RE: Meet the (Arch)Puppy: Puppy =D (4 Days Left, Not Here) (Full Version)

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judas mesias -> RE: Meet the (Arch)Puppy: Puppy =D (4 Days Left, Not Here) (2/27/2008 21:05:18)



how are you?

do you like wrestling?

do you like skateboarding?


bye for now. XD

Quiet Soul -> RE: Meet the (Arch)Puppy: Puppy =D (4 Days Left, Not Here) (2/28/2008 3:26:04)

You are aware that this thread has reached 6 pages and you haven't even finished second page?

So, Puppy. I got more questions.

Favourite LOL<insert animal or object here>

Favourite... ummm... Empowered forumite?

Favourite sport?

Favourite TV show?

Favourite colour?

Favourite letter?

Favourite fruit?

Favourite vegetable?

Sorry if these questions have already been answered.

Bye again, Puppy!

warriorfreedom -> RE: Meet the (Arch)Puppy: Puppy =D (4 Days Left, Not Here) (2/28/2008 5:07:59)

Hey Puppy, congrats!

What's your favorite sport?

What's your favorite kind of sport?

What's your least favorite school subject?

Do you skateboard?

Any advice for those aspiring to be Archs?

mediaevaldragon -> RE: Meet the (Arch)Puppy: Puppy =D (4 Days Left, Not Here) (2/28/2008 6:59:16)

Hiyas Puppy! Congrats on re-AKship :P

Own free will *snicker* your will belongs to Balos :P

Is OOC scarier when you're modding it or when you're a regular member?

/me gives T-Bone steak :D

/me slips Puppy the pastries that belong to the moogle >.>

Hehehe see you round IRC

/me sneaks carefully around MQ back to DF :P

mitilotic2 -> RE: Meet the (Arch)Puppy: Puppy =D (4 Days Left, Not Here) (2/28/2008 9:56:34)

skim through couple of pages saw a qns

-->fav drink?
for a sec there i was thinking shouldnt it be pupsi cola
meheheeheheeeh i sound like zorbak? i should probably change to meheheaahahhaeahahahehehehahahehehhahehhahehhahahahahahaha

STG -> RE: Meet the (Arch)Puppy: Puppy =D (4 Days Left, Not Here) (2/28/2008 12:44:28)

Well, puppy, I figured I'd ask a meaningful question.

But then I couldn't think of one.

Oh Snap.

Llong Jjohn Killer -> RE: Meet the (Arch)Puppy: Puppy =D (4 Days Left, Not Here) (2/28/2008 14:42:00)

No one tells me anything, anymore.............I just came by this thread by mistake.[8D]

Dang it, I don't have any questions ready..............what to ask, what to ask............

1. Who will be your most played character if you get Super Smash Bros. Brawl?

2. Did the Necropolis Fiend end up being a challange for you? I just don't get it, I've done every stratagy I can think of, yet he beats me instentally over and over again.

3.....................Do I need a new sig soon?[&:]

Meh, I'm out of questions. So long, pup.

mikeray4 -> RE: Meet the (Arch)Puppy: Puppy =D (4 Days Left, Not Here) (2/28/2008 20:22:55)

14 years old?

I thought you had to be 18.

good luck being a mod

dragon weirdo -> RE: Meet the (Arch)Puppy: Puppy =D (7 Days Left) (2/28/2008 23:28:52)


remember me?

do you like chocolate?

did you know that chocolate makes dogs sick?

how many eyes do i have?

do you have rabies?

what is your favorite book?

ever heard of ergo proxy?

which chicken flew the coop?

weren't you a DF editor?

which question number is this?

do you think of nothing but puppies? if so, how did you answer my other questions?


Vargon -> RE: Meet the (Arch)Puppy: Puppy =D (7 Days Left) (2/29/2008 13:53:46)

Hello again.

Morrowind or Oblivion?

Chocolate milkshake or strawberry?

Tea or coffee?

Wales or Scotland? Keep in mind I'm half Welsh. We have the Tafia! It means Welsh Mafia!

Pizza or burger?

Shark or crocodile?

Scrubs or Simpsons?


CommuistSoldier -> RE: Meet the (Arch)Puppy: Puppy =D (2/29/2008 20:39:26)

Hiyas Puppeh!

Warcraft or World of warcraft?

HAlo or halo 3?

Congratz on AK!



Bi Bai

Stealthy Dirtbag -> RE: Meet the (Arch)Puppy: Puppy =D (2/29/2008 20:47:49)

In b4 the lock.


Whats your favourite biscuit?

Brown or white bread?

are my questions weird?

Ok, Bye.

Sara -> RE: Meet the (Arch)Puppy: Puppy =D (2/29/2008 21:42:47)

What would you give to me if you didn't have to answer these questions?

Well, too bad.

d0 u ply c0d4


d0gs r ugly

d0 u hav dog

0 rly

c0d4 + hal0 =

whitewolf 12 -> RE: Meet the (Arch)Puppy: Puppy =D (2/29/2008 21:45:31)

I am he who comes before the lock! >:o

That's right, you never DID have a MtAK, did you?

Ooh, 15 questions, huh? Daring today, arn't we?

1. So wassup?

2. Are you a cute puppy?

Ugly puppies are...ugly. O_o

3. Favorite video game ever?

4. Do puppies even play video games?

5. Favorite show ever?

6. Do puppies even watch T.V?

You're 14? :o

Obviously you don't have kids.

...Right? XD

7. Best typed emote ever?

8. Best untyped emote ever?

9. Traits you wish you didn't have/habits you want to stop?

I chew my nails. Like right now, it hurts to hit a key with a finger, because the skin that's usually under my nail is touching the keys, and it;s sore. :(

10. can y64 read th5s?

11. Cookie?

12. Chocolate or sugar?

Neither? WELL TOO BAD! :o

I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. :(

Almost done! -mini sob-

13. Don't you just love these? :D

Brain frying time!



All done. Already. THESE GO TO FAST! D:

Navineous -> RE: Meet the (Arch)Puppy: Puppy =D (2/29/2008 22:18:07)

Do you like chocolate?

Never mind that question, it's toxic.

Can I call you slave?

You or clone?

Still here? Good

What is your favorite breed of puppy?

What do you think is the wierdest smiley?

Who's your master? >.> <.<


Are you really a puppy?


One more question.

so i heer u liek mudkipz?

Well that's it.

Avro -> RE: Meet the (Arch)Puppy: Puppy =D (2/29/2008 22:41:25)


/me pokes

Favourite colour?

1 day is singular >.>


2k2ewyn -> RE: Meet the (Arch)Puppy: Puppy =D (6 Days Left, Not Here) (3/1/2008 9:33:55)


Do you like that I put in your tags for you?

You have to put in a good word for me now

So, what questions should I ask?

I know! Your favorite mod of the CA area? [8D]

Your favorite AK? (Other than you)


Me *snuggletacklehugcongrats* teh Puppy

A few other questions......

Didn't you already have an MtAK?

o.0 the google ads are for puppy training. Do you need training?

Btw, I liked your other avatar

Well, cya

Don't forget to put put in a good word for me!


darknessdragon -> RE: Meet the (Arch)Puppy: Puppy =D (1 Days Left, Not Here) (3/1/2008 10:51:04)

Hi Puppy, congrats on making an Ak-ship!

Were you an AK before? I can't help but think that you were before...

If so, where?

What's you're favorite movie?

alright, that's all from me, congratulations again!

Shadow of Chaos -> RE: Meet the (Arch)Puppy: Puppy =D (6 Days Left, Not Here) (3/1/2008 12:07:37)

1. Ohai (again).

2. So, as of this post you still haven't started answering the third page.

3. Favorite kind of dog/puppy?

4. Cats: Good or bad?

5. Bye.

EDIT: Like my new (at the time of this edit) sig?

dragonkillerajc -> RE: Meet the (Arch)Puppy: Puppy =D (6 Days Left, Not Here) (3/1/2008 13:09:20)

Hey Puppy. Remember me?

I'm still kinda ticked that you ignored me on IRC.

So anyways, on to the questions.

Were you going crazy when the Giants won the Super Bowl?

Is the OOC > DF GGD?

Did you ever finish counting to infinity?

Do you agree that I'm a billion times cooler than BB?

Hablas espanol?

Favorite person other than yourself on the forums? (Hint, hint, me.)

One more thing.

Is there such thing as a stupid question?

SL -> RE: Meet the (Arch)Puppy: Puppy =D (6 Days Left, Not Here) (3/1/2008 13:23:49)

Hiya Puppy!

Congrats on AK-ship!

Biggest influence in OOC? (or elsewhere)

Favorite kind of dog?

Favorite animal other than a dog?

Lastly, favoritre video game?

Bai Bai! *waves*

Forever1712 -> RE: Meet the (Arch)Puppy: Puppy =D (7 Days Left) (3/1/2008 13:32:41)

I'm back.

Is it true your real name if Tyler? O_o

Your real name is Tyler!!!

Your real name is Tyler!!!!

Ok.I'll stop.

Your real name is Tyler!!!!

Your real name is Tyler!!!!!

I'm done for real now......

I know who you like..... ;)

I'll be sure to tell everybody. :D

Are you a nerd?

Your a nerd!!!!

Woof. Woof.

Go chase the stick I just threw.

Woof. Woof. Woof-bye.

See ya around, puppy.

Mr. Pandora -> RE: Meet the (Arch)Puppy: Puppy =D (7 Days Left) (3/1/2008 14:14:53)

gratz on AK puppy

1)So starting off, preference on chocolate?

2)Pepsi or coke?

3)... do you have... fleas? =(

4)Dc or Marvel?

5)Will this ever get answered?

6)how do you type with paws? Don't you need like fingers?

7)DF, AQ, or MQ?

8)Fav moglin?

9)And What mq house?

X)Finally, if puppies are happiness then what do other animals bring into the world?

Suuichi -> RE: Meet the (Arch)Puppy: Puppy =D (4 Days Left, Not Here) (3/1/2008 16:38:29)

Hey Tyler. :P

1. If you mix hyperdimensional space monkey ninjas with a piece of First Mate Rhubarb pie and add a bit of Cysero's yogurt and divide by the square root of a kumquat, and then multiply by Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateapokaiwhenuakitanatahu (yes, that's a real word), and then subtract Lopadotemakhoselakhogaleokranioleipsanodrimypotrimmatosilphiokarabomelitokatakekhymenokikhlepikossyphophattoperisteralektryono-
ptokephalliokigklopeleiolagōiosiraiobaphētraganopterýgōn (that's a real word too), what is the answer?

2. If the plural form of mouse is mice, then shouldn't the plural form of spouse be spice?

3. Were you expecting to get AK?

4. What was the first thing you did when you became an AK?

5. Does Alac really collect the souls of AKs?

6 If I have five pieces of lettuce, and I throw them vigorously at a block of cheese wearing a pink and yellow Santa hat called John, then how many triangular bathtubs would it take to consume a jumping parrot’s brain cells on Wednesday?

7. Time for the killer question! Do you plan on actually finishing this MtAK? Or are you just going ti finish the first page like last time? :P

Well that is all. Congrats once again!


sonicfan555 -> RE: Meet the (Arch)Puppy: Puppy =D (4 Days Left, Not Here) (3/1/2008 17:38:34)

hey puppy, or should i say magic number 24, or should i say leanback21?


1. pie or cake?

2. what is your fav breed of dog?

3. fav tv show?

4. fav food?

5. how many licks does it take to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop?

6.what are your game consoles, if you have any

7. can i haz dog treat?


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