RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (Full Version)

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Zodiak 15 -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (8/6/2008 12:42:10)

Image 1:

Image 1(Snuggles)
The first thing that jumps at you when you look at this tag is the left side of it. The font is very interesting and fits the word "snuggles" and the overall feel of the tag. However, though the lighting effect is noticible and nicely done, I think that it needs to be toned down a bit because It makes the eye wander from the render. Also, I love the colors in this tag as they blend in nicely and compliment the render well. One suggestion though is instead of putting that blue to the right of the render I believe that it would look better if the Amber color to the left filled the whole piece. Overall it is a very nice tag but the depth can be improved and it is just a little too busy and unbalanced for my taste.

Image 2(Morning Dancer)
This tag is better than the first in that it has more depth and the focal point is clear to the viewer. It is simple yet pleasing to the eye. One negative, however is that the whole thing feels too dark. Maybe a better lighting effect brightening the render would mend this issue. I also think this is one of those tags that is better off with no text at all. The text here just seems out of place and takes away from the beauty of this piece. Overall this piece is captivating but can be improved with better lighting.

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_AcOlYtiC_ -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (8/6/2008 14:53:33)

Hey, remember me?


1) It has nice colours choice that fits the tag well. However, the tag lacks good depth and lighting. There is not realy flow. Overall concept is good however. Text needs some work too.

2) The tag lacks a focal point. This can be helped by adding some contrast and lighting. The overall depth of this is decent. The etxt aswell needs fixing, imo, the text isnt manditory for this tag.

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ShyTails -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (8/6/2008 21:32:41)

Image 1

Image 2

Link 1: It's pretty good, but the DF guy's a little fuzzy. Try giving the background a little more life. Give it more pretty green layering than just plain green. And when I look at it, my sprited head just seems out of place....

Link2: I would try resizing it to properly fit the frame, and give it more background. the blue and brown combo is just too....Bland for my taste. try finding a background for the computer.

I (ShyTails) hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

Aproved? Yes? No? I like doing small edits and comics sometimes using sprites from The Spriters Resourse. com.I'm also using PAINT.

Not approved. You need to work on your CC. Check out the link to Dep's thread on the first page if you need help.

demonic_miss -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (8/6/2008 23:25:48)

Animation 1
Sig 2

[Image 1] The Backround is what caught my eye at first, its beautiful and gives a sort of peaceful feeling to the sig, But the frowning girl seems misplaced in the beauty of the image, it gives off a feeling of sadness. To fix this problem one could darken the backround a bit so it flows a little better.Overall its a wonderful piece of artwork.

[Image 2]
This sig gives me a warm feeling when I look at it, it flows extremely well but the part of the guitar with the strings ( dont know the name of that part) seems to stick out. Its almost too light for the rest of the sig.

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Not approved. You need to work on your CC. Check out the link to Dep's thread on the first page if you need help.

Kogekusai -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (8/7/2008 22:20:15)


1. Post two forms of art you wish to post in the Gallery (if you are working on a game project, a link to your website will be fine). This can be any form of art that fits the Gallery or any of the sub areas.



2. Give constructive criticism to the following images
The effects are nice in this, and I really like how the render fits in, unfortunately, I think that having the text take up more space than the focal point you are trying to have people focus on isn't a good thing, so perhaps make the tag a little smaller. Also, I believe there could be more color variation to give the tag a better overall look and help people become more interested in it.
Wow, I really like the effects in this one, and I also how the text is smaller and it seems so much more perfect. Once again I believe that the colors could be a little different, they are very bland and overall are not able to really catch any attention, being dull and such. I believe with a larger variation of colors, or even more eye popping colors, this tag could be 10 fold better than it currently is. Also, the overall tag seems blurry which does slightly hurt my eyes, so maybe fix that if at all possible.


3. After doing the following post this at the end of your post.

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da boss -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (8/8/2008 2:09:18)

example 1 - a little robot i put together with an invert design

example 2 - awesome halo invert deign with custom backround

extra example - a demon picture i put together

(i have amazing art work but my computer harddrive crashed last week and i lost all my saved pictures.[:(])

image 1

its an awesome pic, but i noticed the blured out fore head.. its need some color in the empty space. and the backround looks a little crazy, so it makes it look sort of, messed up. it has amazing effects tho.

image 2

its also an amazing sig but the first thing i noticed about it is the backround, it doesnt match the girl that much at all. i like the waves alot but the white smudge at the top left, it kind of looks like a big messy smudge.

over all there awesome sigs, just some small flaws.


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Not approved. You need to work on your CC. Check out the link to Dep's thread on the first page if you need help.

Winsrar™ -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (8/8/2008 10:31:49)

example1-an example of 3D art.The thing in the midle is moon's reflection
example2-a 100% non-edited DF armor which I hope it would be added in the game-it's a dragon armor,The DL enchanted with unlucky doom esence.The name is drago-necromancer.The darker color is a very drak green.

CC for da boss's images:

image1:The robot design is OK,the light is good,but personaly I think the image should be bigger(i don't see very good)

image2:The mountains look like they have ice on them,so the fog should be white.Anyway who saw a so black fog?If you say that it is smoke then you created a mountain in fire(personaly I think it's cool but non-realistic)

image3:In my country,on Discovery there is a TV show named "Haunted"which also has people specialized in ghosts,demons,spirits,etc.The demons always appear in the night,not day,and they are darker and are gray,black or bloody red.Also your looks like a cobra head.

But these are only my throughts(soryy for the spelling)

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

Not approved. You need to work on your CC. Check out the link to Dep's thread on the first page if you need help.

da boss -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (8/8/2008 17:10:18)

example 1 - a little robot i put together with an invert design

example 2 - awesome halo choatic design with custom chaotic backround

extra example - fixed in real color demon.

CC for vacozaur tase

image 1
its cool how the moons reflection spreads out but it just looks like a huge smudge. i suggest trying to make the beginnning of the moons reflection to look more realistic. it looks like a big smudge or something. another con is that the 3d? you can barely see the 3d in it. it just looks like fog or a cloud spreading out and getting larger.
overall its good image, just make it look more realistic.

a very nice image. looks like itd take awhile but what is it? it looks like a dragon armor. dragonfable already has one of those. what is it a dracomancer or something. well the image looks very nice but some of the effects in it dont match at all. it looks like a hawk dragon skeleton necromancer mutant thing. and the lines look all crooked. the colors dont match well either. blue or turquoise or what that color is are the opposite of green. maybe black and blue would fit into the picture better.

over all its an amazing picture just try to fix the colors that'd make it look cooler or better.

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General Axe in a sack -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (8/9/2008 16:46:27)

1. A sig
A pic
2. image one
while this is a cool looking dragon it would look better if it actually fit into the background. As is it just looks like its floating over a generic background. Something like a forest or cave scene would have been mugh more fitting. Unless it was an original drawing which could have just stayed on a plain white background. Also the way the wing is cut off on the left side and there is extra background on the right looks bad I would have either centered the whole dragon or trimmed off the excess background.
image two
I like this one a lot the little gecko is very cute. The background is cool too and the colors of both are very complimentary. But the shadowing of the gecko is odd there is clearly a light source in the backgound but it doesnt show on the the left side of it as it should. There may be an alternate light source creating the light on the gecko but both should have an effect on it. Also the drop shadow of the text in such a bright area seems odd to me. Very cool though I struggle alot with lighting effects too.
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Flamethrower -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (8/9/2008 22:05:28)

1. Artwork Examples
I also plan on working with Davyo & others on his Flash Game.

2. Constructive Criticism

Image 1

I like how the background lightens around her face, so your eyes will naturally go there. I always like it when there are borders as well. I think that the text could have a bit brighter color, so it could be seen a bit better. I also think that the woman is a bit too blurry compared to the background, just a little sharper would be good. Also, the woman looks slightly green, it could be because of the background, but I think that could be improved on.

Image 2

The text was done quite well, just big enough, and just bright enough. The background also flows nicely with the render. Again, I always like a border. The strings could've been darkened a bit though, so that it looks like there are actually strings. Also, at the right of the image, it looks faded, and in my opinion, would do better if it was lightened a bit there. I think a little more emphasis on the render would also improve the image, instead of having the area behind her head showing up the most. It's a bit bland, so maybe a little more variation on the color scheme would make the sig a bit more pleasing to the eyes.

3. Rules

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ShyTails -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (8/10/2008 13:45:11)

Gonna try this again...

Image 1

Image 2

Image 1: The sig is okay, but there are a few things that can be improved.
1) The DF guy's a little blurry. try using the "zoom" feature on the top of your screen to get a clearer picture. To do this, go to "page," then "Zoom," and click the desired Precent size.
2) Try moving the "K. Zed" bubble more to the middle of the sig. It looks like it's just sitting there bored about being itself. And then try to give it a bit more color and text.
3)and last, the "ShyTails" text's letters seem a little spaced. try to put them more together. also, the colors seem a bit bored also.

Image 2: here are a few things about THIS one.
1) HUGE sizing problem. I can barely read the Text even IF I zoom in on it. And the comic's off center. Fix this by using "attributes" on the format you're using.
2) Instead of a blank and blue computer screen, try using a REAL SHRUNKEN PICTURE of the game to make the comic more realistic edit when needed.
3) And one last thing, try to keep the frames even and only different sizes if you have to. this will make the comic a bit cleaner.

I (ShyTails) hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves. I also Vow to use Proper constructive critizcism whenever posting in someone's gallery.

Aproved? Yes? No? I like doing small edits and comics sometimes using sprites from The Spriters'm also using PAINT.


Winsrar™ -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (8/11/2008 5:50:32)

example1-the chickencow airlines company-Now in DragonFable!(I like chickencows,this is why I made this)

CC for Shytails:
image 1:The graphics are bad,excepting the chatchers,the background is good.The dog is zoom in->zoom in zoom in->zoom out,the text is non-understandable
image2:The chatcher,background,computer have good graphics,the text should be in speak bubbles because it's hard to read even with zoomThe dog is more zoomed than above,try doing your own one,because zoom->zoom->zoom->zoom doesn't make tthe graphics better.

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

Not approved. You need to work on your CC. Check out the link to Dep's thread on the first page if you need help.

kiko1544463 -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (8/12/2008 14:37:18)

i dont know how this works but i have a drawing i want to submit in a post, here it is my drawing

image 1: its my drawing of the Dragon slyer armor without helm!!!!

Not approved. Reread the rules

Lord Ouranos -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (8/12/2008 15:31:09)

First Art: Moglified (Of Course)
Second Art: Preview to my next movie

Art Example #1

Critique: I personally enjoyed this drawing. It adds two unique drawing styles in one picture. You have the science fiction, very detailed fantasy dragon. While on the other hand, you have the simplistic "elementary school" style of cartoon drawing that emphasizes the comedic effect of what the character is saying. And that brings me to another aspect of the piece that I like: the fact that you added comedy to it. That is always a plus for me. The one thing I can think of that would improve the picture is to maybe make the text a little more legible. And maybe another idea to add more contrast between the two elements of the picture is to use two different drawing instruments. Keep the pencil for the dragon sketch, but maybe use a fine marker to draw the dentist and all his components.

Art Example #2

Critique: Once again a comedic piece of art! I found this one especially funny. The smirk on the gecko was a great choice, that was the first thing I noticed. The background colors are very fitting. The texture/pattern given off by the green-white background gives a nice rainforest feel to the signature. The 2d cartoon is blended in very well with the 3d generated background. Although, what I can only assume is the back-spine-fin thing of the gecko (I dont know the name of it) is blended in a bit too much with the background, giving it an almost phased out look with the background. And the text could stand out a bit more from the background, just a little darker to add more contrast.

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Death13 -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (8/12/2008 17:16:47)

Art Examples

Artwork Example 1 [Drawn in FW]
Artwork Example 2 [Drawn in FW]

Constructive Criticism For Alternative Image 1

I thought the drawing of the dragon was very impressive. It had a great sense of strength. Its muscles were very defined. Not to bulky but not too slim. The things that i found could use some work was the background. I think that the yellow does not match to much with the dark blue and dark red colors in the dragon. Maybe a use of a darker color(s) could make the dragon stand out more since the yellow seems to catch my eye a bit too much.

Besides the background I still come back to how great the drawing is.
All in all I would say it is a very well done drawing with a good use of lines. :D

Constructive Criticism For Alternative Image 2

First of wow. The drawing of the boat and the mini characters is really well done. It includes all parts (of what I can tell) a ship.

The only thing that could make this picture better is increasing the definition of the lines. It may increase the file size but i think it would be well worth it.

In the end I still come to focus on how good all the pieces of the drawing come together to form an incredible image.

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Dark Banisher -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (8/12/2008 22:50:51)

Hi, I'm new. I read the rules and read Dep's thread. I hope I get approved.

Step One:
Artwork 1 - FrostScythe Sprite
Artwork 2 - AQW Character Artix Avvie

Step Two:
CC Piece 1
*Snicker* This is very well hand drawn and humorous at the same time. Though the Dragon can have more body drawn or at least have the wins so people can recognize it's a dragon. Maybe the dragon can be a little smaller, because there's very little room if you needed to add some other stuff. Also the text bubble is cut off a bit. I REALLY liked how the dragon was sketched in a lot, and overall this is one of the best sketches I've seen!

CC Piece 2
0.o It was very well colored it and sticks out like nothing else! Though the boat could use morwe stuff, like more people, more stuff on the boat and mainly, if there isn't a captain which way is the boat going?[>:] Maybe you can add some text, HUMOROUS, text, so people will like it more. [:D] I really like how it's all sort of MapleStory like... pixely. Me like pixely! Overall this is very well colored in and awesome! Though I wonder how it looks like that if it wasn't saved as gif... [;)]

Final Step:
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charles9310 -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (8/14/2008 11:10:00)

Example Art 1.

Example Art 2.

Constructive Criticism 1 Alternitive Image 1. when i first saw th image the first thing that came to mind was how great the contrast in color was and how closely detailed the image is the only thing i could find wrong in my opion is i think the tail might be too short it doesnt match the length of the body.

Constructive Criticism 2 Alternitive Image 2. The thing that realy stood out to me in this image was the neck of the guitar it just draws your eyes right to it but i wasnt fond of the background it doesnt contrast the main part of the image.

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

Not approved. You need to work on your CC. Check out the link to Dep's thread on the first page if you need help.

LennonLenford -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (8/14/2008 19:53:00)

Step One:


Step Two
Image One:I thought the colors all matched the person and the background perfectly, and I also loved that the music notes are put in the perfect spot, but I wish the text on the bottom right would have matched the exciting feeling of the picture more.

Image Two:Those white swirls cought my eye when I first looked at this Image and it definatly matched the background. The fog at the top left corner matches the whole feeling of the picture witch is perfect.The white that she is wearing with the background tells you that the artist can match things very well. I realy cant say anything is out of place except that brown blob swirl at the top left doesn't realy belong.

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mastin2 -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (8/15/2008 4:10:22)

I have fiddled with different styles of drawing and have drawn on many things. I have gotten fairly good at sketching and drawing things on paper, which isn't that good. I am lucky that I got my scanner working, because I feel my drawing is far ahead of the virtual counterpart in pain. Even so, it's not high-quality, either. But then, that’s why I’m here. To get better at what I do. I shall show you two of my most recent drawings.

Image One:
Sheathed Sword

This is one of my latest drawings--it is of a sheathed longsword. I tried to add some elements of 3-D-ness to the sword as well. Alas, it still has some things wrong--the sheath is off-centered, for example. :(

Oh, and you might notice that the sword is cut off. Why? I ran out of space on the paper, okay? That's as much as I could fit!

Image Two:
Unsheathed Sword

My latest. Yes, I know it has problems--the pommel is nearly strait (with just a microscopic slope). The handle is curved just a tad bit more. The hilt and the blade are curved even MORE.

So, yea, curved it twice. I added some more 3-D elements...but they still are a bit off. Oh, and largest of all: It is STILL cut off. I need larger paper. 8+1/2 x 11 just isn't enough. It is unfortunate, but I do not have the skill to scale the sword down--that's as small as I can draw it...

Constructive Criticism:

I enjoyed seeing this one because it delivered an impact. The words were suited to the image well. The explosion in the background was a nice touch. The sparks delivered a flare to the image. The positioning of the character was perfect for the message wanting to be delivered. I felt like she was speaking those words. I enjoyed the shading and illumination on her face; it added a nice touch.

Despite that, I feel that there’s just so much more that could be done with this image. For one thing, there’s the text. It’s in an excellent font—but not color. I could read it just fine—but the color chosen made it nearly invisible at first glance. In other words, it blended in well…too well. I could barely even see it at first.

While the shading on the right seemed perfect, the shading on the left looked like it could use some work. The orange tint seemed out of place with the rest of the picture. While the sparks add a nice touch, they seemed to contrast with the rest of the image.


The image is astounding. The rich colors instantly grabbed my eye; I instantly looked to where there was the most variety of colors. This is a double-edges sword, however. That particular area is in the bottom left corner. If you want a person to look somewhere else, that would not work out well. I do, personally, believe that, instinctively, we are attracted to brilliant colors. It took me a good few seconds to notice the text. Speaking of the text, though, it was a brilliant blend. It blended in, yet stood out.

Something that is bothering me, though: the image is 350 by 150. This is a signature, is it not? The limit is 500 by 100, so this would surpass that. The text reads ‘Breath’. To me, however, it would seem better suiting if it were ‘Breathe’. Breath, to me, implies just a single inhale, then exhale. Breathe, however, seems to imply life.

The light shining on her head added a nice glow. But it seemed out of place—the light source could not be seen in any other spot. It seemed out of place, in comparison to the darker colors surrounding it.

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Hmm...odd...the first image is not the same as the ones that I was critiquing...

Approved. Images appear randomly. Nice CCing BTW.

Zieno -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (8/15/2008 21:50:18)

well i do draw but i dont have a scanner so ya i only make paint drawings at the moment but the drawings are not a waste of time and i really want a place to show poeple the images so here i go..
image one:
and here is the other image this time my first monster ever on paint
image 2:

Constructive criticism for image one:
The background colors meet together to give you a feeling of beauty but then the eagle image in front of it acts as a desturctive symbol, and looks misplaced.

You might want to change the color's to somthing with a more destucructive feel or you could always change the eagle into i diffrent form or you can get a diffrent animal to replace the eagle, so the eagle wont look misplaced.Other then the misplaced eagle you did a beautiful job with the placment of things.

Constructive criticism for image two:
This image is very good. It is very smooth and the colors in it are very cool. The contrast, however, I dont like. The lighting along the girl's instrument seems to be displaced, and there is a akward brightness around it.The color touching the darkest part of the image i dont like and it sort of messes up with the flow in the image. A way to fix this is to darken the area on the left side of the image, and on the right side make it a bit brighter. This way it seems like the lighting in this image is flowing throughout.

I think this image is pretty good actualy only those few problems mess with what poeple see in this image

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IcYiE04 -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (8/15/2008 22:10:48)

Image one

Image two

On the first image(girl in green background):
The background is very good the green color gives the feeling of nature, and the ripples are great because it adds to the feel of the tag. The ripples look like light distorted by trees. Green works good as well because the tag has a peaceful feel to it. The text is good because it doesn't take your focus away from the girl, which should be the focal point of the sig. The overall image is blurry, though. The placement of the render is just right.

2nd image(person with guitar):
I like this piece of art. Everything blends. The lighting is good, since it matches the render's lighting. The text is also very good, it doesn't take your attention away from the person. The background feels grungy, or like metal with dirt. It gives you an idea on what the person is playing. The render being placed in the middle was a good idea because it becomes a nice focal point. A little more sharpening would have helped though.

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Mistermafio -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (8/16/2008 8:43:49)

Wallpaper for my friend Skooby, featuring sone of my poetry
Slightly older tag

Image 1

First of all, I like this image. The use of softer colours doesn't make it too stressing on the eye, while still not making it boring in any way. The text carries a simple message and enhances the meaning of the piece without making it overly complicated. There are a few things I've noticed about it though.

The text, while bringing over a very simple and good message, is just a bit too small. It's readable, but because of it's size and the region in which it's placed I feel as if I have to squint my eyes and really concentrate to read it. I think this could probably be fixed by using a different, easier to read, font or by making the text (or even the entire sig) slightly bigger.

I also think this piece would've been a bit better if you had blended in the eagle more. At this point to me it looks very much like you've created the background and just pasted the eagle up there. A large part of that seems to be the shadow the eagle has, not only does it give me the feeling the eagle and the background aren't mixing very well it also makes it a lot harder to identify the light source.

Which brings me to the third and final point, looking at the image I'm confused what/where the light source actually is. At this time it looks like it's coming from the right of the eagle (when looking at the background), from left above the eagle (when looking at that golden thing above his head) and from the direct left of the eagle (when looking at the shadow). I admit that the second one isn't that visible, but for me it's still very much there.

So in short; I like the piece, though the text could be a little more visible, the eagle a bit more blended and the lightning a bit clearer defined.

Image 2

I must admit, looking at this image I knew it'd be a lot harder then the first one. Why? Simply because I absolutely love the image and I had to get myself to look past that and find a few things that could use improvement in my opinion.

The first thing I notice is the upper-left corner, which is basically a speck of white. Now, in a lot of pieces I couldn't have cared less about a speck of white, but in this one I feel as if it's inappropriate compared to the rest of the piece. Almost everything is covered in that cloud-like black or orange, which makes that speck way too visible. To the point where it almost becomes the most important part of the piece instead off the girl. I think it would do the piece good if you covered that up a bit.

The second thing I notice is the chair the girl is sitting on. I feel as if it has to much a defined edge. Where the girl herself blends in slightly the edge of the chair gives too much a 'copy/paste' feel. I think it would be great if you blended it in just a bit more.

The final thing I notice is the text, I like the text itself, but I feel the placement / blending is a bit off. You've put it right in the center of the only completely black area in the piece, which makes it stand out too much in my opinion. I think if you would move it to, say, the bottom left corner or another orangy place you'd agree it looks better blended there. Of course, that leaves you with the problem of having a bit of a bland right-side. So you'll probably have to see for yourself if you prefer the one above the other.

So in conclusion; I love the image, though I think it would look even better if you fill up the upper left corner, blend the chair a bit more and perhaps move or blend in the text.

Disclaimer thingy

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.


synnworld -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (8/17/2008 3:18:48)

Hey how are you?

Concept art for Crying Crimson Tears Manga..
Allen Rose 1
Rachiel Cross 1

Image 1
First thing that caught my eye was the tone of the sig, it seemed kinda dark, adding on to like in my eyes seems to be a bit gothic lppk in the sig. And a little blur to further the look pulls the gothic look off. The text Fits in with the background perfectly, it doesn't stand out, yet it isnt impossible to see.

Image 2
Ok I really like this one, I don't know if that is suppose to be a smoke effect, but it really calls atention to the background nicely, the text could be brighter maybe, smoke coming from her could've formed the letters but in the end overall its a great sig.

Not approved. You need to work on your CC. Check out the link to Dep's thread on the first page if you need help.

Winsrar™ -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (8/17/2008 9:16:57)




2)CC for Alixander Fey:

Image1:the skin goes with the eye,the size good,pixels aranged corect,it's good you didn't put a text,the best thing at it is the eye and it's a cool image.

Image2:The render goes with the background,the ssize is good,the best thing at it is the combination of colors,but it could be more,you could add a white text wich reads "Dragonlord"

3)"I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves."

Not approved. You need to work on your CC. Check out the link to Dep's thread on the first page if you need help.

Chocster -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (8/17/2008 12:05:44)

pic 1 -
Pic 2 -

Image 1 -

Pros - Its matching and looks awesome, its an awsome edit
Cons - imo the eyes are a bit too big
overall 9/10

Image 2

Pros - Good edit, good effects in the backround i like it
Cons - Bit too blurry, imo, it would be better without text too
Overall - 7/10


I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

Not approved. You need to work on your CC. Check out the link to Dep's thread on the first page if you need help.

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