RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnights: Manofthetrees and Blue Waffle (Full Version)

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Arcanis The Omnipotent -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnights: Manofthetrees and Blue Waffle (6/3/2008 21:55:20)

OK i already asked but you said 2 posts, so i am not the number one priority

OK these are for both of you

Godzilla or Gamera(if you never heard of them then..... do you live in a cave)
Neither. The old movies were awful quality.
Never seen Godzilla, never heard of Gamera.

Where are you currently held captive by the -slightly- insane kitten (where are you currently located)
A box.
Under said box.

Are you guys buddies, or mortal enemies

Goth or Hippy
I'd go with goth.
Hippy, goths be scary.

Do you believe in *gulps* Politicians
Do you?
I am an active member of the Conservative Action Club at school, so yes.

Do you know what my signature means (serious question)
Huh? I edit before I see the post. And no, not at all.

thanks for answering.. also, don't forget......umm i forgot......

Oh well, good luck with the job

Mr. Pandora -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnights: Manofthetrees and Blue Waffle (6/3/2008 22:07:02)

Hmm, Alright. First off gratz on the AKship, have a cookie. Wait, there are two of you? These are intended for both of you, unless other-wize stated.

I'll get right to the point, Dogs or cats? Answer incorrectly and I shall have you hea... leaves! And doughy goodness!
The one that's less likely to poop on the carpet.

Pepsi or Coke?
Pepsi. Oh nose! I see a war coming along!

Any views on proper grammar? I'm all for it!
I'm described on Gaia Online with 1 term: Grammar Nazi.
If I was on Gaia Online, I would be defined by Grammar Nazi.

What! Do you have something against animals? (Does not apply to the syrupy waffle-(wo)man)
Vegan has something against animals? Bah!

Who enslaved captured Uh... gave you the shiny buttons?
Lord Barrius.
Same dude.

Preference on the AE games?
AQW. It's totally awesome.
AQW is pretty awesome.

Are you Captain Rhubarb?
Unfortunately, my forum title didn't become Captain Rhubarb.
I might be, havent found time to log on to see if I have it or not.

Play any instruments?
The Plastic Guitar Hero Guitar.
Mah noze.

If the core therium of 133tness is proportionate to the mass of your ego-manic vegetive state, what is it that I am trying to say? (I sure don't know!)
That if you give an illiterate enough sugar, they will become a crown of broccoli.
Yes please?

Does the number 52 hold any significance... (I can't spell it [/cry])
That's how old my Mom is. (Firefox 2.0 has a built-in spell check)
Meaning of life + 10?

Umm... That is all... Gratz again.

~Captain Rhubarb (for a day)

jakebenso -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnights: Manofthetrees and Blue Waffle (6/5/2008 19:04:04)

only one question.
do you think that they will continue the archknight storyline like they said they would?
I don't know anything about it. I did enjoy ArchKnight though.

No idea.

nuffinator77 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnights: Manofthetrees and Blue Waffle (6/7/2008 17:47:49)

My turn yay!!!!


1. Hillary, Obama, or MCcain
McCain, the only half sensible choice.

2. when do you think the world will end
By the looks of US politics, pretty soon.

3. have you ever snorted jelly beans
I hope you havent.

4. coke or pepsi

5. what will i be when i grow up
I think you might have #3'd it.

6. are you a really big nerd
Not as much as you think, just the best looking member of the AP calculus class and the AP computer science class.
7. why is purple a color
8. if i shot the sheriff who shot the deputy
He shot himself.
and now for Blue Waffle........

1. Mcdonalds, Burger King, or Wendys
The one that's least-likely to give you a heart attack.

2. do you enjoy being a AK

3. if there was such a thing as reencarnation what would you come back to be
A zombie.

4. are you religious

5. cats or dogs
Cats, because they actually know not to poop on the carpet.

6. what color shirt do i have on????
A green one.

7. what is you favorite number (mine is 7)
*dislikes math*

8. are you having a good summer
No. I'm spending it working at Kroger. D:

Thank you and have a nice day

Lord Eleglas II -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnights: Manofthetrees and Blue Waffle (6/7/2008 20:31:41)

Manofthetrees and Blue Waffle:


Oh, Draco says "Hi" too.
ur dog or ur multi?

Question time!

1. Hows the Job going?

2. Have you ever seen DragonHeart?
2a. If so, what did you like about it?
Irrelevent question I see!

3. Do you wish that you were a Dragon sometimes?
Yes. I want to Burninate all the Peoples.
Dont sue us? kudos for the Guardian Dragon reference if you got it, oh wait, im not supposed to say that.

4. What kind of Music do you like?
Hard Rock.
everything but rap.

5. What country are you in? (Me=UK)
United States.
Massachusetts. US.

6. Have you ever heard of FinalStar? (You can find me there as Draco)
Um, no.
7. What do you know about RS? (RS=RockStar Games)
8. Bwhahahaha or Muwhahahaha?
The first one.

9. Have you ever punched a wall after seeing your ex-girlfriend who slept with your Brother?
I don't have a brother.
I dont have an ex-girlfriend.

10. Have you ever spoken to Artix or Warlic or any of the Game Staff?
No, I have not.
Cysero over eMail once.

10. Have you... Draco! Put that down!! Don't throw that log at the AK's! Don't... ARGHH!

Naughty Draco, Naughty!!!

That'll have to do guys.


Sinf -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnights: Manofthetrees and Blue Waffle (6/11/2008 18:08:03)

Gratz on the AKship :D

1. Do you ever get tired of answering these questions?
No, but I forget sometimes.
Maybe. <_<

2. Favorite instrument?
I cant play one, but piano is always nice. And kazoos hold an important part in someones society. I think.
Guitar. I'm saving up money for one.

3. Got any favorite games besides the AE games?
Runescape, and WoW, unfortunately the latter is far too expensive for me.
Diablo 2.

4. Metalcore or Heavy metal?
Heavy Metal.
Heavy Metal.

5. Describe your perfect day?
The one during which it was my birthday, and I get captured by a certain Kitten. Oh wait, thats happened.
A day where I get paid to sit around and do nothing.

No more question :(

Bye ^^

Necromander -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnights: Manofthetrees and Blue Waffle (6/11/2008 19:55:29)

Hey manofthetrees and blue waffle! never seen you before...Both of you answer these questions!


Who does all yur base belong to?
Us, apparently.

Ever been snugged by a gecko?
I think so.
Yes. I've even been chomped by one. <_<

Is it can be hugz tiem naow plz?
Garmmr mch?
I can has a cheezburger?

Do you know what sound the ROFLcopter makes?
I think it cries.
Yes. It makes the sound of a drowning cat.

Favorite thing you've ever read on the Forums?
I once saw a typo "Captain Rubhard"
Probably the news that I was asked to become an AK.

If AE had unlimited resources and made another game, and gave you the decision of it's theme, what would you make it about?
3d not anime-ness
3d awesome-ness. Non-anime based, though.

What he said.

Shoe size?

Want some Pie? (IF you say NOM i will hunt you down)
Num num num.

Halo 3 or Pacman?
OOh. Combination?
Halo 3 for the win.

Bai. Hopefully you will not have to post in mah threads.
We do more pming than anything else. Any posting I do will be very constructive criticism.

EgyptianHero -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnights: Manofthetrees and Blue Waffle (6/12/2008 23:28:21)

for both of you

1.ooh eee aa?
Oooh, ooh, ee ahah, ching chang, walawalabing bang.

2.whats ur favorite food?
Seitan. ie, 100% pure wheat gluten.
Sirloin Steak.

3.favourite car?
I have a thing for maseratis.
The one that costs less to fuel (even though my family currently uses a 2002 Nissan X-terra).

4.favourite hockey team?
Arent they still on strike?
OH LORD! WHAT'RE WE GON' DO BOUT NO HOCKEY! Let's watch Nascar instead. D:

5. favourite super hero?
Spiderman makes cool movies.
The one that doesn't wear tights and hang around little boys in speedos.

No thank you.
Rob Schneider?

my answers: oh eee
2. anything with sugar
3.porsche carrera GT or lamborghini revention or corvette zr1
4. montreal canadiens ALL THE WAY!
5. Goku from dragonball GT (or z) and Wolverine from X-men
6. YOOpadnajee

shadow ruler -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnights: Manofthetrees and Blue Waffle (6/15/2008 19:53:58)

both of you can you answer these

paladin or necromancer?

your favorite weapon ?(anygame)
Not sure.

which one is beter Aq or DF
DF, although I have been playing AQ for a very long time, since 2004.

are you tired of answering questions?
By this point, yes.

that is it thank you

Glais -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnights: Manofthetrees and Blue Waffle (6/17/2008 15:05:18) second post.

what do you think of the majority of DF suggestions?
BW: Some are all right. Others need not be posted.
MT: People need to get some sense.
have you seen the movie "Iron Man?"
BW: Nope.
MT: Dont intend to either.
If so did you like it?
MT: ...
have you seen StoneFang(a DF suggestion)?
BW:I've seen Australia's version of it, and I've deleted his version before, too. =P
MT: Lol, I believe I deleted the original.
If so, did you like it?
BW: ...
do you like ninjas or pirates?
If you got to create any new town in DF however you wanted, what would it be like?
BW: I would put a small stick in the center of the town, and leave the rest as a barren wasteland.
MT: Elven Forest.
I think thats all, thanks for answering my questions.

fwooptheloop -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnights: Manofthetrees and Blue Waffle (6/17/2008 16:09:22)

What games do you have for your wii?
I have no wii.
Too many.
What Level are you or AQ
Are you a star captain on MG
Yes, if by MG you mean MechQuest, and not Magnesium.
Full Account upgrade. :]
Do you have a DA on dragonfable?
Again, full account upgrade. :]


MkillaQ -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnights: Manofthetrees and Blue Waffle (6/17/2008 20:22:45)

gratz on the AKship!!
1st Manofthetrees
Are you really a tree-hugger?
I was in the 7th grade, when I made this account.

How do you feel about the government?
I intend to write an essay about how the US is subject to totalitarian takeover.

Are you tired of these pointless questions?

If you have 17 dogs and you take away 4, how many do you have?
Not enough.

DeathKnight or Necromancer?

Next for Blue Waffle
Have you ever been attacked by a monkey?

Waffles or Pancakes?

Do you play any AE games? Whats your favorite?
I play all of AE's games.

If you could be married to any celeberty, who would it be?
The one that no longer was a celebrity. I'd rather not deal with the press and all the other problems that they deal with.

In the case that you spill chocolate pudding on your pants and fall over on the massive puddle of peanut butter on the floor and get dirty, what do you do?
..."He got chocolate in my peanut butter!" D:

Well, thats it for me. Hope you don't give me too many warnings! Bye.

One more for both of you:
Do you act nice and caring to the people who post but inside you just wish you didn't have to waste your useful lives answering the pityful questions of these lame wannabes of which I am included and forever wish this thread will close soon and that you will never have to make contact with the losers who post on this page clearly meant for the destruction of your bored souls and aching fingers of which really need a break from the terrorizing pain and misery of being stuck on this post and wasting valuable energy that could be well spent playing mindless video games and eating freshly baked cookies?

<_< It's been closed, therefore that question is no longer counted as valid.

gamersclub -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnights: Manofthetrees and Blue Waffle (6/17/2008 21:34:04)

For both of you!
Will you buy Gamersclub (#1034203)a Dragon Amulet? *joking*

I knew it!

Do you hate changing fonts?
Its a little aggravating.
Copy and paste. :]¤t=ideas.jpg
Do you like the ideas?

I dont intend to look at them, its 11:45.
Not going to look at them.

Already stated.
I'm too hungry at the moment. D:

Any Suggestions?
Yes, look at my sig for them.

"DOOOM" is 5 darkness damage over 5 turns. The DOOM pet is a drop 10% chance of getting it from any of Artixs Quests.
Posted on photobucket as I can't use pictures on this yet.
when can I attach files on this?
You dont have permission to, and I rarely do.
Only when you have more power than us. <_<

How much time do you spend on a computer a day?
Everyone says too much.
'Too much'.

manofthetree vs bluewaffles pvp winner?
Probably me.
<_< Probably him. My character is only level 27.

Last Question: Any disadvantages on being a AK other than typing all day?
The constant fear that you wont be doing enough and will be demoted.
For me, it's the fear of being eaten alive on IRC.

Last Question: Do you hate repetition?
The constant fear that you wont be doing enough and will be demoted.

Last Question: Well?
The constant fear that you wont be dong enough and will be demoted.


Thanks for your time

Repititon bugging you yet? *joke/

Most spam filled post link? Don't link to this plz lol.

Did you know non-AK can make jokes too? Thanks for your time

enix108 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnights: Manofthetrees and Blue Waffle (6/19/2008 4:12:39)

hallo i got bored soooooooo i gues ill ask both of you a question (mehehe)

which energy drink is better: NOS or Monster?
Monster, I guess.
NOS. I'm immune to Monster.

i did say a question so thats about it...........


WAFFLES i heard you play Gaia and you said you are a grammar nazi i hope you dont mean that your the guy in the hitler suit calling a bunch of chicks sexy nazis are you?
No, it means that people with poor grammar both scare and enrage me. <_<

Zuan -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnights: Manofthetrees and Blue Waffle (6/22/2008 8:33:43)

hi you 2 youre getting the same questions...don't worry i give them to all AK's


1.If you were to win a award what would it be for?

2.Who is your favourite AK? (other than yourself)

3.Who is your favourite normal member? (like your freinds who you used to or still do talk to)

4.Do you feel alot more presure now if you make a mistake?

5.why did you not place spaces in your name?

6.How long have you played the 3/4 games (if you paly AQW)

7.what does it mean to you to be an AK?

8.good luck and hope to see you around!

blue waffle

1.If you were to win a award what would it be for?
Knocking SONY off the market?

2.Who is your favourite AK? (other than yourself)

3.Who is your favourite normal member? (like your freinds who you used to or still do talk to)
I was never that active on the forum.

4.Do you feel alot more presure now if you make a mistake?
Not really since the AKs are a very understanding bunch. :]

5.Wafles? and a blue oen are you sure its not moldy?

6.How long have you played the 3/4 games (if you paly AQW)
I started with AQ years ago and branched off from there.

7.what does it mean to you to be an AK?
"I'm in ur forumz deleting ur posts!!!11!"

8.good luck and hope to see you around!

Lord Barrius -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnights: Manofthetrees and Blue Waffle (6/22/2008 15:14:21)

We've probably let this run a weeeeeeee bit long. XD Locked.

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