RE: Meet the (Arch)Puppy: Puppy =D (Full Version)

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kenshin23 -> RE: Meet the (Arch)Puppy: Puppy =D (2/23/2008 20:01:46)

1.hello creature.
Hello women
2.favorite food?
Shrimp and T-Bone steak
3.favorite game?
Halo 3
4.why do you like dogs?
They are adorable you have any puppy like features?
Umm button or black button?
7.doom or doom puppy?
Doom puppy!
8.what question is this
How should I know?

TreadLight -> RE: Meet the (Arch)Puppy: Puppy =D (2/23/2008 20:03:10)

Wh- Where am I?
Are you lost?

I knew it. I knew you did it.

Sara -> RE: Meet the (Arch)Puppy: Puppy =D (2/23/2008 20:14:21)

*Presses the paste button*

Why didn't you tell me?

Do you feel confortable knowing I have found this thread?
No Im scared

Why or why not?
Why do you think?

Are mods lifeless?
Do you see me talking to you now?

Why or why not?
stop it

What will happen if all the AKs rebel?
It will happen

Would reens torture you like I am now?
Shes too nice. =P

Want some more freshly baked questions?

Have you ever been burnt?
Oh yeah

Do you play the lottery?

Why or why not?
he wont sell it to me.

Have you ever won?


Have a car?

What model if so?
It runs...on gas :o

15 more!

Heroic Necro -> RE: Meet the (Arch)Puppy: Puppy =D (2/23/2008 20:16:15)

Fav moment in AQ, DF, and MQ respecivly?
AQ=Future War, DF=Xan War, MQ=GEARS Games

do you have any kids?
Not yet

Any pets besides you three dogs?
1 Kitty =3

what would you do for a klondike bar?
Eat a klondike bar

If a tree falls on a mime in a forist, and no one is around to hear him, will he scream?
Is he in pain?

The cake is a lie.
Eww no


Any pets besides you three dogs?
1 Kitty =3

I thought you hated cats.
Hey they are cute though.

what is your fav show on TV?
Um Fresh Prince

how do you plan to overthrow Ono?
In his own game.

Is it true that choclet and grapes can kill a dog if they eat it?
Chocolate yes, grapes not sure.

Stephen Nix -> RE: Meet the (Arch)Puppy: Puppy =D (2/23/2008 20:18:12)

here comes to you my questions and congrats to u on ur ak ship!

who gave you your position on the forums when you started
geopetal first asked.

Are you good or ebil or evil choose wisely because if you choose wrong your seat will explode with my iceicles rite below your chair I will send you off into the oblivion....muhahahaha! Ready to play
Good mwahaaha

I'm an evil penguin who loves to help in the pedias the best he can so its an honor to talk to you (yes I know I say it to all AKs)....don't get me wrong I will freeze you
Say what?

whats your defence to my ultimate attack of ice ownage
Cuteness of DOOM +1

does this shirt make me look fat
Yes very

does it make you look fat

what did you do when you were first given permission to work for the forums? Did you party, dance....
Held a 1 person party.

what is your signature lock? "B"locked, Ultimate lockdown, Clawed or even frozen in time or something else...
To the dog bound.

Weren't you once magic number 23?

I hope that your having a fun time controlling the OOC community...cya says Stephen Nix!

CanadianIdiot -> RE: Meet the (Arch)Puppy: Puppy =D (2/23/2008 20:23:40)

If you were to be God, what would you first do?
Make puppies rule the world.

What's your favorite band?
Fort minor ;P

Views on racism?
People are entitled to their opinions on one race.

How many woodchucks could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? (HINT: Its a number lower than ten)

Favorite Anime? (If any)

Favorite past time?

If it were to rain purple orange soda, what would you do?
Dance in the rain

Favorite 1337 term?

Rock or Metal?

Favorite Video Game system?

Are these questions boring you?
Noooooo..well ye =P

If I told you I had twenty more questions, would you answer them?


Well Im not gonna ask twenty more. Im going to listen to Metallica.

Have fun ^_^

brandon02 -> RE: Meet the (Arch)Puppy: Puppy =D (7 Days Left) (2/23/2008 20:38:58)

hi puppy

i only have a few questions

why are you called puppy
Puppy addiction

what is your favorite type of music
No fan favorite

what are your favorite bands/singers
Fort Minor

Solaron -> RE: Meet the (Arch)Puppy: Puppy =D (7 Days Left) (2/23/2008 20:40:36)

1.New Page, New questions, Right?
Oh yeas

2.Wait, this doesn't count as a question does it?
You bet it does

3.Have you heard of me before this thread?
Seen you once or twice

Thats it.
And by the way
Then puppies will turn their back on them >:D

Then Penguins Crush them

lguan -> RE: Meet the (Arch)Puppy: Puppy =D (7 Days Left) (2/23/2008 20:41:56)

Hai n_n.

*snuggles* Congrats! Although, I do remember you saying how you were an AK before ... tell me a little about that, please :).
I used to be an AK of Dragonfable. I was asked to be by geopetal. So I helped out for a while. Then school got really tough. So I had to give it up.

So, puppies, eh? Got any yourself?
3 Actually

Favorite breed of dogs? I've got a bichon. He's quite a spaz :D. But then again, all dogs have their moments.
I got Golden Retrievers

I haven't seen you around here only a few months ago. Is my brain just going ... boom?
Its just going boom.

Favorite l33t/chatpspeak word or phrase?

Thoughts on monkeys?
They rock!

Wow, since a few months ago, tons of Ak's have been recruited. Any thoughts on that?
Its good to see. A lot of these people deserve it.

Well, I'm like ... fresh out of questions. So. Have a good, day, Puppy. Again congrats, and bye :D.
Thankss and Bai.

Wilderock -> RE: Meet the (Arch)Puppy: Puppy =D (7 Days Left) (2/23/2008 20:48:17)

1. Shaq and Suns: How do you feel about it?
Not needed. Well for Heat is was pretty dumb.

2. Do you miss Jason Kidd?
A bit but we will still do good without him.

3. 17-14, eh? Don't worry, out of the past 8 years, 6 times the Eagles won the NFC East. Next year we'll be back if we don't suffer from injuries again. (:

4. You know, when Peyton was Eli's age ... well, Eli's stats crush Peyton's. The man all ready has a Super Bowl. Good QB, better potential, or just lucky?
Hes still new.

5. I hate the Devils, by the way.
I hate you by the way =p


7. Presidential candidates: who are you pulling for?

8. Does it suck having ANOTHER one of these things?
I actually wanted it. I wanted to see the OOC questions.

15.01. I'll be back to bother you again next page. See you then.

r0de0b0y -> RE: Meet the (Arch)Puppy: Puppy =D (7 Days Left) (2/23/2008 20:48:48)

Forgot to say, grats!

Weren't you an AK before?

Where'd you go?
Life took over.

7 days left. Is this the ring?
Lol no, 7 days until its locked.

Are you plotting against me?
Are you a spy?

That's it

therealballa94 -> RE: Meet the (Arch)Puppy: Puppy =D (7 Days Left) (2/23/2008 20:51:29)


Cav's trade opinions">
Not needed, they have enough big men. Larry Hughes was good enough. Now they can move Daniel Gibson into the starting 5 =D

Turkey or Ham

I play basketball perfusivley u?
Im the next Kobe =P

GH3 or Madden 2008?
Madden 08

Funny thing about it I never thought even with their big 3, still no championship. Not Championship material.

Warriors or Spurs??
Warriors, I despide Spurs.


Lana -> RE: Meet the (Arch)Puppy: Puppy =D (7 Days Left) (2/23/2008 20:54:45)


I like Puppies! *snuggles*
I like gurlz =D *snuggles*

Do you like cake? =3

I really like puppy dogs!!! *huggles puppy!*
=D you are officially my best friend. =D

Coffee or Cappa?
Coffee, de caf

Fast food or Salad?

Fast Food, I need to gain weight.

Yayz *Gets more puppes*
Cool =D

I have more questions for you!

Whoa! I'm your best friend now?! Sausemz. << For all who don't know.....thats awesome..<.<
*cuddles his best friend*

ZOMEGAWSH! Can I steal your cake?
My torta :o

Green or Blue?

Red or Black?

Puppy or Husky?
Husky Puppy

I can't resist! *Huggles*
=D *snuggles*

Rasudido -> RE: Meet the (Arch)Puppy: Puppy =D (2/23/2008 20:57:32)


im here to further the size of this thread and annoy you a bit
did you really think you were gonna finish all the questions in a MtAK thread

now for actual pointless questions

1. tapicoca powered jet packs, thoughts?

2. ORLY?
Ya rly

3. so what happnes when you grow and stop being a puppy?
I become...a Puppy Dog

4. What if I told you I have this small file with standard MtAK questions so I can post many different questions in many different pages
I would sue

5. Ive heard of this mythical rule 34 in the internet, can i get some explanations?
It comes after 33 and before 35.

6. If you had to chain Gus or Tempest down who would it be and why?
tempest, hes a newb. =p

7. tell the truth nao.... did you ever confuse Eternal Chaos' gender?
Nope, he seems 100% male too mee.

8. Cookies, pies, moggles or gecko?


10. Marcabian people, a possibility?
Could be

11. Now if you could steal someone's mojo who would it be and Why?
Scakk has mojo

12. So AK of the OCC scared yet?
Not yet

13. Im told of Wilde's plan to spam this thread c00l isnt it >.>
Tha fiend.

14. Favorite text smiley NAO

15. Favorite music genre?
No favorite.

16. If you were allowed 1 kill without any kind of consecuences who would you kill?

17. So did you get a secret insiation this time or considering you just returned to AK dom did they skip the kinkyness?

18. im told Goofy is a cyborg-- is this true?

19. annoyed yet?

20. What if I said I will be back?

HAHAHAHAH you'r others are gone =D!!
anyways im gone, time to do what i do on saturday nights [:)]
ill be back possibly
or will I?
Im not psychic.

btw that was a test on you not answering questions.... ill ofcourse back

/me snuggles
/me cuddles.

StupIdiot -> RE: Meet the (Arch)Puppy: Puppy =D (2/23/2008 21:26:18)

Stupidiot ASKS a NIIIINJA Puppy!

Youre younger than me?

Can I be your temporary minion, or permanent minion if I cant obtain minion ship from the other person who I want to be their
Oh Yeah!

Yugioh the abridged series, Avatar TAS, or Ask a ninja?
Ask a Puppy

almost forgot this one, Congratz!

Im sorry ok?

Omnijeff, Omnibus, or omnipresent?

favorite animal besides a puppy/other form of canine?

Favorite animal noise, not including canines?

Why was ther bacon in the soap?
Blame it on kitty

Favorite show no longer on television?
I dont know...

Do I have anymore questions?
Do I have anymore answers?

What's the answer to this question?

*Dying noise*?
*Fish Yell*

Deimius -> RE: Meet the (Arch)Puppy: Puppy =D (2/23/2008 21:32:49)

Well since I would not like you to pity me, this would be a great time to get to know you better!

Favorite Basket Ball Player?

What do you love to do in your spare time?

Who Arch-knighted you?

Why Red?

How do you feel about answering 3 and a half pages of questions after this one?

Ok well, I hope you don't pity me any more :p.


void dragon master -> RE: Meet the (Arch)Puppy: Puppy =D (7 Days Left) (2/23/2008 22:23:57)

1) Why did you choose puppy as your name? (other than the fact you love puppies)

2) Do your play AQ, MQ, or DF

3) If yes to any three above are you ashamed of it from your friends?

4) In a fight you prefer: Brains, Brawn, speed

5) Hello (Should have said that earlier)

6) Soccer or no-soccer?

7) DO you use a mic when playing halo 3?

8) Edit: Magicnumber23 or puppy (which do you prefer)
9) How did you come to be a mod

10) congrats

11) How many puppies (or dogs) do you have?

12) I wonder why you don't like Onomatopoeia

13) Error loading question

14) Do you hate/ like spam?

15) Why the OOC why not something else like CA, WA, AQ GGD, UCAG?

1wingangel -> RE: Meet the (Arch)Puppy: Puppy =D (7 Days Left) (2/23/2008 22:28:00)

Puppy! *snuggles*

What's the cuter way a dog barks? The ever classic "Bow wow" or the East-Asian variation of "Wan wan!"

Having fun answering several repeat questions in this thread? Or those to come? :P

But don't you slowly feel your sanity slowly get sucked away bit by bit as you answer these threads?

Either way, have a great time at your position and have fun :D


Rubix Cubezz -> RE: Meet the (Arch)Puppy: Puppy =D (7 Days Left) (2/23/2008 22:41:22)


Do you have any dogs in real life?

How many?

What kind are they?



WoW or RS?

How fast can you solve a Rubik's Cube?

Favorite food?

Favorite whosamacallit?

Do you know what a whosamacallit is?

Your house is on fire. There are two people in it. Your mother and your girlfriend. You can only save one of them. Who?
Multi-choice - Your mother, your girlfriend, the beer, or screw it, call 911.

Did you enjoy answering me?


I don't know you all that well, though.

Fartix -> RE: Meet the (Arch)Puppy: Puppy =D (2/23/2008 22:53:27)


'tis Puppy!

Alright, now... FOR THE QUESTIONS:

1) True/False The answer to question 2 is False
2) True/False The answer to question 1 is True

3) If you were given a plate of Beef Jerky that was covered in bananas, what would you do with your local Cow in a Hat?

4) GIMP or Photoshop?

5) Will you look up "SuperUltraSpecialAwesome" on YouTube and tell me what you see?

6) Do you know pi past 5 decimal place?

7) Can you solve a Rubik's Cube in less than 30 seconds?


9) If I were to change my Forum Username, would I prefer "OMNIPOTENT" or "SuperUltraSpecialAwesomeLtd."?

10) Find a cricket in Times Square. NOW!

11) If you were to sit on a completely unrealistic bench, would you ride into the sunset on your trusty swine Betty?

12) Do you Procrastinate?

13) Do you think 13 is an unlucky number?

14) Who/what would you put on the Black List of Raspberry Doom?

15) All your base are belong to us

And that was how it ended.

Resolute -> RE: Meet the (Arch)Puppy: Puppy =D (7 Days Left) (2/23/2008 23:08:22)

Puppy! You're back!

So, how's it feel being back?

Why not 23 anymore?

Every been to

Why OOC? I miss you on the DF board?

Can you harmonize with butternut squashes?

Who are your favorite comedians?

Want some witches brüe?

Are you in any clans? You used to be in CCB, didn't you?

I'll give you ten bucks if you hold your breath for an hour?

You seen I am Legend yet?

Werewolfs or Vampires?

Can you be my fellow per boat of the old glass?

Can I enter you in a pet show?

Food or food?

Well, see you around!


ymesocool -> RE: Meet the (Arch)Puppy: Puppy =D (2/23/2008 23:08:23)


2.Wats your favorite movie?

3.Do you watch Familly Guy?

4.How many puppies does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

5.What's your greatest accomplishment?

6. What time is it?

7. Heat or Cavaliers?

8.What is your favorite video game?

9.That all for now. Good talk.


ShadySwipe -> RE: Meet the (Arch)Puppy: Puppy =D (7 Days Left) (2/23/2008 23:12:25)

Hello my canine friend. During these next painful hours you will be forced to answer significantly boring questions tied to a eletricity wired chair watching re-runs of "Cats" the play on a boot leg video!"Muahahha!"

Lets start shall we?

Gratz on AK-Ship, I remember you from somewhere....hmmm, I'll be watching you anyways.

1)Cats or Dogs?

2)Lovely weather we're having mate?

3)ou think you would be an AK for OOC or GGD?

4)Am I lying? True or False

5)Think your tough?Ehhh?ANSWER ME!

6)Do you enjoy the game or the forums more?

7)You think you cool?You think you slick?

8)German Shepard, Bloodhound, French Poodle or Bulldog?

9)True or false?Most dog breeds were created by humans breeding two types of dogs in the 20th century?

10)Dogs bloomed in opulation mostly in which country?

11)Which AE games do you like the best?Don't cheat now ya herrr?

12)Is George W/ Bush, our president, an "idiot"?Or is it a stereotype?

13)Who is your favorite AK/MOD (List a few so they don't feel left out, I know how you feel when picking favorites)

14)Is this a question?

15)I think I'm a family member of yours. Do you happen to have a sibling?Ehhh?Spit it now, don't be shy.

Thats all fol-....*AHEMMM*-err, Canines!


P.S.-I'm be watching you......

Trip -> RE: Meet the (Arch)Puppy: Puppy =D (7 Days Left) (2/23/2008 23:18:38)


have you heard of me? or seen me around?

Why is your name puppy?

Do you have a puppy?



Number? lol

Do you play games?

fav. show?

Fav. Game?

Fav. Food?

Fav. Candy?

Would you give your dog all that stuff?

well gtg!


do you make sigs?

Shadowheart243 -> RE: Meet the (Arch)Puppy: Puppy =D (7 Days Left) (2/23/2008 23:29:16)

Gratz, on the promotion ( it think it's a promotion)

Do you play mechquest?

if so what level are you?

what's better firebending or earthbending?

which do you like more- jack russel terriers or border collies?

that's all i got for now (not many ideas for what to ask)

P.S. am i allowed to ask you a riddle?

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