Ianthe -> O'Fisticuffs (6/3/2008 17:04:08)
O'Fisticuffs Race: Leprechaun Group/Affiliation: Leprechaun Nation Location 4-Leaf Clover Field! Bio: When the Wild Bingo attacked the Leprechaun Nation, O'Fisticuffs was sent to find help to take down the beast. Function: He'll fight beside you to help get rid of the Flees and Mytes, but he won't go as far as fighting the Wild Bingo with you. [image]http://media.artix.com/encyc/AQ/Deus_Ex_Machina_Eh/AQ/Encyclopaedia/OFisticuffs.jpg[/image] Thanks to Frozen Fire, Z.324, and Stephen Nix.