RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (Full Version)

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Rimblade -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/12/2008 10:24:15)

Indeed, OoT/Ralor. These are examples of 'creative' attacks which, being unblockable by everything short of godmodding by most characters, should be polite enough to refrain from existing. Seriously.

'As the dropoffs begin, Immazappyguy scans the arena, taking the measure of each of his competitors in turn. He gave a low whistle, clearly impressed- though by no means awed- by the quality and variety of the equipment in evidence. It seemed to him that, if this battle went on for too long, his chances of winning would rapidly decrease. Therefore...

"Uberi, Xahhtiw enoyrevel lik!" He intoned, feeling the words twist the ambiant mana about him. He blinked once, slowly and deliberately, clearing his eyes of dust. As he opened them again, he observed the lines and pockets of charge which lay over the arena like some nightmare patchwork quilt. Immazappyguy reached into one of the nearest pockets, his hand a blur as he shaped gesture after gesture, building the latent mana-friction in the earth and shaping it into...

With the gathered power, Immazappy guy reached out and added just a touch of energy to the brains of his competitors, instantly killing every single one of them. AHAHAHAHAHAHA.'

And then, of course, you could easily just head off on a rampage all over LORE, a'killin and a'slayin. Soon, no one could stop you!* Anyway, there's that over with.

*Apart from the VAST number of heroes who adeptly weild power over the elements and are armed with old and esoteric artifacts of power, not to mention tragic backstories which they can draw upon in a moment of great stress and sadness to provide them with the strength to overcome ANYTHING, and that includes having their brains ripped suddenly to shreds.

Nightly -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/12/2008 10:47:30)

Rimblade... You scare me.

Also, Gedd, wind technically is the strongest. All we need to do is suck the air away from your body. Its pretty simple.

The Dragon Knight -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/12/2008 10:56:08)

Exactly as Rimblade said, Ralor. Believe me, you do not want to take me lightly. I'm not talking about my character, I mean me. I have an ARP title for a number of reasons, and one of those reasons is my ability to identify, and refrain from using, god-modding abilities. Even if you were simply making an example, it's somewhat bad form to post that kind of ability here. Any ability that directly interferes with another character's physical composition is a god-mod. By that token, for example, if Kell were playing Alex, last year's water champion, again this time round, it would be impossible for you to, say, freeze him solid, thereby winning the match, despite him being pure water.

As for your statement about water being potentially one of the most destructive elements, I agree. My point was simply that MOST people see it for its healing and defensive properties, not for its offensive capabilities. Don't you worry, though, I plan on making a good showing in my first EC, and I can assure you that I've got some uses of water up my sleeve that nobody here has probably ever seen before.

Hmmmm.... I wonder what would happen if both TD and I were sent to the Fountain arena? As he mentioned to me last night, it would probably be..... bad for everybody else.

Biophysicist -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/12/2008 11:15:18)

Or I could trap you all in ice cubes. The point is, the purpose of an RP is to have fun. So if you just glance at everyone and, say, draw all the water out of their bodies, not only will you have no fun, you will get kicked from the EC, and possibly get Cyrused. So.

And why does Rimblade remind me of Douglas Adams? I can't be the only one to think of 'They hung in the air in more or less exactly the way bricks do not.' when he said that those abilities should be 'polite enough to refrain from existing'.

deltora94928 -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/12/2008 11:19:39)

Thanks for the advice, master dragon sir! I Will be sure to use that to its fullest!

@Ronin: Why Aren't the fire elemental fighters in the list yet?

Geddesmck -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/12/2008 11:28:45)

Every element has attacks that could kill people instantly I think. Light and darkness might be exceptions. I think the idea is that such subtle magic only works on people with weak magical resistance or who are unaware of it being cast. For example Ronin did the whole 'dehydrate' thing with water against Roch at the beginning of the battle, but it took most of the dropoffs to have any real effect. Also, last year Varin drew all the heat out of Art of Blades character's body, but again it took some time and only worked when the two quite close to each other. Those kind of attacks are only really used to weaken, not kill, an enemy in the EC. I also think that the crowd would find such attacks boring and just leave. So we leave ourselves to the obvious showy attacks that destroy the arena we are in at the time. On that note I wonder how the Fountain arena is looking this year, it didn't fare well last year at all.

EDIT: I vote that TD and Dragon Knight are both put in the Fountain arena... alone. Just because I think it'd be funny. Especially if after that neither of them made the final.

Nightly -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/12/2008 11:34:50)

Well, light could simply make it so bright that you are blinded. Then they could use the light to cut you up somehow...

Then darkness could make it dark so that, once again you are blind. Then they would cut you up two


Silverswordmaster -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/12/2008 11:41:02)

No, I can think of a number of ways to kill your opponent instantly with Light or Darkness.
For Darkness, its pretty simple. Encase your hand with darkness and reach into a oppents body, snap their spine, and be on your way, or hey, you could just suck out their soul and eat it, or offer it to your dark lord.

For Light, it's a bit harder, but it's possible. Ever hear of God's Wrath? I'm sure Light users can use Wrath, and they could just smite their opponents. Not that hard.

Now with Earth, Fire, Wind, Water, (HEART! GO PLANET!), there are a multitude of ways to kill your opponent right off, but personally, I think that would be boreing.

Nightly -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/12/2008 11:44:56)

Meh, I got tricks up my sleeve...

Rimblade -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/12/2008 12:14:04)

For all the talk of how magic could kill off someone instantly- you'll notice that it doesn't. While in theory, anyone who can lift a single rock can squish heads without worry, even the strongest in-game spells can only kill creatures and warriors whom you would have little trouble demolishing anyway. Okay, so Warlic DID kill thousands of dragons with a single (rather underpowered) spell, but that merely goes to show that 'Warlic did it!' can never ever be used as an excuse for ANYTHING. Including breathing.

Consider the facts- Drakkonan was a powerful Fire mage, more powerful than any of our fire contestants.* Still, for all that power (which he didn't use in battle, I would say), he could not insti-kill powerful players (or mediocre ones, but let us ignore that) with a single spell (or twenty). To that end, I would argue that no amount of power will let you instantly kill someone close to you in magical might. Perhaps it's some effect of the Elemental Lords, to keep Lore from being one long assassination**.

It doesn't make perfect sense, but then, neither does LORE. In any case, I would thereby reason that if spells which can instantly kill someone in such a fashion do function on LORE, there is some restriction inherent in the EC.***


*Assuming that RoD isn't allowing the players to have Prime Elemental Orbs. If that's not the case, I'd like to register a guy with Lorethia's Shield, making him immune to all magic :D
**Now that I think about it, Xyphos Celestin, The'Galin and Belequaya also killed foes with a single spell. Still, if any of the competetors are as powerful as those particular archmages or a god, then someone is missing the spirit of EC (ie, 'Fight' not 'I am god, I have won! Ahahaha')
***Didn't Artix and Gal do that too? Maybe all this 'instikill stuff' is just NPC hax.
****Bah, I forgot PWD! No, wait... that's not an elemental magic at all. Maybe non-elemental magic is an exception.*****
*****No, seriously, this is the end of the post.

The Dragon Knight -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/12/2008 13:30:06)

All of this talk about spells being able to instantly kill another character is causing people to lose focus on how the EC is actually played out. It's quite simple, really: it doesn't matter how supposedly powerful a spell is if you are unable to back it up with a quality post. It is not only your ability to attack, but also to defend, that is looked at when determining the winner of a combat RP. However, that is beside the point. The real point of the EC is to encourage growth and improvement in the overall RPing ability of the contestants and spectators. This will not occur through the use of ubar-powerful spells, or one hit kills. Somebody capable of eliminating every other contestant in a single post is simply a terrible RPer.

Attack and defend. Parry and counter. Spell and counter-spell. It is the interaction with another character, not so much the abilities you use to do so, that will determine the quality of your battle and the ultimate victor. Focus on your opponent's actions, think ahead, put yourself in their shoes. What would you do next if you were them? Consider your own abilities and limitations and avoid getting drawn into a situation that you can't find a way out of. Take a bad situation and turn it to your advantage. Needle your opponent with words, goad them into playing their hand too soon and strike them hard when they overextend their reach.

Your tactics, your strategies, the little details in your post that make it vivid in the minds of the readers; those are the factors that will determine who will advance, and who will die. Unless I'm located in the Fountain arena, I'll be at a severe disadvantage during the drop-offs. However, despite my character's abilities not being at their maximum in those other areas, I'm still confident in my ability to advance to the finals. I don't have to kill anyone.

Biophysicist -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/12/2008 13:34:22)

We know that TDK, we are just joking around. I think. I am at least...

But how about we change the topic to something that won't give Ronin a gazillion spam posts to delete?

Geddesmck -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/12/2008 13:49:13)

Or just not post unless we have something really important to say. For an application thread there seems to be very few applications per page. I won't post anymore unless I really need to. The Dragon Knight is right of course, all our element x is better than element y talk is irrelevant, as powerful weapon/ element in a bad RPer's hand has no impact on the final result. Killing in the EC doesn't equal victory, Ronin never killed anyone in his Dropoffs 2 years ago and yet he became champion. He did however RP at a higher quality than most of his competitors, as did TD last year.

I'm cheering on Dragon Knight this year (as well as myself of course), because I like him and I've offended him enough already, on top of the fact that I don't want TD to win 2 years in a row. Plus he might give me my spleen back if I do.

Now. No more spam from me.

To below

I must have missed that Ronin. But still, only 1 kill shows that it isn't the main objective of the EC to kill everyone.

Ronin Of Dreams -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/12/2008 13:55:10) I went to bed early last night, not feeling too good. So sue me that health comes even before this. Anywho, this will be edited as I get apps done. Capiche?

Non-App Edit: Not true, Gedd! Ronin struck the killblow on Zinsho, technically speaking.

App Edit:
Continuing from Page 3 where last we met...

Salvador Rattigan => Approved.
Kyle Ripraven => Approved, just so long as there's enough of a concentration aspect to mean that the entire arena won't be filled with fire-spawn.

Page 4

Havoc => Approved, but do be warned, a repetition of last year's blatancy will not be viewed kindly.
Justin Krehdibl => Approved.
Jake Smith => Approved.
Torrelle "The Maelstrom" => Approved.
Graceella => Approved

Page 5

Enya of the Frozen Plateau => Approved.
Auron => Approved once you settle upon a version of him, barring any reasons to the contrary.

Page 6

Flare Talikaran => Approved.

Page 7

Frost => Approved.

Biophysicist -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/12/2008 13:59:30)

Capiche? Parlez en anglais! (Which is French for, Speak English!) (In other words, I don't know what Capiche means...)

It just occurred to me, unless I am seriously confused, doesn't this mean that the only person I have to out-RP is Cryoface/qbsuperstar03?

deltora94928 -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/12/2008 14:00:08)

Oh. My bad. Just curious because two peope have wanted the fire slots and they aren't there.

omf -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/12/2008 14:59:49)

To go back to the earlier convo of how it would take alot of mana to kill someone instantly with a element, thats not 100% true. A single manipulation using ust a tiny bit of mana could easily kill someone. Like someone said earlier, blinding a person would be simple if you could control Light OR Darkness. After that just easily cut the persons spine out or something. Or with water, simply lay with the water in a persons blood in there heart or Brain and rupture, sever or just play with a blood vessel. Then again that is way to easily God-Modded and I wouldn't use such cheap moves to win a fight, I prefer long fights rather then a post and your dead.

The Dragon Knight -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/12/2008 15:01:40)

Nope. Sorry, Arya, but there is at least one other Ice entrant this year. Ralor has thrown his hat into the ring for the Ice championship. You should know that: he's the one that got me all riled up in the first place. ;-)

Hehe, thanks for the vote of confidence, Gedd. You can expect your spleen to arrive by mail in five to six weeks, along with a free T-Shirt!
In all seriousness, though, it isn't just me and TD in the water element. TD is actually quite proud of his student, ShadowSlash, and his abilities. Plus, I'm not going to underestimate anyone who was tutored by TD.

@ omf: I think that line of conversation has run its course. It'd be best to let the whole "insta-gib" spell-weaving thing alone, otherwise this will turn into a bigger spam-fest than it already is (and yes, I know I'm as guilty as the rest here)

Let me see if I can help out Ronin a bit here, and make this post non-spam for once.

Here is a list of all of the new entrants awaiting approval:



Salvador Rattigan - Lord Memphis
Kyle Ripraven - Ocarinaoftime
Jack Smith - deltora94928
Graceella (aka Grace) - demonhunter
Enya of the Frozen Plateau - damselindigital
Flare Talikaran - Silverswordmaster

Torrelle "The Maelstrom" - The Dragon Knight
Auron - ShadowSlash

Justin Krehdibl - Sate

Frost - Ralor

Havoc - kenzoku

Please let me know if you notice any broken or mis-directed links.

Ronin Of Dreams -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/12/2008 15:36:59)

*gnaws on TDK for ignoring that he was doing that, WHILE attending a meeting of AKs directed by Reens*

Ralor -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/12/2008 15:47:47)

I'm quite sorry if I started a "My element can insta kill better than yours" conversation as it was not my intent. I simply wished to refute the claim that water was a "healing element" and show through example that it had a destructive side as well. As I said you have my deepest apologies.

I would also like to mention that the conversation has at least spawned a very interesting character who shall participate next year.

Xforce -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (News/Update Only) (7/12/2008 15:49:55)

Name: Almond ((Seventh Iteration))
Element of Participation: Light
Race: Chimeric Archassis System
Class: Not Applicable
<post link placeholder>

DWeird -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/12/2008 15:52:44)

Don't have to kill anyone?

You people are friggin' pansies! This is bleedin' bloodbath... If there's no one maimed, what's the damned point of all of this?

To give the above a more sophisticated air:

Forum RPs rely on unwritten conventions to define what's allowed and what's frowned upon, what's good and what gets you kicked out. If your fellow posters do not subscribe to the same set of rules, neither you nor they will have any fun.

The conventions for a combat RP are particularly refined, for the simple reason that, ICly, these people are trying to kill each other, and OOCly, there's really no way to kill the opponent's character except for his master allowing the guy to be killed.

Which means there's a certain gentleman duelist's code to combat roleplaying - a certain 'politeness', which while in action, means that you have to do certain things - allow your opponent some space for reaction, use subtle feints instead of direct attacks, draw the fight out so both of you could put your combat prowess on display. Playing like this is sort of like exchanging legal documents - you only win if you can read and write fine print. And when/if you do make a kill, it's customary to allow your opponent a *honourable* death - meaning he can go out with bells and whistles: some deep inner monologue, fancy final words, and a flashy exit.

Most of this code is necessary (in that we couldn't have writing of current quality and fun doing it without it), but one possible side effect of it is that this gentleman duelist's code is transfered to the characters and IC play. But, that's the idea, right? Wrong. Who actually believes a lumbering hulk of a giant, a cutthroat rogue or madman mage are in the arenas to be polite about how they dish out damage? ICly, these sort of combatants would attempt sweeping attacks, dirty tricks and one shot kills, so why shouldn't your character?

The code is for dealing with the actual people behind the screens, and not for the interactions of their characters. ICly, unless there are plausible reasons why your character should be squeamish about killing people in a combat tournament - give your best shot. Go for the kill. Your opponent may not actually die due to that, but it will still make for a more interesting read than a drawn-out tickle-me-mage mash.

And then write a "Sorry, guy, it had to be done." note to your opponent. Or, even better - write it beforehand and talk it through.

Geddesmck -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/12/2008 15:53:25)

Well, at least all the links work. :)

Sorry to ShadowSlash for forgetting about you, I didn't mean to sound like I was ruling you out, I kind of forgot about you because you're not as... 'vocal' as Dragon Knight shall I say. However after reading some of Dragon Knight's past RP's (well actually just some of '*And The Tale Begins Anew*', from around this time last year) I do think he stands a good chance, so I do think my support stands.

I do have one question now though. Do our characters have access to the information in this thread, so that they will recognise people, know their name and elemental alignment? Because as fun as it is having our characters guess the alignment of others, I do think certain characters would actually search out this information to give themselves a little time to prepare.

To above: I never intended to imply people shouldn't try to kill their enemies, I was simply stating that that is not (in an OOC sense) the main goal. It's not after all the person with the most kills that always wins. But I do agree with the post

TormentedDragon -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/12/2008 16:39:35)

No. No they don't. That constitutes meta-gaming. There is no IC roster of combatants, so the only way characters can know each other is through means other than the OOC roster... and there really isn't a rumor vine around. Your character knows only what they experience.

On another note, I agree with DW. I only made two kills last EC, but I did make them. The first was Davian, Varin's character, who then became the Fire Champion, but he definitely died. And the second was the Earth Champion, after I got permission to kill from Art of Blade.

So insta-kill spells? Those fall under the heading of "bunny" and often "godmode". You can do toned down versions, though. A wind controller could create a vacuum around someone's head, for example, but don't expect it to lead to death. People tend to be pretty darn good at pulling their characters out of death situations.

Nightly -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/12/2008 16:40:27)

Thanks for the idea TD [:D]

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