RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: mediaevaldragon (Full Version)

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WritingPad! -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: mediaevaldragon (3/21/2008 17:20:24)

Wow! When did this happen? What is this world ever coming to? *le sigh*
Aaah! I'm just kidding, kidding! *sweatdrops* ^_^'
Hehehe :P

If I looked at your feet, what would I see on them at this moment?
Slippers. I'm freezing D:

Would you rather be an amoeba or a paramecium?
Which ones better?

Have you ever been on a rooftop just for the fun of it?
Yuh huh :D

And the most important question of all: Did you eat breakfast this morning? [:-]
Does chocolate count as breakfast?

Jonaza -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: mediaevaldragon (3/21/2008 17:34:47)

Uh-oh. Alac won't be happy.
Why would you want to anger the Triangle???

Let the interrogation begin...[sm=icon_twisted.gif]

Shackle shape?
In between a circle and a triangle. A Cirngle?

Shackle size?
My size.

Shackle color?
This pink, only shinier!!!


Badgers or moglins?

Sneevils or Zards?

runescape or wow?

I'll think of more soon, distracted at the moment.

PS: Like my sig?
Very nice ;)

Ricky137 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: mediaevaldragon (3/21/2008 17:34:52)

Thanks /me Snugglehuggles Ricky137 :D

1. Do you know me.
Seen you round

2. Do you see dead people.

3. Do you have any pets.
3 cats and 2 dogs

4. Are you married or dating anyone?
Nope and nope

Howler -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: mediaevaldragon (3/21/2008 18:13:52)

Finally!!! You've been an AK for over three (I think...) months, and yet you're so late in having a MtAK thread! Now, on to teh questions.
D: When I put this up I'd only been an AK for 3 weeks!

1. We're BFF, right? XD

2. Why did you disappear for a few months? D: I didn't see you anywhere until February.
Family emergency

3. DF, AQ, or MQ?

4. Why is your name so hard to spell? I accidentally keep spelling it "mediavaldragon".
Because the best names are always hard to spell :P

5. What's your favorite flavor of ice cream?

7. Is it hard being an AK? I don't think I would want to be one, because it seems to be really stressing.
It's fun! Only mildly stressful most of the time :D

8. Did you notice that I skipped number 6?
Yuh huh

Anyways, congrats. I remember when you were just a new member, and I helped you out when you asked questions. :D
Thankies :D

Oh yeah, I forgot to do this: /snugglesmediae

/snuggles Howler

Cellblock -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: mediaevaldragon (3/21/2008 18:26:54)

1. Ferrets or llamas?

2. Cysero for world domination?
Heh the mods are closer to it :P

3. Are you planning a DF conspiracy and hope to overthrow artix?

4. If 2 or 3 was answered yes can I help you as a humble servant?

5. Doom chocolate bunnies or rubber duckies of death?
Doom chocolate bunnies

6. Need a servant anyway, dependless of the previous questions?

7. Are you insane like me?
The correct question is "are you insane like me?" :P

8. Cake?

9. Thoughts on Cysero?
Yoghurt and socks

10. Did you mean to mispel Medieval or was it thrwn upon you?
Already explained ^^

11. Need a servant anyway, dependless of the previous questions?
Still thinking

12. Are you going to be a serious AK or a jokey AK? I mean being complete AK or lounging about and being nice and jokeful with the members (Then lock their threads and kick em out. Heheh).
I'm going to be whatever I am now.

13. Doom?

14. H8 txt tlk?

15. Fav number? Mines 21 :)
18 at the moment

16. Sam or Frodo?
Aragorn :P

17. If you could do anything before you die, what would the one thing be?
Go to Egypt

18. Are you going to ask questions about me?

19. Is the 'ask the AK a question' thing a whole conspiracy?
Only 18 questions per post

20. PaRaNoIa?

YaY! 21. Need a servant anyway, dependless of the previous questions?

The Game -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: mediaevaldragon (3/21/2008 18:29:42)

Another AK!
We are many :P


How are you liking it so far?
It's fun :D

Do not give Pie any pastries, it will only encourage him. (;
I gave them to Puppy hehehe ;P

Well, bye!
Bye bye

Circe -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: mediaevaldragon (3/21/2008 18:58:35)

Congratulations! *snuggles* you very much deserve it.
Thankies! /is snuggled

I actually don't have any fun questions, I just stuck my head in to say hi and congrats!
Reprieve :D

Have fun! *huggles*
I will thanks! /huggles Circe

Amboo -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: mediaevaldragon (3/21/2008 19:07:24)

Hey media, I love that avatar.
Thanks! Sucky paint avvys ftw :P

Anyways here i go.

1. Got any pets?
3 cats and 2 dogs

2. Favorite movie?
Too many :P

3. Favorite TV show?

4. Favorite quote ever?
Got a few :P

5. Do you read much?
All the time

6. Favorite book?
That's like asking me to choose between chocolate or life :P

Anyways I'll talk more to you on mIRC next time i see you on [:)].

See you later.
Later ;)

22lazy -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: mediaevaldragon (3/21/2008 19:25:12)

How did you become AK?
I helped out in the Q&A and the Pedia

What do you think of AKs who seem to enjoy being able to block things?
We don't block stuff

Has it changed your life in the slightest?
I'm on the computer more often :P

mooneeve -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: mediaevaldragon (3/21/2008 19:38:12)

Hiya mediaevaldragon!
Hiya mooneeve!

How's life/forums treating ya?
I'm sick D:

Have you been keeping an eye out for Galanoth he'd got a dragon slaying sword!?
I'm safe in my cell :P

Why don't I have any lots of questions?
Because I'm lucky?

Want to breathe fire onto the town of Falcon Reach?
Nah it's already been burnt to a crisp before

Well I somehow have short circuited my question comer upper so this is your lucky 5 seconds to smile and run!
/smiles and runs :D

Bye and have a(n) evilly horrible good day![;)]
Same to you! ;)

illkillu -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: mediaevaldragon (3/21/2008 20:14:13)


Do you like pie?
Lemon meringue

Bye!!(i cant think of anymore questions)

Green Ham -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: mediaevaldragon (3/21/2008 21:08:40)

Hi mediaevaldragon!
Hiya Green Ham!

Do you prefer cats or dogs?
I love them both

Chocolate or vanilla?

Favorite color?
Let's see.........

Do you have any minions?

Was it exciting being chosen for AK?
Yep :D

Favorite AE game?

Are you ebil?

Like my name?
It's cool :P

Are you going to DragonCon to see the AE crew?
Can't go ;.;

I have an idea for a sig lock! "Your sig is being held hostage by the Mafia" It ties in with your title.
Heh funny :P But I don't have power over sigs

Am I getting annoying?
Not yet

Hmmm.... I'm done.

Foligo -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: mediaevaldragon (3/21/2008 21:14:06)

/me snugglehuggles Media for being (more) important now! =)
/me snugglehuggles Foligo :D

1. I'm still important too right T_T?
:O Of course you are!

2. I hope Alac provided you with the right shackels, I wouldn't want to PM her about it ^_^;
They are pretty shiny shackles! Just the kind I wanted :P

3. I thought Alac was "Triangle". . .I telling!! :-O
The title is indicating ownership :P

4. My Color is better :-3

5. Cereal > Pie <Cake. So Pie is unimportant!?
Better hope no one sees that.... you would be drawn and quartered

I hope you stopped worrying, there are good members (like me) that'll help make your job much easier (though it never was meant to be I guess we're loopholes)
I've mostly stopped worrying. Thankies!!! :D


Lennyoh -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: mediaevaldragon (3/21/2008 21:14:55)

Cool new AK, congrats, now for questions

Why pink?
Why not?

Brownies or cookies??

Light or dark pink??
This pink!!!

Favourite peanut product?? (reecsse [or however you spell it, that choclate cup with peanut butter] peanut butter jelly sandwhichs, etc.)
Plain peanut butter sandwiches

Me be random, how about you?
Me be randomer!!! :P

Milk and cookies or pizza and soda?
Milk and cookies

Congrats once more
Thankies once more :D

bob.builder -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: mediaevaldragon (3/21/2008 21:25:23)

YAY! First Page! Second page is find as well..
First is worst, second is best.....

Let the fun/torture begin. (whatever you want to call it)
Fun today

1) I hope I'm not too annoying. (Why is this #1?)
Not yet.

2) Chickencows?
Demon LLamas

3) Cowchickens?
LLama Demons

4) AQ Clan

5) MQ House

6) If I put two 6's, can I evade the 20-Q limit?
HA! Not a chance and it's 18 question limit anyways :P

7) If I don't put numbers, can I evade the 20-Q limit?

8) Game system? (Xbox, PS3, etc.)
Xbox 360

10) If someone snugglehugs you, what would you do?
I'd snugglehug them back :D

11) If someone snugglepounces you, what would you do?
I'd snugglepounce them back :D

12) Where did # 9 go?
It ran away to join the circus :P

9) Ah.. Here it is.
Awww, it's act wasn't good enough D:

Well, I guess that's all for now. Cya on the forums.

The Trobble One -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: mediaevaldragon (3/21/2008 21:28:05)

Hi there.

This thread is kinda delayed, right. WHY!!!

Anyway. What's your favortie video game? Besides AE games.
At the moment... Overlord on 360. Is sooo evil :P

Can I call you triangle the II. (Alac took I)
Errr. I suppose?

Whats you least favorite thing in the world.

Me have your edit colour/font.
Heh. Stealing colours is rewd :P

Bye. [;)]
Bye :D

TreadLight -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: mediaevaldragon (3/21/2008 21:51:11)

Mediae, oh mediae.

For you I have questions;

I hope you can overcome.

But don't do a mere twiddle of your thumbs.

Thrive with the questions and glide with your answers!
HEY! I'm gliding here :P

Hi Mediae!

whitewolf 12 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: mediaevaldragon (3/21/2008 22:28:10)

I'm gonna be totally original here and refer to you as "dragon". :o
ZOMG the originality is blinding :P

Hiyas! gotta love MtAK, am I right? Well, I sure do. :)
Oh they're a bundle of fun...

1. Do you have any life goals?
For example, one of mine is to get a person with an AUSTRALIAN accent to say "The dingo ate your baby". Yes, weird. But it's my goal.
Umm. To become an Archaeologist.

2. Play any MMOs?

I hope this isn't too personal, but..

3. Favorite number?
18 for now

I understand if it's too personal. :o
Heh :P

4. Any pets? What are they?
3 cats and 2 dogs. A tortoise shell, a light grey and white, and a dark grey and white. The dogs are Rottweilers :P

That was so only one question, not two. >_>

5. Do I need to call the fashion police on you?
My fashion sense is perfect. THANKYOU very much ;P

I wanna call the fashion police. They have the coolest siren EVAR!
We could call them on you :D

6. I take it you don't support l33t speak? Or chat speak, or whatever?
Ya think?

I am so not cheating with the double questions. <_<

7. Favorite typed smiley?
:P or :D

8. Fish+cheese=Eleventyone?
Um yeah?

9. Why only 18 questions? Usually it's a number divisible by 10 or 5. :o
Original is my middle name :P

10. Favorite word?


12. Favorite country?
The one I live in!

Don't be biased! XD
I can be biased if I want to be biased ;P

13. You're asleep. You wake up and hear the doorhandle jiggle. What do you do?

A. Call the police
B. Go back to sleep.
C. Grab something and see what it is.
D. Cower in fear
E. Figure it's your older sister coming home and go back to sleep :P

I don't care what you picked, you FAILED!
-gives F-
I is teh failure? D:

14. What would you do if the world was ending?
Steal everybody's left shoe >.>

15. Pity da foo who doesn't respect his momma?
Right on brotha! ^5s

RESPECT! Tell you what it means to me! RESPEct..
Aretha Franklin FTW!

Sorry. >_>
Is good song :D

16. Favorite song?
To many to name ;)

17. Favorite T.V. show?

Aw, almost done..


Alright, all done. I might be back.
..Are you still reading this? Well, stop already. >_<
D: It's my thread. Stop ordering me around D:

joseph the great -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: mediaevaldragon (3/21/2008 23:43:56)

Alrighty then first question is....hang will say what i think then you can correct me
ok you are between the age of 19 and 31?
Nope. 18

you like the color pink?
Yes <.<

your real name starts with either A, D, M, J, R, or S ?
Nope. K

your natural hair color is a darker color?
Yep. Dark, dark brown

you know someone named Jason?

you are left handed?

and last but not least you will eat toast for breakfast in exactly 8 days?
Unlikely. Probably a scone :P

so how many of them did I get right?

and purple is better than pink...........just in case you wanted to know
No it's not :O Pink is FTW!!!

oh and how do l know these things....l am a apprentice psychic
Practice makes perfect ;)

WolvenBlade -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: mediaevaldragon (3/22/2008 0:17:21)

your name sounds.... so familiar... are you familiar with a forumer named BladeofRennd? (coz he just name changed into wolvenblade^_^)
BoR!!! You could have told your war buddies that you changed it =_= Although I did figure it out after a while :P

anyways.... on to the questions...

how come you spell medieval wrong? (I'm sure it's on purpose though..)
It's not a typo :P The 'ae' spelling is the original/alternate spelling of medieval

oh yeah and wasn't alac. the triangle?
Alac IS The Triangle. The triangle in my title signifies ownership :P

oh and I have a riddle for ya...
an army I am, countless in the battlefield
I pass even over hills and valleys,
my soldiers have uncountable blades at their disposal,
but not a single shield to count...
what am I?
(this oughta keep you hinking for a while..)
Well I'll 'hink' on it later :P

that's all... for now anyway...
(P.S. wolves are way cooler than dragons ^_^)
You only say that 'cause you know they're not :P

zak506 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: mediaevaldragon (3/22/2008 0:46:37)

ok i've got a couple of questions...i ask my friends these so...its not like i'm picking on you

do you like pie? if so which is your favorite?
Lemon meringue pie

do you believe in da boogieman? if so where do you think he lives?
Um no. But if he were real he'd live under your bed >.> <.<

if you could be any animal you wanted to what would it be and why?
A Dragon. Because they're spectacular.

do you think i'm stupid based on what i've said so far? if so tell me why...
Err no. These seem like pretty basic MtAK questions to me...

mage rogue or warrior?

God of thunder -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: mediaevaldragon (3/22/2008 0:53:52)

Hiya medival dragon, i think i saw you somewheres:O...
Pedia, Q&A or War discussion?

favorite animal? african grey all the way :)
Dragon! Or um... DEMON LLAMA!?!?!

favorite mob? (AQ, DF, MQ)

favorite hero? (AQ, DF, MQ)
Prophecy :P

now that your an AK, will it be harder as a more superior forumite?
I'll just act the way I've always acted.

Congrats and good luck on your journey as a AK

GoT*swigley line*

Shadow Spawn -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: mediaevaldragon (3/22/2008 6:11:11)


I know you somewhere before and i just want to say hello.

Can i trust you as an archknight ?
Of course. You can trust all the AKs/Mods/Admins

This is about truth and i like truth.
Truth is good

That is all and good luck,there.

Have a Good day.
You too!

2k2ewyn -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: mediaevaldragon (3/22/2008 11:48:32)


How ya doin'?

Iz the putz in your tagz for you

You have to put in a good word for me now[8D]
Hehe :P

No questions today



Edgelord -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: mediaevaldragon (3/22/2008 11:51:50)

Hiya, congrats on getting AKship.
Hiya and Thanks!

Alright, now here come the questions...Are you ready for them?

1 or 2?

8 or 8000?(choose wisely)
Wait we are talking about cookies aren't we?!?!

Purple or Pink?
PINK pink PiNk pInK

Is my name funny or strange?
It's interesting.

Alright, thats all for the questions, have fun AKing.
Thanks, I will!

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