bit farther right, but then again since I'm not a sigmaker, I'm sure I don't know any better.


I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.


I applied, but can't send a PM until they (my PMs) are re-enabled.


kurremurre -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (6/10/2008 14:21:03)

Art examples:
A tree

Constructive Criticism:

Alt. image 1:

I like the head's shape a lot. I personally have some trouble with drawing decent dragon heads, but this one looks really nice, and I like the scales below the eye and on the neck, which tell that there are indeed scales, although the whole dragon isn't cluttered up with them.

Now, the dragon's sinister (left) wing looks a bit malformed, almost like it's made of rubber. It would look better if it was a bit more stiff and more pointed backwards, rather than pointing towards the ground as it does now.

The tail is the other way around - it looks very stiff. it could use a few more curves to seem more relaxed.

The shading is excellent! It's not random, the light seems to come from the right whatever part of the dragon you look at. I think it would be more apparent, though, if the colours were just a liiiittle bit brighter.

Alt. image 2:

The first thing I noticed is that the legs seem to be a bit short. I really think they should be a bit longer, if it's supposed to be realistic.

The shading of the face is quite nice, but it seems like the rest of the body didn't get as much attention in that aspect, and the shading that is there is on all sides, while you can tell by the face that the light is coming from the right.

Shading aside, I like this picture. The ... thing around his waist reminds me of Asian culture, while the chest piece and gloves make me think of European medieval clothing. The mix is quite nice. The scales on the chest piece are also nicely made, although they seem to be much bigger on his left (our right) side. The hair is also pretty nice, but it could be nicer if the artist had put as much effort into the details here as on the chest piece and drawn a few darker lines, to give it more of a hair-appearance.

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.


SporkGoddess -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (6/10/2008 15:23:48)

1. My images:
Image 1 - hand-drawn, CGed with Photoshop
Image 2 - pencil sketch

2. Constructive criticism:

Image 1

I love the color scheme, especially the gold behind the woman, which compliments her gold dress. However, my thought is that the pink text blends a little too much into the background. I might try making the text gold instead, or perhaps some other shade of pink. The red streaks are kind of confusing as well--I'm not sure that they fit the image. I would maybe try to blend them in more, perhaps using the blur tool in Photoshop.

Image 2

I like the muted, warm colors in this, and the white "splashes" in the background. If I had to make a critique, I would say that the girl blends in with the background a little too much. I'd suggest maybe using more vibrant colors for the background, or maybe making the girl more vibrant and keeping the background muted (I'd have to see the original image, of course). Just some difference so that the girl is more defined.

3. I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

4. Will do.

Approved. I miss your gallery.

Legend! -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (6/11/2008 11:04:15)

[Flash]My Art Examples :

Artwork One
Artwork Two

Constructive criticism for image one:


Ok , first thing i have to say is that the render isnt matching whit the background. The background is perfect , actually i love it , well done work at it.The render seems disolved, the quality seems not to be so good, it ruins all your good work , sorry to say . Also the bottom left corner burns my eyes , the amount of bright light is to big.The border is fine in my opinion and the font its almost perfect.This can be improved by a new gecko render and maybe add more efects and having a light/dark balance. Overall its a good work !

Constructive criticism for image two:


The word its all ! And i mean it , this sig tells your soul exactly the word means . The background , the colour mixtures the dark / light balance is perfect and the render is integrated in the sig fluidly by that water / fog effect . I cant say nothing anymore because the sig left me whitout any words. Best sig i've seen in a while !

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.


DragonMaster V -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (6/11/2008 18:37:43)

1. Images
Sig 1
Sig 2

2. Constructive Crit.
Sig 1
I really like how you cut off all the unneeded parts, but it could be bigger and the text could be smaller. I think that would be better as an avvy than a sig. it is a bit blurry too, you could also change the background a little bit, so it would be not that rather plain.

Sig 2
I like how you made it bigger, but you can make some edits on it, like type "AdventureQuest" because if all you do is copy a picture and make it smaller i don't think that it would be very good, cause then almost everyone can make that king of signature.

"I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves."

Not approved. Reread the rules. And that is not your own work, they are just resized AQ banners.

[AD].Blade -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (6/12/2008 9:36:58)

eghhh i leave the gall for a while and look what happened >.>

the effects are waaaaaay overdone. little color varyation. its just bleh to me. you need to add better fx infront of the render/stock. the bg needs to be less...abused.

Although better than the other, (barely) this one still has a bland bg. the fx could be nice if used better.get rid of the txt and wierd thing on bottom right.

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

Not approved. You need to work on your CC. Check the link to Dep's thread on the first post.

Siru -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (6/12/2008 12:55:14)

First Example Piece
Second Example Piece



Pretty decent matching of warm fuzzy colors with Rei's ( is it Rei I'm seeing? o: ) clothes :D , though the problem is that both colors and lines here have had too much contrast to speak here. On one hand, the graphics are warm, smooth, and have soft textures, whereas the image being used is cel-shaded, and has very crisp lineart.. So, I would feel that putting glows around the edges wouldn't work out well in blending both together. s:

Maaaaybe, you may want to tone down the softness of the (glowy! x3) graphics, and make the whole signature consistent (a very important factor nonetheless. |D ) I can see the attempt in striking that consistency - that patch of blue 'ova thar at the upper right. c: Well, You may wanna have a hand at using lighter values, while keeping that contrast there. That pretty sums it up, its still not too bad a job, just need that balance..! :D



Mighty marvelous use of the liquefy tool, or similar tools, or techniques. Pretty neat technique here, the stock used is quite fitting for such a theme, so to speak. But, this time, you may need to work on giving that flow... -That- flow to the picture, this being that giving them streaks a nicer, more elegant flow to add in to the theme of inspiration. That's what I can mouth for something so hard to describe~! |D

Nya~ that should sum it up, though I've never really given a crit for sigs before. ;,s
But don't worry, was doing it for the fun of it. xD

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.


IKEELU! -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (6/12/2008 16:02:38)


Axe drawing
Sword drawing

2. CC

In this image, I think that the colors are too bright to portray the person's emotion. The text also draws your attention too much, because it takes up a lot of space.
The color of the background blurs the person. It has slightly too much distracting design in it. Overall, the image was good, just darken the background a bit.

Here, the background was great, but the color of the person's jacket and guitar drew too much attention. The text is small, but visiable because of the high contrast. The image, in my opinion, is too empty. There doesn't seem to be a border, maybe a border that makes the edges of the image lighter. The person is also a little blury.

3. I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.


Dragonbane Deathsword -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (6/13/2008 7:31:58)
scetch of a dragon awesome. i love the dentist "i can see you dont floss"needs more detail on chest. not enough detail on the that think of it, it looks like somone drew on ur pic.if you dont want the dentist,erase him.theres alot of detail in the mouth and 6 horns.tiny eyes,they could be bigger but there ok.dont color it in;it'll ruin it. the rest is awesome.
the dude with the armour is ok. i like the detail.backround is what it needs more of. and what are the things on his sides?books?and what is he looking at? a hottie? a friend?a hot friend?his expression dosent show anything either.and is he really flying?now the things i like the most are his face,gloves,toolbelt,and chest armous because theres alot of detail.the thisg on his head is noticable,so its good.

link for my pics
kikhed is for the approval, finny was for a friend, fsp was for a thread, minx is for a thread that is no more lol,tents was a disign for a home post, and glich is a glich on ssf2.
ill use kikhed and finny

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

and ill type this:

i hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forum.i understand that failing to follow these rules, i can be removed from the gallery and the forums themselves.


Jaguarchic98 -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (6/13/2008 14:54:22)

Request for Approved Artist Status

.:Two Forms of My Art:.

[PS] Uzuri
[FLASH][PS] Self Portrait (Koorogi)

.:Constructive Criticism:.

- Image 1 -
I really like how the eagle is in such a dynamic pose. It brings an action to the sig that otherwise wouldn't be there.
Personally, I don't care for the background with this piece. Alone, it might be fine, but not with the eagle.
Last thing would be the wings. The bottom feathers (the blue ones) look too blunted. Almost as if the edges were cut off by accident.

- Image 2 -
This piece is absolutely gorgeous! I love how the lighting on the image corresponds to the lighting in the background. It was arranged very well.
It has a very relaxed and soft feel to it that I really enjoy. You can almost hear the music as well.
My only complaint would be the text. Either a size bigger or a slightly different shade of colour as it fades a bit into the background at the center part.
Thus making it slightly hard to read.


I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums.
I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.


barewood -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (6/14/2008 15:56:44)


image 1

it is a good picture like the color the background matches the render. the light is good, but there is black dots on her leg. other then that it is a good picture

image 2

it looks good the render runs good with the background. i like how you got the smoke blinding in with the background but you could haved used the same brown that the back ground was

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

Not approved. You need to work on your CC. Check the link to Dep's thread on the first post.

noz_205 -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (6/15/2008 19:46:46)

Example 1
Example 2

Image 1
• The Colors match with the render but they are not even through out one side is darker than the other.
• Everything flows but it is too bright in the middle.
• The Text fits with the sig as it is some what bubbly.
• I like how the eyes pop to turn your attention to the gecko.
• Overall I like it. The render is a great part of it.

Image 2
• The Colors match well on this sig, the beige on the jacket mixes into the background with little bits of orange and black from the guitar.
• Everything flows in this sig it fits great.
• The text evens the dark side out with some light colors.
• I like how it’s calming because it’s not too bright.
• Great sig but could use some lighting effects.

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.


DoomkinghtX -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (6/15/2008 21:46:21)



Constructive Critism:
-Editing of the scene has gone very well, almost as if the ground was not erased and recolored.
-Text may seem a bit strange and random but otherwise good.
-Speechbubble are a bit uneven insize, but that can easily be fixed.
-The edit is a nice one, but it would look greater with a few more changes.

-The lines in someplaces such as the tip and handle are uneven a bit but look nicely evened.
- the color of the hilt and handle do not seem to go together, try coloring the handle differently.
- Center the picture more, for it would look a bit better if it stood out more.
- The weapon is overall a good sword, although i suggest resizing the whole thing.

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.


[AD].Blade -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (6/15/2008 23:18:29)


The background doesn’t match the render. The background is too generic and plain. The flow is generally inexistent. The blending by soft eraser is way too ugly. You need to find better means of doing this. The "effects in it are too bland". Most people, im sure, get sleepy by looking at it. Something like c4ds would help to spice it up. Being totally honest, the tag doesn’t make me gag, it just looks like too little time and effort went into it.

This sig contrasts a bit too much in my opinion. The goal of a tag is to make this image look as real as it could be in your imagination. The tag looks like liquefy, and that isn’t bad, it’s just too obvious, your tag should be a secret magic trick- woah! How did they do that? it shouldn’t be - hey look guys, its liquefy. The flow is pretty decent in this one. I need to point out though, that clone brush is your best friend. I for example, have about 5-15 layers of clone brushing per tag. The quality of the piece would be improved if you simply scratched out obvious errors, such as in the bottom right of your tag. This tag was a defining improvement from the other pieces. :D

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.
try #2 ftl


Ash The Phantom -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (6/16/2008 23:12:50)

1) Image one, image two. Both are signatures.

2) Construtive Critisism for Image One:

Overall, I feel that the signature isn't very good. The choice of font looks rather odd. It doesn't seem to fit the cute theme of the signature, it looks more creepy than cute. Dark red font isn't the best choice for a cute, snuggly signature. Also, the animal (I'm assuming it's a penguin) looks malicious and angry. Not best suited for the overall theme of the picture.

Constructive Critisism for Image Two:

The general look of this signature is very appealing, but, unlike the name suggests, it doesn't seem very Inspiring. I would've liked to have seen a picture more suited to it's title. Upon looking it it, I wanted to be Inspired to do something, but I wasn't. Nice effects, and overall nice, but it doesn't live up to it's name.

3) I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

Not approved. You need to work on your CC. Check the link to Dep's thread on the first post.

omf -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (6/17/2008 18:13:42)

1) Example 1 Example 2

Constructive Critsim

Sig One

Hmm, where to begin. Ok, to start I would give this sig a overall 7/10. I like the render, its great quality, and I can say the same about the brushes as they are good as well. However, the colors clash against each other, even though the blue is in a small area. I would personally suggest using a darker tone of the red and blue, more so of the blue, and that would kind of even them out. The glow effects, which mark the edge of the render, are nice but a little to much for the sig. They would probably look better if you were to move them more to the left, making them pop out more and showing some more of the blueside.

Sig Two

A very, very interesting Sig indeed. As said earlier, use of some sort of liquify tool seems to be the iceing on the cake here, giving the actuall render a kind of "Amazing" look. Either that or the girl just looks good [xD]. The background was verywell done, the warping of the render simply wiping away the dullness of the brush spam look. The text is also great, you used the perfect font and colors, which can be so hard to do at times. Overall, a 9/10.

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.


*truthseeker* -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (6/19/2008 0:49:24)

There is a artwork in my album that is resized by dxb105.
(Note: Artwork belongs to me)


The guitar string blends very nicely with her jacket the light behind her.The guitar base and and her pants matchs.Her pose is great and I like how the chair is in the middle.The background should be brighter.She seems very intent with her guiter.The text could be made more visible and brighter.The transparency effect looks good.The text is pretty small,you can perhaps make it a little bigger next time.This guitar is a Fender right?


The smoke effects on this piece creates depth.The text is small and subtle.The blend of colours is lovely in this piece.There is use of negative space in this peice.The deeper set of swirls seems to be rather pixelated.The background would look better with pure black,jet black or another dark color.

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.


CL3 -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (6/19/2008 13:31:41)

Art Form 1 : Flash Art/Actionscript -
(I would also be using Flash Animation in some pieces, but this is not conveyed by this piece of work)
Art Form 2 : Signatures -

Note : I would also possibly display some of my Fractal artwork such as this piece

Constructive Criticism

If I could I would post my constructive criticism of this application system which simply suppresses artistic ability instead of letting it flow naturally and freely like an autumn leaf, floating in a cool breeze, only to be halted in its natural expression by a man-made barrier. No matter how aesthetically pleasing something is, in my opinion it doesn’t become “art” until the concepts and conditions it was created under complement the intent of the artist. Regardless, I will do as requested as I owe it to some old friends.

Image 1 -

I like the use of lighting to make specific areas of the image stand out. The woman and her surroundings mostly appear radiant and attractive, as i believe was the intention of the artist. The shape of the womans body well matches the pattern of colours and textures which appear in the surrounding area. I feel as though the far left side of the image is too dark and does not fully blend with the rest of the image and therefore detracts from the overall appeal of the image, yet i feel this effect is rather small as the afforementioned use of lighting places a greater emphasis on the better areas. There is a nice tonal variation throughout the image. The text is somewhat difficult to read but fits in with the overall effect of and the somewhat oxymoronical nature of its meaning adds mystery to the portrayal of the woman in the image. In my opinion this factor is very important as it gives the image a dimension beyond simply visual appeal, and infact gives it a "feeling" of sorts. The design is very mature and well thought out and it has clear artistic quality.

Image 2 -

I notice very quickly that the tones of colour in this image are somewhat dull. While not very appealing to my personal taste i recognise the quality of this image. Again, the use of lighting is appropriate and well executed. The shaping of the background is nice, but it fails to blend with some parts of the render and makes it look like two seperate images on top of each other, not together. The shaping of the background on the left is somewhat haphazard and has little relevance to the image in my opinion. I would say the use of a deep render (thats to say how the Guitar moves back into the page, it appears further away from the focus) is a redeeming factor in the image. The name "Sentimento" is effective and the text style matches its meaning, but for me it conveys a whole different colour range. I imagine shades of subtle blue and purple would fit better with this concept.

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.



Flamethrower -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (6/21/2008 14:55:38)

Part 1: Two Forms of Art
Submission #1
Submission #2

Part 2: Constructive Criticism
Image 1: Desire
I like the way the font works with the background. The colors blend together nicely and are pleasing to the eye. The only problem I see, is that there is a little area of gold on her hair, that doesn't mach anything else. Other than that I think this is a great sig!

Image 2: Inspire
The background is nice (it reminds me of coffee.) Although, on the right, there is a little white area, that I think should be darker, or a different color. It's nice how part of the shirt fades into the backround. I think the text should be a bit bigger though. One last problem, what's that little pink tail doing by the text?

Part 3: Rules
I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

Not approved. You need to work on your CC. Check the link to Dep's thread on the first post.

seabassownz -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (6/21/2008 15:36:08)

Here some art i made on photoshop of my character and sepulchre nothign really fancy
[img][/img][/url]]My Noob Sir Knight


Not approved. Read the rules.

Melchior -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (6/22/2008 7:29:20)

Size has been reduced for easy viewing, incomplete. My original gallery in the Hand Drawn section was removed without warning, I assume i broke some rule. May I also be informed (perhaps privately) of what I did that resulted in my Gallery being removed?

Girl [Open Canvas - Digital Hand Drawn?]
Sword. Thing. [Hand Drawn]

Constructive Criticism:

Image 1:
I'll be frank - I've never been too large a fan of renders and such, and have never actually understood them, hence I probably can't give a very good (in terms of quality as well as in terms of being positive. I have a bias, i'll admit. Sorry) criticism. The photograph itself is nothing special, the model gives off the impression of sensuality (mind you, merely the impression, i'll touch on that in a bit), but the confines of the area allotted to signature draws focus to the model's belly, rather than to her head, or the more important text. I can ignore the problem of the text, based on the assumption that the text has been moved out of the way to maximize attention to the photograph (which sorta negates the idea of having a signature - honestly), but the Artist should have realized that the model's head, which is further in the extremities of the signature then even the text, will fail to capture the viewer's attention.

Which brings me to my second point - the model gives off the impression of sensuality, but the photograph has captured her in a severely unflattering pose. From torso to belly, there is an unnatural "flatness" to her pose. It is clear she has arched her back, but the curvaceous effect it should have brought to the picture is negated by her arm which hides the curve, resulting in a highly unsatisfying picture. Her legs, which, given her pose, should probably have been highlighted, have been all but obscured by the artist's use of textures and... light sparkle.... things. Whether a problem with the original photograph or the artist's use of... sparkle stuff, the model's legs seem to be covered in a glaze of some sort, and is noticeably a whole shade darker than the rest of her body - the contrast is jarring visually and aesthetically - the model herself seems almost anemic compared to her own legs. The presence of text in the same area becomes downright pointless and execessive, adding to the clutter.

That said... the signature does have its merits - the colours complement each other well (save the incredible pink flash across the top of the signature) and has an overall aesthetically pleasing effect. However, it does not excuse its flaws at all.

Image 2:
The second image strikes me immediately as a far better positioned piece - there is one subject of focus, and it immediately draws the eye to it. The model, however, does not bring out the impression of disorder - her electric guitar, which should be the focus of the image, has been blurred out (or made to be extremely shiny, i'll touch on this later). However, her position is near center, a highly optimal position for capturing attention, which it achieves in short notice. The model herself almost matches the smooth colour scheme that the artist has chosen, with serene and calm features. Which is highly in contrast to the whole theme of Disorder.

The artist has, however, tried to create the disorder by making... the guitar... super... shiny. Yeah, that about covers it. The flashes of light and blurs to the left of the model were added possibly to highlight the title, along with the silhouettes of cuboid objects (buildings? Amplifiers? I'm not sure) in the background. Yet, these additions clash jarringly with the overall feeling given by the base photograph and the colours it has... been given (i am absolutely clueless on any of the terms to do with photoshop and filters). To a certain extent, it works, and does create the disorder. Yet, the smooth colour scheme, as well as the model's colours and face clash far too strongly with these additions. One might call it disorder, but its more of a mismatch. Discord, if anything.

Mind you, its definitely pretty. My main gripe here is probably the jarring differences between background, model and the title. The chinese character for Disorder is a pretty nice touch too, it manages to capture attention, serving the purpose of a signature, but also manages to remain undisruptive to the picture overall. Very well chosen (although, if the Handle chosen by the forum user is Disorder, it once again completely loses its purpose as a signature. I'm pretty sure I've confused the meaning of signature in the previous sentence.)


I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

Approved. And the Gallery was purged, they was a sticky a week before hand.

FNORD -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (6/22/2008 19:38:55)

I feel totally undignified doing this on a 3 and a third year old account :/ OH WELLS.

1. I do digital arts stuff I guess, so I threw together two sigs recently... Defaults only! this is from like a year ago but I still like it lol

2. Okay I guess (gears up for a post)

First sig thing (with the bird): Well, the first thing that jumps out at me is that the render could use some better blending, it doesn't really fit into the sig. try to put lighting effects, if not background effects on layers above the render, so it doesn't stick out so much. If I were you, I'd probably just delete all the text, it doesn't really fit, especially with the black. If you fix those two things, you are in much better shape, from there, just work on lighting and general composition skills, flow especially.

For the second sig, the text is a bit better, so that is a plus. Once again, blending, especially because the stock is in conflict with the background in color AND luminosity. I'd try to get some unity going. Also, the background isn't really deep, and doesn't really do much for me interest-wise. The wave effects aren't terrible, but with that background, they don't really fit.

3. I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

Cheers man!


Lkeas -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (6/24/2008 13:22:30)

Alright, I'm finally getting around to putting up an AE fanart gallery (whee!). Most of my stuff is either hand-drawn, or a mix of hand-drawn and photocollage, but I've also started experimenting with the Spore Creature Creator, so I was wondering if that sort of thing would be ok to put in the Gallery. Example 1 is what I mainly do, and Example 2 is what I'm talking about regarding Spore. Is that an acceptable form of multimedia art?

Example 1 (Hand-Drawn with photocollage background)
Example 2 (DF monster modelled in Spore)

Part 2: Critique

Alternate Image 1

I like the dragon's pose and attitude, there's a real sense of confrontation and curiosity in his facial expression. I'm wondering about the proportion of the head in relation to the body; was that meant to be a perspective thing where the head is closer to the viewer? Or is the head simply meant to be larger? If it's the latter then it's fine as is, but if you're working on perspective that's a tricky thing to get right with organic shapes. I'm no expert on it myself so I couldn't give exact advice on how to work with that.

I love your use of texture on the head and horns! It really gives it an extra breath of life. I think what's distracting me the most about this picture is the background. The yellow pops out a lot and draws your attention away from the main focus, which should be your dragon. I would choose a more neutral color, and darken it as well. There is also the issue of aliasing (aka jaggies) around the outline of your drawing, which makes it look like a hasty cut-and-paste job. Considering the drawing itself doesn't suffer from aliasing artifacts, I think you shouldn't have a hard time smoothing out the outer edge; it's those final details that really clean up a drawing and make it pleasing to the eye! Don't rush to finish if taking the extra 5 minutes to polish your work will help it in the end.

Alternate Image 2

Nice style! I'm immediately drawn to the character's face, which is well proportioned and friendly; a very appealing character design. The attention to detail on the clothes is great too. Overall the character seems a little flat, though, which I suppose depending on the purpose of your drawing may be exactly what you want. If not, I would say the woven pattern on the chest area should be your main focus; the pattern is neat but it could be adjusted to create a more rounded feel to it. Some shading would help too, maybe have the right or left side of the weave be a darker hue.

The angle of his left fist also seems to add to the flatness, because it is facing parallel to the viewer. Maybe turn the fist slightly so you can see more of the curl of his fingers? These are more nit-picky critiques though, overall it's a very cute drawing!

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.


DragonMaster V -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (6/25/2008 19:02:55)

I'm back for chance 2.


Avatar 1

Avatar 2

Constructive criticism#1: Very impressive! This is very well layed out and is almost a perfect fit! Maybe adding a little detail to the background would make this a perfect avatar! Great work though!

Constructive criticism #2: Very nice, it has been fit perfectly! Your cropping effect in unmatchable! *Winks at Grafh* The backround though could use some edits! By the way that is awesome! Keep up the great work for you gallery!

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

Not approved. You need to work on your CC. Check the link to Dep's thread on the first post.

.Shadow// -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (6/26/2008 5:48:17)

Art Examples

Sig Example One

Sig Example Two

Avatar Example One

Avatar Example Two

Constructive Criticism


I am loving that background! When I first saw this, I was instantly drawn towards the young lady.
One of the things I like about her is that her jacket matches the strings of the guitar.
I also like the blend of colors in the background, but I can't figure out what it is meant to be.
I think to improve on it, you should make some brown in the background to match her chair,
and the cream lighter to match her clothes and guitar.
Apart from that, great sig!


I found this to be a very eye catching sig. I was drawn to that background, which I very much like.
One thing though is, that none of the colors really blend. To increase the appeal of the image,
the purple in the background should be darkened, to match the ladys hair. Also, I think (this
is just my opinion though) that the font should be changed, to match the mystery theme.

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.


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