RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (Full Version)

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ShadowSlash -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/11/2008 18:43:20)

'Ey don't make fun of me, I'm just a little newbie graduated JRPer. My first EC, gonna give this my best shot, but still...

DWeird -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/11/2008 18:44:13)

I wrote up a longish post this morning about the history of EC, but Ronin's post made some of it sort of unnecessary... (Also, note: it would be gall to show up as a competitor in a tournament I'm hosting myself, then judge myself the winner and take whatever prizes there are, and then ban anyone who calls that unfair from the boards. You should be happy I successfully resisted those urges).

So, here's a rewrite, with linkage (some of it has already been posted):

2004: The very first EC, started by a guy named warlord. From that one, some people splintered off, and had their own EC, run by Vephoma. I've not too much information about either of these, except for the fact they happened. If RoD or anyone else can fill in here (or whereever else, it'd be much appreciated).

Well, as for Vephoma's "EC Rebellion", that was half hosted on the then java-client accessible IRC chat on Caelestia from a link on the main page. This handled all of the roll aspects, but it was still an overly strict method of going about it, and honestly was as much a mix of Roll Play as Role Play. The fact that the system was scrapped is a blessed thing, trust me. The "EC Rebellion" made it to "Finalists", at least in the manner of Finalists we consider in today's EC, but no further. I happened to use Ronin then and make Chosen of Water, which was referenced ICly in the 2006 run of the same character. ~Ronin

Later that year, I was made moderator for the RP and OOC boards (the RP section didn't have their own OOC boards at that time), and as part of my moderatorship, bravely liberated the EC idea from, um, its original creators. <.<;

The RP boards were in a wee bit of a mess that time, and the idea was to create an RP contest that would showcase the best roleplaying there is. And since combat roleplaying is the only thing that you can (easily) make a contest out of, I went with that. To help establish this as a quasi-official event an in-game prize was promised - 100,000 gold, a hefty sum at the time. Doubt it really attracted anyone who wouldn't have played anyway, but it did make the whole thing seem more serious. XD

<DW hosted 2004 EC Dropoffs>

As RoD mentioned, EC initially had a very different format. Warlord's and Vephy's were essentially a series of heavily mathematical system (stats, rolls, etc.) based duels. The addition of a mass-melee dropoffs in the EC I hosted was to serve simply as a filter to determine, out of a mass of people, those that would be 'good enough' for a similar system of duels. My EC system was seemingly pretty 'rigid' too, but (if I remember right, which I probably don't), various limitations (you *had* to belong to one of three classes: Figther, Mage, or Rogue, there were limitations on movement per post/turn, etc.) were more flexy, because I just couldn't be bothered to do all the math. XD Anyway, the duels never really took off - I can't remember one that actually ended ('xcept when opponents went inactive). Also, at this point, the EC was not completelly authoritarian - there were a panel of five or so judges, all respected roleplayers who voted on who should advance from the Dropoffs, and similar stuff (the vote of the 'head', i.e., me, was only different in that it would act as a tie-braker).

Despite bold statements of "We're going to finish this yet!" and continuous prodding of inactive duelists and judges, the whole thing fizzled down...

Yes, you'll notice that was the EC I took a vacation. Warlord's, mentioned above, actually being before my time on the boards IIRC. ~Ronin

2005: ...which is why I was fairly surprised when I heard people liked the whole thing, and wanted more. So more they got. :D

Most rules stayed in place. Dropoffs as a filter for the 8 Champions of an Element, then a series of to-the-death duels, judged over by a judge, to determine the for realsies Champion.

<DW hosted 2005 EC Dropoffs>

EC's pretensions to have a rigid system behind it were dropped... But, the Finals' duels had some odd changes as well. In this years' EC, the eight finalists would turn into ArchBeings, superpowers of their own element who could essentially rip continents apart. I've said it before and I'll say it again, that was a baaaaaaaaaaad idea from the start, and I proved to be right! Even if I was looking forward to it at the time... ~Ronin

(This year is also responsible for the "there must be actual fighting" rule! A certain extremelly funny character played by Xyphos Celestin became ArchBeing by virtue of slapping someone with a fish... The runner-up for Fire was not pleased.))

(What was worse was that a mildly amusing catman wound up doing all of climbing the Pillar of Earth to snooze in its branches during the Dropoffs and managed to humor his way into the Finals without even throwing a single blow. Such judge controversy led to latter changes in the judging system alongside the obvious rule addition. ~Ronin)

The ArchBeing system also involved a pretty refined judging system - contestants were judged and evaluated from 1 to 5 on three different bits assumed to be constitutive of "RP quality" (Awe, Story and Style), and differences between the two contestants' scores would take away bits of a set amount of "hit points" they had. Even when some of the contestants were active (which sort of was the case!), this system, which essentially divorced the actions of the players' characters' from what really affected these characters, and therefore was confusing, and therefore was irritating. This system was scrapped.

At that point, with my other projects failing and exams coming up, I resigned from moderatorship...

2006: ...only to be brought back in by more EC requests.

This time, an actual working, stable system was created (the one we're playing with now, even! ^_^). Took the only part of the whole process that worked - the Dropoffs, and created mini-versions of it: The Cellar, Sky, and Spike Arenas. The Finals would also work in a Dropoffs-esque, not duel format: the eight finalists would be dumped in a free-for-all melee in the former Dropoffs, now Finals Arena. People could be removed (either due to inactivity or because they were judged away) without significant loss of roleplaying flow, which meant that Finals could actually happen. :D

<DW hosted 2006 Dropoffs, Fountain>
<DW hosted 2006 Dropoffs, Cellar>
<DW hosted 2006 Dropoffs, Spike>
<DW hosted 2006 EC Finals>

By this time, the in-game prizes were mostly secondary to the fun and honour associated with the EC... But RoD, the first real Champion, still got a spiffy new unique weapon (actually a recolour of a pre-existing model, but what can you do (Actually, Raynar's was a recolor of Grace, but neither myself nor anyone else actually found this out for the longest of time. Grace was in the DB first! ~Ronin)). I also still owe RoD a finishing "crowning" post on the se Finals. >.>; So yeah, this lamb be lazy. Yeah, you ARE lazy! So am I and technically so is TD, don't hear about his weapon due to part of lazy and part of "I forgot to get in what I needed to." ~Ronin

2007: RoD takes over, system essentially the same. Two new additions: the Sky Arena and the Spectators thread.

<RoD hosted 2007 Dropoffs, Fountain>
<RoD hosted 2007 Dropoffs, Sky>
<RoD hosted 2007 Dropoffs, Cellar>
<RoD hosted 2007 Dropoffs, Spike>
<RoD hosted 2007 Spectators thread>
<RoD hosted 2007 EC Finals>

Well, there was one or two tweaks behind the scenes too. The 'Wildcard' concept was tried, in an effort to try and bring up competition quality across the entire elemental structure, and was sadly *utilized* for Fire. Despite feeling like I should do that again, it got people asking for a Void Pillar, and I outright refuse to tarnish the *Elemental* Championships with any Void just isn't proper. So that concept is scrapped. ~Ronin

2008: This one here. The EC we're about to take part in is the seventh of all ECs, and the fifth year of the EC project.

And that's about it! If someone wants to add some more info I forgot (especially links or texts of older ECs), please post here or PM and I'll update this post accordingly.

Why did I write all this? I'm a very, very vain person. Also maybe because some of you will find this useful or at least interesting. But mostly because of the vanity, really.

A good bloodbath to you all.

Nightly -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/11/2008 19:18:25)

Thanks DWeird.

I think Ill be one of the few people to say that I will read all of this.

The first EC pages 2 to 9 are no longer archived...

Geddesmck -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/11/2008 20:16:32)

In just 4 short days I shall be ripping off heads and chomping on spines. My character will also enter the EC that day.

I've read the Finals for 2006 and 2007. I also read the Fountain arena and Cellar arena for 2007 and the Spike arena for 2006. I think that is enough, since I've read TD's and Ronin's posts, which really gives me an idea of what Ronin should be looking for this year. Wether or not I can actually pull any of it off is another story. I do think I've improved a great deal since last year though, that was my first ever proper RP (I was in the Fountain arena, which was a crazy place and was the most active arena I believe).

The Dragon Knight -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/11/2008 21:43:57)

Wonderful reference material, DW. I may not have the time (or possibly patience) to read all of them, but I've already gone through most of 2007 already anyways, so i hope it'll help my ability to perform in the EC. Considering this is my first showing, I'm hoping to turn a few heads. I'm also hoping to remove a few, not to mention limbs, intestines, spleens, pancreases, hearts, one lung, and three kidneys.

deltora94928 -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/11/2008 22:08:17)

I'm a recent graduate ss I don't think i'll make it very far. But it will be fun none the less!

Guardian of Nekops -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/11/2008 22:32:55)

Bah... you are one of four graduates this year, deltora. As opposed to most others, who just chose normal RP off the bat?

You've taken the harder road into this forum and prevailed, so don't sell yourself short.

TormentedDragon -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/11/2008 22:33:33)

*eyes ShadowSlash and deltora* I still consider myself your tutor. Here's a tip: it's not just roleplaying, it's also tactics. Please don't close your eyes when you're engaged in a melee brawl. That's a bad, bad idea.

And apparently I'm scary.


And yeah, I haven't received my weapon yet. I'm sure that's partly or mostly my fault because I failed to be prompt with creating it and getting the specs in to the people who needed them. But I did, eventually. Probably got pigeonholed. Ah well.

And by the way, RoD, thank you for flat out squashing the idea of a Void pillar. Absolute tosh, that. Would throw off the entire balance of the thing and you'd probably have an overflowing void roster simply because people LIKE the inherent godmoded aspect of it.

edit: and yeah, what GoN said. You wouldn't have graduated if you weren't capable, and believe me, you're already better than some of the people I've seen.

The Dragon Knight -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/11/2008 22:55:22)

Interesting how a few days ago there was nobody wanting to play a Fire character, and now we seem to have an overflowing number of those. The "offense" based elements tend to generate more interest than a supposed "healing" or "defensive" element, like water. It's a good thing I've got a good imagination. I've already built up a repertoire of possible uses for the water element, depending on certain factors. I'm almost giddy with anticipation!

. . . or maybe it's gas.

2009light -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/11/2008 22:59:41)

It looks like its going to be a blast in the Elemental Championships this year. I followed along last year's EC since it had already started by the time I had first joined. This year, I have been debating whether or not I should join...

Most likely, due to time constraint, I am just going to sit on the sidelines and cheer you guys on.

TormentedDragon -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/11/2008 23:04:08)

Fire always has an overflow. Last year it was pretty dead to begin with as well... and then it got absolutely jam-packed.

Ronin Of Dreams -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/11/2008 23:28:46)

...and yet Varin still "ascended" into Fire. Odd, ain't it?

Also, I remain convinced that I scared off a majority of potential Water competitors for good. That may be pride speaking, but still.

Geddesmck -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/11/2008 23:30:12)

I agree with TD and GoN deltora, those who come in from the academy are usually better than those who come straight into the normal forums. Personally I regret not first joining the academy because my first couple of RP's were awful, but I got at least somewhat better. Well, depending on who you ask.

And the Void Pillar thing, I'm definately with TD and Ronin on that one, it defeats the whole purpose of the EC. As far as I know there is no Void Lord anyway, so he could have no champion.

Finally 2009light, I think that you should join if you feel you are good enough to put up a fight. I know I shouldn't really say this, but alot of people here really don't stand a chance (not naming names.... Dragon Knight....), but it's still going to be fun to compete.

Now if you'll excuse me I must hide from Dragon Knight before he begins his organ collection with 'donations' from me. :)

The Dragon Knight -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/12/2008 0:16:08)

You know, Gedd, I'm reminded of something my father always said to me when I said something that just might result in my gruesome demise. He would always look at me, shake his head, and say, "You know what the problem is? I'm simply not beating you enough." (this is a true story, btw)

~Geddesmck is hurtled into the air by TDK's sheer force of destructive will, only to come crashing back to the ground with the force of a meteor~
Don't worry, Gedd! I'll break your fall! . . . and your arm... And three of your ribs....

Silverswordmaster -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/12/2008 1:04:56)

If Ronin (THATS RIGHT, I'M TALKING TO YOU!) accepts my character, then I think... yeah, I am the only fire competetor.

"And TDK just sent Gedd flying... and he leaped up after him and send him CRASHING into the ground! Look at that Impact crator! I think we are in for a good fight if Gedd can stand up from that one, but he's not getting up from that one..."

The Dragon Knight -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/12/2008 1:16:43)

. . . . Uh, Silver, I hope you're being facetious. You are most assuredly NOT the only fire competitor. You may want to go back through the thread and check again, since the list has not been updated since about, oh, the second page of this thread. Ronin DID say something about updating the list tonight, so hopefully he has not forgotten. :-P

However, if that was sarcasm, then I think there are a few other pyromaniacs frequenting this thread that may have something to say about your confidence. :D

OcarinaofTime -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/12/2008 1:30:32)

Heheh, someone say fire? You better watch yourself Silver. Wouldn't want to overlook my presence in the RP now, would you?

demonhunter -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/12/2008 2:12:05)

*Lights a fire under Silver's backside*

You really don't want to overlook me. Trust me.

*plays with a cigarette lighter*

The Extinguisher -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/12/2008 2:20:26)

I've been playing too much Magic. I keep seeing elements as colours.

Anyway, I'm going to be with limited access to the internet for a little while. I'll still try and post though. Hopefully.

Why does life conspire against me to stop me getting in this tournament? I really like my character this time.

Ralor -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/12/2008 2:25:42)


The "offense" based elements tend to generate more interest than a supposed "healing" or "defensive" element, like water.

If you want to be technical water is one of the most potentially deadly elements to human characters. All the water person has to be able to do is manipulate water and then they could just suck it right out of someone or even make them violently explode.

on to my bio

Name: Frost
Element : Ice
Class: Warrior

<Link Placeholder>

Race: Tundra lizard
Height: 7'2
Weight: 311 lbs

That’s all you’re getting till it starts. If you really want something before hand go and read last year’s spike. I’ve only slightly altered his equipment since then.

Also I’d like to mention that this is his last EC and I’m looking for someone to give him an epical death. I figure it’s the least I can do for him since he’s been so faithful. Minimum would be 8-9 posts.

DWeird -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/12/2008 4:31:32)


Thanks Dwierd.

I think Ill be one of the few people to say that I will read all of this.

The first EC pages 2 to 9 are no longer archived...

It's DWeird. Uppercase W, please, and e before i (forget the c).

Does anyone else have the same problem as Nightly? 'cause I can see the archive fine.

If you can access this page, I would recommend scanning it through at least - you'll see the difference between what was a very good post then and a good post now. Progress, methinks. ^_^

'nyhoo, while it is fun to see all the little politicking of who picked which element and yadda yadda, at some point on, it may be a good idea to mail in appies instead of posting them. More... unpredictable that way. :D

OcarinaofTime -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/12/2008 4:36:52)

But, Ralor, in the same instance, one could steal your breath with fire, burning up the oxygen before you can breathe it.

Nightly -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/12/2008 9:47:22)

Wut?? I didnt do that :P

Silverswordmaster -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/12/2008 9:53:18)

Ya'll are talking to a guy who not only MAKES his own explosives, but enjoys setting himself on fire regularly when he is bored.

Yeaaah... I think I have a edge in the fire feild.

But besides that... this is going to be a good fight. I'm looking out to see some intresting applications of fire. Please don't make me wrong, or I will be very dissapointed in my fellow Fire roleplayers... OH! And thank you. I've been looking for a excuse to be on fire. Isn't fire just fantastic? The color, the warmth, the flicker, its movement? I do not think I have found anything as of yet more beautiful then fire... -Smiles at the thought, enjoying being lit on fire-

Geddesmck -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/12/2008 10:21:47)

Pfft. Who needs arms or ribs.

Fire and water are all fine and dandy, but Earth can just bury you alive. Also, earth should have some power over the minerals in your body, so it can be as direct as fire or as subtle as water, thus making it far more versatile than most other elements.

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