Guardian Dragon (Full Version)

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PaperClip OF DOOM -> Guardian Dragon (6/7/2008 3:01:41)


Guardian Dragon

Location: The Guardian Dragon, The Cave of the Dragon

Quests given

Shops owned

The Guardian Dragon

Guardian Dragon: Greetings <Character>! I have been expecting you.

Guardian Dragon: This is my home. It is a space which is one step to the left of reality. I've been waiting here for a very long time.

Guardian Dragon: Yes. I'm very hungry. It has been a very long time since I have tasted mortal food. Do you have any crackers or something?

Guardian Dragon: Well... whatever. I have summoned you here because of the legends and prophecies surrounding you and your dragon.
Guardian Dragon: Centuries ago, I left the world and the Guardians lost their last skill... the power to summon me to fight by their side.
Guardian Dragon: So I have waited here, patiently, for the one who would heal the rift between Dragons and Humans.
Guardian Dragon: I offer you this test. Face me in a test of power. If you win the test I will teach you the last Guardian skill.
Guardian Dragon: It will be yours to use as you see fit, and you will unlock this power for all the other Guardians.
Guardian Dragon: But be warned... if you fail my test....
Guardian Dragon: ... Then you will only leave this place with a brand new toaster and a gift certificate to McDrakels

Guardian Dragon: Don't worry about it.

Guardian Dragon: Hmmm. I see your point. Alright then...
Guardian Dragon: To make things more even I will unleash your dragon's full potential. Then it will be a fair fight.
Guardian Dragon: What do you say?

  • Summon Dragon and fight!
      Guardian Dragon: That's better. Let us begin!
    Guardian Dragon: Well done, hero! I grant you the power to call on me and use my strength to aid you in battle!
    Guardian Dragon: Lady Celestia was right about you. There may still be hope.

    The Cave of the Dragon

    Guardian Dragon: Greetings <Character>! I take it from you being here you wish to test yourself once more?

    Guardian Dragon: Hahaha! Well you're perceptive. Yes, I was holding back.
    Guardian Dragon: Very well! I will hold nothing back this time! If you manage to defeat me at my full strength then I will reward you with a new blade!
    Guardian Dragon: Prepare yourself, <Character>!

    Guardian Dragon: Well done! You certainly are able to stand against me when I'm not holding as much back.

    Guardian Dragon: If I showed you my true power even <Dragon> may not be strong enough right now to face me.
    Guardian Dragon: Eventually you both may become strong enough, but I am not so heartless as to do so while <Dragon> is still so young.
    Guardian Dragon: Still, you have proved that you are both capable of amazing things and I am proud to say you have great strength.
    Guardian Dragon: As your reward, you may take one of my unique Guardian Blades. It is a fine weapon and should serve you well.
    Guardian Dragon: Farewell, <Character> and <Dragon>.


    Thanks to
  • Jay for image and corrections.
  • Stephen Nix for banner.
  • Peachii for correction.

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