Shop-Related Bugs (Full Version)

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Aelthai -> Shop-Related Bugs (5/13/2008 23:42:17)

Shop Bugs
Not Bugs:
When you buy or sell an item or move an item in your inventory, you are reequipped with your default inventory. Your guest is not affected.

Several of the classes share the same "Class Armor Shop".

At the Jagged Peaks, there are several different shops that can turn up, with different items. You will have to repeat the quest until you can find the correct shop.

Problem: You buy something and when you leave the store you get an error message saying "Inventory could not be updated" or similar. You appear to lose the money and not gain the item.
Solution: Log out and log in again, you will either regain the money or get the item. This is merely a designated error to handle connection problem issues.

Known Bugs:
Problem: My item is "stuck" and will not move up or down in my inventory.
Solution: If an item gets "stuck" in an inventory slot, logging out of the game and staying logged out for at least 12 hours will allow the game to fix the item.

Before posting in these threads:

1) CHECK if the bug has already been reported, if it has your "Me too!" post is unnecessary. This means that you need to check the first post in the thread AND the last few posts in the thread, which may not yet have been confirmed or added to the first post. If you are providing additional information, or a way to work around the bug, please post.
2) Do not respond with "That's not a bug" posts. AKs are welcome to edit such things in to the post though. You may however respond if you have a way to solve the bug, such posts are welcome.
3) No pictures! Links to pictures should be used instead. Also please do not use Bitmaps for the pictures. Convert it to a more space efficient type, such as JPEG or png.
4) If your bug is fixed please delete your post.
5) Make sure you're posting in the right thread.
6) Please include ALL of the information in the template in the first post! It may not seem necessary, but these little details often allow the bug to be found.
7) If your post mysteriously disappears, it was probably deleted for violating one of these rules. Rest assured that it WAS seen, and was not a necessary post.

For instructions on clearing your cache:
For instructions on providing a screenshot:
To find your Flash version :

Please use this template when reporting:

Has this bug been reported before? Unless providing new info please do not duplicate reports.

Type of bug (Game crash/blackscreen, glitch, graphical error, typo, etc.):

Bug details:
Before bug occurred:

During Bug:

After bug:

Shop/War Chest:
Equipment before entering Shop:
Screenshot link:

Did you log out and log back in?
Did you clear cache?
Did the bug happen again?
Browser Info:
Flash version:

Avro -> RE: Shop-Related Bugs (5/15/2008 16:20:11)

Bug details: The Z-Token shop has nothing to sell.
Before bug occurred: I was farming at Fairwind Springs and Nightbane's Castle.

During Bug:
I was at the shop trying to see some Z-Token items. However, there were no items.

After bug: I continued to farm.

Shop/War Chest: Z-Token Shop
Equipment before entering Shop: My current equipment. Link is under my avvy.
Screenshot link: Can't get one, photobucket is blocked.

Did you log out and log back in? Yes.
Did you clear cache? Yes.
Did the bug happen again? Yes.
Browser Info: Firefox version
Flash version:


The Z-Token Shop is not empty for me. This means that the problem is probably on your end. Here are some things you can try:
  • Log out
  • Clear your cache
  • Close your browser
  • Reopen your browser
  • Log back in
  • Check the shop to see if it has items again.

    I know you've already done that (Thanks for following the template, by the way!), but it can't hurt to try again.

    I hope that this solves the problem. If it doesn't, you may have something blocking the Z-Token Shop; you may have to try accessing it on another computer.
    Can you access other shops? Do you receive an error message, or is it just empty?
    Good luck! ~Aelthai

  • need a name -> RE: Shop-Related Bugs (5/19/2008 3:40:11)

    The Price of the "Kaga Moonstone" item hasn't changed in WEEKS, seriously, bug or no longer changes?

    Not a bug. Those prices must be changed manually, and to say we've been busy on higher-priority tasks would be a grand understatement. ~westwind

    entity azirius -> RE: Shop-Related Bugs (5/22/2008 20:42:01)

    Type of bug (Game crash/blackscreen, glitch, graphical error, typo, etc.): Game crash.

    Bug details: Game crashes each time I visit a shop, but it only seems to happen the first time I load up the game.
    Before bug occurred: Wars, events & quests.

    During Bug: The game just stops at the "Please Wait..." screen preparing the shop, it wont continue on from this screen and it does this every time I've started up the game and gone on a quest/event/war boss chest. But only on my first time going to that shop, attempts afterwards work okay.

    After bug: Works okay after the bug, but its a hassle to have to go through a quest twice just to get the rewards.

    Shop/War Chest: Zorbak's Mistake & the last war boss chest.
    Equipment before entering Shop: The equipment I had equipped for Zorbak's Mistake was: Shadow Cloak, Shadow Shield, Lightning Rod, Poelala and Nerfkitten.
    Screenshot link: *edited out by request - see Captain Rhubarb's edit below for the response* ~Aelthai

    Did you log out and log back in? Only if I wanted to redo the quest.
    Did you clear cache? I always clear my cache before a new release to make sure I get all the updated files.
    Did the bug happen again? Yes, once on the current war event and on the Zorbak's Mistake chest.
    Browser Info: Latest edition of Mozilla Firefox
    Flash version: The latest edition of Flash.

    Also, after checking the link for the screenshot, I'd appreciate it if you would remove the link, I don't want a plethora of people to find that on my site, its just there for convenience when FTP isn't an option ^_^ Thanks.

    EDIT: Try visiting any other shop in the game before you start on a long quest to make sure the shop system is working on your computer right after you login.

    YiKo -> RE: Shop-Related Bugs (5/26/2008 6:35:12)

    Bug details: Mist Maiden Head Doesnt Get Permanantly Bought.
    Before bug occurred: Finding the Mist Maiden

    During Bug: I bought the head and it took my gold away like normal.

    After bug: I go to items and the Mist Maiden's Head isnt there.

    Shop/War Chest: Mist Maiden Shop
    Equipment before entering Shop: Psycho Sword, Knight Armour, Wooden Shield, Pet Whisel, My Flogg.
    Screenshot link: Dont have one sorry.

    Did you log out and log back in? Yes.
    Did you clear cache? Yes.
    Did the bug happen again? Yes.
    Browser Info: Internet Explorer 6.0
    Flash version:


    The item you get from that quest is called the Leech Head. I see one of those on your character sheet. ~Aelthai

    krisrad -> RE: Shop-Related Bugs (7/12/2008 12:41:02)

    Bug details: I can't get none of the spells in my inventory over the #12 slot.

    Before bug: I was in Warlick's new costum spell shop and I purchased the spell. I then started moving it up in my inventory. it would not go pass the 12th spot. none of the will.

    After bug: Logged out and in, still didn't work. Cleared my cache and Log out/in still no good.

    Shop/war chest: Warlicks new shop
    Equipment before entering: I think I had lightning rod, wizard robes, asgardian shield, fire and energy guests from primal, and yellow marble.
    Did bug happened again?: Yes, hasn't stopped.
    Browser info:Yahoo
    Flash: Recent

    More info: only on this charater(15189813). Can't move spells below 12th spot either.


    Known Bugs:
    Problem: My item is "stuck" and will not move up or down in my inventory.
    Solution: If an item gets "stuck" in an inventory slot, logging out of the game and staying logged out for at least 12 hours will allow the game to fix the item.

    cormy1 -> RE: Shop-Related Bugs (7/16/2008 17:39:31)

    Not sure if this is a bug...

    Bug details: Ballyhoo not giving more money even when I lvl up.
    Before bug happened: Logged on and went to ballyhoo
    After bug:just kept watching ballyhoo ads then logged off when done.
    Equipment:Default items;long sword steel plate, no shield no accesory
    Did bug keep happening? Yes the ballyhoo keeps giving me 660 gold ever since lvl 66, I am now lvl 68, I thought it was 10gold per lvl...
    Browser info:internet explorer

    Doklim Falcon -> RE: Shop-Related Bugs (8/1/2008 1:57:17)

    Type of bug (Game crash/blackscreen, glitch, graphical error, typo, etc.): Glitch (I think)

    Bug details: Z Token Shop only has weapons in it
    Before bug occurred: Bought 5000 Z Tokens and logged in to buy a Void Drayk

    During Bug: Z Token Shop only had Weapons

    After bug: Logged out, cleared cache and tried again. Still nothing.

    Shop/War Chest: Valencia's Z Token Shop
    Equipment before entering Shop: Blade of Awe and Guardian Plate
    Screenshot link: Photobucket is refusing to work for me at the moment, so I can't get one...

    Did you log out and log back in? Yes
    Did you clear cache? Yes
    Did the bug happen again? Yes
    Browser Info: Internet Explorer 7
    Flash version:

    Edit: You can get around this by entering the shop, closing it and then clicking on the "Enter the Z-Token Shop" button again. However, this version has everything except weapons in it.

    EDIT: There are two Z-Token Shops now. One with all weapons, and the other with no weapons.

    Shouldn't they both be available the first time you talk to Valencia, though? Because there's only one button Z Token shop available when you talk her at first - Doklim

    They are now. ~Aelthai

    Soccer_boy99 -> RE: Shop-Related Bugs (8/4/2008 3:30:45)

    Type of bug (Game crash/blackscreen, glitch, graphical error, typo, etc.): Glitch (minor)

    Bug details: In Granemor cemetary, after you finish fighting (i think) 3 monsters, you get to Halenro and you get 3 options: 1. Quest Again 2. I challenge you! 3. Paladin Shop. If you double click on Halenro (not the orange/red option bubble that you get), you enter the shop automatically.

    Before bug occurred: I already did this once, so i went on some kind of paladin quest and i finished it and went for another run, by clicking on the cemetary.

    During Bug: You enter the Paladin Storeroom

    After bug: You are sent back to Halenro, as if nothing happens.

    Shop/War Chest: Paladin Storeroom
    Equipment before entering Shop: Shadow cloak, nemisis shield, R.U.B, Krenos as guest, Nerfkitten as pet
    Screenshot link: N/A

    Did you log out and log back in? No
    Did you clear cache? No
    Did the bug happen again? I haven't tried it after relogging in (im an adventurer and its hard to log in)
    Browser Info: Internet Exp.
    Flash version: Not sure.

    Comments: Well its not like its a huge glitch or anything, maybe it was intended to be like that, who knows. I just found it wierd that double clicking the npc would send you into a shop, thats all.

    nomore -> RE: Shop-Related Bugs (8/8/2008 0:37:48)

    Type of bug: Graphical (mnor)
    Bug Details: After I bought the Zombie Bane Scepter (lvl 92), the next battle I went into I had the default face, long sword, and shield (it's been awhile since I was an adventurer; is there a default shield?)

    Before Bug Occured: Completeing the Golden Set quest
    After Bug: I re-equiped my Staff of Awe, no shield, and Guradian Plate. Everyhting went back to normal.
    Shop/War Chest: Golden Set final shop

    Equipment Before Entering: Shadow Cloak, ReignBringer, Nemesis shield, Red Muhrble, Dragon and Wolf guest.
    Screenshot link: Sorry, didn't think of it.

    Did you log out and log back in? No
    Did you clear cache? No
    Did the bug happen again? No
    Browser Info: Internet Explorer
    Flash version: Most recent

    Comments: I'm pretty sure this is the right thread. Sorry if it's not. The bug's not a big thing; I just had to re-equip eveything and it was fine.

    shatterdragon -> RE: Shop-Related Bugs (8/15/2008 21:35:07)

    in the ranged shop where you buy the misl stuff that has the sell back price as the same as the buying price & it tells you 2 sell it when its value is higher. i bought the razz stone thing for 83,124 gold & now its buying price is 92,360 gold but when i go 2 sell it back its sell back still says 83,124 gold & the kaga stone i bought at 858 but now is bought at 954 but will only let me sell it for 858

    SivartSlasher -> RE: Shop-Related Bugs (8/21/2008 10:37:22)

    When I sold back my house guards(ice, and a fire dragon ) i did not get the 440 tokens each. I got no tokens.

    I was wearing obsidian cloak the double attk one.
    Ninjat pet, dreamcatcher, and psycosaber. I have logged back in. did not clear catch? how do i do that.

    before was questing and fighting.

    after( other than being really mad) logging back in and coming here.

    Help plez!

    EDIT: It sounds like you bought and sold the 2200 Gold Ice and Red Dragons. (not the Z-token ones)

    Nephilim -> RE: Shop-Related Bugs (8/21/2008 15:01:26)

    Bug details: I can't swap any type of inventory except the last two slots.

    Before bug: Bought new equipment and wanted to move it further up in list.
    After bug: Logged out and in but nothing changed. Log out for 12 h --> Been on vacation for one week and still no change.

    Shop/war chest: any
    Equipment before entering: happens all time, independant of equipment.
    Did bug happened again?: Yes, hasn't stopped.
    Browser info: Firefox

    Character-no: 3563200
    Type: X-Guardian

    hope you find a solution! thanks in advance!



    Known Bugs:
    Problem: My item is "stuck" and will not move up or down in my inventory.
    Solution: If an item gets "stuck" in an inventory slot, logging out of the game and staying logged out for at least 12 hours will allow the game to fix the item.

    After bug: Logged out and in but nothing changed. Log out for 12 h --> Been on vacation for one week and still no change.

    Jambi -> RE: Shop-Related Bugs (8/26/2008 1:18:26)

    Type of bug: Glitch (I believe)

    Bug details: Forest Tent and Darkrovia Tent both cost 250 tokens.
    Before bug occurred: Nothing

    During Bug: Forest Tent cost 250 tokens instead of 200, couldn't buy it with my secondary (he had 200 tokens at the time)

    After bug: Left the shop and tried clearing my cache and everything else, still no fix.

    Bugged Item: Forest Tent
    Equipment worn during bug: On multiple characters, but starting equipment (Guardian plate, Staff of Awe, Steel Plate, Steel Longsword
    Screenshot link:

    Did you log out and log back in? Yes multiple times
    Did you clear cache? Yes
    Did the bug happen again? Yes
    Browser Info: IE7
    Flash version: 9.0.124
    How fast is the CPU(s) in your computer? Shouldn't matter for this one I don't think

    This is a change to the price ~Aelthai

    PicksAtFlies -> RE: Shop-Related Bugs (9/4/2008 17:13:03)

    Type of bug (Game crash/blackscreen, glitch, graphical error, typo, etc.): glitch

    Bug details: Therris not responding in "Save Animals" Animal Sanctuary in Aria's shop
    Before bug occurred: quested successfully for Spineback and Therris, and unsuccessfully for Scree

    During Bug: No response on click

    After bug: Nothing special. All other animals in sanctuary respond normally.

    Shop/War Chest: see above
    Equipment before entering Shop: originally - Dragon and various pets; after login - nothing except basic equipment
    Screenshot link: none

    Did you log out and log back in? - yes
    Did you clear cache? - no
    Did the bug happen again? - yes
    Browser Info: FF3
    Flash version: unknown. Seriously, I couldn't find it anywhere I expected to find it. Should be latest version.

    When you say "not responding", what do you mean? ~Aelthai

    Lasher67 -> RE: Shop-Related Bugs (9/26/2008 5:25:05)

    I also have the inventory bug. Mine is more obvious with my "Pets" category and while some pets will move, some slots refuse to budge. Never had a problem with my "Spells" slots.

    I logged out of the game and staying logged out for at least 12 hours to allow the game to fix the problem, but this affected nothing - it is still a bug.

    tombo77 -> RE: Shop-Related Bugs (10/22/2008 16:58:29)

    Type of bug: glitch

    Bug details: Im stuck as a "Human Werepyre" so i cant buy the Werepyre Axe it only gives me the Human Scepter

    Before bug occurred:not sure when it happened.

    During Bug: Tried to switch But the human tag wont go away

    After bug: still there

    Shop/War Chest: The GraceFang/NightReign Cycle: 4-Way Darkovia War!
    Equipment before entering Shop: Primal garb, theroin's spike, night shield.
    Screenshot link:
    Did you log out and log back in? Yes
    Did you clear cache? Yes
    Did the bug happen again? Yes
    Browser Info: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera.
    Flash version: 9,0,124,0

    Click on the Scepter to change its type. ~Aelthai

    holymother -> RE: Shop-Related Bugs (12/12/2008 13:29:12)

    Type of bug: Glitch

    Bug details: I finished the Ebil Twilly Quest and there were no items to buy in the quest shop.
    Shop/War Chest: Ebil Twilly Quest located in Zorbak's Hideout

    EDIT: BUG Fixed! Thank you for reporting it.

    Msm -> RE: Shop-Related Bugs (1/1/2009 20:33:34)

    Bug details: Its kindof like your "stuck" glich only I can move the item up or down as long as it stays in storage, but I cant move it into my active invenrory.
    I am talking about the pet "Naughty Helves", all the other pets work, and it hasnt fixed itsself at the time of this edit

    EDIT: This is a known bug, and gets automatically fixed, if you stay logged out of the game for at least 12 hours.
    An automatic process will fix your inventory items when you next login.

    noobicus -> RE: Shop-Related Bugs (1/1/2009 20:38:25)

    I bought all the gift boxes from the shop, and I double checked that I had them all since I knew I was going on holiday during the time that they would open and wasn't guaranteed access to internet. But when I logged in today all the gift boxes had opened exept for the armor one, and there is just a blank space in my inventory. I wasnt sure where to put this but im guessing it was a shop bug, maybe not registering the purchase or something. Its a bit annoying not having the full set

    "blank space" ... do you mean it looked like there was an item there but it was blank? ~Aelthai

    Yeah theres just a blank space where they should be an item, cant click on it or anything

    What shows up on your character page? ~Aelthai

    Habistus -> RE: Shop-Related Bugs (1/3/2009 0:56:43)


    During Bug: The game just stops at the "Please Wait..." screen preparing the shop, it wont continue on from this screen and it does this every time I've started up the game and gone on a quest/event/war boss chest. But only on my first time going to that shop, attempts afterwards work okay.

    I had this happen to me, too (Zorbak-Quest: Musean Museum of the Strange and Bizarre).
    How about a time-out sensor similar to the Blue Scroll options ?

    Habistus -> RE: Shop-Related Bugs (1/7/2009 8:49:34)

    Attempted to move Muhrble pets up the storage but it got stuck below Scarred Rose.
    Attempted to move Scarred Rose below Murhbles but it remained fixed in that stored inventory slot...
    Cleared cache and re-attempted. The movements were still stuck...

    ...sold the Scarred Rose then was able to move pets around normally in inventory.

    Browser = Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; fr; rv: Gecko/2008120122 Firefox/3.0.5
    Flash Version = 10,0,12,36
    O/S = Vista Home Premium
    Time = Around 05h38 PST on 07 Jan 0012TL (2009CE)
    Players On-Line = Eh!? I don't really know/check this as I always open the direct page to instead of from the main page...
    Cache Cleared = During the middle of bug after a few attempts at moving the Muhrbles above the Scarred Rose and the Scarred Rose below the Muhrbles in the Stored Inventory slots without success...
    Fix = I had to sell that Scarred Rose...something I never really used anyway since I stick with the Ebil Toys for melee/magic defense-reduction effects for a Darkness pet.

    Did you try waiting while completely logged out for it to clear itself? ~Aelthai

    EDIT: This is a known bug, and gets automatically fixed, if you stay logged out of the game for at least 12 hours.
    An automatic process will fix your inventory items when you next login.

    Bosno -> RE: Shop-Related Bugs (1/20/2009 3:28:16)

    Bug detail : "Inventory stuck" bug, but VERY persistant

    Did you log out and log back in? Yes
    Did you clear cache? Yes
    Did the bug happen again? Yes
    Browser Info: Firefox 3+, Internet Explorer 6+
    Flash version: the newest one
    Logged out for 12 hours? 10 days for this character, more than 12 hours for my account.

    Bugged Character : my secondary

    EDIT: I manually fixed this for your character.
    The automatic fixer thing only runs for characters that have purchased extra slots.
    Because, in theory, only inventory moved around via storage space can get "stuck" like this.

    maccamax -> RE: Shop-Related Bugs (1/21/2009 12:52:48)

    i got vorpal edge from shop took away 10k gold put i look in weapons and it's not there

    edit: whoops it's in storge

    Jumping Monks -> RE: Shop-Related Bugs (1/30/2009 12:45:53)

    Type of bug uh, glitch?typo?

    Bug details: i apparently have 11/10 armours, 7/8 shields, 9/8 pets, and 9/8 misc items
    Before bug occurred: it showed a true representaion of how many inventory slots i have

    During Bug: says it have less inventory slots than i do

    After bug: uh...

    Shop/War Chest: every shop
    Equipment before entering Shop: n/a
    Screenshot link: uh...

    Did you log out and log back in? yup
    Did you clear cache? yup
    Did the bug happen again? yup
    Browser Info: IE 8
    Flash version: whatever the latest one is

    Mine are displaying properly. Did you perhaps recently sell a House? The higher-end Houses provide storage space. ~Aelthai

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