RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (Full Version)

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The Dragon Knight -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/10/2008 12:33:32)

@ TD: If I'm going to compete, I'm not about to let you go through this without a fight. Where's the fun in that? I picked my element based on which one has the least members.
@ Kell: I agree, completely. Not only can we not let the returning Champ go without competition, I intend to try and usurp that title.

Wow, DWeird, guess that's the price you pay for not posting on the boards much anymore. All these newcomers never having heard of you, or your legendary status.... Of course, that fact alone may simply motivate him to kick all of our asses that much harder in the EC. I tremble in anticipation (or is it all-consuming fear?).

EDIT: Having read a number of posts in regard to the EC bios, abilities, etc, I've decided to remove most of my character bio and simply put up the simplistic version. I think I'll need every advantage I can get, this being my first EC and all, so I believe I shall revise my character's abilities and surprise you all during the Championships. I will, however, be giving plenty of warning before launching abilities though, as well.

Somebody's going to be getting wet.....

Muse -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/10/2008 14:54:58)

Don't worry DWeird, I remember you.


Actually, this is a total lie. I have never really met you, but I kinda know who you are through ancient fusty ARP threads that haven't been baleeted because nobody can be bothered.

*thwaps DW*

Lurk less, post moar!

damselindigital -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/10/2008 16:36:22)

Name: Enya of the Frozen Plateau
Element of Participation: Fire
Class, if applicible: Shaman
Intro Post

Vital Statistics: Enya comes to a less than imposing 5’2” yet weighs 175lbs. Though her bone structure is somewhat thick and sturdy, she definitely is carrying around more weight than most would think necessary. Much to her dismay, she is rapidly approaching middle age.

Weaponry: She possesses short spears, made for throwing, a few bolas and a hunting knife. Of note however is that there is not a single piece of metal in their construction, utilizing instead bone and animal sinew.

Secondary physical description: Enya certainly is not the most trim or youngest competitor who finds herself drawn to the Elemental Championships. Small in stature but big in personality (and not so light on the scales), she comes dressed in the thick concealing furs of her native village. While her spears are prominently displayed on her back, it is much more difficult to spot the bolas and hunting knife she keeps upon her. While her face might be considered handsome, with her dark hair and eyes, she was never beautiful, even in the youth that she has far left behind.

Background: In a land where the cold can kill the human inhabitants regardless of the seasons elsewhere upon Lore, those with the power to start a fire and keep it burning, even without fuel, are valued treasures. When it was discovered that Enya possessed these talents, she was tutored and raised by the tribe’s only other Flamekeeper, a woman who was then elderly. Now Enya finds herself approaching middle age and already there is another with the gifts of the Flamekeepers, a pretty young girl who all the males swoon over, much to the unmarried woman’s chagrin. Now to prove to her tribe and to herself that she is still worth her weight in whalezard oil, she has come to the Elemental Championships, intent to show everyone that she’s far from past her prime.

OcarinaofTime -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/10/2008 18:14:36)

I remember ya D, from before you were a mod. But that's what I get for RPing on and off. All of the mods that I knew and loved are no where to be seen, and every now and then I'll pop by and see that people who I used to RP with and think to myself were pretty good are mods, and then I see someone I recognize and I get excited. ..but hopefully, this time around, I'm here to say. Otherwise I'll probably come back and Sate over there will be moderating, hahaha.

Muse -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/10/2008 18:31:19)

Wait. If a character dies in the EC, can they never ever ever be used again in RPs on pain of being fed to TD?

ShadowSlash -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/10/2008 18:39:41)

Urk. Why did I have to choose and build up a water character? Now I'm stuck with a tormented dragon and a dragon knight... ;_;
But I will not go down without a fight! (er, I mean, I hope I won't get crushed...)
I will add more later, but I'm still trying to decide between two versions of him. I decided. Cant wait for dropoffs to begin!

Name: Auron
Element of Participation: Water
Class, if applicible:
First Posteh!

(Optional from this point on)
Vital Statistics: I.e. height, weight, frame, etc, etc...
Weaponry: (Though optional, this is a plus for reference sake)

Secondary physical description for reference's sake: He is a pale skinned 10 year old boy with short blue-greenish hair wearing a dark colored robe rimmed with bright blue silk. He cries often, though many misunderstand why. Large and wide eyed, but the truly striking appearances of his eyes are his silver pupils framed by clear sapphire-blue irises. Yet he is not blind; no, far from that. The silver is pure and shining, a sign of the strong magic within him. He wields a staff with a clear long tube in the middle. The top has a short dagger-sized blade attached to it, and small gems of different sizes and hues of blue and silver float around the base of the blade.

Background: Once every thousand or so years, a being is said to fall down to earth from the mystical northern lights. This was the case of Auron, as he gently floated to the ground from the swiftly running current of lights into a pack of wolves witnessing the event. They raised him and took care of him for all his life so far.
Word of the Elemental Championships traveled to these wolves from various birds that had flown to and back, and Auron decided he would compete for the fame, despite being more than a little afraid, and perhaps not ready yet.

Biophysicist -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/10/2008 19:36:53)

Well, Dragon Knight, you have got competition for the title of title usurper! Albeit bad competition who will get skermushed in the first three minutes... *thinks about The Great Monster Tournament* Well, maybe not quite... *four minutes into EC* SKERMUSH! *peels self off floor*

Muse: I am pretty sure that is correct... I guess it depends on how linear time is. :P

DWeird: Well, I remember you. You are that guy that posted in the 'RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008' thread. (Lame joke, if you are wondering.)

Guardian of Nekops -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/10/2008 19:55:29)

Muse: If a character dies in the EC, he is dead. Assuming no ressurections or the like. Past RPs can still contain the character, of course, as well as continuing RPs that began and ended before the EC in IC time.

But yes, dead is dead. Part of the risk you take in joining a combat RP... or any RP, really.

Geddesmck -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/10/2008 19:58:31)

Generally when a character dies you can't use them again anyway can you Muse? I think aslong as the RP doesn't state it's set after the EC it's fine, you can just say it's part of the character's past. Also you can probably find a way to revive them which would be acceptable. I mean, as long as it's nothing stupid like their soul was captured and placed into a doll...


Guardian of Nekops: Is Roch the character you used 2 years ago who fought Ronin for most of the dropoffs? (memory is a bit fuzzy about that EC because I wasn't involved, I only read it).

Guardian of Nekops -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/10/2008 20:16:42)

Yes indeedy!

Roch has spent a couple years working on his Alchemy and his tactics since then, but you could learn quite a bit about him by reading over the old RP's. Specifically this one here and this other one there.

Some good reading in there if you have the time, whether you feel like doing some reconnissance or not. :-P

Geddesmck -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/10/2008 20:53:29)

Good reading indeed. Most of the contestants in that arena that year are Advanced RPers now (I just checked). Ah yes, it's all much clearer now. I chose Earth last year because I found Roch so appealing... although I made a right mess of my first EC. :)

The Dragon Knight -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/10/2008 22:31:42)

Hmm, that reminds me, I should take a look at TD's final bout from last year's EC. Need to do some recce of my own. Does anybody have a link to last year's final bout?

Geddesmck -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/10/2008 22:48:08)

EC Grand Finals 2007

There ya go. I've read most of 2006 and 2007's EC's now, I forgot how good they were.

By the way, when was the first EC? By comments made by Ronin in 2006 it implies they go as far back as at least 2004.

Sate -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/10/2008 22:53:14)


Generally when a character dies you can't use them again anyway

Ha ha. My question is, "who's counting?" Ah ha ha ha.

The Dragon Knight -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/10/2008 23:09:12)

Thankee kindly. I need to read up on my competition. ;-) Mind you, I've been in enough RPs with TD that I'm familiar with his RPing style, but combat is another thing altogether. We'll see if I can hold my own or not.

OcarinaofTime -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/10/2008 23:12:08)

Well, generally speaking, nobody. But if you meet a character who watched you die, that would kind of be a paradox. So what you could do is always add a quick thing in your bio of how you were resurrected, or you could have a whole RP about it, or you could just try really, really hard not to die.

Geddesmck -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/10/2008 23:18:08)

To above:
Which to be fair is quite easy in the EC. Just godmod and you get purged, which knocks you out of the tournament in a non-lethal (albeit embarrassing) way.

Actually I really don't recommend this, because the Lords can revive/ preserve characters. There's that guy who died in... 2005(?) and got a statue next to the Pillar of Earth. I actually don't know much about this, only what I gathered from the 2006 EC.

Also it is bad.

Very bad.

OcarinaofTime -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/10/2008 23:28:47)

If you RP well enough, but die, can't you still be selected as the champion of your element and thus revived? I remember that being mentioned in the OOC for one a while back that I attended.

Geddesmck -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/10/2008 23:33:06)

TD won last year, after dying in the dropoffs. Varin also died (I think) and became champion for fire. Kell might also have died, but again my memory is fuzzy.

But yes, you can die and become champion. In fact it is quite common I think.

Silverswordmaster -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/11/2008 0:04:59)

I guess I'll join... just out of curiousy before I create my fantasmical warrior...

could I do commentary? Just some wacky, off to the side commentary on the battles? If not, I'm cool with that, and I'll get my warrior up, but if you would like a commentator... -Waves- HAYYYYY!

Geddesmck -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/11/2008 0:15:10)

If there is a spectator thread again this year then I'm sure you can have both a warrior and commentator. Also, did someone suggest you join this RP or something? [;)] You'll enjoy it, trust me.

Geddy go sleepy now. Posted lots today and read even more... eyes starting to bleed slightly.

Silverswordmaster -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/11/2008 0:26:08)

Remind me to foribly remove your spine and shove it somewhere unplesent later GS. Your smugness will be your downfall...

I'll post a character when I am less sleepy.

The Dragon Knight -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/11/2008 1:22:04)

@Ocarina If you die in the drop-offs there is still a chance of you being declared champion of your element and revived. It is, I believe, a different story if you die in the final bout. I believe that you may end up devoured by your element if death finds you on the blood-red sands of the arena.

OcarinaofTime -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/11/2008 3:20:37)

Interesting. I won't attempt it, but if I am bested, or decide to perform a suicidal move, so be it.

Ronin Of Dreams -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/11/2008 9:36:29)

In no particular order:

DWeird is the lazy Lamb that used to run the EC, but last year I took over the reins because he couldn't. This year he shows up as a competitor. What gall the Lamb has. =P

The EC has been held in one form or another since AQ had forums, back on the very first boards. Its current form, at its most basic core, was settled down with DW's status as Director, and I've tweaked it slightly since, particularly with Arena expansion given the historically climbing numbers of participants for the Dropoffs phase.

I plan on updating the Approved list tonight, so hold your tongues on complaints for me taking the time to respond to tidbits this morning. Hehe.

Death in the Finals is permanent. No second chances there. Death in dropoffs CAN be reversed IF chosen as the Finalist for the Element in particular, however, I have not intended to make this a common occurrence. The fact that the caliber players often seem to be forced into extremely dismal chances to live through certain attacks might be indicative of something, though, and it sure isn't favoritism or IC stupidity...

Arcadius Corosco. That was the character's name who originally became the Quicksilver Guardian of the Earth Pillar. The man, however, was revived as part of the IC boon that Ronin Of Dreams requested after winning the Elemental Championships, but the Quicksilver Guardian that was part of Arc's swan-song casting in death was allowed to remain anyway. *I*, at least, do choose to remember these things, particularly as they happened to my own characters who already had interlinked pasts. =P

Commentary? Oh lord...its just like BTN all over again. Well, in any case, it would be allowed if there was to be a Spectators thread, but given last year's dismal usage of such despite vocal interest for it...state your case or its not happening. And I mean as a whole, if y'all want one to be made, speak up.

Play for keeps, kiddies.

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