RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnights: Manofthetrees and Blue Waffle (Full Version)

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The Game -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnights: Manofthetrees and Blue Waffle (5/24/2008 13:34:24)

Well, I do not have any questions. I just stopped by to say congratulations! :D
I haven't seen you in a while, but thanks!

dragon ice -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnights: Manofthetrees and Blue Waffle (5/24/2008 15:15:58)

would you like a spot of tea
I must say im more of a coffee person, but teh wafful might want some!
you met adam
No, and probably never will, unless over the internet. Almost definately not in person.
you like mq or df
Dragonfable, more of a fantasy guy myself.
wat city are you from
Somewhere in the south-eastern massachusetts area
well bye well bye waffle trees
Bye bye!

ShyTrake -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnights: Manofthetrees and Blue Waffle (5/24/2008 15:24:40)

Hi Mista Tree guy!
Can you respond to this question in purple?
Heck no.
MQ, DF, or AQ?
DF must be my favorite, but AQ holds a special place in my heart, ive been playing for 3.5 years.
Do you think Oboma is a terrorist?
No. I do think that he poses a serious threat to our nation, but our economy, not our world trade centers.
Can I edit more questions into this post?
Yes, but I wont see them.
I got a slurpee :P
Who's better in digital art, me or you (This is obvious[:D])?
As of now, you. As of the end of this summer, me. (MAYA ftw?)
Trees or waffles?
Do you like pie?
Yes, it is very great.
Did you know dudet doesn't mean Female? It means elephant butt[:)]
Did you know that maturity doesn't mean mature? It means immature.
So, hellow Waffle.

Why are you blue?
Well... You see... there's a completely reasonable explanation that I can't seem to remember.

Trees or waffles?
Pfft.. Waffles p00n trees.

How's being an AK?
It's entertaining.

Mclane or Clinton?
The one who's less likely to mess this country up even more.

Can I post 21 questions?
If I say yes, will you not do it?

Are you serious like Cool Dragonz, or are you screw around like me?
It depends.

Answer this in in pink please.
No thank you. :]

Am I doing anything wrong?
I don't know, are you?

That will be all Tree of Waffles...Both your names combined.

Memory of a Nightmare -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnights: Manofthetrees and Blue Waffle (5/24/2008 15:27:55)

For Manofthetrees
Hiyas treehugger!
Why did you choose a treehugging lifestyle? Flower Power?
Fell in love with it during 6th grade.
What makes you laugh?
The sitcom "friends"
Can you draw good?
I like to think so, I will be better by the end of this summer though.
You created Undead Zard right?
Kind of, I created the Zardolich of Sensing, I think I called it. Which was essentially an undead zard with special abilities. Basically, every time you looked at its stats, it would get stronger.

For Blue Waffle

Hiyas to you too!

I have to ask, WHY did you picked the name Blue Waffle?
Look on page 1.

What makes YOU laugh?
Many things. Especially Jeff Dunham.

Can YOU draw good?
Nope. Best I can do is weaponry.

I guess you like waffles, am I right?

And here is one for both of you, please answer it both of you.

Why do you have the same MtAK thread?
To conserve space.
He is a power-sucker.

Bye to both of you!

westward_ho! -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnights: Manofthetrees and Blue Waffle (5/24/2008 20:21:32)

Ohai there you two :-O

I was too lazy to read the thread D: So if these have been asked, while I offer my apologies... answer them anyway D:<


1. So, trees, eh? What kind of trees?

2. Seriously, why vegan? Not trying to pry, just curious.
Never like meat + lactose intolorant.
3. I think my eyes are going bad. I can barely read your edits. Is this bad?
Nah, they not be important anyways.
4. Favorite animal?
Five year old black female runt pugs born on March 5th.
5. Yeah, I can't think of anything else. It's really great to have you on board! :D
I am happy too!

Blue Waffle

1. I <3 waffles. They are a million and one times better than pancakes. Are you tasty? *jabs with a fork*
Let's not try and find out.

2. I actually have never seen you before on the forums. Perhaps once. Well met!

3. Can you converse passably in any language other than English? Are you fluent in any of those languages?
Actually, I'm originally from Yugoslavia, so I'm able to speak Croatian quite well. I'm also able to understand small bits of German (German 2 finished so far in school).

4. Are blue waffles anything like Green Eggs and Ham?
Probably not.

5. Once again, I'm dead. Another member of the AK Pirate Ship of Doom! Welcome! :D

Both! :-O

1. Favorite AE game, with a good reason why.
Probably AQ due to the fact that it's the oldest of the three. The only thing I dislike is how long the Devourer saga has lasted.
AQworlds looks pretty good. Still haven't played it yet though.

2. Favorite game, any kind, and a good reason why. Bahaha, these reasons! I'm terrible!
I can't answer that one. I've played too many to decide. This counts as: I've played over 400 different games, most of which I've beaten. Deciding is not a possibility. D:
I must admit I have been quite into Runescape recently.

3. Just one more welcome to you both! :)
Thanks. :]
Thanks so much!

taseen -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnights: Manofthetrees and Blue Waffle (5/26/2008 6:32:15)

what does that mean I'm very [:(][:-]

Basically, I get to have power of ban requesting, warning, deleting, editing, and locking posts and users in this specific forum, whereas a mod has those powers in every forum.

EDIT: woops, forgot the color!

penguin moglin -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnights: Manofthetrees and Blue Waffle (5/26/2008 7:49:06)

how much do you like penguins?[:)]

Enough not to poke them when they are hiding cleavers behind their back.

They are alright.

Iceman012 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnights: Manofthetrees and Blue Waffle (5/26/2008 12:47:57)

Ok, let's start playing 20 questions. The questions are for both manofthetrees and blue waffle. Look around you, then close your eyes and read and answer these questions.

What time is it?
Where I am, 3:04 PM.
9:45 pm.

What other RPG internet games do you play?
Runescape, Maplestory, all of AE's games.

Which do you prefer: Playstastion or Wii?
Dont have either, never used either.

Which do you like more: Burger King or McDonalds?
Teh vegan one?

Do you speak any other languages? Which ones?
I can hold my own in French.

Nintendo or Sony?

Which sport do you like best?
None to play, but Baseball and Football are fun to watch.

Do you play any instruments? Which ones?
Mah noze.

What is your favorite food?
I can't decide.
Seitan, ie 100% pure wheat gluten.

What is your favorite gameboy game?
Pokemon Yellow, because that is the very first video game I ever bought.
The only ones I have ever played are Pokemon ones, not sure which ones though.

What is your favorite Super Smash Bros. character?
Dunno, never played.

Favorite color?
Look on page 1.
Green. I think that has been answered before.
Favorite animal?
Can't decide.
Look up on this page.

Now how many questions?
I wasn't paying attention.
A few two many.

What super power would you like to have?
The ability to turn people into waffles.
I may sound like a sicko, but invisibility.

If a genie told you you could have 3 wishes, what would they be?
1. Immortality 2. Invulnerability 3. Infinite amount of wishes.
Moniez. Happiness. World peace.

Do you have any pets? What animals are there?
I have a 1.5 year old tabby maine coon cat male, a 10 year old silver maine coon cat male, and a 5 year old female black pug runt.

Which number post is this?
I really am not paying attention to it.
Huh? Wah?

How are reading these questions with your eyes closed?(Got you there, didn't I?)
Actually, I didn't close my eyes. :]
Teh turnips have pwrs like tat.

Did my last question count as 2 questions or just one?

Thanks for answering!!

DragonMaster V -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnights: Manofthetrees and Blue Waffle (5/27/2008 18:12:31)

Blue Waffle


1. Is this a nice forum?

2. Really? Press my red button. Will you, PLEASE?
What button?

3. What happened?
I don't know. There was no button.

4. WHAT?! Planet Shmozkayalinanatorine in the Galaxy Goleratoplimukfav was suppose to explode!
Really? Fascinating.

5. Well, it was either Shmozkayalinanatorine or Mantokithalophahatyrento.

DOUBLE QUESTION 6. Do you LOVE waffles? Are you blue?
Yes and only on rainy days.

7. What's your favorite color? Why?
Refer to Page 1.

8. AQ, DF, or MQ?

9. What's your ID in MQ and DF? I'm lv 20 and 40 so I want to battle you!
You can find my DF one beneath my avatar. My MQ one is not being made public until the little icon comes out below avatars.

10. I should of said this first but Congratz!

Well, that's the end of your TORCHER questions for today! *Evil Glare*


1. Are you a tree?
I be a turnip.
2. Did you read BWs questions?
3. Do you have a pet?
look in many other posts.
4. Why green?
Trees be green.
5. Is it your favorite color?
Already answered?
6. Congrazt BTW! MQ, DF, or AQ?
Thanks, and AQWorlds, I think. Haven't played it yet. darnt those history exams.
7. Can you give me your ID on MQ and DF?
Both are on the PVP lists.
8. Favorite show?
Family Guy and Friends.
9. On a scale from 1-10, whats MQ, AQ and DF?
AQ: 8.5 DF: 9 MQ: 6
10. Final question(s): Do you play any other online games(Yes or No).? Which ones(Which ones)?
I be a geilnorian. (I play Runescape in other words)
So, that's the end of your guys TORCHER questions today! Bye!

Dragon master1013 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnights: Manofthetrees and Blue Waffle (5/27/2008 18:21:56)

1 questeon only.

do you know when the houses in df will be out?
Neither do I. But if the fact that customizable starships are coming out soon, than houses should not be far behind.

Pumpkinlord -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnights: Manofthetrees and Blue Waffle (5/27/2008 18:57:38)

Don't worry this is Five questions only.

OK first, Manofthetrees:

Hi there.

1. Do you like Pokemon?
Not so much anymore.

2. Do you like my signature?
its alright.
3. Have you ever tried Bungee Jumping?
4. What is your Favorite food?
Seitan. 100% pure wheat gluten.
5. What is your Favorite sport?
None to play, although I like to watch Baseball (the NBA finals too) and Football.
Good Luck on your AKship!
Time for Blue Waffle:

Hello there.

1. What is your Favorite TV show?
Family Guy

2. What is your Favorite song?
Falling Away From Me by Korn

3. Have you ever tried Bungee Jumping?
No, and I don't intend to try it.

4. What is your hobby?
Video Games

5. Do you like my signature?

Good Luck on your AKship!
Thanks! :]

Thank you![:)]

Dragon master1013 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnights: Manofthetrees and Blue Waffle (5/28/2008 16:19:30)

ok and goodluck


Sacred DragonLord -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnights: Manofthetrees and Blue Waffle (5/29/2008 22:48:27)

WEEEE..... A Tree Lover.....Just Like ME
/suck up.

Blue Waffle and Manofthetrees Questions

  • Favorite Event?
    Frostval in AQ.
    Anything that doesn't deal with the Devourer Saga.
  • Favorite NPC?
    Artix. The still-drawn version of him first attracted my attention in a banner I saw.
  • Name of Dragon on DF?
    I forget. D:
  • Favorite Pet?
    in DF? 30 Watt Brightbulb ftw.
    Baby Splashy.
  • Character Name in AQ,DF,MQ
    Vaedryl Arborshade in AQ, Gharimkor in DF, and Vaedryl in MQ.
    BeastlySpell, Sempai, and Sempai.
  • Do You Like Waffles?
    Sorry. I'm not a cannibal. D:

  • chuperchup -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnights: Manofthetrees and Blue Waffle (5/31/2008 0:51:46)

    Hi guys and Congratulations on your Ak-ness

    1. What is the greatest park of the job?
    Teh great community of Archknights.
    The shiny buttons.

    2. Favourite School subject?

    3. (for waffles) would you ban me if i ate part of you??
    I might. o.0
    Yes. After asking InMediaRes to cook up a replacement part.

    4. If you could have anything in the world what would it be?
    <_< That's a tough call. I'd say immortality.

    5. If my Mighty ShadowReaper of Doom multiplied and came after you what would you do?
    Kill it?
    Retaliate with my Ultra Waffle Iron of Doom.

    6. last 1... what is the most dagerous thing you have ever done?
    Eat a hamburger.
    Hmm... Lean out of a 20-story window.

    well thats all for now congratz again and dont wear out the shine on your new buttons?

    I wont! yet...
    I won't for at least another while.


    hero of DOOM -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnights: Manofthetrees and Blue Waffle (5/31/2008 2:33:04)

    (some questions i want to ask have been posted already so i didn't post other questions)



    (manofthetrees)Don't i know you from somewhere?
    Yeah, im pretty much the best thing in the world.

    Pvp id of DF/MQ
    1294 in DF, and I cant remember in MQ.

    (blue waffle)have i seen you around before?
    Doubt it.

    what's your opinion of the games and the Out of Character(OOC) room?
    Love it.
    I've never visited that forum. :]

    do you like randomness?[&:]
    Not very much.

    that's all bye.

    he11ix -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnights: Manofthetrees and Blue Waffle (5/31/2008 22:24:33)

    New Archknights! Always a good sign. Or not. But probobly good. Possibly bad. No, definately good. For you.

    Questions For manofthetrees

    Since you have "trees" in your name, do you like trees?
    Yes I do.

    How about Earth Day?
    Arbor Day owns moreso.
    What is your favorite kind of tree?
    Do you beleive trees can talk?
    Um, no?
    Should I stop asking tree-related questions?
    No I love them!.
    Okay, no more tree questions.
    So you stop totally? How rude!
    Questions for Blue Waffle

    Why are you blue? Are you a moldy waffle?
    Blueberries have that effect.

    Whats it like inside a toaster?
    It is very hot and cramped.

    Has anyone ever tried to eat you?
    Many times.

    Is your best friend a green pancake?
    <_< I've never met such a creation.

    If you're a waffle that can type, do have any other waffle powers?
    Yes. I have the ability to delete your threads.

    nightranger -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnights: Manofthetrees and Blue Waffle (6/1/2008 8:03:45)

    just one question how does this have to do with suggestions??? 0_o

    You need to know who is doing all these terrible things to your threads.

    PaperClip OF DOOM -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnights: Manofthetrees and Blue Waffle (6/1/2008 9:06:43)

    Ohai guyz!1 Congratulations. ;) Now due to my laziness (and the fact I am remaking Yulgar's NPC entry... D:) I will ask both of you... THE SAME QUESTIONS! :O :O :O

    1)If I were to, hypothetically, throw a large brick at pjc - would you approve?
    Maybe if you pelted him with tofu, I would.

    2)If not, why? D:
    I do...

    3)Lord Barrius is:
    D)No Comment.
    E) B but not A.
    4)Do you like multi-choice questions?
    C) 423
    More than regular questions.

    5)Well you are going to get them anyway.
    Blasphemy! Heck no!
    D)I am sooo banning you.

    6)Who gave you guys your AKships?
    Teh kitten.
    The (slightly) insane kitten...of Doom.

    That is all I think. :p Have fun? xD
    I will?

    God of thunder -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnights: Manofthetrees and Blue Waffle (6/1/2008 12:20:01)

    Dang, only 16 years old, ^^ im older! 16 a few months ago
    Age before beauty.
    I'm probably older than you. <_< I turn 17 this October.
    Grats on that acheivement!
    Thank you.
    Who got first? Manofthetrees or Blue Waffle(lol at the name)
    Same time I think.
    Do you like bird? i have 2 of them
    Not for eating, I hope.
    Yes. But some of them are so expensive! D:
    Who likes the trees more?
    He does.
    Actually, I enjoy snapping tree limbs. :]
    Urgg.... my questions are lame im not good at this, but i wont stop! hehe
    theyre not that bad.
    Are you doing good in school?
    I was until I was given AKship.
    <_< What he said.
    Are you just a forum mod? like only helping in forum or with the game to.
    Just a forum mod. But if you fight my DF character, you will see I have a nice shiny thing to kill you with.
    D: I've yet to get my shiny AK-stick of beating.
    Blue Waffles, you like video games huh? what do you think about final fantasy 12(for DS) and final fantasy ring of fates(for DS)?
    Oopps not for me.
    I gave up on Final Fantasy after FFX. They basically began recycling the plot-lines from Tactics, and FFI - FFVI.
    I have thousands more questions but ill stop here. I know that you must be busy right now :P.
    Farewell and grats to both of yous.

    sysmic101 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnights: Manofthetrees and Blue Waffle (6/1/2008 23:06:41)

    i have two questions for now, and their for both of you

    what came first, the chicken or the egg?(in your opinion)
    I am an evolutionist. Ergo, the egg came first.
    Whichever one tasted better.

    if a tree falls in the forest and nobody is around to here it (wich they normally aren't), does it still make a sound?( your opinions)
    If that happens, then I am suddenly more lonely.
    Yes, it does.

    SiLvErWiNg -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnights: Manofthetrees and Blue Waffle (6/2/2008 9:16:39)

    *snugglehugglepounces both* because i can :D just stopped by to say hi. and tackle you. and wish both of you the best of luck ^^

    Snugglehuggleblocks both? kthxbye.
    D: I keep getting squished (or in IMR's case, Tenderized).

    aceflashdarkness -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnights: Manofthetrees and Blue Waffle (6/2/2008 10:13:54)

    congrats,my questions are for both of you,I hope ur wishes will be granted

    where do u belong?DA or Non DA owners?
    DA Owner. On all 6 characters.
    DA, SC, and Guardian on every character possible.

    what is best quest for u in dragonfable?
    'Something Fishy' from the pirate quest chain. 2k experience plus around 550 gold per trip.
    Umm, Fire cave, it was the first one ever, and I helped!

    who is ur favorite Df character?
    Artix, because of his powerful nature.
    Rolith pwns.

    what kind of armor do u like?
    Death Knight for the win.
    Light stuff, mail mostly.

    do u have a dream girl/boy?

    what is the seventh commandment of god?
    I dunno. I'm an atheist.
    Dont covet thy bible terms?

    where do u want to belong?pirate or ninja?
    Both, so that I can mess with both of the leaders. :]
    Arr! I be a key lime pi-rate

    what is ur favorite music?
    Hard rock.
    80s and 90s, some 70s and 60s.

    do u have musical instrument?
    Aside from my plastic Guitar Hero Guitar, no.
    Mah noze.

    is there a posted suggestion that released in dragonfable?
    Quite a few.

    what do u want to choose,beauty or brain?
    I'd choose intellect. Beauty alone would get you killed.
    Seeing as I obviously have both, I prefer being conceited and stuff.

    what came first,darkness or light?
    They originated at the same time.
    Spiritual much?

    OmniM. -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnights: Manofthetrees and Blue Waffle (6/3/2008 0:10:03)

    Yay! It's meet the AKs! My turn! :P

    1.What is the secret of the universe?
    2.What is your favorite color?
    I really like browns, especially when paired with pale greens.
    3.Do you believe in aliens?
    Yes, and they be hoppin the border.
    4.What is your favorite video game series?
    The only one Ive ever played was halo.
    5.You like blonde or black?
    Thats not important. Just as long as they take care of their hair.
    6.Dragons or wolves?
    7.What is your favorite book genre?
    8.Do you like to watch anime?
    Heck no.

    1.What is your favorite dinosaur?
    The T-Rex. Mainly because in Final Fantasy 8 T-Rexaur gives a level up after every fight.
    2.What is your opinion on politics?
    I'd rather keep as far away as possible.
    3.Dr.Doom or Ganon?
    Doctor Doom. Ganon is just a mindless beast (Twilight Princess).
    4.What is your favorite superhero?
    5.Your favorite band?
    6.What is your favorite anime?
    7.You like Zards or Moglins?
    Zards, because they eat the Moglins.
    8.What do you think of the war in Asia?
    It's Pointless.

    Well, that's all. See you! :)

    SlyCooperFan1 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnights: Manofthetrees and Blue Waffle (6/3/2008 16:43:25)

    Let's start with........Themanofthetrees.

    How you doing?
    Like the new AKship?
    Quite. Although it can be pretty overwhelming. And Im scared to post when not modding, dont want to do something wrong, or give us a bad name.
    AW seems pretty cool, havent seen much of it.
    Like the forums?
    3+ years of being here, quite.
    Do you like my sig?
    yeah, its pretty nice.
    What took you so long?
    For what?
    That's it for now!

    Let's go with........the Blue Waffle.

    How you doing?
    I'm all right.

    Like the new AKship?
    Yes, even though it's been over 2 weeks now.

    All of them.

    Like the forums?

    Quick Q: Do you know the Eggo Waffle commercials with the dad trying to get the waffles?

    What would you do if they were blue waffles?

    Do you like blue waffles?
    Only if you mean Blueberry waffles.

    Are you going to spray me with blueberries like you did to Jallice on the first page?
    Maybe. <_<

    That's it for now!

    Mephiles The Dark -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnights: Manofthetrees and Blue Waffle (6/3/2008 18:04:01)

    Manofthetrees and Blue Waffle....Prepare to be...QUESTIONED

    1/ Hi (just to decrease the nervosity...)
    M : *shivers*
    BW :*twitch*

    2/ Which one : WolfBlade , MystRaven or RuneHawk. (Choose the best , WB)
    M : WolfBlade. /suckup
    BW :MystRaven. Godly Damage output.

    3/ Like my sig ? (say yes or die XD)
    M : [:@]
    BW : <_<

    4/ Which one : AQ , DF , MQ or AQW (if you tested it)
    M : All of them to their own.
    BW : All of them.

    5/ How did you become a AK ? You were BattleOn forum members ? (if yes , say ur old name , if possible)
    M : BW said it.
    BW : The Kitten hired us. Most AK's were at some point regular forum members.

    6/ Which of those movies you prefered : Scary Movie , DragonHeart or Artix VS The Undead ? (yeah , Artix Rocks !)
    M : Artix vs the Undead.
    BW : I liked DFA better.

    7/ You will be nice with me ? (im just a incomprehensible talent)
    M : Be nice to us first, and we may consider a deal. Ok , lets sign a contract....XD
    BW : Maybe...

    Thats all....C ya around...AND ANSWER FAST (i always waiting...XD)

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