RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (Full Version)

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Richie Ritz -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (2/6/2008 16:23:22)

1. Example One
Example Two

Image One
The "desire" text blends very nicely into the background. I feel that a blue and pink contrast on the two sides of the girl would have worked better than a pink and golden. The lighting is done nicely and so is the rendering. The dark purple parts seem a bit blotchy, they would be better in my view if they were smooth and flowing. The heart symbols and the expression on the face of the girl match the theme appropriately. Good Luck and Keep up the good work!

Image Two
Inspire.. wow just wow. It is a wonderful signature, a very dreamy look to it with the wavey colours merging into each other yet managing to stay distinct. The background i feel is done superbly and the render is quite nice. A little more can be done with text, maybe even use a wavey font and colour matching the girl's shirt. Just so it stays uniform. Almost seems like a vortex on the middle of the picture, again a pleasing effect. All in all a great piece. Good luck and hope to see more of your work.

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Abiogenist -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (2/6/2008 17:02:38)

First Example
Second Example

[Alt Image 1]
The mech looks really good, and has a grand overall figure; I seriously think it will look better if it was colored. The double missile turrets, though have a good outcome, still, the left one looks thicker than the other, also, the holes are somehow uncompletely shaded. The right booster antenna thingy seems to have a blurry figure than the left one, making it look not complementary. The laser sword looks awkward like it's a piece of a licorice stick; I think it needs shading even if it meant to be immaterial. The artist didn't bother to erase the mistake lines, making the drawing look a little dirty. Still, those are only minor adjustments which can be ignored since the robot is awesome, especially the torso and right hand parts.

[Alt Image 2]
I'm not experienced with sprites but the boat looks all right. However, it looks too unrealistic. If the boat is that big then it should have more sails to support the whole weight, and there is no visible ladder for the navigator, so how will the guy get down there? To add, the coloring of the sprite seems lacking, I greatly suggest more highlights and shading. Also, perhaps add more embellishments on the deck, like cargo crates, nets and other loads--the deck looks barren. I say though the boat has a good basic figure, but if it needs to get higher than that, then it would need more.

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Falerin -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (2/6/2008 18:42:19)


Constructive Criticism:

Alternative Image1

The detail in the reptilian head in this image is exceptional and creates a very vivid and convincing effect. The stark contrast presented by the "dentist" is however a bit baffling. While the intention may be to draw more to the reptilian figure by having the other details more cartoonish and primitive the humor offered is somewhat ineffective due to the glaring discrepancy here.

Alternative Image2
At first glance this sprite is fairly effective and standard for sprites, which given their small size generally are somewhat more primitive in the areas of detail. The coloration and shape are both appropriate and effective for the medium. However there is and an issue of perspective and here that I cannot quite put my finger on. The starboard side of the ship looks generally good but the absence of balancing oars on that side is somewhat odd. The port side apppears to drop off right into the water. There is nothing to suggest that there is anything on deck that would keep passengers safely onboard.

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Rorras Akari -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (2/6/2008 20:41:16)

Image 1:
C4D's give a good effect, but covering the focal point is a big no-no for me. Lighting effects are nice also, but there are some spots that it could also be better. Colours match very well, with great blending and great text. Overall a good piece, but some stuff needs to be worked on.

Image 2:
Lighting effects on the shoulder are very good. The focal point is very outbursting, drawing my eyes to it instantaneously. Text also blends very well. Some other lighting effects are very good too. Maybe use some more effects to make the tag more spontaneous. Colours also work very well.


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Metal -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (2/7/2008 1:09:26)

Large Canvas art:
Small Canvas art:



the tag is alright, but the colors don't match at all, the stock just sticks out too much. the flow of the stock contradicts the background, and the text is too eye catching.

first thing i thought of was its kind of blury and dark, i'd have upped the contrast on the lighting for the feel of the tag. background fits well, but once again the text doesn't.

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ShadowBlitz -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (2/7/2008 5:46:33)

Tag 1
Tag 2

Constructive Criticism:

This is a good looking sig but the render looks like its fading from the right side of the render.The background is well blended with the render.It has less effects and needs more effects.Now comes the text.The text is very good.A sig should have A title which is Pae and a subtitle which is The Ravenous Gecko.No improvements needed for text.There is no need for a border.Its Overall good.If it just had a fractal or c4d it will look good.Its good.I will rate it as High Novice


It is a cool and an attractive tag.One of my favourite tag.The render is clearly visible.Now the bg is well blended and has an awesome flow.As I said that the title and subtitle looks great.The text is well blended and the line between the text looks great.A tranparent border will look good.Very good lighting.I love it.There is nothing much to add.The bg also gives a watery effect.I rate it as High Mod.

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Approved. You still need to place yourself on the Pending list. See #4

Pastahouse -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (2/7/2008 15:06:30)


Constructive critisicm:
Alt image 1
The dragon is quite well drawn but the dentist could use a bit more work. Try avoiding drawing something completely with the pencil tool. Only use it for small changes. Try to use other tools like the square tool, line tool and rotation to make simple characters like that. Also the dentist isn't shaded. Shading is good for making a picture look 3D. The side of the dragons neck could get darker too, the contrast between the side of the neck and the rest of the head is a bit too big. But otherwise it's good.
Alt image 2
The table in the middle of the boat isn't 3D like the rest of the boat, which it should to make it look like it is on the boat. Also the rudders that are further back on the boat go into the wholes while the other rudders stop right under it. It makes it look like they're about to all downsince they dont get any support. But the shading is superb, especially on the boats fence. there could be more shading on the rudders though. But overall it's a very good picture

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Cristal -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (2/7/2008 21:45:57)



Tagnature 1
I believe that this tag is quite akward.
For one, its a tad too bright, and it's very hard on the eyes.
Also, the text isn't very favorable as it just kinda looks out of place and slapped on
Lastly, the render also looks like it was just put onto the BG
I do believe that the colors are nice, and could be great with a bit of work

Tagnature 2
This tag could use a little work in variation.
The overall tag itself is blurry, so it could use sharpening.
The colors themselves could use some work on too, try to brighten up the piece, or at least try to add color for a little bit of depth
Lastly, the text seems to be the focal since its the only thing not blurry, so I suggest fixing that
I do enjoy the flow in this piece however

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brandon.75067 -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (2/7/2008 21:47:26)

images for my gallery
image 1

image 2

alt image 1
it is very well done though it the main part seams to work against the rest of the image, the detail on the main image is very, well, detailed, the positioning of the legs does not quite go correctly with the body, the back ground on the right side actually has a look of realism to it though the left side looks like it does not fit. pieces of the wing seem to be missing, or one of the wings is different the other, and i'm not so found of the text font chosen it does not seem to blend with the rest of the picture, it is very well done in all respects, but not with out tiny flaws.

alt image 2
it is a nice image, though it lacks any realism whats so ever. the sail and the flag seam to be blowing in different directions, the boat has no aerodynamics, half its oars are missing, the others are not moving, it has no walls on the middle halfs sides, the shadows are coming from different ways, there are not enough sails, and everyone on the ship is looking in the opposite direction of where the ship is heading. the ship looks a little to blocky compared to the people, and the walls look like they were made for a fort not a ship. its a nice image, but with no realism and a few other flaws.

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Approved. You still need to place yourself on Pending. See #4

ShadowWrath -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (2/7/2008 22:40:29)


Image 1:

First off, i noticed the posture you gave your monster an agressive presence. I also have no trouble to imagine that monster to be of gigantic size. If it you didn't design it to be giant, the fact that most elements of its head and neck are rather rough, big and relativelly threatning lead to assume you actually did imagine this creature to be of epic stature.
I enjoy how you have drawn the teeth in an awkward disposition, as well as the seemingly sharp shapes of the teeth ... making the creature look all the more dangerous.
The shading you applied is efficient, most elements stand from one another. The only confusion i can see here is the sort of spike shaped form behind the eye, near the horns ... it also seems to follow the other spike-ish form in the very back of the head, however its nothing major i believe.
One thing i do dislike in this drawing is the Eye. From my observation, it seems to me that it doesn't want to fit well on the skin's surface. The unnatural feel to it brings a bit of a less impressive feel to the drawing ... but again, its not something of dramatic importance, just a detail here hehe ...

I imagine the drawing wasn't solely bent on the comical quick side drawing, nevertheless its not something that bothers me ... i wouldn't be saying the same thing if it was a coloured full drawing of the beast, but by then i'm not sure you would have drawn it there either hehe ...

Overall: I enjoy beast drawings, this one's portrait has got potential, but needs more work for me to go "Whoa" on it, but dont get me wrong, its still very good drawing :D

Image 2:

(i play around with photoshop, but its some of my first times i actually review a sig, so i'll do my best heh)

Hmmm, i enjoy the posture of the girl (its called a render right?), i think it delivers a sense of concentration. Of course, you may not have hand built the render, however making a sig with that choice of picture is creative in my mind.
I do enjoy the background as well, its doesn't hook your eye out of the main element of the sig. In fact, the hazy feel to it seems to enhance the way the girl seems to concentrate on one thing with nothing around to distract her.
The title seems to be in a strategic spot.
The border is simply but just as efficient as needs be.

Overall: I think its a fine sig, demonstrates a good dose of experience, i'd display a sig of this quality anytime.
I'm not impressed nor disapointed, however i'd need more knowledge about sigs and digital art to distinguish great from weak ... and i am not as interested by sigs and all so i'm not completely sure how pertinent my analysis is.

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[Sev]_Foamy -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (2/8/2008 10:24:39)

1. Im a tag/LP artist.

The chaotic background clashes with the meaning of the actual eagle. To me, this would be a majestic abstract piece that captures the calm and unique beauty of an eagle. The coloring could use some major work as to the blue, purple, brown, and pink color scheme. The text engulfs the tag, and in my eyes text isn't really needed in a tag. No lighting in this tag =/.

The text in this one is okay, but once again not really needed. The render/stock is very blurry and could use a bit of sharpening. The background is very choppy and chaotic. Being as it revolves around music, you should try and add something to the background that would show that meaning. Music notes, a staff, something of that sense. the lighting from the guitar should balance on the render, and as you can see the render shows lighting from all around.


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Drako 6 -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (2/8/2008 16:58:21)


Constructive Crit.:
Alt 1:
A very good sketch, but it would look much better if it wasn't so sketchy, don't know what is with the few marks on the cock pit, could also use some shading too.
Alt 2:
An awesome full body, lower torso is a bit pillow shaded, it aso could use a heavier build it looks kinda to skiinny on the custom parts.

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Not approved. Please post more CC then that. If you need more examples on posting CC. Read other approved posts.

natalia11 -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (2/8/2008 18:53:42)

Not approved. Failed to follow rules on the first post. Also if you are writing stories, they belong in the Legends and Lore area.And "everything below is my artwork(well........a lot of it is my friend,draggonboy13's". If draggonboy13 wishes to post his work, he can try his hand at being approved. Don't post other peoples work.

drmrboy111 -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (2/8/2008 20:14:24)

#1) Example 1&2 of My Art- has many weapons, i think it could count for two examples.

#2) Constructive Criticism

Sig 1- I like the use of light effects for this signature. They seem warm, and soft. The person cuddling up with the penguin just fits very well with the flow of the sig. Some things I don't like are that the little blue section is above the person and penguin. I don't think it looks right. Also, the penguin just does not have a "snuggly" look to it. It looks kind of fierce. Props on the text ^_^.

Sig 2- I like the fiery aspect of this sig. The C4d just fits right in with the rest of it. I like the faint eye in the BG, nut im probably one of the only ones that noticed that. The tag is very deep, there's no telling how many layers you used on this, and it must have taken a long time. I also like the oriental symbol in the corner. A thing I don't think is very good is the smudge at the bottom of the sig in the center of the guitar. It just sort of looks out of place. In a sig like this, I think another C4D or light effect would have worke well there.

#3) I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

Approved. Please place yourself on Pending. See #4

Pharoah Arch -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (2/8/2008 20:27:11)



Art piece #1 Veteran: Link

Art Piece #2 Newcomer: Ike

NUMBER TWO (sig images used)

Image One: I like this one very much. The bird's wings seem to almost fade into the background the further back the wings go. The test placement is nice, however it may have looked a bit better had the color or style of the text, (like the word, "eagle88") been changed to more suit the rest of the image. The background is also very nice in the fade from pink to purple.

Image Two: This one is very nice. It has a soft looking testure that almost relaxes me. The way the shoulder seems to begin to melt away gives it a really liquid-like feel. The moon (at least I think its a moon in the corner) is also very nice in that it doesnt over power the image. The simple text in the corner of this image works much better, unlike the last one.



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Werekill -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (2/8/2008 21:46:00)

example one

example two

number one
Ok, first off, color seem to be this tag's strong point. It just looks really nice. The focal is kinda ok, but the text distracts my eyes from the girl in the corner, which appears to be the focal point. Effects are nice and smooth too. However, the text seems out of place. try moving a bit farther down and it will be much better. Lastly, lighting is excellent.

number two
Once again, great coloring. It goes great with the render's colors. Also, I love the text. It seems just the right size and color. Focal is pretty nice, there's not much to distract my eyes. Lighting and effects are also good. the main thing that doesn't look good is the round thing behind the render. It just looks weird in the tag in my opinion.

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Driger89 -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (2/9/2008 2:48:24)

1. [img][/img]
2. [img][/img]

1. [img][/img]

+text isn't too shabby
-wierd lighting=add lighting and maybe a stock behind it that matches the lighting
-not much depth going on=sharpen the render a bit and again, maybe add a stock behind it and blur it
~effects are ok
~border is ok

2. [img][/img]

-Undercontrasted=Add a Brightness&contrast layer and add contrast
-text isnt as good as the other tag=take it out
-Bad lighting=Apply image and add lighting effects
~guassian blur isn't that good=erase some of it

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Silver Scorpion -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (2/9/2008 10:26:27)

Gone Forever (mid)

these are my entries for the approval. now, to advance to point 2:

WOW! that's an awesome mech! lots of heavy weapons =) i like that!

+the two guns on the back are a nice touch, they fill up the emptyness that would be there when they weren't there
-Gattling gun half off the picture
-Missile Launchers too flat: missiles are alot longer then that!
+/- the legs, they are very well drawn, but i dont like the concept. the upper leg looks a bit like a trash can =S

0.0 thats one nasty big dragon!

+those "fins" (?) above the eyes makes it look very cool! it looks alot more dangerous then without them!
+special wings. most wings are differently shaped and start somewhere above its middle, but here the body actually blends into the wings, and then back into the tail, and they are located a bit lower. this makes it look more realistic using wings, then when they're attached with nothing more then bone, and no muscles to actually flap with the wings (*coughDFdragonscough*), which are here visible.
+imperfectness of mouth. the mouth isnt a straight line, but has some tweaks, which makes it look better
+the stance, the way it stands, looks at you and stuff, is very cool, and IMO hard to draw as well, here however i dont see any flaws, though FSR the left arm seems its off a bit, i cant especially say why, but it looks like it shouldnt fit there.
-the fins above the eyes don not seem to have any width. they're as thin as paper =(.

and last but not least:

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Chaonian -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (2/9/2008 11:09:50)

Art Examples:

First Example(Lucifer's Edge)

Second example(Frostvale Contest Entry)

Constructive Critisism:
Alt image 1: An excellent dragon drawing. Amazing details, even the scales are nicely done, and the scratches on the horns seem realistic. The thing that is the most impressive in my opinion is the beast's expression. It looks carefully like it is examining me. Although, there are some imperfections. The light yellow background and the dark blue color of the dragon don't really match, and make my eyes feel tired after a while.

Alt image 2: Well, this image is simple stunning. I have seen many DF edits, but this is one of the greatest. Nice designed characters, and background features(for example the crystals). The chainmail and the drawings on the armors is very detailed, and the colors match with each other, and so do the armors and the weapons. But the two Escorts seem faceless, because their eye's and mouth's colors are hardly noticable. Also the head of the warrior with the sword looks a bit strange, because the rest body is more "pixelated". And last but not least, there should have been a shade under each person. But anyway, these are just some details, and the image remains beautiful even with these imperfections.
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Drako 6 -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (2/9/2008 11:20:04)

Second try


Constructive Crit.:
Alt 1:
A very good sketch, but it would look much better if it wasn't so sketchy, don't know what is with the few marks on the cock pit, could also use some shading too.
Alt 2:
An awesome full body, lower torso is a bit pillow shaded, it aso could use a heavier build it looks kinda to skiinny on the custom parts, also it could use a few more colors for the shades.

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Richie -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (2/9/2008 14:48:57)

Image 1
Image 2

Image 1:
I really like this one that came up for me. The lighting effects are really nice but the text could be a bit better. There's nothing wrong with it, but it could be better.

Image 2:
I don't know if there's any flaw in this one. I can't really see anything that needs improving except the lighting. You chose it to be dark, I understand that, but could it be a little brighter. I can't see the background.

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Bramble -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (2/9/2008 14:52:09)

God .______.
May I suggest providing a form complete with codes to make it less cumbersome? Anyway..

aaaaaaaaaaaaaandCritique #1
The first thing that I notice is the text, which isn't necassarily a bad thing - however in this case it is, the text is badly placed and does nothing at all to compliment any other part of the sig, which is ideally what typography should do, ultimatley I'd suggest removing it.
Also the whole tag lacks any realistic lighting and utilises low contrast to poor effect, essentially rendering it dull.

Critique #2
This tag has the same problem with text, again I'd suggest removing it.
This sig however is not quite as dull as the previous, it may lack realistic lighting but the colours are far more vivid and aesthetically, much more pleasing than those in the previous tag.
The effect render used are badly placed and also destract from the girl, which I imagine is intended to be the main focus of the piece, overall I'd suggest re-considering the composition (placement of components) in the tag, as it looks almost as if everything was placed randomly.

"I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves."

Yeah, thanks.


miroku13151411 -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (2/9/2008 16:34:05)

Art Examples

Example One: Stitches

Example Two: The Wings

Constructive criticism for (Alt) image one:
This is awesome! The beast you’ve created is really something… well-done, well-shaded, realistic… what’s done of it, anyway. The downfall is that it’s really not done yet, I don’t think. You’re a great artist and could probably bring that same level of finish to the other aspects of the piece, that being the beast’s body, and the doctor who is checking out the chompers. Great line by the way; “I can see you don’t floss”. Priceless! Just put in the time on the rest of the piece and you’ve REALLY got something!

Constructive criticism for (Alt) image two:
*Whistles* Hey, better than I could do. This is a pretty cool-looking thing you have here. Just a few quick tips that could make it just incredible. Firstly, it seems like it’s not sure wither ‘tis a sprite or a character; I’m not sure which you intended. If it’s a sprite, it may be a bit large. If it’s a character, it may be a bit too small. The articulation looks good on the three existing appendages… but there’s no right arm. Which is a shame, because judging by the rest you could definitely make one. Also, it’s just the slightest bit grainy; that could be an upload issue, so maybe try saving it as another type of file and re-upload for better quality. Keep up the good work!

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Spitfire -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (2/10/2008 15:50:43)

Work that i wish to post:

Critism 1:

Wow I like this signature! The choice of colours make it mysterious and the eagle is good for the user. The different font styles make more interesting rather than using one. I would do the same, although I wouldn't be able to make it as impressive as that =D.

The only thing I can think to improve this, is maybe make the "eagle88" text bigger since its a signature for that user, and I think it should be big and maybe a different font colour to stand out from the rest of the text.

Critism 2:

The sketch of the dragon is very detailed, it looks angry, and the dentist who says "I can see you don't floss" made me smile =). I have done a few sketches before, and I can say that, my sketches look too "cartoony" when i try to draw a dragon, so well done! Its impressive!

Eventhough this is a joke, the dentist could have been drawn better, even though the focus was the dragon. Maybe draw a cartoon goofy dentist rather than a doodle one or copy and paste doctor Voltabolt XD.


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Approved. Place yourself on the Pending list. See #4

Okay done, wasn't sure if were I meant to approve first before I joined.

SiloZen -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (2/10/2008 16:19:10)

Art Examples
(I have none since i only want to post not make my own gallery)

Constructive Criticism Image one
Constructive Criticism image Two

Constructive criticism for image one:
I like how Its Zelda Related.. Well i love legend of Zelda..
Also How they have created the character design is awesome...
And i love how it says dissapear (it realy links up to what Sheik can do)

Constructive criticism for image two:
This is Brilliantly Designed.. i like how it looks like a portal and also has
a big space like design to it :)

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.
(I do not wish to create a gallery yet)

Not approved. Please work on your CC, "I love Zelda" is not CC. If you need more examples, see other approved posts, or click tthe link on the 1st page.

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