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Fei -> Chase (5/2/2008 6:26:42)

Find a Cure

Location: Dean Warlic's Office -> Warlic -> Find a Cure
Objective: Rescue Sys-Zero!/Sys-Zero has been cured! So far, he is the only person who has had the strength to fight off Shadowscythe control!/Good job! You escorted Sys-Zero to the MASH camp and protected it while Nurse Helia attempted to cure him! This camp is no longer safe though. You'll need to move to a new camp soon.
Requirements: A member of the rebels on Moon
Release Date: 5/1/2008

  • Bloodhound

  • Warlic
  • Nurse Helia
  • Mysterious Johnson
  • Chief Duncan
  • Odessa
  • Sys Zero

    Warlic: <Character>, Nurse Helia needs your help. She may be able to cure Sys-Zero!

    Warlic: Nurse Helia would like to try a new technique to cure Sys-Zero. She is currently located at a MASH camp on the outskirts of town.
    Warlic: Due to a war-time shortage of usable ambulances, we will need to use your van.
    Warlic: You must transport Sys-Zero to the camp. Unfortunately, the road ahead is very dangerous!
    Warlic: The Shadowscythe have sent a new type of unit to hunt down Sys-Zero. It's called a Bloodhound. You must outrun it in your van!
    Warlic: The Bloodhounds are relentless! Be very careful!

    After minigame:
    Warlic: Excellent driving! You and Odessa both managed to buy us enough time to get Sys-Zero safely to the camp!
    Warlic: Your mecha was delivered here ahead of you. Now, please guard the camp from any more Bloodhounds.

    After battle:
    Nurse Helia: Very Good <Character>! The camp is safe for now! Now you can witness this new technique!
    Nurse Helia: As you know, the brain graft completely changes the personality and identity of the patient.
    Nurse Helia: We can't risk having Sys-Zero lose his identity, so I suggest this technique as an alternative...

    Odessa: Soldier! Answer for yourself! Why have you not returned to active duty?
    Sys-Zero: I... I know you.
    Odessa: Answer me now soldier! Have you joined with the enemy?
    Sys-Zero: You! You were destroyed! My... leader!
    Odessa: Wrong! We were not destroyed! Your slave, Slugwrath, failed! Now are you with us or against us?
    Sys-Zero: ARGH!! Nooooooo! I must fight! The darkness is surrounding me!!!!
    Sys-Zero: Aaagh! Must... be... strong! Hope.... lives!
    Sys-Zero: Yes! I remember! You! All hope was lost! But now, has returned! Odessa! Thank you!
    Sys-Zero: I will never allow myself to be taken by the shadows again!
    Odessa: I am glad to have you back, my friend! Now rest... The fighting ahead of us will be fierce!
    Nurse Helia: Meeting the leader he presumed was dead gave Sys-Zero the strength he needed to fight off the Shadowscythe control!
    Odessa: Thank you for all of your help <Character>. You have my gratitude.
    Odessa: You have come a long way since we first met on the moon. You have my deepest respect, hero!

    Nurse Helia: Perhaps a light spell from Warlic will help purge the dark forces from Sys-Zero's mind
    Warlic: Sys-Zero? Do you recognize me? Has your mind been cleared?
    Sys-Zero: Muahaha!!! Your pathetic attempts to rehabilitate your once proud hero are amusing, mortal!
    Warlic: I was afraid of this. The power that has taken hold of him is too strong. Let him sleep before we try again.
    Sys-Zero: Your attempts are futile... zzzZZZzzz

    Nurse Helia: Mysterious Johnson is going to help out with a new hypnotic technique this time
    Mysterious J: Sys-Zero! You shall follow my command! Snap out of your dark posession! NOW!
    Sys-Zero: Your cheap tricks do not work on us! We will completely flatten Soluna!
    Mysterious J: Mysterious Johnson's powers of suggestion are insufficient to overcome this case possession!
    Sys-Zero: We are more mysterious than you... zzzZZZzzz

    Nurse Helia: Now we are going to try a few taser blasts from Chief Duncan!
    Chief Duncan: Sys-Zero? Hello? How are you feeling?
    Sys-Zero: Ouch!... You will be the first to fall when the Shadowscythe take Soluna, Duncan!!
    Chief Duncan: Oh well! Back to the ol' drawing board! Sorry I couldn't have been more assistance, citizen!
    Sys-Zero: Did you seriously think that would work?... zzzZZZzzz

    Nurse Helia: I call this technique:Rorshach Trauma Therapy!
    Nurse Helia: Sys-Zero? Can you hear me? Do you know who I am?
    Sys-Zero: DOOOOOM!!!! We shall destroy your precious Soluna City!
    Nurse Helia: Oh no! the technique did not work! Sys-Zero is slipping back into a coma!
    Sys-Zero: Haha! You will all fall to the power of Lord Valoth... zzzZZZzzz....

    Nurse Helia: I call this technique:Temporary Lobotomy! Don't worry, it'll wear off after a while!
    Nurse Helia: Sys-Zero? Can you hear me? Do you know who I am?
    Sys-Zero: DOOOOOM!!!! We shall destroy your precious Soluna City!
    Nurse Helia: Oh no! the technique did not work! Sys-Zero is slipping back into a coma!
    Sys-Zero: Haha! You will all fall to the power of Lord Valoth... zzzZZZzzz....

    Nurse Helia: Even though Sys-Zero's has not recovered, we may still be making some progress. Let me check his charts to see...

    Stat roll, if below 50/52/54/56/58/60/62/64/66/68:
    Nurse Helia: Oh No! We spent too much time here! Another Bloodhound is attacking!*

    After battling one Bloodhound:
    Nurse Helia: Hmmm... actually, he looks a little worse...

    Stat Roll, If successful: (Sys-Zero looks a little better!)
    Nurse Helia: Great! Sys-Zero is looking a little better! I think that we are starting to make some progress!

    After 10 successful stat rolls:
    Nurse Helia: Perhaps the influence of his former leader, Admiral Pureheart, will snap him out of it...

  • Note: Wearing Hospital Uniform gives Bonus to the Stat Roll.

    Thanks to PowerJack, benny0309 for info, Keaira and ArchMagus Orodalf for corrections.

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