DarkSplatter (Full Version)

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Astral -> DarkSplatter (6/10/2008 9:16:35)


Also see:Location: Z-Token Item Shop
Element: Darkness
Type	Z
Level	89
PowLvl	99
MPLvl	96

Price	2350
S <48h	2115
  >48h	587

MPCost	366
Hits: 10
Type: Magic
Element: Darkness
1st - 6th Hits
Damage	13-20
Stat%	0
BTH	20

7th, 8th and 9th Hits
Damage	13-20
Stat%	240
BTH	20

10th Hit
Damage	33-62
Stat%	350
BTH	40
Say the magic words and the dreaded Darksplatter will smash your enemies with 10 hits of Darkness damage!


Information courtesy of Kalanyr.


June 10, 2008: The spell was released.
June 8, 2012: Price and sellback were swept. Old values were:
Price	10955
S <48h	9895
  >48h	5497
June 15, 2017: Price and sellback were swept. Old values were:
Price	7300
S <48h	6570
  >48h	3650

Ianthe -> RE: DarkSplatter (7/15/2008 11:50:49)


Location: Special Forum Trade-in (No longer available)
Element: Darkness
Type	Z
Level	89
PowLvl	99
MPLvl	96

Price	N/A
Sell	587

MPCost	366
Hits: 10
Type: Magic
Element: Darkness
1st - 6th Hits
Damage	13-20
Stat%	0  
BTH	20

7th, 8th and 9th Hits
Damage	13-20
Stat%	240
BTH	20

10th Hit
Damage	33-62
Stat%	350
BTH	40
Say the magic words and the dreaded Darksplatter will smash your enemies with 10 hits of Darkness damage!


Information courtesy of Kalanyr.


June 10, 2008: The spell was released.
June 8, 2012: Sellback was swept. Old value was 500.
June 15, 2017: Sellback was swept. Old value was 3650.

Carandor -> RE: DarkSplatter (1/18/2017 19:25:01)


«Darkness spell with an accurate hit.»

Location: Equipped on Zorbak when playing as him in Frostval '14: It's a Wonderful Life of Crime! ; the Well part of Death's Domain.
Element: Darkness

PowLvl: YourLevel
MPLvl: YourLevel
MPCost: round(38.1 + 2.3375*MPLvl + 0.01125*(MPLvl^2)) MP

Hits: 5
Type: Magic
Element: Darkness

Base: round(2*0.5*(5.25 + 0.5625*PowLvl + 0.00375*PowLvl^2))
Random: round(4*(5.25 + 0.5625*PowLvl + 0.00375*PowLvl^2)) - 2*Base
Stat%: round(100 + 6.6*PowLvl)*
BTH: rounddown(PowLvl/4)

*On top of the normal stat bonuses, the spell gets +CHA*3/80 stat damage, and +CHA/40 stat BTH.

Don't tell anyone, but Zorbak can cast a few healing spells too!


Numbers thanks to In Media Res.


Starts off as a standard spell:

Deals *1.4 damage as compensation for the lack of appropriate equipment while playing as Zorbak. Four hits of *2/11 damage. 1 hit of of *3/11 damage with a +10 BTH lean.

All this has ALREADY been factored into the below numbers.


December 11, 2014: The spell was released.


Numbers are per hit.
Level	0	5	10	15	20	25	30	35	40	45	50	55	60	65	70	75
MPCost	38	50	63	76	89	104	118	134	150	166	183	201	219	238	257	277

1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th hits
Damage	0-1	1-2	1-2	1-3	1-3	1-4	2-5	2-6	2-6	2-7	3-8	3-9	3-10	4-11	4-12	4-13
Stat%	6.36	8.46	10.56	12.66	14.76	16.86	18.96	21.06	23.16	25.26	27.36	29.46	31.56	33.66	35.76	37.86
BTH	0	1	2	3	5	6	7	8	10	11	12	13	15	16	17	18

5th hit
Damage	2-5	3-9	4-12	5-15	6-18	8-22	9-26	10-30	12-35	13-39	15-44	16-49	18-54	20-59	22-65	24-70
Stat%	34.16	45.44	56.71	67.98	79.26	90.53	101.8	113.08	124.35	135.63	146.9	158.17	169.45	180.72	191.99	203.27
BTH	10	11	12	13	15	16	17	18	20	21	22	23	25	26	27	28


Level	80	85	90	95	100	105	110	115	120	125	130	135	140	145	150
MPCost	297	318	340	362	384	408	431	456	481	506	532	559	586	614	642

1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th hits
Damage	5-14	5-15	5-16	6-18	6-19	7-20	7-21	8-23	8-24	9-26	9-27	10-29	10-30	11-32	11-33
Stat%	39.96	42.06	44.16	46.26	48.36	50.46	52.56	54.66	56.76	58.86	60.96	63.06	65.16	67.26	69.36
BTH	20	21	22	23	25	26	27	28	30	31	32	33	35	36	37

5th hit
Damage	25-76	27-82	29-88	32-95	34-101	36-108	39-115	41-122	43-130	46-138	49-145	51-153	54-161	57-170	59-178
Stat%	214.54	225.82	237.09	248.36	259.64	270.91	282.18	293.46	304.73	316	327.28	338.55	349.83	361.1	372.37
BTH	30	31	32	33	35	36	37	38	40	41	42	43	45	46	47

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