Go Undercover! (Full Version)

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cdfbrown -> Go Undercover! (6/8/2008 12:57:27)

Go Undercover!

Location: Soluna Police Department -> Chief Duncan -> Flip to Page 14 of Notepad
Objective: Accept on an undercover mission! / Those wolves are going to turn everyone in Soluna city into day-walking werewolves. You must stop their evil plan!
Level required: Rank 27 SPD required
Release Date: -

  • Cain

  • Chief Duncan
  • Kerbreos
  • Jack
  • Cain S.Lupus

    Chief Duncan: Great! You're perfect for this job! Grab your wolf costume and get ready fo danger!
    Chief Duncan: Okay! Wow! That fools me! You look exactly like a werewolf! Good thing we had that old werewolf costume in the back
    Chief Duncan: Oh Whoops! I almost forgot about your mask! Here you go!
    Chief Duncan: That's much better.You're starting to scare me now! I'd never know that you weren't an actual wolf!
    Chief Duncan: Okay, we need you to blend in and join the wolf gang to learn their secret plan. You will need to get a tape recording of their plan for evidence.
    Chief Duncan: Oh yeah, because of all the fur a standard wire isn't going to work... But we have this Boom Microphone for you to use!
    Chief Duncan: Wow! What a great disguise! Those wolves won't suspect a thing! Go out there and get them!

    On choosing the right answers:
    Kerberos: Hey! I don't recognize you! You must be new. Dinner starts soon. What do you want, Raw steak or Hot Dogs?
    Kerbreos: Yeah I'm going with steak too. Anyone who would eat a dog is a traitor in my book! Real Wolves eat steak!!! Hoooooowwwwl!
    Kerbreos: Anyway, how can I be sure that you aren't with the cops? What do you usually do at night? Dance with the wolves or Bark at the moon?
    Kerbreos: Ah, nothing better than a old-fashoined moon-barking! It really cleanses the soul... and scares the pants off everyone who hears it!
    Kerbreos: Anyway, I need to make sure you're not with the police! What is our leader's name? Cain S.Lupus or Felix Silvestris?
    Kerbreos: Wow! You know the boss? Go right on ahead! The super secure ultra-secret meeting is about to start! *Maybe they'll let me attend the next one*

    Jack: So, you're the new guy? We're tightening up our security. So I'll have to ask you a couple of questions!
    Jack: First - What is your preffered method for entering a locked building?....
    Jack: Do you blow the door down or jump down the chimney?
    Jack: That's right! Only a real wolf has the lung capacity to huff and puff enough to blow the door down!
    Jack: Okay quick! Choose Mozart or Beethovan!
    Jack: Oh yeah! The music of Wolfgang is the official sound track for the wolfgang!
    Jack: Alright, last question... what is your excuse for missing work, Therianthrophy or Lycanthrophy?
    Jack: You know, the doctor said that I have Lycanthrophy too. Do you think it's contagious? I hope you get well soon!
    Jack: Well, you've convinced me! Go inside and keep a look out for an imposter. I heard the police are on to us!

    Cain S.Lupus: Okay, listen up wolves! Hey,who is that?I dont recognize him.
    Jack: Oh, that's the new member! Don't worry though, he is cool.
    Cain S.Lupus: I don't trust him. I think he looks a little fishy... Hey you, wolf cub! Answer some questions for me.
    Cain S.Lupus: What's worse? My bark or my Bite?
    Cain S.Lupus: That's right! While my bark is truly frightening, it's my bite which is truly deadly!
    Cain S.Lupus: Well, have you ever impersonated someone's grandmother? Yes or No
    Cain S.Lupus: Very good! Wolves are masters of disguise. I've impersonated everything from sheep to grandmas to trick and capture my prey!
    Cain S.Lupus: Alright now this is a hard one! What kind of flowers do you buy for your true love? Atropa Belladonna or Arnica Montana?
    Cain S.Lupus: Ah yes! Excellent! Atropa Belladonna - the deadliest nightshade. Smells like roses to the true wolf who revels in the shade of night!
    Cain S.Lupus: You know what, kid? I like you! Stick with me and we'll go places! Now to reveal the secret plan!
    Cain S.Lupus: As you all know, this is no ordinary telescope! It can actually collect moonlight which we store with a lunar capacitor!
    Cain S.Lupus: We have stored enough lunar power to light an entire city!
    Cain S.Lupus: I have learned my grandmother's secret recipe for baking delicious moon pies!
    Cain S.Lupus: I am infusing grandma's pie with the light of the moon and some wolf fur to make Lycanthro-Pies!
    Cain S.Lupus: These pies will turn everyone in Soluna city into werewolves! Our first shipment is going to the Knife and Spork tomorrow at midnight!
    Cain S.Lupus: Howwwwwwl! Grandma would've been so proud!
    Kerbreos: Howwwwwwl!
    Jack: Howwwwwwl!
    Chief Duncan: Krizzzzzt! Great work, <Character>! We have to stop that shipment! Return to base immediately!
    Cain S.Lupus: Hey! You're not a wolf! You're a police informant! *Although, I must admit, this is a great disguise!* Get him!
    Chief Duncan: Krizzzzzt! Oops! Sorry!

    Fight Cain!

    Chief Duncan: Excellent work! You are the best undercover agent I have ever known. Now we know their secret plan. We have to stop those pies!
    Chief Duncan: I'm sorry I blew your cover. I just got so excited about the mission. Great Job! You have been promoted to <Rank>!


    The right answer for the Undercover mission is as follows:

    Kerberos - Raw Steak -> Bark -> Cain

    Jack - Blow it down -> Mozart -> Lycanthropy

    Cain S. Lupus - Bite -> Yes -> Atropa Belladonna

    *Thanks to #13 for original entry, cdfbrown for corrections!*

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