RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (Full Version)

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Biophysicist -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/9/2008 19:13:08)

Ocarina, I think you left out a few details...

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/9/2008 19:16:51)

Ze moogle is considering applying, but all I got is Cid, and he tried last year... which I guess is ok, but it might be cooler if I tried someone knew... but I got nothing for now. >.>

I did have a question for RoD: When exactly is this thing kicking off? AKA: When will applications close and the official EC start? Just need to know whether I'll be able to participate or not...

If Kell can RP a cat, maybe I should RP a moglin... just for randomosity... since moogles aren't in Lore. Or even better, a moglo-hobil! :D

Thanks for below for answering. I have got to stop skimming. >.>

Geddesmck -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (News/Update Only) (7/9/2008 19:20:21)


Applications are now being accepted. You know what that means. Dropoffs will start on JULY 16, applications will no longer be accepted after JULY 19 for late submissions.

TormentedDragon -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (News/Update Only) (7/9/2008 19:21:30)

^what he said. Generally a good idea to look for and read the official posts.

Also, go for it with the moglin idea. They aren't used often.

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (News/Update Only) (7/9/2008 19:29:28)

Thanks for answering that. I guess I skipped that part. Gotta stop skimming. <.<

Awww, crud, that means I'm out. I'll still be on "vacation" with very limited internet acess. I wouldn't have full acess till... like the second half of the second week... only internet would be at wi-fi resteraunts. And I'd hate to be the reason why even part of an RP is on hold... If only it was just a week further! Oh well, y'all have fun with the RP. I'll probably read it later on. Maybe I'll join the specator thread later on if it gets active as my moglin character, who will be inspired to join next year! XD

OcarinaofTime -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (News/Update Only) (7/9/2008 19:55:24)

Sorry, I originally went with the sample on the first page. I added some of the more trivial appearance traits as well as a couple of abilities.

kenzoku -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (News/Update Only) (7/9/2008 20:04:22)

Name: Havoc
Element of Participation: Darkness
Class, if applicable: Acrobat
<Link to be placed here.>
Weapons for the sake of reference: Bombs, a Hilt, and fifteen daggers in each sleeve.
Background: His oldest memory is of murder. A few years ago Havoc was commanded by the wicked Mask of Domnu. Free from the cursed mask at last, the Dark Jester has come to compete fairly!

Biophysicist -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (News/Update Only) (7/9/2008 20:29:52)

Er... what? Kenzoku, is the background entry a reference to last years EC?

Kellehendros -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (News/Update Only) (7/9/2008 21:02:23)


Sorry, couldn't help myself.

The Dragon Knight -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (News/Update Only) (7/9/2008 21:04:39)

I'm considering entering the tournament, but I'm still undecided. I don't have as much experience with combat RP as I do with story drive RP, so I'm not sure if I'd be much of a challenge for the veterans. Still, we shall see. I may yet enter if I can come up with an element-based character that I like.

Geddesmck -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (News/Update Only) (7/9/2008 21:06:25)

Havoc was 2 years ago. He had a beserker controlled by the cursed mask last year.

Both years I believe they were purged.

To above: All different levels of RPer apply and compete in the EC. It's usually the same faces in the final from the few I've read, but if there's no one to even step up against them, there's no point having the EC at all.

Sate -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (News/Update Only) (7/9/2008 21:08:14)

Ugh, I don't know whether I want to enter or not.
I generally work too hard on a character's history and ins and outs and I don't want to do that and just have them killed off.
And if I just throw together a character that I don't care about it will show up in my writing and quality would suffer.

Eh, I'm over it.

Name: Justin Krehdibl
Element of Participation: Energy
Appearence: A medium build, tan complexion, short black hair, brown eyes.
Height: 6ft
Weight: 200lbf
Age: 22
Clothings: White pants and tunic.

Geddesmck -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (News/Update Only) (7/9/2008 21:50:50)

I realised how unfair it is if I wait for everyone to apply before I release my list of enchanted items, because I could just make stuff up to combat any threat. So, in interest of fair play, I'll post the list now. I'll also update my application with this information.

Jon Gabriel’s enchanted items:

Long sword – Unbreakable by any means (enchantment can fail if enough damage is inflicted on the weapon)

Jumper – Fireproof (up until a point, if enough fire is used for long enough the enchantment will fail)

Earring – The arena’s layout is mapped in Jon’s mind. If visibility is low Jon can still find his way around (although people will still be concealed)

Necklace – Can store up to 5 minutes worth of air. If for some reason Jon cannot breathe through normal means the air the necklace will keep him alive for 5 minutes. When not in use it recharges (every 5 minutes it gets 1 minute worth of air)

Watch – Shows the ‘true’ time, so that time spells will not disorientate Jon (this is merely a left-over from a previous quest as the watch might be useless in this setting... but it looks nice)

Ring – Glows blue when Jon is in immediate danger

Bracelet – Allows Jon to block any attack. Only has enough charge for 1 attack and takes 6 hours to recharge

It's late at the moment so I may have forgotten a couple. If I have I'll post them tomorrow and after that I will not change the list unless RoD requests I do so. :)

deltora94928 -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (News/Update Only) (7/9/2008 22:03:23)

Name: Jack Smith
Element of Participation: Fire
Class, if applicible: Berserker Warrior
<Link coming soon>
Vital Statistics: Height: 6' 3"
Weight: 200 lbs
Weaponry: Physical: A large hammer that can be enchanted quickly before a battle to burn as hot as fire. This however, is used for close in work. He also carries a bow and exploding arrows.
Magical: Firestorm (raining balls of fire) and inferno (fire from heaven).
Background: He grew up in a town much like battleon working as a blacksmith and traveling warrior. He learned fire enchantments and two fire spells from a fire mage (duh), and forged his weapons. He learned of the mighty elemental championship and decided to give it a go.

The Dragon Knight -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (News/Update Only) (7/9/2008 22:19:51)

Alright, you've convinced me. What the heck. I don't know how far I'll get, but TDK is throwing his hat into the ring. Or would if he wore a hat....

Name: Torrelle "The Maelstrom"
Element: Water
Race: Human
Class: Spellsword/Pirate
first post - description
Vitals: 6'3", 225lbs, Lean frame, Platinum hair, 32 years old
Weaponry: Longsword on left hip, short sword on right hip, arm-mounted crossbow on left forearm, long bladed throwing dagger hung off belt behind him

Physical Description: Tall and swarthy, with a scarred and weathered face, Torrelle looks every bit as rough as the seas he travels. Normally jovial of character despite his looks, his broad grin has caused a number of wrinkles to appear at the corners of his sea-grey eyes. His strong, sinewy arms are left exposed, except for the metal vambrace and arm crossbow, and he covers his torso with a black studded leather jerkin. The silver-colored studs are a match for his platinum colored hair, and contrast with the rest of his garb. His black leather leggings and black thigh-high folded leather boots complete his ensemble, giving the tall, sinewy pirate a darker look to match his profession.

Background: A pirate captain from the western seas, Torrelle has heard of the Elemental Championships for many years. Having been blessed by the Elemental Priests of the Water Lord, he has made his way to the Arena for this year's competition, to showcase his mastery of the ocean's power. A mirthful scamp, he is likely to laugh at any joke or jest, regardless of how droll it may be, and he takes great pleasure in the freedom that a life on the ocean brings. While not known for brutality, and having a reputation for stealing from merchant vessels without loss of life, Torrelle is no stranger to combat. His personal credo is that every man, woman and child who makes an honest living is a better person than he, and to take an innocent life would weigh heavily on his conscience. He is known, however, for aiding embattled ships when more ruthless and bloodthirsty pirates attempt to capture them, fending off the marauders and butchering them like the animals that they are. In these instances, he forgoes plundering of the merchant victims in order to offer aid to the injured. A compassionate man, he simply enjoys the fight more than the kill, and will leave an enemy alive if given the choice. A man of many paradoxes, he is unpredictable at best.

The Extinguisher -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/10/2008 0:50:13)


It's not a holy sword if you're Darkness, Axel. =P

Many words apply to darkness: Foul, Corrupt, Twisted, Blackened, Rotted, Pulsating, Deathly and Doom but to capitalise a few. Archangel and Holy, not so much.

Well, obviously not anymore.

Lets just say the his titles are pretty much just that, titles. They reflect nothing on who he is. Only what people see him as.

Guardian of Nekops -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/10/2008 1:20:14)


Ocarina, I think you left out a few details...

Actually, Ayra, if you'll read the first post I think you'll notice the only requirements for a bio are name, element, and class. Ocarina, like nearly everyone else so far, has given more than that... but he is quite welcome to keep whatever secrets he wishes.

I do hope you have not mistaken any of the bios here for an exhaustive list of abilities, or a complete description of any kind. I, at least, have a large handful of tricks up my iron-bound sleeves... tricks that will be revealed in my writing and only there. Those who simply read my bio and expect to know everything my Roch is capable of will be... sorely disappointed.

Especially for those of you who have revealed a more formal list of character abilities, remember that this is not required and not all of us have done so. I, for one, plan on giving fair warning for almost everything somewhere in my posts, but you shall have to pay attention if you want to catch the hints.

Above all else, be wary and be prepared.

demonhunter -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/10/2008 2:35:39)

*Steps through a flame-portal*

Name: Graceella (aka Grace)
Gender: Female
Age: 21 years
Race: Human
Element: Fire
<Link placeholder>

Equipment: One single-handed longsword with a hilt styled in the shape of a dragon with a large ruby in its mouth. One flame-enchanted wristband that can generate a blade of fire over the back of her hand (at the cost of constant concentration and energy depletion) should her sword be rendered useless to her. One light chainmail shirt. One thin gold headband with three small rubies set into it (purely aesthetic).

Appearance: Light auburn hair, clear blue eyes. Tanned complexion. Slim, but strong. Shows signs of frequent vigorous exercise.

Abilities: Capable of creating and manipulating flame (Flame must originate from some point on her body). Can protect her body and clothing from fire-based damage.

Misc: Hates cold weather.

DWeird -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/10/2008 5:26:46)

New mod?

>.> Well, maybe the same way a resurrected T-Rex is a new something that isn't a T-Rex at all.


Nobody ever remembers the fossils. *sniff*

As for connections... Well, heh, while there aren't really any strings attached to anything (and therefore, none of them to pull) - having people in easy reach is generally real damned effective. RP posts themselves should be sufficient to act upon without OOC contact with their authors, but whoever tells you that that's all you need for a good RP is a dirty, filthy liar (RPs be 'bout interaction, not action). Use chat, people!

'nyway, on another point brought up by someone else entirely: while it is generally true that roughly the same persons compete and get to the Finals each year, it has also been true that at least a couple of new people - old forumites or even total newcomers also get to the Finals. 'course, after they do, most people seem to start treating them as part of the 'Old Guard', meaning that a gradual renewal of the list goes by unnoticed.

Damn, I can't wait to start killing you people. :D

Biophysicist -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/10/2008 5:33:51)

I think he thought you were a mod because of your title. (You are a Tutor, correct? Or am I just dumb...)

In an average year, how many new people get to the Finals? (Approximately, eg. none, 1, or a few)

DWeird -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/10/2008 6:12:17)

I'm a retired moderator. The AEForums term for people like me is "Legend". Unless that changed while I was away. XD

As for the numbers... A couple, I think. One to three. I'd have to really rack my brain to properly recall all of the ECs, and I'm lazy like that... But that's the general tendency I remember.

demonhunter -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/10/2008 9:32:08)

DWeird: And what if we kill you first? >:D

I made it to the finals the first time I competed, which was around two years ago... Then suffered idle-death because my high school exams were looming. Made it again last year, and got cut because I wasn't posting enough.

This year, I intend to win!

TormentedDragon -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/10/2008 10:33:32)

Aha! Some competition! I was wondering if anyone else was going to enter for water. Now, I am motivated.

Kellehendros -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/10/2008 11:48:36)

*Snuggles teh Lamb.* Don't worry DW, I remember you.

About time we got another Water entrant, we can't exactly just let the returning Champion walk back into the Finals unopposed, can we?

Sate -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/10/2008 12:11:29)

I was inactive from the forums for a while, when I was active I remember DWeird being named a mod or something.

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