RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (News/Update Only) (Full Version)

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TormentedDragon -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (News/Update Only) (6/23/2008 2:57:33)

No, Ralor. It was Varin. Not Kenzoku. Varin. And that was CLEARLY stated as a ONE TIME ONLY deal. No non-elemental characters this year. Or next year. Or at any point in the foreseeable future.

FMA, that is PROBABLY fine... similar things have been done in the past. The key would be to make it so that the two beings fought as a single entity more often than not. An entirely seperate animal companion might have to be left behind. Kell's character last EC, for example, had a familiar... whom he left outside the arena. More likely to be permissible is something akin to the Ice Champion from the year Ronin won the EC. That character had, if I read it right, two separate entities inhabiting the same body. You can work something like that, but you have to be careful. Very careful.

Ralor -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (News/Update Only) (6/23/2008 3:45:06)

Ah well your memory is much better than mine.

The Extinguisher -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (News/Update Only) (6/23/2008 11:44:04)

Oh yeah, that was Art. Heard he made a real mess of things in the arena.

Oh well, I don't plan on using a character like that, I was just wondering.

Kellehendros -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (News/Update Only) (6/23/2008 17:10:35)

What about Slash? She's coming back? Huh? How do you know these things? I demandz answerz!

Ralor, I'd be careful about entering the same character over and over again. The EC is a dangerous place, and re-entrants might push their luck a little too far.

Edit: I should also note that Varin's character went in non-elemental, not believing that the Lords exsisted, and ended up siding with Fire, so he wasn't non-element the whole time. By that same token, in so far as there will not be a non-element character again, there will never be a void element character, so don't bother to ask.

Ralor -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (News/Update Only) (6/23/2008 17:56:29)

Quoting posts directly above yours leads to world hunger. Do your part to prevent world hunger by not doing so.

If you mean he might die then that is perfectly fine by me. His whole purpose and design was to fight and probably die in the championship.

*Shrug* He's your character I guess...

omf -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (News/Update Only) (6/23/2008 21:19:17)

I think I'm going to pass on all these Fancy Spancy abilities and just make some Hand to Hand fighter who owns everyone. And didn't someone last year die and still make it to the finals?

Ralor -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (News/Update Only) (6/23/2008 21:21:00)

I reference the above.

I know that happen to a darkness character two years ago. He ended up being ganged up on by like four guys in cellar.

omf -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (News/Update Only) (6/23/2008 21:23:54)

Except my guy won't be WTFPWNZORZED. I got a few ideas I could use to make him more then a rat ready to be gangbanged.

Nex del Vida -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (News/Update Only) (6/23/2008 22:26:01)

Do abilities have to be directly based off of your element? For instance, could a Fire character have a "Smog" ability that filled the area with dense smoke, or would that have to be a Wind character?

Ronin Of Dreams -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (News/Update Only) (6/23/2008 22:40:43)

As long as an ability that is *meant* to have elemental alignment ties can feasibly be argued to fit, then the ability is not considered 'crossing' elements. Such as your smog example, cases could be made for it to fit in Fire, Wind, or (if at a little more of a stretch) Darkness. Fire would highlight certain aspects, such as the scent of charred wood hanging within it or the greasy roiling smoke of charcoal catching light, but might be a tad slower to disperse. Wind might be more uniform a dispersal, carry a faint or distant scent to it, and likely would border more on a haze. Darkness would animate that aspect of smoke that seems to dance across the sky as it rises, things from nightmare's and shadows, becoming darker than it should and yet more ephemeral than either.

Earth, which could arguably create similar, would be more appropriately a sandstorm or similar, so I'm not going into it any more heavily than that.

I hope, combined with the example of subtle descriptive differences, that it shall clarify such issues and possibly enhance efforts made.

Cheeseliker -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (News/Update Only) (6/24/2008 18:20:22)

I believe that was my Darkness character, who ended up in the Finals after dying, though only because luck would have it. I look forward to the coming Tournament with much excitement.

Nex del Vida -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (News/Update Only) (6/24/2008 18:24:14)

Exactly how did that happen? :P

omf -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (News/Update Only) (6/24/2008 18:26:09)

Last tournement like three [Or Two?] people died I think and rose ended up in the Chapionships.

Cheeseliker -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (News/Update Only) (6/24/2008 19:17:12)

Uhhh, don't really remember, just remember I felt like everyone was taking shots at my character as I attacked someone else. Many attacks hit and finally, I decided my character had taken enough. I don't think I exactly stated that he died, but just the same. Then, it was basically a tie between me and another player, (N334 I believe), and there was a coin toss, which I obviously won. My character was brought back to life by the Dark Lord and I fought in the Finals, but did not last long.

Anyways, enough of that. We should not clutter up this ooc with tales of the past. My apologies.

TormentedDragon -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (News/Update Only) (6/24/2008 23:56:44)

Yes, you can have your character die, and they will STILL be eligible for Finals. I've been a finalist three years running, and the two times I was actually HERE for the finals (I moved to Africa midway through the dropoffs in my second EC), my character ended up dying.

Because the Elemental Lords themselves, whatever they may actually be, are choosing their champion, death is hardly an obstacle. They can just bring you back. And, of course, if you're character dies in the dropoffs, comes back in the finals, and then doesn't die in the finals... well, then they're still alive. Woof.

Sadly though, a character's entrance into the Finals doesn't come with a complimentary revival should things go badly. Then again, it's usually easier to survive the Finals than the Dropoffs.

Ronin Of Dreams -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (News/Update Only) (6/27/2008 5:01:42)

Application submissions MAY begin as early as July 5th. MAY.

That is all.

qbsuperstar03 -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (News/Update Only) (6/29/2008 17:34:54)

I've been thinking of a character concept based off of a monster instead of a humanoid, similar to how a Magman in the AQ game may be able to demonstrate great loyalty to the Fire Lord and ascend to the status of Magman Superior.

I guess what I'm trying to ask is, would monstrous characters still be acceptable? I ask this because a so-called "Golem of Schadenfreude" managed to sneak in last year.

demonhunter -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (News/Update Only) (7/1/2008 2:30:14)

*Shudders as he remembers that nasty critter*

Lisa Hunter vs the Golem... now that was an unfair fight. If the light-dome hadn't messed up the golem's sensory abilities, I'd have been digging a grave for Lisa before the end of the dropoffs...

Ronin Of Dreams -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (News/Update Only) (7/5/2008 18:33:52)

Races have never been a point of contention. YOU should be able to remember that, QB, as a veteran. Just avoid obviously overpowered to the point of god-mode races.

Applications are now being accepted. You know what that means. Dropoffs will start on JULY 16, applications will no longer be accepted after JULY 19 for late submissions.

Carry on.

Guardian of Nekops -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (News/Update Only) (7/5/2008 18:39:33)

And so it begins.

Name: Roch the Crusher

Element of Participation: Earth

Class, if applicible: Heavily Armored Warrior/Alchemist

(Intro Post)

Vital Statistics: Roch stands 6 ft 2 without his armor, and is slightly taller with it on. He weighs 250 lbs, and is broad of shoulder and barrel-chested. In his armor, he weighs over 800 lbs. He is somewhere in his early thirties.

Weaponry: Impact, the Axe of Gravity. The weapon is huge, solid, and double-headed. It is made of dark metal with a gleaming edge, and is unadorned save for an onyx set at the end of its shaft.

Secondary physical description for reference's sake: Roch is a mountain of metal like no other. His armor is unlike any other that has ever been forged, as it is designed to be heavy rather than light. Large masses of metal gather everywhere they will not interfere with the proper motion of the joints; at the chest, around the lengths of the legs and arms, rising up from the shoulders, etc. This is all textured so as to remind one of a rock golem, rendered in steel. Silvery circles glint on the palms of his gauntlets, when those are visible.

On his head, Roch wears a large helm that leaves his bearded cheeks and chin bare. It resembles an angular skull, or the face of a rock golem, from the front, and is covered in spikes on the back and top. The eye sockets are rather wide and seperate, allowing for some measure of peripheral vision.

Background: Roch is a potter from the mining village near K'eld Naer. He is fiercely loyal to the Lord of Earth, and competed in a previous year's Elemental Championships.

qbsuperstar03 -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (News/Update Only) (7/5/2008 19:33:34)

Name: Cryoface

Element: Ice

Class: Fighter

Link to first post:

Vital: Cryoface is somewhat changeable, being a Snow Warrior, but he generally "stands" a shade under 6 feet tall and weighs 300 pounds.

Weaponry: As a reward for unparalleled battle prowess and uncommon bravery in battle, the Ice Lord has granted Cryoface an Ice Katana instead of the standard issue weapon for his kind. He wields it two-handed as a samurai might.

Description: Cryoface was originally just another Snow Warrior, but after witnessing the prowess of a Magman Superior, he realized how fighting well and remaining loyal to his creator could grant one the strength to overcome most, if not all, obstacles.
Up in the cold mountains to be closer to his Lord, Cryoface practiced advanced techniques found only in Snow Warrior lore. He didn't just want to become another legend; he wanted to beat the legends and outdo everyone who had come before.

-Slippery Slope: Cryoface can cause a thin layer of ice to form over a flat surface, making movement over the area difficult for those without special preparation. Due to his snakelike lower body, he typically uses this to impede pursuers if he is badly wounded.
-Snowball: A version of the Freeze spell used by Battleonians, this large projectile of hard-packed snow is a potent weapon against those who would rather avoid getting up close and personal. Cryoface likes to use this against enemy spellcasters.
-Hypothermia: Those who would take on Cryoface up close will find that the air around him is colder than the ambient temperature. Extended melee combat will hopefully affect the enemy in a manner similar to exposure to cold weather.

.Discipline -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (News/Update Only) (7/5/2008 19:55:28)

I guess I'm next, then.

Name: Bolbi Derevian

Gender: Male

Age: 96

Race: Gnome

Class: Archmage

Element of Participation: Energy


Height - 3' 5"

Weight - 90 Ibs

Frame - Short, large head, quite tubby, but also quite frail.

Secondary Physical Appearance: Long white hair flows down to the middle of his back from his wrinkly, balding head which has three liver spots to the left. His has milky blue eyes that are hidden behind his large, bottle-lens spectacles. He has a small nose which curls upwards and is often grinning with his gap toothed mouth. He has large ears which droop down from the sides of his head, he tends to brush his hair down to hide his ears.

Third Physical Appearance: Bolbi Derevian

Weaponry: Bolbi wields an ornate runic staff with a glowing blue orb on the tip. The orb glows most when the user of the staff is in danger, warning them beforehand. Bolbi's staff was given to him by his father, who recieved it as a gift for his work in the monastry of the Energy Lord.

Clothing: Bolbi wears a light blue and yellow flowing robe with curved green shoulder pads and a hood. He also wears a chainmail plate under the robe. Doing this allows him to be mobile and defend well against ranged attacks.

Background: Bolbi grew up in an underground town of gnomes, goblins and dwarves called Krasthar. His father was a priest in the monastary of the Energy Lord and was constantly bickering with the followers of the Earth Lord. His father fell ill on Bolbi's 15th birthday and half a year later, he died, leaving Bolbi to follow in his footsteps. Bolbi spent his time in the monastary's library, reading up on energy affiliated magics. This lead him to be the most powerful mage in Krasthar, and soon he was sent on a pilgrimage to the surface by the Energy Lord's gnomish communicant.
Bolbi performed charitable work and spread the good word of the Energy Lord for 30 years until he read a scroll in a public house: 'Elemental Championship: Grand Tournament! Defend your element and prove that you have what it takes to be legend.' Right then he knew what he would have to do to gain the support of the public and fulfill his father's wishes.

  • Bolbi is proficient in the arts of energy, illusionary, healing and defensive magics.
  • Bolbi is extremely smart and will identify ways to fight even the most powerful of foes.
  • Bolbi can sense foes preparing attacks thanks to his orb, and can often quickly create counters.

    First Post: The Fountain Arena

  • The Extinguisher -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (News/Update Only) (7/5/2008 21:30:51)

    Fun fun. This one should be interesting.

    Name: Saint Michael the Archangel
    Element of Participation: Darkness

    <link to post>

    Weaponry: None apparent, except a quiet and plain longsword.
    Physical description: Micheal, like most angels, is impossibly beautiful. His face is stunning at a distant, and overwhelming upon a good look. He wears light clothes, that hardly seem there at all, yet cover more than they should. However, it should be noted that his features are less angelic then they should be.
    Background: Not much is known about him besides stories and legends.

    TormentedDragon -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (News/Update Only) (7/5/2008 23:47:40)

    Name: Selah Sussura
    Element of Participation: Water
    Class: Water Nymph... which isn't a class. It's a species.

    descriptive post:

    RATIONALPARANOIA -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (News/Update Only) (7/6/2008 9:21:29)

    Name: His Imperial Majesty Mr. Saxon Johann Liebert Vash The Stampede Shinobu Sensui Legato Bluesummers Itachi Uchiha Spike Spiegel Friend Bowser Solid Snake Liquid Snake Psycho Mantis Too Aizen Sosuke Kenpachi Zaraki Akira Dante Leon Kennedy Vicious Toguro Hiro Kujaku Kirby Galcian Phoenix Wright Lelouch Lamperogue Griffith Mario Samus Anton Chigurh Naraku Kefka Luca Blight Kakashi Nosferatu Zodd Reideen The Spy Light Yagami L Kenzo Tenma Tyler Durden Kenji Endo Otcho Saint of Killers Superboy Prime Ozymandias Doctor Doom Kid Miracleman Leslie Vernon, Emperor of these United Lores and Protector of Battleon (Goes by the alias of Guts/Gatsu/Gutsu)

    Element of Participation: Light
    Class, if applicible: Heroic Sociopath
    <Edit in a link to your first post here, since that is where you ought to be describing your character>

    (Optional from this point on)
    Vital Statistics: blue eyes, brown hair, has a pulse, looks to be 20ft tall, weight unkown, but looks over a ton. He's also looks really, really jacked.
    Weaponry: 2 huge swords. strapped to his back.
    Secondary physical description for reference's sake: He's big. Really, really big.

    (And yes- This is a serious application, Ronin. Just because I chose a very creative name, doesn't mean anything.)

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