Common Forum Abbreviations/Acronyms (Full Version)

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Alina -> Common Forum Abbreviations/Acronyms (2/19/2008 11:38:38)

Common Acronyms:
AIPVP: Artificial Intelligence Player versus Player (the kind of PVP currently available in DragonFable and MechQuest)
AK: ArchKnight(s)
ARP: Advanced Role Playing (ARPer: Advanced Role Player)
DNs: Design Notes, used for DragonFable and MechQuest ( DF DNs, MQ DNs)
FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions
FSI: Frequently Suggested Idea(s) (mainly used in Suggestions boards: AQ Suggs FSI/ DF Suggs FSI)
GC: Grand Council (now disbanded)
KoO: Knight(s) of Order
MtAK: Meet the ArchKnight(s)
MtM: Meet the Mods(s)
PM: Private Message
PvP: Player versus Player
RP: Role Playing (RPer: Role Player)
SoO: Squire(s) of Order
ToC: Table of Contents

Admin: Administrator
Avy, avvy: Avatar (image under the member name and title, displayed in posts, used to show some personal preferences/set apart the individual a bit)
L#/lvl: level (L50 means level 50)
Mod: moderator, modifier (depends on context)
Sig: Signature (images/messages that can be included at the bottom of posts, usually to set apart the individual)

Miscellaneous (also includes ones that belong in multiple categories)
.swf: a .swf is the file extension used by AE's games. You are not allowed to post game files anywhere on the AE forums. If you do not know what this is, you're fine and not in danger of posting one.
AE: Artix Entertainment, LLC
AK: ArchKnight (the game, as opposed to the forum moderator assistants)
AQ: AdventureQuest
DF: DragonFable
EG: EbilGames
IP: Internet Protocol (software that operates at the network layer; most often used as a short form of 'IP Address', a number used to identify each computer connected to the Internet)
ISP: Internet Service Provider (a company that provides Internet Access)
MQ: MechQuest

Forum Abbreviations/Acronyms
ARP: Advanced RP
C/C: Clan/Clubs
CA: Creative Arts (formerly the Gallery of Creative Adventurers)
CFI: Crucial Forum Information
CR&A: Character Ratings and Advice
DA&S/DAaS: Digital Art and Signatures (now a part of The Gallery)
DAB: Digital Arts Battles (now Gallery Battle Arena)
DC: Debate Club (now defunct)
DF CR&A DragonFable Character Ratings
DF: DragonFable
EC: Equipment Comparison
EG: EbilGames
Encyc: Encyclopedia
FI: Forum Feedback
FS: FireSpawn
GD/GGD: (formerly General Game Discussion, now simply Game Discussion)
  • AQ GD: AdventureQuest Game Discussion
  • DF GD: DragonFable Game Discussion
  • MQ GD: MechQuest Game Discussion
    GBA: Gallery Battle Arena
    GoCA: Gallery of Creative Adventurers (now The Gallery)
    HC&D: Hand crafted/drawn art
    H&S: Help and Support
    IIaG: Important Information and Guides (found in the DF Pedia)
    L&L: Legends and Lore
    MtM: Meet the Mods (also includes other threads in the Meet ___ series: AK, KoO, etc.)
    MQ: MechQuest
    NH: Newbie Help
    OOC: The OOC (Out of Character) Room
  • AQ Pedia: AQ Encyclopedia
  • DF Pedia: DF Encyclopedia
  • MQ Pedia: MQ Encyclopedia
    RP: Role Playing
    RPA: Role Playing Academy
    S&T: Speculations and Theories
    Strat: Strategy
    Q/A and Q&A:
  • AQ Questions/Answers
  • DF Questions/Answers
  • MQ Questions/Answers
  • Gallery Questions/Answers
    UA: Undead Assault
    UCaG: Unofficial Contests and Games
    ZH: Zorbak's Hideout
    ZW: ZardWars
    (Check Forum Feedback Rules/Extra Info/Board Index/Board Updates to for a Board Index.)

    IRC Abbreviations/Acronyms[.5]
    Chan: channel (refers to something like #battleon is the official channel for in game discussion)
    Cael: Caelestia (chat network that sponsors the official AQ channels: #AQ-Gamin, #Battleon, and #YulgarsInn)
    CTCP: Client-To-Client Protocol (includes things like Finger (check how long someone has been idle), Ping (response time from another computer and to check if it's available), Time (time at the person's location), and Version (checks which client and version someone is using) )
    DCC: Direct Client to Client (direct connection with someone else, used to get/send files and secure chat)
    IRC: Internet Relay Chat
    mIRC: a popular IRC program for the Windows operating system
    Op: Operator
    Pass: password
    PM: Private Message
    (Need help with IRC? Check IRC Chat Help.)

    Thanks to Calimehtar and Vaseline28 for the work they did on their abbreviation guides: Calimehtar's AQ guide, Vaseline28's DF guide

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