RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (Full Version)

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awesomeman167 -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (6/27/2008 10:55:44)

to all high level igneus members please join in on this war we can change the tide if more of us level 100's and higher fight

Eyes -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (6/27/2008 10:56:44)

I just joined the fight,Im level 102

mooneeve -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (6/27/2008 12:49:05)

Well I am in the general war thread in the general discussion.
So be sure to remember I'm still fighting.
This is going to take a while.

Wintes -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (6/27/2008 12:51:31)


so you consider a lvl 87's help useless. ive taken down so many waves, and my work isnt appreciated. maybe ill join aerodu just becuase im not good enough your clan

Okay, if you want to join Aerodu, go ahead. Whatever makes you happy.

Dragon Queen -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (6/27/2008 12:53:40)

Okay... then... well, good luck everyone out there! And I want to finish before I go to camp! AE picked a bad time to release this war!


sacchi -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (6/27/2008 13:11:10)

Nobody said you were an useless lvl 87 character.

But if you want to join Aerodu, don't use a silly excuse to join it. Simply go ahead and say you want to change clans.

Fire King -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (6/27/2008 14:08:11)

I'm lvl 48.


Dragon Queen -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (6/27/2008 15:32:55)

I think he means you as an individual. Still then, according to the Aerodu poll, it would most likely be Yellow Zone first, and then our zone.


Wintes -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (6/27/2008 15:34:16)

I politely disagree.Where was this decided?


awsomeman thinks only lvl 100+ contribute to the war, thats why i left, its not a silly excuse, i deserved credit.
good luck in the war igneus.

Right. One person says that the level 100s should fight more(he never said no one else didn't) so you leave. If that's not ridiculous, then I don't know what is.

ChaoticFlame -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (6/27/2008 16:12:12)

Pfft. I'm only level 84, and I've done about 60 waves in the Igneus zone alone. If that isn't helping, I don't know what is. And the only reason I would change clans is to get different weapons and such...

Ryu Viranesh -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (6/27/2008 16:44:01)

Alright, I'm alive and fighting, lets pull together Igneus and see if we can do some damage to these Chaos Drakel.

sacchi -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (6/27/2008 17:15:55)

You're alive! Like a phoenix who comes back from its ashes! Excellent!

Ryu Viranesh -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (6/27/2008 17:18:26)

Heh, was busy these past couple weeks, anyway, lets push through these hordes to that cannon, I just made level 90 yesterday and want to put my Valhallan Plate to some good use. and sacchi, I might have to get a sig with a phoenix on it for that.

sacchi -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (6/27/2008 17:25:59)

There are many in the Paxia Gallery.

Ryu Viranesh -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (6/27/2008 17:29:40)

I meant a custom, but, it's time for me to pull out my secret weapon. *Ryu pulls his Shadow Dragonblade out of storage and grins. Now then, Drakel, meet Dragonblade, Dragonblade, meet Drakel.

sacchi -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (6/27/2008 17:31:05)

Drakel says hi to Dragonblade, and it kills you. Then Drakel says good bye to Ryu-

Ryu Viranesh -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (6/27/2008 17:34:15)

*Ryu paladin rezs and kicks the Drakel's butt. Now then, shall we try to stay focused on the war.

SIGMUND -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (6/27/2008 18:26:32)

After helping Nautica and Aerodu to reach 100% as soon as possible some Lucians are coming to help Dynami and Igneus.

Together we fight, in UNITY for Paxia!

sacchi -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (6/27/2008 18:36:21)

Indeed. Hurray!

Though, don't other colors need more help than us?

Fire King -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (6/27/2008 18:49:22)

I am... Shiny Boy!!!!!!!!!!


SIGMUND -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (6/27/2008 19:41:44)

sacchi it is the theory of overwhelming force or outnumbering your enemy.

If everyone hits one area at the same time. We see a visible increase in the war total at a faster rate, which encourages people to keep fighting and therefore the whole war is finished more quickly.

sacchi -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (6/27/2008 19:47:04)

Indeed. But another good strategy is to think of non-forumites and use them in your advantage. There are quite of many members in Igneus and some in Dynami fighting for the red color, so it's good by itself. Forumites should try to focus on those clans which are not being defended by non-forumites.

Fire King -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (6/27/2008 19:58:39)

I beat the drakel's "secret weapon". The Drakelon Steam Dragon. And i'm only LVL 48.


sacchi -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (6/27/2008 19:59:54)

I beat it and the prototype.

Dragon Queen -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (6/27/2008 20:01:06)

Meh, it would help a lot if I had a dragonblade, but I just don't have the Z-Tokens for it... Well, I could sell my house, then I would have enough for it!

~DQ has page pwnership.

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